g(x,c))a[d]=x,a[n]=c,d=n;else break a}}return b}\nfunction g(a,b){var c=a.sortIndex-b.sortIndex;return 0!==c?c:a.id-b.id}if(\"object\"===typeof performance&&\"function\"===typeof performance.now){var l=performance;exports.unstable_now=function(){return l.now()}}else{var p=Date,q=p.now();exports.unstable_now=function(){return p.now()-q}}var r=[],t=[],u=1,v=null,y=3,z=!1,A=!1,B=!1,D=\"function\"===typeof setTimeout?setTimeout:null,E=\"function\"===typeof clearTimeout?clearTimeout:null,F=\"undefined\"!==typeof setImmediate?setImmediate:null;\n\"undefined\"!==typeof navigator&&void 0!==navigator.scheduling&&void 0!==navigator.scheduling.isInputPending&&navigator.scheduling.isInputPending.bind(navigator.scheduling);function G(a){for(var b=h(t);null!==b;){if(null===b.callback)k(t);else if(b.startTime<=a)k(t),b.sortIndex=b.expirationTime,f(r,b);else break;b=h(t)}}function H(a){B=!1;G(a);if(!A)if(null!==h(r))A=!0,I(J);else{var b=h(t);null!==b&&K(H,b.startTime-a)}}\nfunction J(a,b){A=!1;B&&(B=!1,E(L),L=-1);z=!0;var c=y;try{G(b);for(v=h(r);null!==v&&(!(v.expirationTime>b)||a&&!M());){var d=v.callback;if(\"function\"===typeof d){v.callback=null;y=v.priorityLevel;var e=d(v.expirationTime<=b);b=exports.unstable_now();\"function\"===typeof e?v.callback=e:v===h(r)&&k(r);G(b)}else k(r);v=h(r)}if(null!==v)var w=!0;else{var m=h(t);null!==m&&K(H,m.startTime-b);w=!1}return w}finally{v=null,y=c,z=!1}}var N=!1,O=null,L=-1,P=5,Q=-1;\nfunction M(){return exports.unstable_now()-Qa||125d?(a.sortIndex=c,f(t,a),null===h(r)&&a===h(t)&&(B?(E(L),L=-1):B=!0,K(H,c-d))):(a.sortIndex=e,f(r,a),A||z||(A=!0,I(J)));return a};\nexports.unstable_shouldYield=M;exports.unstable_wrapCallback=function(a){var b=y;return function(){var c=y;y=b;try{return a.apply(this,arguments)}finally{y=c}}};\n","'use strict';\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/scheduler.production.min.js');\n} else {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/scheduler.development.js');\n}\n","// The module cache\nvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n\n// The require function\nfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\t// Check if module is in cache\n\tvar cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];\n\tif (cachedModule !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n\t}\n\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n\t\t// no module.id needed\n\t\t// no module.loaded needed\n\t\texports: {}\n\t};\n\n\t// Execute the module function\n\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n\t// Return the exports of the module\n\treturn module.exports;\n}\n\n","/**\n * react-router v7.0.1\n *\n * Copyright (c) Remix Software Inc.\n *\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n * LICENSE.md file in the root directory of this source tree.\n *\n * @license MIT\n */\n\n// lib/router/history.ts\nvar Action = /* @__PURE__ */ ((Action2) => {\n Action2[\"Pop\"] = \"POP\";\n Action2[\"Push\"] = \"PUSH\";\n Action2[\"Replace\"] = \"REPLACE\";\n return Action2;\n})(Action || {});\nvar PopStateEventType = \"popstate\";\nfunction createMemoryHistory(options = {}) {\n let { initialEntries = [\"/\"], initialIndex, v5Compat = false } = options;\n let entries;\n entries = initialEntries.map(\n (entry, index2) => createMemoryLocation(\n entry,\n typeof entry === \"string\" ? null : entry.state,\n index2 === 0 ? \"default\" : void 0\n )\n );\n let index = clampIndex(\n initialIndex == null ? entries.length - 1 : initialIndex\n );\n let action = \"POP\" /* Pop */;\n let listener = null;\n function clampIndex(n) {\n return Math.min(Math.max(n, 0), entries.length - 1);\n }\n function getCurrentLocation() {\n return entries[index];\n }\n function createMemoryLocation(to, state = null, key) {\n let location = createLocation(\n entries ? getCurrentLocation().pathname : \"/\",\n to,\n state,\n key\n );\n warning(\n location.pathname.charAt(0) === \"/\",\n `relative pathnames are not supported in memory history: ${JSON.stringify(\n to\n )}`\n );\n return location;\n }\n function createHref2(to) {\n return typeof to === \"string\" ? to : createPath(to);\n }\n let history = {\n get index() {\n return index;\n },\n get action() {\n return action;\n },\n get location() {\n return getCurrentLocation();\n },\n createHref: createHref2,\n createURL(to) {\n return new URL(createHref2(to), \"http://localhost\");\n },\n encodeLocation(to) {\n let path = typeof to === \"string\" ? parsePath(to) : to;\n return {\n pathname: path.pathname || \"\",\n search: path.search || \"\",\n hash: path.hash || \"\"\n };\n },\n push(to, state) {\n action = \"PUSH\" /* Push */;\n let nextLocation = createMemoryLocation(to, state);\n index += 1;\n entries.splice(index, entries.length, nextLocation);\n if (v5Compat && listener) {\n listener({ action, location: nextLocation, delta: 1 });\n }\n },\n replace(to, state) {\n action = \"REPLACE\" /* Replace */;\n let nextLocation = createMemoryLocation(to, state);\n entries[index] = nextLocation;\n if (v5Compat && listener) {\n listener({ action, location: nextLocation, delta: 0 });\n }\n },\n go(delta) {\n action = \"POP\" /* Pop */;\n let nextIndex = clampIndex(index + delta);\n let nextLocation = entries[nextIndex];\n index = nextIndex;\n if (listener) {\n listener({ action, location: nextLocation, delta });\n }\n },\n listen(fn) {\n listener = fn;\n return () => {\n listener = null;\n };\n }\n };\n return history;\n}\nfunction createBrowserHistory(options = {}) {\n function createBrowserLocation(window2, globalHistory) {\n let { pathname, search, hash } = window2.location;\n return createLocation(\n \"\",\n { pathname, search, hash },\n // state defaults to `null` because `window.history.state` does\n globalHistory.state && globalHistory.state.usr || null,\n globalHistory.state && globalHistory.state.key || \"default\"\n );\n }\n function createBrowserHref(window2, to) {\n return typeof to === \"string\" ? to : createPath(to);\n }\n return getUrlBasedHistory(\n createBrowserLocation,\n createBrowserHref,\n null,\n options\n );\n}\nfunction createHashHistory(options = {}) {\n function createHashLocation(window2, globalHistory) {\n let {\n pathname = \"/\",\n search = \"\",\n hash = \"\"\n } = parsePath(window2.location.hash.substring(1));\n if (!pathname.startsWith(\"/\") && !pathname.startsWith(\".\")) {\n pathname = \"/\" + pathname;\n }\n return createLocation(\n \"\",\n { pathname, search, hash },\n // state defaults to `null` because `window.history.state` does\n globalHistory.state && globalHistory.state.usr || null,\n globalHistory.state && globalHistory.state.key || \"default\"\n );\n }\n function createHashHref(window2, to) {\n let base = window2.document.querySelector(\"base\");\n let href = \"\";\n if (base && base.getAttribute(\"href\")) {\n let url = window2.location.href;\n let hashIndex = url.indexOf(\"#\");\n href = hashIndex === -1 ? url : url.slice(0, hashIndex);\n }\n return href + \"#\" + (typeof to === \"string\" ? to : createPath(to));\n }\n function validateHashLocation(location, to) {\n warning(\n location.pathname.charAt(0) === \"/\",\n `relative pathnames are not supported in hash history.push(${JSON.stringify(\n to\n )})`\n );\n }\n return getUrlBasedHistory(\n createHashLocation,\n createHashHref,\n validateHashLocation,\n options\n );\n}\nfunction invariant(value, message) {\n if (value === false || value === null || typeof value === \"undefined\") {\n throw new Error(message);\n }\n}\nfunction warning(cond, message) {\n if (!cond) {\n if (typeof console !== \"undefined\") console.warn(message);\n try {\n throw new Error(message);\n } catch (e) {\n }\n }\n}\nfunction createKey() {\n return Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 10);\n}\nfunction getHistoryState(location, index) {\n return {\n usr: location.state,\n key: location.key,\n idx: index\n };\n}\nfunction createLocation(current, to, state = null, key) {\n let location = {\n pathname: typeof current === \"string\" ? current : current.pathname,\n search: \"\",\n hash: \"\",\n ...typeof to === \"string\" ? parsePath(to) : to,\n state,\n // TODO: This could be cleaned up. push/replace should probably just take\n // full Locations now and avoid the need to run through this flow at all\n // But that's a pretty big refactor to the current test suite so going to\n // keep as is for the time being and just let any incoming keys take precedence\n key: to && to.key || key || createKey()\n };\n return location;\n}\nfunction createPath({\n pathname = \"/\",\n search = \"\",\n hash = \"\"\n}) {\n if (search && search !