Everyone working on the early stages of the project should join our Freenode channel:
#jsonresume on freenode
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npm install -g resume-cli
resume --help
For a complete list of options and commands.
resume init
Creates a new resume.json file in your current working directory.
Complete the resume.json with your text editor, following the schema available at:
resume test
Runs your resume.json through our schema tests to ensure it complies with the standard and tries to identify where any errors may be occurring.
resume export [fileName]
Exports your resume locally in a stylized html, markdown, or pdf format.
Use the --format
flag to specify file type. Example: --format pdf
Use the --theme <name>
flag to specify theme. Example: --theme flat
A list of available themes can be found here: http://jsonresume.org/themes/
resume register
Registration is optional.
To publish your resume to your account with a custom domain extension at http://registry.jsonresume.org/, you will first need to acquire login credentials.
resume publish
This command will guide you through the publish process.
Consider using the theme flag to style your resume (Default: flat
Example: resume publish --theme flat
resume serve
Starts a web server that serves your local resume.json.
Options: --port <port>
, --theme <name>
If no theme is specified, it will try to locate a local index.js
and call the render()
function. This is useful when developing themes.
Anyone working on projects for JSON Resume should submit a pull request and add themselves to the list.