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353 lines (333 loc) · 13.8 KB

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353 lines (333 loc) · 13.8 KB


  • Should IAV effect and NL (quenching/Cerenkov) be folded together? Will this improve the uncertainty on the lowest bins? Technically the combined effect should vary depending on whether the positron passes through the IAV at the beginning or at the end of its range.

What’s a super histogram?

From comment above FluxCalculator::LoadSuperHistograms:

Super-histograms are the neutrino flux (binned in true neutrino energy) seen in one AD in an entire period (.e.g. 20 weeks), using the weekly efficiencies and livetimes to weigh each element in the sum.

Questions for Henoch

  • [X] What’s up with “x+2” in Related to taking the midpoint of the 5 bins we avg over
  • [ ] Why do we only use the “D1” (?) SNF spectrum?
  • [X] Should we change line 176 of make_combined_spectra.C to:
	    + snf_fraction * flux_snf[0][i] * get_ibd_xsec(enu[i]) /flux_snf_total[0]*flux_wo_snf_total_ave;

Actually Yasu’s version seems correct since the above will give us the number of observed (i.e. xsec-weighted) events. We report the raw flux, so need to divide out the xsec.

  • [ ] Difference between reactor/fissionIsotopeSpectra_Huber_v0.txt and DBS/p15a_reactor/Files/EnChuan_fissionIsotopeSpectra_Huber_Fit.txt Former not used?

Generating tags

ctags-exuberant -e -R .


OscProbTable (and hence Ranger) are only(?) referenced by ShapeFit/fit_shape_sterile_hybrid_scan.C

As well as by ShapeFit/LoadClasses.C

How is PredictedIBD generated?


ShapeFit/Flux/superhistograms : gen by genSuperHistograms.C, used by FluxCalculator ShapeFit/PredictedIBD/PredictedIBD_asdf.root : gen by genToySpectraTree???? used by Predictor

Reactor weekly information

See Henoch’s mywork/DayaBaySpectrum/p15a_reactor (WeeklyAvg.dat, Matt’s weekly_livetime files) see also p14a_uinblind8AD_isotope – Yasu files The output files from ^ go into Theta13Analysis/reactor_covmatrix (Unblinded6AD.txt etc.) Which is used by quickFit/reactor/Spectrum.C

Where is SNF and NE added in? reactor_covmatrix/make_combined_spectrum.C (has Wei’s numbers from DayaBaySpectrum/reactor) cf. reactor_covmatrix/p15a/isotope_spectra

What we need to add to Doxygen?

reactor_covmatrix? DayaBaySpectrum/p15a_reactor?

My current understanding

Raw inputs:

weekly_livetime (from Matt) –> DayaBaySpectrum/p15a_reactor –> reactor_covmatrix/Unblinded6AD.txt etc. –>

Henoch’s email

  1. Update ToySpectra as you want
  2. Generate toy MC in order to generate covariance matrix
    1. open genToySpectraTree.C and check the background files are correct
    2. open rungenToySpectraTree.C and double check the input and

destination files

  1. execute “root rungenToySpectraTree.C”
  1. Generate evis-to-enu matrix

***Note: So far I’ve been using the evis-to-enu matrix generated from the P12E period***

matrix_evis_to_enu_rateonly_unified_fine_p12e_unblinded_noosc.txt (Rate only fit) matrix_evis_to_enu_unified_fine_p12e_unblinded.txt (Rate + Shape fit) matrix_evis_to_enu_unified_fine_p12e_unblinded_noosc.txt (For generating Covariance matrix)

  1. (Not needed unless flux input file from Christine is changed)
    1. execute “genSuperHistograms.C”
  2. Generate covariance matrices
    1. Double check background file and the default oscillation

parameters in build_covmatrix.C

  1. Double check input and output file names in run_build_covmatrix.C
  2. Execute
  3. cd covariance_matrices

By default this should create a covariance matrix for all signal systematic, and a covariance matrix for all background systematic.

  1. Fit!
    1. The current fit code is:

Rate+Shape: fit_shape_2d_6.C fit_shape_2d_8.C fit_shape_2d_6_8.C

Rate Only: fit_rateonly_6.C fit_rateonly_8.C fit_rateonly_6_8.C

  1. Double check all input files…. .
    1. Super histogram
    2. Theta13 input file (txt file)
    3. Background file
    4. Enu to evis conversion file
  2. run whatever fit macros….

The 6, 8 and 6_8 corresponds doing the fit on the 6AD period only, 8AD period only and 6AD+8AD periods combined. The codes are very similar, in calculating the chi2 there is a flag where 0=6AD, 1=8AD, -1=6AD+8AD.