== \"?\")\n pathname += search.charAt(0) === \"?\" ? search : \"?\" + search;\n if (hash && hash !== \"#\")\n pathname += hash.charAt(0) === \"#\" ? hash : \"#\" + hash;\n return pathname;\n}\nfunction parsePath(path) {\n let parsedPath = {};\n if (path) {\n let hashIndex = path.indexOf(\"#\");\n if (hashIndex >= 0) {\n parsedPath.hash = path.substring(hashIndex);\n path = path.substring(0, hashIndex);\n }\n let searchIndex = path.indexOf(\"?\");\n if (searchIndex >= 0) {\n parsedPath.search = path.substring(searchIndex);\n path = path.substring(0, searchIndex);\n }\n if (path) {\n parsedPath.pathname = path;\n }\n }\n return parsedPath;\n}\nfunction getUrlBasedHistory(getLocation, createHref2, validateLocation, options = {}) {\n let { window: window2 = document.defaultView, v5Compat = false } = options;\n let globalHistory = window2.history;\n let action = \"POP\" /* Pop */;\n let listener = null;\n let index = getIndex();\n if (index == null) {\n index = 0;\n globalHistory.replaceState({ ...globalHistory.state, idx: index }, \"\");\n }\n function getIndex() {\n let state = globalHistory.state || { idx: null };\n return state.idx;\n }\n function handlePop() {\n action = \"POP\" /* Pop */;\n let nextIndex = getIndex();\n let delta = nextIndex == null ? null : nextIndex - index;\n index = nextIndex;\n if (listener) {\n listener({ action, location: history.location, delta });\n }\n }\n function push(to, state) {\n action = \"PUSH\" /* Push */;\n let location = createLocation(history.location, to, state);\n if (validateLocation) validateLocation(location, to);\n index = getIndex() + 1;\n let historyState = getHistoryState(location, index);\n let url = history.createHref(location);\n try {\n globalHistory.pushState(historyState, \"\", url);\n } catch (error) {\n if (error instanceof DOMException && error.name === \"DataCloneError\") {\n throw error;\n }\n window2.location.assign(url);\n }\n if (v5Compat && listener) {\n listener({ action, location: history.location, delta: 1 });\n }\n }\n function replace2(to, state) {\n action = \"REPLACE\" /* Replace */;\n let location = createLocation(history.location, to, state);\n if (validateLocation) validateLocation(location, to);\n index = getIndex();\n let historyState = getHistoryState(location, index);\n let url = history.createHref(location);\n globalHistory.replaceState(historyState, \"\", url);\n if (v5Compat && listener) {\n listener({ action, location: history.location, delta: 0 });\n }\n }\n function createURL(to) {\n let base = window2.location.origin !== \"null\" ? window2.location.origin : window2.location.href;\n let href = typeof to === \"string\" ? to : createPath(to);\n href = href.replace(/ $/, \"%20\");\n invariant(\n base,\n `No window.location.(origin|href) available to create URL for href: ${href}`\n );\n return new URL(href, base);\n }\n let history = {\n get action() {\n return action;\n },\n get location() {\n return getLocation(window2, globalHistory);\n },\n listen(fn) {\n if (listener) {\n throw new Error(\"A history only accepts one active listener\");\n }\n window2.addEventListener(PopStateEventType, handlePop);\n listener = fn;\n return () => {\n window2.removeEventListener(PopStateEventType, handlePop);\n listener = null;\n };\n },\n createHref(to) {\n return createHref2(window2, to);\n },\n createURL,\n encodeLocation(to) {\n let url = createURL(to);\n return {\n pathname: url.pathname,\n search: url.search,\n hash: url.hash\n };\n },\n push,\n replace: replace2,\n go(n) {\n return globalHistory.go(n);\n }\n };\n return history;\n}\n\n// lib/router/utils.ts\nvar immutableRouteKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([\n \"lazy\",\n \"caseSensitive\",\n \"path\",\n \"id\",\n \"index\",\n \"children\"\n]);\nfunction isIndexRoute(route) {\n return route.index === true;\n}\nfunction convertRoutesToDataRoutes(routes, mapRouteProperties2, parentPath = [], manifest = {}) {\n return routes.map((route, index) => {\n let treePath = [...parentPath, String(index)];\n let id = typeof route.id === \"string\" ? route.id : treePath.join(\"-\");\n invariant(\n route.index !== true || !route.children,\n `Cannot specify children on an index route`\n );\n invariant(\n !manifest[id],\n `Found a route id collision on id \"${id}\". Route id's must be globally unique within Data Router usages`\n );\n if (isIndexRoute(route)) {\n let indexRoute = {\n ...route,\n ...mapRouteProperties2(route),\n id\n };\n manifest[id] = indexRoute;\n return indexRoute;\n } else {\n let pathOrLayoutRoute = {\n ...route,\n ...mapRouteProperties2(route),\n id,\n children: void 0\n };\n manifest[id] = pathOrLayoutRoute;\n if (route.children) {\n pathOrLayoutRoute.children = convertRoutesToDataRoutes(\n route.children,\n mapRouteProperties2,\n treePath,\n manifest\n );\n }\n return pathOrLayoutRoute;\n }\n });\n}\nfunction matchRoutes(routes, locationArg, basename = \"/\") {\n return matchRoutesImpl(routes, locationArg, basename, false);\n}\nfunction matchRoutesImpl(routes, locationArg, basename, allowPartial) {\n let location = typeof locationArg === \"string\" ? parsePath(locationArg) : locationArg;\n let pathname = stripBasename(location.pathname || \"/\", basename);\n if (pathname == null) {\n return null;\n }\n let branches = flattenRoutes(routes);\n rankRouteBranches(branches);\n let matches = null;\n for (let i = 0; matches == null && i < branches.length; ++i) {\n let decoded = decodePath(pathname);\n matches = matchRouteBranch(\n branches[i],\n decoded,\n allowPartial\n );\n }\n return matches;\n}\nfunction convertRouteMatchToUiMatch(match, loaderData) {\n let { route, pathname, params } = match;\n return {\n id: route.id,\n pathname,\n params,\n data: loaderData[route.id],\n handle: route.handle\n };\n}\nfunction flattenRoutes(routes, branches = [], parentsMeta = [], parentPath = \"\") {\n let flattenRoute = (route, index, relativePath) => {\n let meta = {\n relativePath: relativePath === void 0 ? route.path || \"\" : relativePath,\n caseSensitive: route.caseSensitive === true,\n childrenIndex: index,\n route\n };\n if (meta.relativePath.startsWith(\"/\")) {\n invariant(\n meta.relativePath.startsWith(parentPath),\n `Absolute route path \"${meta.relativePath}\" nested under path \"${parentPath}\" is not valid. An absolute child route path must start with the combined path of all its parent routes.`\n );\n meta.relativePath = meta.relativePath.slice(parentPath.length);\n }\n let path = joinPaths([parentPath, meta.relativePath]);\n let routesMeta = parentsMeta.concat(meta);\n if (route.children && route.children.length > 0) {\n invariant(\n // Our types know better, but runtime JS may not!\n // @ts-expect-error\n route.index !== true,\n `Index routes must not have child routes. Please remove all child routes from route path \"${path}\".`\n );\n flattenRoutes(route.children, branches, routesMeta, path);\n }\n if (route.path == null && !route.index) {\n return;\n }\n branches.push({\n path,\n score: computeScore(path, route.index),\n routesMeta\n });\n };\n routes.forEach((route, index) => {\n if (route.path === \"\" || !route.path?.includes(\"?\")) {\n flattenRoute(route, index);\n } else {\n for (let exploded of explodeOptionalSegments(route.path)) {\n flattenRoute(route, index, exploded);\n }\n }\n });\n return branches;\n}\nfunction explodeOptionalSegments(path) {\n let segments = path.split(\"/\");\n if (segments.length === 0) return [];\n let [first, ...rest] = segments;\n let isOptional = first.endsWith(\"?\");\n let required = first.replace(/\\?$/, \"\");\n if (rest.length === 0) {\n return isOptional ? [required, \"\"] : [required];\n }\n let restExploded = explodeOptionalSegments(rest.join(\"/\"));\n let result = [];\n result.push(\n ...restExploded.map(\n (subpath) => subpath === \"\" ? required : [required, subpath].join(\"/\")\n )\n );\n if (isOptional) {\n result.push(...restExploded);\n }\n return result.map(\n (exploded) => path.startsWith(\"/\") && exploded === \"\" ? \"/\" : exploded\n );\n}\nfunction rankRouteBranches(branches) {\n branches.sort(\n (a, b) => a.score !