This project is deprecated
Use wink-relay-manager instead
Original README follows
This is a simple app that can be run on a Wink Relay to turn it into a generic MQTT device. It will send button pushes, sensor data, and motion (proximity sensor) detection to the configured MQTT server, and will accept commands to turn on and off the built-in relays.
Grab the zip file from and extract it.
Note: you don't need to do this if you've downloaded the binary - just use the wink-handler file from the zip archive.
You'll need the Android NDK installed. Run ANDROID_NDK=/path/to/android/Ndk make
You'll need adb access to a rooted Wink Relay. Disable the existing Wink control software by running
pm disable
as root. Remount /system read-write:
mount -o rw,remount /system
Delete /system/bin/edisonwink:
rm /system/bin/edisonwink
adb push wink-handler to /sdcard and then copy it over edisonwink and fix permissions:
cp /sdcard/wink-handler /system/bin/edisonwink
chmod 755 /system/bin/edisonwink
Now write a config file that looks something like:
and put that in /sdcard/mqtt.ini on the Wink Relay.
host: Hostname or IP address of the MQTT broker
port: Port of the MQTT broker
user: Username used to authenticate to the MQTT broker (optional)
password: Password used to authenticate to the MQTT broker (optional)
clientid: Client ID passed to the broker (optional - Wink_Relay if not provided)
topic_prefix: Prefix to the topics presented by the device (optional - Relay if not provided)
screen_timeout: Time in seconds until the screen turns off after a touch or proximity detection (optional - 10s if not provided)
switch_toggle: Whether pressing the switch should toggle the relay directly (optional - false if not provided)
send_switch: Whether pressing the switch should generate an MQTT message (optional - true if not provided)
motion_timeout: Time in seconds until the motion detection resets (i.e. time it takes for an "off" message to follow an "on" message)
prox_delta: The percentage change in proximity reading required before triggering the screen to turn on and an mqtt motion detection message (optional - 0.75 if not provided).
Finally, reset your Relay.
It will then reboot - the relays will default to on post-boot.
Temperature information will be posted to the
state topic. Humidity information will be posted to the
state topic.
Motion detection (via the proximity sensor on the front of the Wink Relay) will send an "on" message to
state topic. An "off" message will follow after 30 seconds, by default. This duration can be configured via the motion_timeout
parameter in mqtt.ini.
Button presses will be posted to
state topics.
Relays can be controlled via the
command topics, and will report their state to the
state topics.
The screen will turn on if the screen is touched or if the proximity sensor is triggered. It can also be controlled via the
command topic: "ON" turns the screen on, "OFF" turns the screen off.
The screen will turn off 10 seconds after the last touch, proximity, or mqtt "ON" command by default. This duration can be configured via the screen_timeout
parameter in mqtt.ini.
The proximity sensor on the front of the Wink Relay triggers both the screen to turn on and an MQTT motion message to be sent. But, the sensitivity of these proximity sensors across different Wink Relay units is not uniform.
Proximity sensor sensitivity can be controlled via the prox_delta
parameter in mqtt.ini. The default sensivity is 0.75 if prox_delta
is not specified. This parameter represents the percentage change in proximity sensor reading required before triggering the screen to turn on and an MQTT motion detection message to be sent. You can make the proximity sensor more "sensitive" by reducing the prox_delta
value (e.g. to 0.6 or 0.5). If you find that the screen turns on by itself (or won't turn off), increase the prox_delta
value in small increments (e.g. to 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, etc.)