Log of commands for P15A test-fit

Prepare flux predictions

Uncorrected prediction

In DayaBaySpectrum/p15a_reactor:


Output (in output/; symlinked to /reactor_covmatrix/p15a/isotope_spectra):

reactor_P15A_6AD.txt reactor_P15A_6AD_U235.txt reactor_P15A_8AD_Pu239.txt reactor_P15A_8AD_U238.txt reactor_P15A_6AD_Pu239.txt reactor_P15A_6AD_U238.txt reactor_P15A_8AD_Pu241.txt reactor_P15A_6AD_Pu241.txt reactor_P15A_8AD.txt reactor_P15A_8AD_U235.txt

Prediction w/ NE/SNF

In reactor_covmatrix/p15a:

root -b -q make_combined_spectra.C

Output (here):

reactor_P15A_6AD_SNF_nonEq.txt reactor_P15A_8AD_SNF_nonEq.txt

Generate “data files” to configure toy MC

Already done, but if needed: In toySpectra/data_file:

# ./

Note: The “extra” configs, which don’t seem to be in use, are reactor_only, det_only, allsys_wo_reactor, allsys_wo_det, and {nominal,allsys,sigsys,reactor_only,allsys_wo_det}_bcwflux

Generate toy samples

We need the sigsys and bgsys samples in order to generate the covmatrix. I had to edit runGenToySpectraTree to enable bgsys In toySpectra:

root -l 'rungenToySpectraTree.C(3)'
root -l 'rungenToySpectraTree.C(4)'

Note: Used my “old” ROOT 5.34.38. CINT segfaults at the end because yeah.

Generate evis-to-enu matrix

Seems like we just need matrix_evis_to_enu_fine.txt. Had to modify genEvisToEnuMatrix.C to restore LBNL binning from “MaximRequest” binning. In toySpectra, within ROOT (export LBNL_FIT_DEBUG=1):

root -b -q LoadClasses.C genEvisToEnuMatrix.C+

Then, in ShapeFit:

root -b -q make_evis_to_enu_matrix_fine.C

Generate super histograms

In toySpectra:

root -b -q LoadClasses.C genSuperHistograms.C+

Generate PredictedIBD

In toySpectra:

root -b -q LoadClasses.C genPredictedIBD.C+

Build covariance matrices

In ShapeFit:

root -b -q 'run_build_covmatrix.C(9)' # sigsys
root -b -q 'run_build_covmatrix.C(18)' # bgsys

NOTE There will be scary “Ay caramba” warnings about the discrepancies between the spectra rates (from toy MC) and text rates (from data). This is fine; it’s just the reactor antineutrino anomaly (???). If these warnings appear when we’re actually performing a fit, then we have a real issue.


In ShapeFit:

root -b -q LoadClasses.C fit_shape_2d_P15A.C+

Stuff I had to copy over

…from Henoch to the “pristine” tree (henochw.bak)

For Spectrum.C

Defined in Spectrum.C

  • reactor_covmatrix/p15a/nNu_Mcov_combined_huber-french_u238cor.txt
  • toySpectra/unified_nl_data/consModel_450itr.root

Defined in data_file

  • toySpectra/IavDistortion/iavMatrix_P14A.root

In genToySpectraTree.C

  • toySpectra/unblinded_baseline.txt
  • ShapeFit/Inputs/Theta13-inputs_P15A_inclusive_6ad.txt
  • ShapeFit/Inputs/Theta13-inputs_P15A_inclusive_8ad.txt
  • ShapeFit/Spectra/accidental_eprompt_shapes_6ad.root
  • ShapeFit/Spectra/accidental_eprompt_shapes_8ad.root

For fit_shape_2d_P15A.C

  • ShapeFit/Spectra/ibd_eprompt_shapes_6ad_LBNL.root
  • ShapeFit/Spectra/ibd_eprompt_shapes_8ad_LBNL.root

Stuff to provide for a new fit:

  • ShapeFit/Inputs/Theta13-inputs_P17B_inclusive_8ad.txt
  • ShapeFit/Spectra/accidental_eprompt_shapes_8ad.root
  • ShapeFit/Spectra/ibd_eprompt_shapes_8ad_LBNL.root
  • toySpectra/data_file/dyb_data_v1_nominal.txt (if generating a new covmatrix at updated theta/delta)

Things to check

  • Differences in osc params for noosc vs nominal data files
  • Why in genToySpectraTree, we multiply by binWidth for signal spectrum but not for bkg? Looks OK, see test_binning.C. Bkg spectrum is a true histogram whereas Sig spectrum uses /MeV units. Should confirm in Spectrum.C.

Log of commands for P17B test-fit

Done in “beda.test”, cloned from “beda.mine”.

