Zhongwen-cangjie is a fork of the popular Zhongwen Chrome Extension that adds Cangjie input method lookup functionality, letting you know the Cangjie5 code for the Chinese characters under your cursor.
This extension uses Cangjie5 codes from the libcangjie table.
Codes are displayed in sequences separated by a comma (","). For example, "倉頡" will be shown as "OIAR,GRMBC".
Codes that have multiple input possibilities will have the codes separated with a forward slash ("/"). For example, "曰" will be shown as "A/XA".
Codes can be displayed either with the English key (e.g. "ABC") or the Chinese key (e.g. "日月金"). This setting is available in the "Options" page.
Here are some screenshots of Zhongwen-cangjie in action. Notice the Cangjie codes under the Chinese characters.
Codes can also be displayed using the Chinese keys, as opposed to the English keys.
To install, first clone this repository using git clone https://github.com/mm--/zhongwen-cangjie
Then use the "Load unpacked extension..." option in chrome://extensions
and select the zhongwen-cangjie