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149 lines (107 loc) · 5.68 KB


This package reminds you to run manual tests when you open or update a GitHub pull request.

If you are horrified at the idea of doing anything manually, let alone something so boring as testing, may I suggest you might be more horrified by Selenium?

How it works

The package uses the GitHub commit status API to prompt you to test when you open or update a PR:

When you click "Details", you are shown exactly what you should test.

After doing so, you click the button:

And can merge the PR:


This project exports Express middleware to mount into an existing server. It also defines a standalone server to be run from the command line. If you'd like to use the middleware, or run the server from a package script, run:

npm install integration-testing-for-humans


npm install integration-testing-for-humans --save

If you'd like to install the standalone server globally:

npm install integration-testing-for-humans


npm install integration-testing-for-humans -g


First, decide where you'd like to serve this package from, let's say "". Then, take that path + "/events" ("") and register it as a webhook for each repo whose pull requests you wish to test. Select "Pull request" events to be sent to the webhook.

Then start the server. Using the middleware:

const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const conditional = require('express-conditional-middleware');
const express = require('express');
const humans = require('integration-testing-for-humans');
const app = express();

const middleware = humans({
  // A GitHub access token. Must have the `repo:status` OAuth scope.
  githubAccessToken: '...',
  // The secret you specified for the webhook. If you want to monitor multiple repos just use the
  // same secret for the webhook for each repo.
  githubWebhookSecret: '...',
  // The full location (origin + path) of the middleware e.g. "".
  location: '',
  // The name of the default test to run on staging before merging. Can contain HTML (e.g. a link
  // to a fuller description of your test). Optional.
  defaultTest: 'Send an email',
  // The name of branches. If specified, only PRs targeting these branches will be monitored by this
  // middleware.
  mergeBranches: ['master-production']

// The middleware is an event emitter. You should register an 'error' listener to respond to errors
// arising from the GitHub API, since they will be emitted outside the Express request lifecycle.
// If you don't register a listener, any errors will be thrown to the run loop and crash the server!
middleware.on('error', (err) => console.error(err));

// If you want to use the JSON body parser, don't run it on the webhook route since the webhook
// parser uses the raw data.
  (req) => req.url !== '/humans/events',

app.use('/humans', middleware);


The standalone server takes all the same arguments plus the port to run on. The GitHub access token and webhook secret can be specified as environment variables. The binary is called humans, so assuming you've installed the package globally, run:

ITFH_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="..." ITFH_GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET="..." humans --location="" --port=3000

Invoke humans -h to see all arguments.

Once you've got the server running, just open a PR against the repo for which you configured the webhook. You'll then see the server tag the commit as needing testing (see How it works). Click the "Details" link and click "I have tested" to unblock merging.


Why not Selenium?

Humans are bad at writing Selenium tests. They're slow to write them and invariably fail to keep them up-to-date. To be fair, this is only partly humans' fault, given that automated integration tests are coupled to all sorts of implementation details (e.g. CSS selectors) that a human tester would gloss right over. So, for products and engineering teams of a certain scale, it makes sense to have the humans test instead.

Ugh but manual testing will take a long time and people will forget things!

Indeed. As your test plan gets longer and more complex it will become more painful for you to run the tests yourselves than to bite the bullet and automate them. We suggest that you manually run only the simplest and most important tests, what are sometimes called smoke tests. When you need to test everything, because you can't afford to ship even small bugs, that's when to invest in Selenium.

And even then, you still might want to have a human do a final spot-check before deploying, in case the automation has broken.

Contributing / Roadmap

We plan for this package to remain pretty simple, but we welcome pull requests! Please lint your code.

One idea that we probably will do is make it possible to specify more than one test to run, and repo-specific tests, in a per-repo file. The middleware will then iframe this file, if present, into the "Details" page.

Publishing a new version

GH_TOKEN=xxx npx semantic-release --no-ci


Loosely based on