This is my modded version of Eddie's SKR Klipper config file.
- Voron Design VORON2.2 V2.291 300mm SKR 1.3 TMC2209 UART config
- Based on Eddie's template and guide from:
- with the following adjustments and additions from bryansj:
- RepRapDiscount 128x64 Full Graphic Smart Controller
- Nozzle Wipe
- added to G32
- Prime Line
- Extended QGL corner points
- Bed Meshing (Commented Out)
- TL Filament Run-out Sensor
- Chamber Temperature Thermistor (in Z vertical Chain)
- linked to Back Panel Exhaust fan
- Force Move Enabled
- Pause/Resume Enabled
- Homing IF/THEN to omit unneeded homing operations
- M117 LCD Text Added *16 Characters Max
- Expanded LCD Menu Options for Voron/Klipper Commands
- Quad Gantry Level, Firmware_Restart, TESTZ Offsetting