== b.score ? b.score - a.score : compareIndexes(\n a.routesMeta.map((meta) => meta.childrenIndex),\n b.routesMeta.map((meta) => meta.childrenIndex)\n )\n );\n}\nvar paramRe = /^:[\\w-]+$/;\nvar dynamicSegmentValue = 3;\nvar indexRouteValue = 2;\nvar emptySegmentValue = 1;\nvar staticSegmentValue = 10;\nvar splatPenalty = -2;\nvar isSplat = (s) => s === \"*\";\nfunction computeScore(path, index) {\n let segments = path.split(\"/\");\n let initialScore = segments.length;\n if (segments.some(isSplat)) {\n initialScore += splatPenalty;\n }\n if (index) {\n initialScore += indexRouteValue;\n }\n return segments.filter((s) => !isSplat(s)).reduce(\n (score, segment) => score + (paramRe.test(segment) ? dynamicSegmentValue : segment === \"\" ? emptySegmentValue : staticSegmentValue),\n initialScore\n );\n}\nfunction compareIndexes(a, b) {\n let siblings = a.length === b.length && a.slice(0, -1).every((n, i) => n === b[i]);\n return siblings ? (\n // If two routes are siblings, we should try to match the earlier sibling\n // first. This allows people to have fine-grained control over the matching\n // behavior by simply putting routes with identical paths in the order they\n // want them tried.\n a[a.length - 1] - b[b.length - 1]\n ) : (\n // Otherwise, it doesn't really make sense to rank non-siblings by index,\n // so they sort equally.\n 0\n );\n}\nfunction matchRouteBranch(branch, pathname, allowPartial = false) {\n let { routesMeta } = branch;\n let matchedParams = {};\n let matchedPathname = \"/\";\n let matches = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < routesMeta.length; ++i) {\n let meta = routesMeta[i];\n let end = i === routesMeta.length - 1;\n let remainingPathname = matchedPathname === \"/\" ? pathname : pathname.slice(matchedPathname.length) || \"/\";\n let match = matchPath(\n { path: meta.relativePath, caseSensitive: meta.caseSensitive, end },\n remainingPathname\n );\n let route = meta.route;\n if (!match && end && allowPartial && !routesMeta[routesMeta.length - 1].route.index) {\n match = matchPath(\n {\n path: meta.relativePath,\n caseSensitive: meta.caseSensitive,\n end: false\n },\n remainingPathname\n );\n }\n if (!match) {\n return null;\n }\n Object.assign(matchedParams, match.params);\n matches.push({\n // TODO: Can this as be avoided?\n params: matchedParams,\n pathname: joinPaths([matchedPathname, match.pathname]),\n pathnameBase: normalizePathname(\n joinPaths([matchedPathname, match.pathnameBase])\n ),\n route\n });\n if (match.pathnameBase !== \"/\") {\n matchedPathname = joinPaths([matchedPathname, match.pathnameBase]);\n }\n }\n return matches;\n}\nfunction generatePath(originalPath, params = {}) {\n let path = originalPath;\n if (path.endsWith(\"*\") && path !== \"*\" && !path.endsWith(\"/*\")) {\n warning(\n false,\n `Route path \"${path}\" will be treated as if it were \"${path.replace(/\\*$/, \"/*\")}\" because the \\`*\\` character must always follow a \\`/\\` in the pattern. To get rid of this warning, please change the route path to \"${path.replace(/\\*$/, \"/*\")}\".`\n );\n path = path.replace(/\\*$/, \"/*\");\n }\n const prefix = path.startsWith(\"/\") ? \"/\" : \"\";\n const stringify = (p) => p == null ? \"\" : typeof p === \"string\" ? p : String(p);\n const segments = path.split(/\\/+/).map((segment, index, array) => {\n const isLastSegment = index === array.length - 1;\n if (isLastSegment && segment === \"*\") {\n const star = \"*\";\n return stringify(params[star]);\n }\n const keyMatch = segment.match(/^:([\\w-]+)(\\??)$/);\n if (keyMatch) {\n const [, key, optional] = keyMatch;\n let param = params[key];\n invariant(optional === \"?\" || param != null, `Missing \":${key}\" param`);\n return stringify(param);\n }\n return segment.replace(/\\?$/g, \"\");\n }).filter((segment) => !!segment);\n return prefix + segments.join(\"/\");\n}\nfunction matchPath(pattern, pathname) {\n if (typeof pattern === \"string\") {\n pattern = { path: pattern, caseSensitive: false, end: true };\n }\n let [matcher, compiledParams] = compilePath(\n pattern.path,\n pattern.caseSensitive,\n pattern.end\n );\n let match = pathname.match(matcher);\n if (!match) return null;\n let matchedPathname = match[0];\n let pathnameBase = matchedPathname.replace(/(.)\\/+$/, \"$1\");\n let captureGroups = match.slice(1);\n let params = compiledParams.reduce(\n (memo2, { paramName, isOptional }, index) => {\n if (paramName === \"*\") {\n let splatValue = captureGroups[index] || \"\";\n pathnameBase = matchedPathname.slice(0, matchedPathname.length - splatValue.length).replace(/(.)\\/+$/, \"$1\");\n }\n const value = captureGroups[index];\n if (isOptional && !value) {\n memo2[paramName] = void 0;\n } else {\n memo2[paramName] = (value || \"\").replace(/%2F/g, \"/\");\n }\n return memo2;\n },\n {}\n );\n return {\n params,\n pathname: matchedPathname,\n pathnameBase,\n pattern\n };\n}\nfunction compilePath(path, caseSensitive = false, end = true) {\n warning(\n path === \"*\" || !path.endsWith(\"*\") || path.endsWith(\"/*\"),\n `Route path \"${path}\" will be treated as if it were \"${path.replace(/\\*$/, \"/*\")}\" because the \\`*\\` character must always follow a \\`/\\` in the pattern. To get rid of this warning, please change the route path to \"${path.replace(/\\*$/, \"/*\")}\".`\n );\n let params = [];\n let regexpSource = \"^\" + path.replace(/\\/*\\*?$/, \"\").replace(/^\\/*/, \"/\").replace(/[\\\\.*+^${}|()[\\]]/g, \"\\\\$&\").replace(\n /\\/:([\\w-]+)(\\?)?/g,\n (_, paramName, isOptional) => {\n params.push({ paramName, isOptional: isOptional != null });\n return isOptional ? \"/?([^\\\\/]+)?\" : \"/([^\\\\/]+)\";\n }\n );\n if (path.endsWith(\"*\")) {\n params.push({ paramName: \"*\" });\n regexpSource += path === \"*\" || path === \"/*\" ? \"(.*)$\" : \"(?:\\\\/(.+)|\\\\/*)$\";\n } else if (end) {\n regexpSource += \"\\\\/*$\";\n } else if (path !== \"\" && path !== \"/\") {\n regexpSource += \"(?:(?=\\\\/|$))\";\n } else {\n }\n let matcher = new RegExp(regexpSource, caseSensitive ? void 0 : \"i\");\n return [matcher, params];\n}\nfunction decodePath(value) {\n try {\n return value.split(\"/\").map((v) => decodeURIComponent(v).replace(/\\//g, \"%2F\")).join(\"/\");\n } catch (error) {\n warning(\n false,\n `The URL path \"${value}\" could not be decoded because it is is a malformed URL segment. This is probably due to a bad percent encoding (${error}).`\n );\n return value;\n }\n}\nfunction stripBasename(pathname, basename) {\n if (basename === \"/\") return pathname;\n if (!pathname.toLowerCase().startsWith(basename.toLowerCase())) {\n return null;\n }\n let startIndex = basename.endsWith(\"/\") ? basename.length - 1 : basename.length;\n let nextChar = pathname.charAt(startIndex);\n if (nextChar && nextChar !== \"/\") {\n return null;\n }\n return pathname.slice(startIndex) || \"/\";\n}\nfunction resolvePath(to, fromPathname = \"/\") {\n let {\n pathname: toPathname,\n search = \"\",\n hash = \"\"\n } = typeof to === \"string\" ? parsePath(to) : to;\n let pathname = toPathname ? toPathname.startsWith(\"/\") ? toPathname : resolvePathname(toPathname, fromPathname) : fromPathname;\n return {\n pathname,\n search: normalizeSearch(search),\n hash: normalizeHash(hash)\n };\n}\nfunction resolvePathname(relativePath, fromPathname) {\n let segments = fromPathname.replace(/\\/+$/, \"\").split(\"/\");\n let relativeSegments = relativePath.split(\"/\");\n relativeSegments.forEach((segment) => {\n if (segment === \"..\") {\n if (segments.length > 1) segments.pop();\n } else if (segment !== \".\") {\n segments.push(segment);\n }\n });\n return segments.length > 1 ? segments.join(\"/\") : \"/\";\n}\nfunction getInvalidPathError(char, field, dest, path) {\n return `Cannot include a '${char}' character in a manually specified \\`to.${field}\\` field [${JSON.stringify(\n path\n )}]. Please separate it out to the \\`to.${dest}\\` field. Alternatively you may provide the full path as a string in and the router will parse it for you.