Prepare directories


Provide input files

  • “Theta13” file (sig/bkg rates, efficiencies, livetimes, …)
  • IBD spectra (see Beda’s prep scripts in ShapeFit/Spectra)
  • Accidental spectra (ditto)
  • Replace dyb_data_v1_nominal.txt (if generating a new covmatrix)

P17B example inputs


Set environment variables

For official (IHEP) result, need to enable BCW binning:


Prepare flux predictions

XXX Update day-array sizes in Produce_Isotope_Spectra_XYZ.C

Uncorrected prediction

In ReactorPowerCalculator: XXX We don’t know whether to use BCW core spectra (seemingly the default for Beda) or the LBNL spectra (as for P15A). I personally (re)set the default to LBNL for now; the below will use LBNL. Update: Toy MC doesn’t like the LBNL binning, using BCW option=1 below.

root -b -q 'Produce_Isotope_SpectraP17B_unblinded.C(1)'

Prediction w/ NE/SNF

In ReactorPowerCalculator/isotope_spectra_by_Beda:

root -b -q make_combined_spectra_P17B_unblinded.C

Generate “data files” to configure toy MC

In toySpectra/data_file:

# ./

Note: The “extra” configs, which don’t seem to be in use, are reactor_only, det_only, allsys_wo_reactor, allsys_wo_det, and {nominal,allsys,sigsys,reactor_only,allsys_wo_det}_bcwflux

Generate toy samples

We need the sigsys and bgsys samples in order to generate the covmatrix. I uncommented allsys just to get the numbers to line up. In toySpectra:

root -l 'rungenToySpectraTree.C(2)'
root -l 'rungenToySpectraTree.C(3)'

Generate evis-to-enu matrix

Seems like we just need matrix_evis_to_enu_fine.txt. Had to modify genEvisToEnuMatrix.C to restore LBNL binning (37 evis) from BCW binning (26 evis). In toySpectra:

root -b -q LoadClasses.C genEvisToEnuMatrix.C+

Then, in ShapeFit:

root -b -q make_evis_to_enu_matrix_fine_P17B.C

Generate super histograms

In toySpectra:

root -b -q LoadClasses.C genSuperHistograms.C+

Generate PredictedIBD

In toySpectra:

root -b -q LoadClasses.C genPredictedIBD.C+

XXX Should we use rungenPredictedIBD instead?

Build covariance matrices

In ShapeFit:

root -b -q 'run_build_covmatrix.C(9)' # sigsys
root -b -q 'run_build_covmatrix.C(21)' # bgsys

NOTE There will be scary “Ay caramba” warnings about the discrepancies between the spectra rates (from toy MC) and text rates (from data). This is fine; it’s just the reactor antineutrino anomaly (???). If these warnings appear when we’re actually performing a fit, then we have a real issue.


In ShapeFit:

root -b -q LoadClasses.C fit_shape_2d_P17B.C+


  • Set t13/dm2 in data_file
  • Set t13 for genPredictedIBD
  • …?

Things to consider

  • Consistent random seed?


  • Why does genPredictedIBD use a theta of zero whereas genToySpectraTree uses nominal?
  • What were the consequences of genPredictedIBD using fine evis binning previously?


  • Whole things takes 72 minutes on Cori login.
  • 48 minutes with bg/sys parallelization

One-time steps

  • genReactor: 20sec
  • genToyConf: 1sec

Each-time steps, nToys-dependent => ~1hr @ 1000

nToys = 10

  • genToys: 45sec
  • genCovMat: 40sec

nToys = 30

  • genToys: 1min
  • genCovMat: 1min

nToys = 100

  • genToys 1m40s => 16min @ 1000
  • genCovMat: 3m30s => 35 min @ 1000

Each-time steps, nToys-independent => 15min

  • genEvisEnu: 15min
  • genSuperHists: 20sec
  • genPredIBD: 15sec

The fit, grid-size (θ x Δ) dependent

Default is 31 x 31

(10 x 10)

  • shapeFit: 3min

(20 x 20)

  • shapeFit: 8min

(31 x 31)

  • shapeFit: 18min

Things to parallelize

  • genToys (5 min; 2.5 min when sig/bg par): toys -> 1min (2procs x 10 = 20 threads, ~2000% CPU) XXX reduce number of threads? Need to re-tune?
  • genCovMat (30 min; 15 min when sig/bg par): toys -> 3.5 min (2procs x 8 = 16 threads, ~1200% CPU) :tofinetune:
  • genEvisEnu (7 min): bins -> 1.5 min (30 threads) (could keep going; currently at 21% mem)
  • shapeFit (17 min): gridpoints -> 8 min (12 threads) :(


  • Reading reactor covariance matrix

New things to check

  • make_combined_spectra_P17B_new_SNF.C? See snf_coarse_percentage
  • Does MINUIT fail to converge when we use the LBNL or IHEP inputs? (It “fails” with our input although the result is consistent with LBNL’s)

Notes on multithreading

  • ROOT Forum says (next link) a TFile can only be accessed from the thread that constructed it. “Accessing” a TFile includes, of course, writing to it, even if it done indirectly, via Write methods of other objects. and Using the same TFile from different threads, even protecting concurrent access with a mutex, as well as creating a TFile in one thread and using it from another, can result in quirky behavior. Yet we do it anyway (with a mutex). Should each thread create its own TFile?
  • OpenMP - ROOT - ROOT Forum
  • Multicore/multithreading - ROOT - ROOT Forum (N. Tagg)

Calling functions from <omp.h>

If code is compiled by ACLiC, do, e.g.:

#ifdef __CLING__
extern int omp_get_thread_num();
#include <omp.h>

OpenMP references