Clinic System Front End in Web Form Template using Html,CSS, Bootsrap & ASP.NET Controls
To Open the Project in Your PC You have to Follow these steps:
Software You must have 1- Visual Studio 2- git bash
Follow these steps
Open Gitbash in any of Empty Dir/Folder (by right clicking in Folder to open up Options and select gitbash) git clone "repository SSH" (You can copy SSH link by right Clicking on Clone or Download Button in Green )
e.g git clone [email protected]:mjunaidjt/ClinicSystemInWebForm.git
Now Files of Repository are copied in your dir/Folder Find File with .sln extionsion and click it to open in your Browser
If You are Contributor in Rep then to add your code to Repository Execute these command by opening Gitbash in your project dir/folder command 1: for Pulling the Code and Other Contributor Changings git pull command 2: for Adding your code changes git add . command 3: for adding commment about code in write comment in Double Qoutes git commit -m "Your Comment on Changing" e.g git commit -m "Im Junaid who changes Readme file to Provide of Guidlines" command 4: for Pushing changes to Remote Repository git push