`;\n}\nfunction getPathContributingMatches(matches) {\n return matches.filter(\n (match, index) => index === 0 || match.route.path && match.route.path.length > 0\n );\n}\nfunction getResolveToMatches(matches) {\n let pathMatches = getPathContributingMatches(matches);\n return pathMatches.map(\n (match, idx) => idx === pathMatches.length - 1 ? match.pathname : match.pathnameBase\n );\n}\nfunction resolveTo(toArg, routePathnames, locationPathname, isPathRelative = false) {\n let to;\n if (typeof toArg === \"string\") {\n to = parsePath(toArg);\n } else {\n to = { ...toArg };\n invariant(\n !to.pathname || !to.pathname.includes(\"?\"),\n getInvalidPathError(\"?\", \"pathname\", \"search\", to)\n );\n invariant(\n !to.pathname || !to.pathname.includes(\"#\"),\n getInvalidPathError(\"#\", \"pathname\", \"hash\", to)\n );\n invariant(\n !to.search || !to.search.includes(\"#\"),\n getInvalidPathError(\"#\", \"search\", \"hash\", to)\n );\n }\n let isEmptyPath = toArg === \"\" || to.pathname === \"\";\n let toPathname = isEmptyPath ? \"/\" : to.pathname;\n let from;\n if (toPathname == null) {\n from = locationPathname;\n } else {\n let routePathnameIndex = routePathnames.length - 1;\n if (!isPathRelative && toPathname.startsWith(\"..\")) {\n let toSegments = toPathname.split(\"/\");\n while (toSegments[0] === \"..\") {\n toSegments.shift();\n routePathnameIndex -= 1;\n }\n to.pathname = toSegments.join(\"/\");\n }\n from = routePathnameIndex >= 0 ? routePathnames[routePathnameIndex] : \"/\";\n }\n let path = resolvePath(to, from);\n let hasExplicitTrailingSlash = toPathname && toPathname !== \"/\" && toPathname.endsWith(\"/\");\n let hasCurrentTrailingSlash = (isEmptyPath || toPathname === \".\") && locationPathname.endsWith(\"/\");\n if (!path.pathname.endsWith(\"/\") && (hasExplicitTrailingSlash || hasCurrentTrailingSlash)) {\n path.pathname += \"/\";\n }\n return path;\n}\nvar joinPaths = (paths) => paths.join(\"/\").replace(/\\/\\/+/g, \"/\");\nvar normalizePathname = (pathname) => pathname.replace(/\\/+$/, \"\").replace(/^\\/*/, \"/\");\nvar normalizeSearch = (search) => !search || search === \"?\" ? \"\" : search.startsWith(\"?\") ? search : \"?\" + search;\nvar normalizeHash = (hash) => !hash || hash === \"#\" ? \"\" : hash.startsWith(\"#\") ? hash : \"#\" + hash;\nvar DataWithResponseInit = class {\n constructor(data2, init) {\n this.type = \"DataWithResponseInit\";\n this.data = data2;\n this.init = init || null;\n }\n};\nfunction data(data2, init) {\n return new DataWithResponseInit(\n data2,\n typeof init === \"number\" ? { status: init } : init\n );\n}\nvar redirect = (url, init = 302) => {\n let responseInit = init;\n if (typeof responseInit === \"number\") {\n responseInit = { status: responseInit };\n } else if (typeof responseInit.status === \"undefined\") {\n responseInit.status = 302;\n }\n let headers = new Headers(responseInit.headers);\n headers.set(\"Location\", url);\n return new Response(null, {\n ...responseInit,\n headers\n });\n};\nvar redirectDocument = (url, init) => {\n let response = redirect(url, init);\n response.headers.set(\"X-Remix-Reload-Document\", \"true\");\n return response;\n};\nvar replace = (url, init) => {\n let response = redirect(url, init);\n response.headers.set(\"X-Remix-Replace\", \"true\");\n return response;\n};\nvar ErrorResponseImpl = class {\n constructor(status, statusText, data2, internal = false) {\n this.status = status;\n this.statusText = statusText || \"\";\n this.internal = internal;\n if (data2 instanceof Error) {\n this.data = data2.toString();\n this.error = data2;\n } else {\n this.data = data2;\n }\n }\n};\nfunction isRouteErrorResponse(error) {\n return error != null && typeof error.status === \"number\" && typeof error.statusText === \"string\" && typeof error.internal === \"boolean\" && \"data\" in error;\n}\n\n// lib/router/router.ts\nvar validMutationMethodsArr = [\n \"POST\",\n \"PUT\",\n \"PATCH\",\n \"DELETE\"\n];\nvar validMutationMethods = new Set(\n validMutationMethodsArr\n);\nvar validRequestMethodsArr = [\n \"GET\",\n ...validMutationMethodsArr\n];\nvar validRequestMethods = new Set(validRequestMethodsArr);\nvar redirectStatusCodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([301, 302, 303, 307, 308]);\nvar redirectPreserveMethodStatusCodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([307, 308]);\nvar IDLE_NAVIGATION = {\n state: \"idle\",\n location: void 0,\n formMethod: void 0,\n formAction: void 0,\n formEncType: void 0,\n formData: void 0,\n json: void 0,\n text: void 0\n};\nvar IDLE_FETCHER = {\n state: \"idle\",\n data: void 0,\n formMethod: void 0,\n formAction: void 0,\n formEncType: void 0,\n formData: void 0,\n json: void 0,\n text: void 0\n};\nvar IDLE_BLOCKER = {\n state: \"unblocked\",\n proceed: void 0,\n reset: void 0,\n location: void 0\n};\nvar ABSOLUTE_URL_REGEX = /^(?:[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:|\\/\\/)/i;\nvar defaultMapRouteProperties = (route) => ({\n hasErrorBoundary: Boolean(route.hasErrorBoundary)\n});\nvar TRANSITIONS_STORAGE_KEY = \"remix-router-transitions\";\nvar ResetLoaderDataSymbol = Symbol(\"ResetLoaderData\");\nfunction createRouter(init) {\n const routerWindow = init.window ? init.window : typeof window !== \"undefined\" ? window : void 0;\n const isBrowser2 = typeof routerWindow !== \"undefined\" && typeof routerWindow.document !== \"undefined\" && typeof routerWindow.document.createElement !== \"undefined\";\n invariant(\n init.routes.length > 0,\n \"You must provide a non-empty routes array to createRouter\"\n );\n let mapRouteProperties2 = init.mapRouteProperties || defaultMapRouteProperties;\n let manifest = {};\n let dataRoutes = convertRoutesToDataRoutes(\n init.routes,\n mapRouteProperties2,\n void 0,\n manifest\n );\n let inFlightDataRoutes;\n let basename = init.basename || \"/\";\n let dataStrategyImpl = init.dataStrategy || defaultDataStrategy;\n let patchRoutesOnNavigationImpl = init.patchRoutesOnNavigation;\n let future = {\n ...init.future\n };\n let unlistenHistory = null;\n let subscribers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();\n let savedScrollPositions2 = null;\n let getScrollRestorationKey2 = null;\n let getScrollPosition = null;\n let initialScrollRestored = init.hydrationData != null;\n let initialMatches = matchRoutes(dataRoutes, init.history.location, basename);\n let initialErrors = null;\n if (initialMatches == null && !patchRoutesOnNavigationImpl) {\n let error = getInternalRouterError(404, {\n pathname: init.history.location.pathname\n });\n let { matches, route } = getShortCircuitMatches(dataRoutes);\n initialMatches = matches;\n initialErrors = { [route.id]: error };\n }\n if (initialMatches && !init.hydrationData) {\n let fogOfWar = checkFogOfWar(\n initialMatches,\n dataRoutes,\n init.history.location.pathname\n );\n if (fogOfWar.active) {\n initialMatches = null;\n }\n }\n let initialized;\n if (!initialMatches) {\n initialized = false;\n initialMatches = [];\n let fogOfWar = checkFogOfWar(\n null,\n dataRoutes,\n init.history.location.pathname\n );\n if (fogOfWar.active && fogOfWar.matches) {\n initialMatches = fogOfWar.matches;\n }\n } else if (initialMatches.some((m) => m.route.lazy)) {\n initialized = false;\n } else if (!initialMatches.some((m) => m.route.loader)) {\n initialized = true;\n } else {\n let loaderData = init.hydrationData ? init.hydrationData.loaderData : null;\n let errors = init.hydrationData ? init.hydrationData.errors : null;\n if (errors) {\n let idx = initialMatches.findIndex(\n (m) => errors[m.route.id] !