All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support for Swift Package Manager.
- StubMapping
method to support defining mappings via local JSON files.
- Bumped iOS deployment target to 14.0.
- Bumped macOS deployment target to 11.0.
- Adjusted access levels to allow stub and mapping properties to be read externally.
- Support for adding a delay to individual responses.
- Support for deleting request history.
- Unit test coverage.
- Public
properties from ResponseDefinition.
- Public WiremockClient methods now throw errors.
- ResponseDefinition
method updated to accept a Bundle reference instead of aString
- Support for adding a global delay to all Wiremock server responses
- Documentation to all public classes and methods
- Supported Swift versions in podspec (4.0, 5.0)
- Support for transformers in ResponseDefinition
- Minimum deployment target for tvOS to podspec
- Support for verifying requests made to the Wiremock server
- .swift-version file
- Made all URLSession data tasks synchronous
- Minimum deployment target for macOS to podspec
- Support for shutting down server Wiremock instance
- Support for checking if Wiremock instance is running
- Access to ResponseDefinition data
- Support for SPM
- .swift-version file syntax
- Support for handling JSON array objects in ResponseDefinition
- Support for adding headers to ResponseDefinition
- Access to ResponseDefinition JSON
- WiremockClient 1.0.0