- Check the issue has not already been reported
- If you're unable to find an issue addressing the problem, open a new one.
- Be sure to include a title and clear description and as much relevant information as possible
- Preferrably include a snippit of code to use that can reproduce the error if possible
Open a new feature request
If you already have code to implement the new feature, open a pull request and mention the associated issue and see the pull requests section below
- If you haven't already, fork this repository
- Where appropriate, and if possible, please ensure that any new files or functions that are added have an associated test to validate it
- All Pull requests must pass tests
- The tests include both automated test using GitHub Actions for continuous integration as well as hardware tests that cannot be automated.
- To run the hardware tests you can run the following command from the root of the project and use a Bluetooth interrogating app such as LightBlue to validate that the server and its functions work
TEST_HARDWARE=True python -m pytest -s
python -m pytest -s