== void 0\n );\n initialized = initialMatches.slice(0, idx + 1).every((m) => !shouldLoadRouteOnHydration(m.route, loaderData, errors));\n } else {\n initialized = initialMatches.every(\n (m) => !shouldLoadRouteOnHydration(m.route, loaderData, errors)\n );\n }\n }\n let router;\n let state = {\n historyAction: init.history.action,\n location: init.history.location,\n matches: initialMatches,\n initialized,\n navigation: IDLE_NAVIGATION,\n // Don't restore on initial updateState() if we were SSR'd\n restoreScrollPosition: init.hydrationData != null ? false : null,\n preventScrollReset: false,\n revalidation: \"idle\",\n loaderData: init.hydrationData && init.hydrationData.loaderData || {},\n actionData: init.hydrationData && init.hydrationData.actionData || null,\n errors: init.hydrationData && init.hydrationData.errors || initialErrors,\n fetchers: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),\n blockers: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()\n };\n let pendingAction = \"POP\" /* Pop */;\n let pendingPreventScrollReset = false;\n let pendingNavigationController;\n let pendingViewTransitionEnabled = false;\n let appliedViewTransitions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();\n let removePageHideEventListener = null;\n let isUninterruptedRevalidation = false;\n let isRevalidationRequired = false;\n let cancelledFetcherLoads = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();\n let fetchControllers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();\n let incrementingLoadId = 0;\n let pendingNavigationLoadId = -1;\n let fetchReloadIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();\n let fetchRedirectIds = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();\n let fetchLoadMatches = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();\n let activeFetchers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();\n let fetchersQueuedForDeletion = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();\n let blockerFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();\n let unblockBlockerHistoryUpdate = void 0;\n let pendingRevalidationDfd = null;\n function initialize() {\n unlistenHistory = init.history.listen(\n ({ action: historyAction, location, delta }) => {\n if (unblockBlockerHistoryUpdate) {\n unblockBlockerHistoryUpdate();\n unblockBlockerHistoryUpdate = void 0;\n return;\n }\n warning(\n blockerFunctions.size === 0 || delta != null,\n \"You are trying to use a blocker on a POP navigation to a location that was not created by @remix-run/router. This will fail silently in production. This can happen if you are navigating outside the router via `window.history.pushState`/`window.location.hash` instead of using router navigation APIs. This can also happen if you are using createHashRouter and the user manually changes the URL.\"\n );\n let blockerKey = shouldBlockNavigation({\n currentLocation: state.location,\n nextLocation: location,\n historyAction\n });\n if (blockerKey && delta != null) {\n let nextHistoryUpdatePromise = new Promise((resolve) => {\n unblockBlockerHistoryUpdate = resolve;\n });\n init.history.go(delta * -1);\n updateBlocker(blockerKey, {\n state: \"blocked\",\n location,\n proceed() {\n updateBlocker(blockerKey, {\n state: \"proceeding\",\n proceed: void 0,\n reset: void 0,\n location\n });\n nextHistoryUpdatePromise.then(() => init.history.go(delta));\n },\n reset() {\n let blockers = new Map(state.blockers);\n blockers.set(blockerKey, IDLE_BLOCKER);\n updateState({ blockers });\n }\n });\n return;\n }\n return startNavigation(historyAction, location);\n }\n );\n if (isBrowser2) {\n restoreAppliedTransitions(routerWindow, appliedViewTransitions);\n let _saveAppliedTransitions = () => persistAppliedTransitions(routerWindow, appliedViewTransitions);\n routerWindow.addEventListener(\"pagehide\", _saveAppliedTransitions);\n removePageHideEventListener = () => routerWindow.removeEventListener(\"pagehide\", _saveAppliedTransitions);\n }\n if (!state.initialized) {\n startNavigation(\"POP\" /* Pop */, state.location, {\n initialHydration: true\n });\n }\n return router;\n }\n function dispose() {\n if (unlistenHistory) {\n unlistenHistory();\n }\n if (removePageHideEventListener) {\n removePageHideEventListener();\n }\n subscribers.clear();\n pendingNavigationController && pendingNavigationController.abort();\n state.fetchers.forEach((_, key) => deleteFetcher(key));\n state.blockers.forEach((_, key) => deleteBlocker(key));\n }\n function subscribe(fn) {\n subscribers.add(fn);\n return () => subscribers.delete(fn);\n }\n function updateState(newState, opts = {}) {\n state = {\n ...state,\n ...newState\n };\n let unmountedFetchers = [];\n let mountedFetchers = [];\n state.fetchers.forEach((fetcher, key) => {\n if (fetcher.state === \"idle\") {\n if (fetchersQueuedForDeletion.has(key)) {\n unmountedFetchers.push(key);\n } else {\n mountedFetchers.push(key);\n }\n }\n });\n [...subscribers].forEach(\n (subscriber) => subscriber(state, {\n deletedFetchers: unmountedFetchers,\n viewTransitionOpts: opts.viewTransitionOpts,\n flushSync: opts.flushSync === true\n })\n );\n unmountedFetchers.forEach((key) => deleteFetcher(key));\n mountedFetchers.forEach((key) => state.fetchers.delete(key));\n }\n function completeNavigation(location, newState, { flushSync } = {}) {\n let isActionReload = state.actionData != null && state.navigation.formMethod != null && isMutationMethod(state.navigation.formMethod) && state.navigation.state === \"loading\" && location.state?._isRedirect !== true;\n let actionData;\n if (newState.actionData) {\n if (Object.keys(newState.actionData).length > 0) {\n actionData = newState.actionData;\n } else {\n actionData = null;\n }\n } else if (isActionReload) {\n actionData = state.actionData;\n } else {\n actionData = null;\n }\n let loaderData = newState.loaderData ? mergeLoaderData(\n state.loaderData,\n newState.loaderData,\n newState.matches || [],\n newState.errors\n ) : state.loaderData;\n let blockers = state.blockers;\n if (blockers.size > 0) {\n blockers = new Map(blockers);\n blockers.forEach((_, k) => blockers.set(k, IDLE_BLOCKER));\n }\n let preventScrollReset = pendingPreventScrollReset === true || state.navigation.formMethod != null && isMutationMethod(state.navigation.formMethod) && location.state?._isRedirect !== true;\n if (inFlightDataRoutes) {\n dataRoutes = inFlightDataRoutes;\n inFlightDataRoutes = void 0;\n }\n if (isUninterruptedRevalidation) {\n } else if (pendingAction === \"POP\" /* Pop */) {\n } else if (pendingAction === \"PUSH\" /* Push */) {\n init.history.push(location, location.state);\n } else if (pendingAction === \"REPLACE\" /* Replace */) {\n init.history.replace(location, location.state);\n }\n let viewTransitionOpts;\n if (pendingAction === \"POP\" /* Pop */) {\n let priorPaths = appliedViewTransitions.get(state.location.pathname);\n if (priorPaths && priorPaths.has(location.pathname)) {\n viewTransitionOpts = {\n currentLocation: state.location,\n nextLocation: location\n };\n } else if (appliedViewTransitions.has(location.pathname)) {\n viewTransitionOpts = {\n currentLocation: location,\n nextLocation: state.location\n };\n }\n } else if (pendingViewTransitionEnabled) {\n let toPaths = appliedViewTransitions.get(state.location.pathname);\n if (toPaths) {\n toPaths.add(location.pathname);\n } else {\n toPaths = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([location.pathname]);\n appliedViewTransitions.set(state.location.pathname, toPaths);\n }\n viewTransitionOpts = {\n currentLocation: state.location,\n nextLocation: location\n };\n }\n updateState(\n {\n ...newState,\n // matches, errors, fetchers go through as-is\n actionData,\n loaderData,\n historyAction: pendingAction,\n location,\n initialized: true,\n navigation: IDLE_NAVIGATION,\n revalidation: \"idle\",\n restoreScrollPosition: getSavedScrollPosition(\n location,\n newState.matches || state.matches\n ),\n preventScrollReset,\n blockers\n },\n {\n viewTransitionOpts,\n flushSync: flushSync === true\n }\n );\n pendingAction = \"POP\" /* Pop */;\n pendingPreventScrollReset = false;\n pendingViewTransitionEnabled = false;\n isUninterruptedRevalidation = false;\n isRevalidationRequired = false;\n pendingRevalidationDfd?.resolve();\n pendingRevalidationDfd = null;\n }\n async function navigate(to, opts) {\n if (typeof to === \"number\") {\n init.history.go(to);\n return;\n }\n let normalizedPath = normalizeTo(\n state.location,\n state.matches,\n basename,\n to,\n opts?.fromRouteId,\n opts?.relative\n );\n let { path, submission, error } = normalizeNavigateOptions(\n false,\n normalizedPath,\n opts\n );\n let currentLocation = state.location;\n let nextLocation = createLocation(state.location, path, opts && opts.state);\n nextLocation = {\n ...nextLocation,\n ...init.history.encodeLocation(nextLocation)\n };\n let userReplace = opts && opts.replace != null ? opts.replace : void 0;\n let historyAction = \"PUSH\" /* Push */;\n if (userReplace === true) {\n historyAction = \"REPLACE\" /* Replace */;\n } else if (userReplace === false) {\n } else if (submission != null && isMutationMethod(submission.formMethod) && submission.formAction === state.location.pathname + state.location.search) {\n historyAction = \"REPLACE\" /* Replace */;\n }\n let preventScrollReset = opts && \"preventScrollReset\" in opts ? opts.preventScrollReset === true : void 0;\n let flushSync = (opts && opts.flushSync) === true;\n let blockerKey = shouldBlockNavigation({\n currentLocation,\n nextLocation,\n historyAction\n });\n if (blockerKey) {\n updateBlocker(blockerKey, {\n state: \"blocked\",\n location: nextLocation,\n proceed() {\n updateBlocker(blockerKey, {\n state: \"proceeding\",\n proceed: void 0,\n reset: void 0,\n location: nextLocation\n });\n navigate(to, opts);\n },\n reset() {\n let blockers = new Map(state.blockers);\n blockers.set(blockerKey, IDLE_BLOCKER);\n updateState({ blockers });\n }\n });\n return;\n }\n await startNavigation(historyAction, nextLocation, {\n submission,\n // Send through the formData serialization error if we have one so we can\n // render at the right error boundary after we match routes\n pendingError: error,\n preventScrollReset,\n replace: opts && opts.replace,\n enableViewTransition: opts && opts.viewTransition,\n flushSync\n });\n }\n function revalidate() {\n if (!pendingRevalidationDfd) {\n pendingRevalidationDfd = createDeferred();\n }\n interruptActiveLoads();\n updateState({ revalidation: \"loading\" });\n let promise = pendingRevalidationDfd.promise;\n if (state.navigation.state === \"submitting\") {\n return promise;\n }\n if (state.navigation.state === \"idle\") {\n startNavigation(state.historyAction, state.location, {\n startUninterruptedRevalidation: true\n });\n return promise;\n }\n startNavigation(\n pendingAction || state.historyAction,\n state.navigation.location,\n {\n overrideNavigation: state.navigation,\n // Proxy through any rending view transition\n enableViewTransition: pendingViewTransitionEnabled === true\n }\n );\n return promise;\n }\n async function startNavigation(historyAction, location, opts) {\n pendingNavigationController && pendingNavigationController.abort();\n pendingNavigationController = null;\n pendingAction = historyAction;\n isUninterruptedRevalidation = (opts && opts.startUninterruptedRevalidation) === true;\n saveScrollPosition(state.location, state.matches);\n pendingPreventScrollReset = (opts && opts.preventScrollReset) === true;\n pendingViewTransitionEnabled = (opts && opts.enableViewTransition) === true;\n let routesToUse = inFlightDataRoutes || dataRoutes;\n let loadingNavigation = opts && opts.overrideNavigation;\n let matches = matchRoutes(routesToUse, location, basename);\n let flushSync = (opts && opts.flushSync) === true;\n let fogOfWar = checkFogOfWar(matches, routesToUse, location.pathname);\n if (fogOfWar.active && fogOfWar.matches) {\n matches = fogOfWar.matches;\n }\n if (!matches) {\n let { error, notFoundMatches, route } = handleNavigational404(\n location.pathname\n );\n completeNavigation(\n location,\n {\n matches: notFoundMatches,\n loaderData: {},\n errors: {\n [route.id]: error\n }\n },\n { flushSync }\n );\n return;\n }\n if (state.initialized && !isRevalidationRequired && isHashChangeOnly(state.location, location) && !(opts && opts.submission && isMutationMethod(opts.submission.formMethod))) {\n completeNavigation(location, { matches }, { flushSync });\n return;\n }\n pendingNavigationController = new AbortController();\n let request = createClientSideRequest(\n init.history,\n location,\n pendingNavigationController.signal,\n opts && opts.submission\n );\n let pendingActionResult;\n if (opts && opts.pendingError) {\n pendingActionResult = [\n findNearestBoundary(matches).route.id,\n { type: \"error\" /* error */, error: opts.pendingError }\n ];\n } else if (opts && opts.submission && isMutationMethod(opts.submission.formMethod)) {\n let actionResult = await handleAction(\n request,\n location,\n opts.submission,\n matches,\n fogOfWar.active,\n { replace: opts.replace, flushSync }\n );\n if (actionResult.shortCircuited) {\n return;\n }\n if (actionResult.pendingActionResult) {\n let [routeId, result] = actionResult.pendingActionResult;\n if (isErrorResult(result) && isRouteErrorResponse(result.error) && result.error.status === 404) {\n pendingNavigationController = null;\n completeNavigation(location, {\n matches: actionResult.matches,\n loaderData: {},\n errors: {\n [routeId]: result.error\n }\n });\n return;\n }\n }\n matches = actionResult.matches || matches;\n pendingActionResult = actionResult.pendingActionResult;\n loadingNavigation = getLoadingNavigation(location, opts.submission);\n flushSync = false;\n fogOfWar.active = false;\n request = createClientSideRequest(\n init.history,\n request.url,\n request.signal\n );\n }\n let {\n shortCircuited,\n matches: updatedMatches,\n loaderData,\n errors\n } = await handleLoaders(\n request,\n location,\n matches,\n fogOfWar.active,\n loadingNavigation,\n opts && opts.submission,\n opts && opts.fetcherSubmission,\n opts && opts.replace,\n opts && opts.initialHydration === true,\n flushSync,\n pendingActionResult\n );\n if (shortCircuited) {\n return;\n }\n pendingNavigationController = null;\n completeNavigation(location, {\n matches: updatedMatches || matches,\n ...getActionDataForCommit(pendingActionResult),\n loaderData,\n errors\n });\n }\n async function handleAction(request, location, submission, matches, isFogOfWar, opts = {}) {\n interruptActiveLoads();\n let navigation = getSubmittingNavigation(location, submission);\n updateState({ navigation }, { flushSync: opts.flushSync === true });\n if (isFogOfWar) {\n let discoverResult = await discoverRoutes(\n matches,\n location.pathname,\n request.signal\n );\n if (discoverResult.type === \"aborted\") {\n return { shortCircuited: true };\n } else if (discoverResult.type === \"error\") {\n let boundaryId = findNearestBoundary(discoverResult.partialMatches).route.id;\n return {\n matches: discoverResult.partialMatches,\n pendingActionResult: [\n boundaryId,\n {\n type: \"error\" /* error */,\n error: discoverResult.error\n }\n ]\n };\n } else if (!discoverResult.matches) {\n let { notFoundMatches, error, route } = handleNavigational404(\n location.pathname\n );\n return {\n matches: notFoundMatches,\n pendingActionResult: [\n route.id,\n {\n type: \"error\" /* error */,\n error\n }\n ]\n };\n } else {\n matches = discoverResult.matches;\n }\n }\n let result;\n let actionMatch = getTargetMatch(matches, location);\n if (!actionMatch.route.action && !actionMatch.route.lazy) {\n result = {\n type: \"error\" /* error */,\n error: getInternalRouterError(405, {\n method: request.method,\n pathname: location.pathname,\n routeId: actionMatch.route.id\n })\n };\n } else {\n let results = await callDataStrategy(\n \"action\",\n state,\n request,\n [actionMatch],\n matches,\n null\n );\n result = results[actionMatch.route.id];\n if (request.signal.aborted) {\n return { shortCircuited: true };\n }\n }\n if (isRedirectResult(result)) {\n let replace2;\n if (opts && opts.replace != null) {\n replace2 = opts.replace;\n } else {\n let location2 = normalizeRedirectLocation(\n result.response.headers.get(\"Location\"),\n new URL(request.url),\n basename\n );\n replace2 = location2 === state.location.pathname + state.location.search;\n }\n await startRedirectNavigation(request, result, true, {\n submission,\n replace: replace2\n });\n return { shortCircuited: true };\n }\n if (isErrorResult(result)) {\n let boundaryMatch = findNearestBoundary(matches, actionMatch.route.id);\n if ((opts && opts.replace) !== true) {\n pendingAction = \"PUSH\" /* Push */;\n }\n return {\n matches,\n pendingActionResult: [boundaryMatch.route.id, result]\n };\n }\n return {\n matches,\n pendingActionResult: [actionMatch.route.id, result]\n };\n }\n async function handleLoaders(request, location, matches, isFogOfWar, overrideNavigation, submission, fetcherSubmission, replace2, initialHydration, flushSync, pendingActionResult) {\n let loadingNavigation = overrideNavigation || getLoadingNavigation(location, submission);\n let activeSubmission = submission || fetcherSubmission || getSubmissionFromNavigation(loadingNavigation);\n let shouldUpdateNavigationState = !isUninterruptedRevalidation && !initialHydration;\n if (isFogOfWar) {\n if (shouldUpdateNavigationState) {\n let actionData = getUpdatedActionData(pendingActionResult);\n updateState(\n {\n navigation: loadingNavigation,\n ...actionData !== void 0 ? { actionData } : {}\n },\n {\n flushSync\n }\n );\n }\n let discoverResult = await discoverRoutes(\n matches,\n location.pathname,\n request.signal\n );\n if (discoverResult.type === \"aborted\") {\n return { shortCircuited: true };\n } else if (discoverResult.type === \"error\") {\n let boundaryId = findNearestBoundary(discoverResult.partialMatches).route.id;\n return {\n matches: discoverResult.partialMatches,\n loaderData: {},\n errors: {\n [boundaryId]: discoverResult.error\n }\n };\n } else if (!discoverResult.matches) {\n let { error, notFoundMatches, route } = handleNavigational404(\n location.pathname\n );\n return {\n matches: notFoundMatches,\n loaderData: {},\n errors: {\n [route.id]: error\n }\n };\n } else {\n matches = discoverResult.matches;\n }\n }\n let routesToUse = inFlightDataRoutes || dataRoutes;\n let [matchesToLoad, revalidatingFetchers] = getMatchesToLoad(\n init.history,\n state,\n matches,\n activeSubmission,\n location,\n initialHydration === true,\n isRevalidationRequired,\n cancelledFetcherLoads,\n fetchersQueuedForDeletion,\n fetchLoadMatches,\n fetchRedirectIds,\n routesToUse,\n basename,\n pendingActionResult\n );\n pendingNavigationLoadId = ++incrementingLoadId;\n if (matchesToLoad.length === 0 && revalidatingFetchers.length === 0) {\n let updatedFetchers2 = markFetchRedirectsDone();\n completeNavigation(\n location,\n {\n matches,\n loaderData: {},\n // Commit pending error if we're short circuiting\n errors: pendingActionResult && isErrorResult(pendingActionResult[1]) ? { [pendingActionResult[0]]: pendingActionResult[1].error } : null,\n ...getActionDataForCommit(pendingActionResult),\n ...updatedFetchers2 ? { fetchers: new Map(state.fetchers) } : {}\n },\n { flushSync }\n );\n return { shortCircuited: true };\n }\n if (shouldUpdateNavigationState) {\n let updates = {};\n if (!isFogOfWar) {\n updates.navigation = loadingNavigation;\n let actionData = getUpdatedActionData(pendingActionResult);\n if (actionData !== void 0) {\n updates.actionData = actionData;\n }\n }\n if (revalidatingFetchers.length > 0) {\n updates.fetchers = getUpdatedRevalidatingFetchers(revalidatingFetchers);\n }\n updateState(updates, { flushSync });\n }\n revalidatingFetchers.forEach((rf) => {\n abortFetcher(rf.key);\n if (rf.controller) {\n fetchControllers.set(rf.key, rf.controller);\n }\n });\n let abortPendingFetchRevalidations = () => revalidatingFetchers.forEach((f) => abortFetcher(f.key));\n if (pendingNavigationController) {\n pendingNavigationController.signal.addEventListener(\n \"abort\",\n abortPendingFetchRevalidations\n );\n }\n let { loaderResults, fetcherResults } = await callLoadersAndMaybeResolveData(\n state,\n matches,\n matchesToLoad,\n revalidatingFetchers,\n request\n );\n if (request.signal.aborted) {\n return { shortCircuited: true };\n }\n if (pendingNavigationController) {\n pendingNavigationController.signal.removeEventListener(\n \"abort\",\n abortPendingFetchRevalidations\n );\n }\n revalidatingFetchers.forEach((rf) => fetchControllers.delete(rf.key));\n let redirect2 = findRedirect(loaderResults);\n if (redirect2) {\n await startRedirectNavigation(request, redirect2.result, true, {\n replace: replace2\n });\n return { shortCircuited: true };\n }\n redirect2 = findRedirect(fetcherResults);\n if (redirect2) {\n fetchRedirectIds.add(redirect2.key);\n await startRedirectNavigation(request, redirect2.result, true, {\n replace: replace2\n });\n return { shortCircuited: true };\n }\n let { loaderData, errors } = processLoaderData(\n state,\n matches,\n loaderResults,\n pendingActionResult,\n revalidatingFetchers,\n fetcherResults\n );\n if (initialHydration && state.errors) {\n errors = { ...state.errors, ...errors };\n }\n let updatedFetchers = markFetchRedirectsDone();\n let didAbortFetchLoads = abortStaleFetchLoads(pendingNavigationLoadId);\n let shouldUpdateFetchers = updatedFetchers || didAbortFetchLoads || revalidatingFetchers.length > 0;\n return {\n matches,\n loaderData,\n errors,\n ...shouldUpdateFetchers ? { fetchers: new Map(state.fetchers) } : {}\n };\n }\n function getUpdatedActionData(pendingActionResult) {\n if (pendingActionResult && !isErrorResult(pendingActionResult[1])) {\n return {\n [pendingActionResult[0]]: pendingActionResult[1].data\n };\n } else if (state.actionData) {\n if (Object.keys(state.actionData).length === 0) {\n return null;\n } else {\n return state.actionData;\n }\n }\n }\n function getUpdatedRevalidatingFetchers(revalidatingFetchers) {\n revalidatingFetchers.forEach((rf) => {\n let fetcher = state.fetchers.get(rf.key);\n let revalidatingFetcher = getLoadingFetcher(\n void 0,\n fetcher ? fetcher.data : void 0\n );\n state.fetchers.set(rf.key, revalidatingFetcher);\n });\n return new Map(state.fetchers);\n }\n async function fetch2(key, routeId, href, opts) {\n abortFetcher(key);\n let flushSync = (opts && opts.flushSync) === true;\n let routesToUse = inFlightDataRoutes || dataRoutes;\n let normalizedPath = normalizeTo(\n state.location,\n state.matches,\n basename,\n href,\n routeId,\n opts?.relative\n );\n let matches = matchRoutes(routesToUse, normalizedPath, basename);\n let fogOfWar = checkFogOfWar(matches, routesToUse, normalizedPath);\n if (fogOfWar.active && fogOfWar.matches) {\n matches = fogOfWar.matches;\n }\n if (!matches) {\n setFetcherError(\n key,\n routeId,\n getInternalRouterError(404, { pathname: normalizedPath }),\n { flushSync }\n );\n return;\n }\n let { path, submission, error } = normalizeNavigateOptions(\n true,\n normalizedPath,\n opts\n );\n if (error) {\n setFetcherError(key, routeId, error, { flushSync });\n return;\n }\n let match = getTargetMatch(matches, path);\n let preventScrollReset = (opts && opts.preventScrollReset) === true;\n if (submission && isMutationMethod(submission.formMethod)) {\n await handleFetcherAction(\n key,\n routeId,\n path,\n match,\n matches,\n fogOfWar.active,\n flushSync,\n preventScrollReset,\n submission\n );\n return;\n }\n fetchLoadMatches.set(key, { routeId, path });\n await handleFetcherLoader(\n key,\n routeId,\n path,\n match,\n matches,\n fogOfWar.active,\n flushSync,\n preventScrollReset,\n submission\n );\n }\n async function handleFetcherAction(key, routeId, path, match, requestMatches, isFogOfWar, flushSync, preventScrollReset, submission) {\n interruptActiveLoads();\n fetchLoadMatches.delete(key);\n function detectAndHandle405Error(m) {\n if (!m.route.action && !m.route.lazy) {\n let error = getInternalRouterError(405, {\n method: submission.formMethod,\n pathname: path,\n routeId\n });\n setFetcherError(key, routeId, error, { flushSync });\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n if (!isFogOfWar && detectAndHandle405Error(match)) {\n return;\n }\n let existingFetcher = state.fetchers.get(key);\n updateFetcherState(key, getSubmittingFetcher(submission, existingFetcher), {\n flushSync\n });\n let abortController = new AbortController();\n let fetchRequest = createClientSideRequest(\n init.history,\n path,\n abortController.signal,\n submission\n );\n if (isFogOfWar) {\n let discoverResult = await discoverRoutes(\n requestMatches,\n path,\n fetchRequest.signal\n );\n if (discoverResult.type === \"aborted\") {\n return;\n } else if (discoverResult.type === \"error\") {\n setFetcherError(key, routeId, discoverResult.error, { flushSync });\n return;\n } else if (!discoverResult.matches) {\n setFetcherError(\n key,\n routeId,\n getInternalRouterError(404, { pathname: path }),\n { flushSync }\n );\n return;\n } else {\n requestMatches = discoverResult.matches;\n match = getTargetMatch(requestMatches, path);\n if (detectAndHandle405Error(match)) {\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n fetchControllers.set(key, abortController);\n let originatingLoadId = incrementingLoadId;\n let actionResults = await callDataStrategy(\n \"action\",\n state,\n fetchRequest,\n [match],\n requestMatches,\n key\n );\n let actionResult = actionResults[match.route.id];\n if (fetchRequest.signal.aborted) {\n if (fetchControllers.get(key) === abortController) {\n fetchControllers.delete(key);\n }\n return;\n }\n if (fetchersQueuedForDeletion.has(key)) {\n if (isRedirectResult(actionResult) || isErrorResult(actionResult)) {\n updateFetcherState(key, getDoneFetcher(void 0));\n return;\n }\n } else {\n if (isRedirectResult(actionResult)) {\n fetchControllers.delete(key);\n if (pendingNavigationLoadId > originatingLoadId) {\n updateFetcherState(key, getDoneFetcher(void 0));\n return;\n } else {\n fetchRedirectIds.add(key);\n updateFetcherState(key, getLoadingFetcher(submission));\n return startRedirectNavigation(fetchRequest, actionResult, false, {\n fetcherSubmission: submission,\n preventScrollReset\n });\n }\n }\n if (isErrorResult(actionResult)) {\n setFetcherError(key, routeId, actionResult.error);\n return;\n }\n }\n let nextLocation = state.navigation.location || state.location;\n let revalidationRequest = createClientSideRequest(\n init.history,\n nextLocation,\n abortController.signal\n );\n let routesToUse = inFlightDataRoutes || dataRoutes;\n let matches = state.navigation.state !== \"idle\" ? matchRoutes(routesToUse, state.navigation.location, basename) : state.matches;\n invariant(matches, \"Didn't find any matches after fetcher action\");\n let loadId = ++incrementingLoadId;\n fetchReloadIds.set(key, loadId);\n let loadFetcher = getLoadingFetcher(submission, actionResult.data);\n state.fetchers.set(key, loadFetcher);\n let [matchesToLoad, revalidatingFetchers] = getMatchesToLoad(\n init.history,\n state,\n matches,\n submission,\n nextLocation,\n false,\n isRevalidationRequired,\n cancelledFetcherLoads,\n fetchersQueuedForDeletion,\n fetchLoadMatches,\n fetchRedirectIds,\n routesToUse,\n basename,\n [match.route.id, actionResult]\n );\n revalidatingFetchers.filter((rf) => rf.key !== key).forEach((rf) => {\n let staleKey = rf.key;\n let existingFetcher2 = state.fetchers.get(staleKey);\n let revalidatingFetcher = getLoadingFetcher(\n void 0,\n existingFetcher2 ? existingFetcher2.data : void 0\n );\n state.fetchers.set(staleKey, revalidatingFetcher);\n abortFetcher(staleKey);\n if (rf.controller) {\n fetchControllers.set(staleKey, rf.controller);\n }\n });\n updateState({ fetchers: new Map(state.fetchers) });\n let abortPendingFetchRevalidations = () => revalidatingFetchers.forEach((rf) => abortFetcher(rf.key));\n abortController.signal.addEventListener(\n \"abort\",\n abortPendingFetchRevalidations\n );\n let { loaderResults, fetcherResults } = await callLoadersAndMaybeResolveData(\n state,\n matches,\n matchesToLoad,\n revalidatingFetchers,\n revalidationRequest\n );\n if (abortController.signal.aborted) {\n return;\n }\n abortController.signal.removeEventListener(\n \"abort\",\n abortPendingFetchRevalidations\n );\n fetchReloadIds.delete(key);\n fetchControllers.delete(key);\n revalidatingFetchers.forEach((r) => fetchControllers.delete(r.key));\n let redirect2 = findRedirect(loaderResults);\n if (redirect2) {\n return startRedirectNavigation(\n revalidationRequest,\n redirect2.result,\n false,\n { preventScrollReset }\n );\n }\n redirect2 = findRedirect(fetcherResults);\n if (redirect2) {\n fetchRedirectIds.add(redirect2.key);\n return startRedirectNavigation(\n revalidationRequest,\n redirect2.result,\n false,\n { preventScrollReset }\n );\n }\n let { loaderData, errors } = processLoaderData(\n state,\n matches,\n loaderResults,\n void 0,\n revalidatingFetchers,\n fetcherResults\n );\n if (state.fetchers.has(key)) {\n let doneFetcher = getDoneFetcher(actionResult.data);\n state.fetchers.set(key, doneFetcher);\n }\n abortStaleFetchLoads(loadId);\n if (state.navigation.state === \"loading\" && loadId > pendingNavigationLoadId) {\n invariant(pendingAction, \"Expected pending action\");\n pendingNavigationController && pendingNavigationController.abort();\n completeNavigation(state.navigation.location, {\n matches,\n loaderData,\n errors,\n fetchers: new Map(state.fetchers)\n });\n } else {\n updateState({\n errors,\n loaderData: mergeLoaderData(\n state.loaderData,\n loaderData,\n matches,\n errors\n ),\n fetchers: new Map(state.fetchers)\n });\n isRevalidationRequired = false;\n }\n }\n async function handleFetcherLoader(key, routeId, path, match, matches, isFogOfWar, flushSync, preventScrollReset, submission) {\n let existingFetcher = state.fetchers.get(key);\n updateFetcherState(\n key,\n getLoadingFetcher(\n submission,\n existingFetcher ? existingFetcher.data : void 0\n ),\n { flushSync }\n );\n let abortController = new AbortController();\n let fetchRequest = createClientSideRequest(\n init.history,\n path,\n abortController.signal\n );\n if (isFogOfWar) {\n let discoverResult = await discoverRoutes(\n matches,\n path,\n fetchRequest.signal\n );\n if (discoverResult.type === \"aborted\") {\n return;\n } else if (discoverResult.type === \"error\") {\n setFetcherError(key, routeId, discoverResult.error, { flushSync });\n return;\n } else if (!discoverResult.matches) {\n setFetcherError(\n key,\n routeId,\n getInternalRouterError(404, { pathname: path }),\n { flushSync }\n );\n return;\n } else {\n matches = discoverResult.matches;\n match = getTargetMatch(matches, path);\n }\n }\n fetchControllers.set(key, abortController);\n let originatingLoadId = incrementingLoadId;\n let results = await callDataStrategy(\n \"loader\",\n state,\n fetchRequest,\n [match],\n matches,\n key\n );\n let result = results[match.route.id];\n if (fetchControllers.get(key) === abortController) {\n fetchControllers.delete(key);\n }\n if (fetchRequest.signal.aborted) {\n return;\n }\n if (fetchersQueuedForDeletion.has(key)) {\n updateFetcherState(key, getDoneFetcher(void 0));\n return;\n }\n if (isRedirectResult(result)) {\n if (pendingNavigationLoadId > originatingLoadId) {\n updateFetcherState(key, getDoneFetcher(void 0));\n return;\n } else {\n fetchRedirectIds.add(key);\n await startRedirectNavigation(fetchRequest, result, false, {\n preventScrollReset\n });\n return;\n }\n }\n if (isErrorResult(result)) {\n setFetcherError(key, routeId, result.error);\n return;\n }\n updateFetcherState(key, getDoneFetcher(result.data));\n }\n async function startRedirectNavigation(request, redirect2, isNavigation, {\n submission,\n fetcherSubmission,\n preventScrollReset,\n replace: replace2\n } = {}) {\n if (redirect2.response.headers.has(\"X-Remix-Revalidate\")) {\n isRevalidationRequired = true;\n }\n let location = redirect2.response.headers.get(\"Location\");\n invariant(location, \"Expected a Location header on the redirect Response\");\n location = normalizeRedirectLocation(\n location,\n new URL(request.url),\n basename\n );\n let redirectLocation = createLocation(state.location, location, {\n _isRedirect: true\n });\n if (isBrowser2) {\n let isDocumentReload = false;\n if (redirect2.response.headers.has(\"X-Remix-Reload-Document\")) {\n isDocumentReload = true;\n } else if (ABSOLUTE_URL_REGEX.test(location)) {\n const url = init.history.createURL(location);\n isDocumentReload = // Hard reload if it's an absolute URL to a new origin\n url.origin !== routerWindow.location.origin || // Hard reload if it's an absolute URL that does not match our basename\n stripBasename(url.pathname, basename) == null;\n }\n if (isDocumentReload) {\n if (replace2) {\n routerWindow.location.replace(location);\n } else {\n routerWindow.location.assign(location);\n }\n return;\n }\n }\n pendingNavigationController = null;\n let redirectNavigationType = replace2 === true || redirect2.response.headers.has(\"X-Remix-Replace\") ? \"REPLACE\" /* Replace */ : \"PUSH\" /* Push */;\n let { formMethod, formAction, formEncType } = state.navigation;\n if (!submission && !fetcherSubmission && formMethod && formAction && formEncType) {\n submission = getSubmissionFromNavigation(state.navigation);\n }\n let activeSubmission = submission || fetcherSubmission;\n if (redirectPreserveMethodStatusCodes.has(redirect2.response.status) && activeSubmission && isMutationMethod(activeSubmission.formMethod)) {\n await startNavigation(redirectNavigationType, redirectLocation, {\n submission: {\n ...activeSubmission,\n formAction: location\n },\n // Preserve these flags across redirects\n preventScrollReset: preventScrollReset || pendingPreventScrollReset,\n enableViewTransition: isNavigation ? pendingViewTransitionEnabled : void 0\n });\n } else {\n let overrideNavigation = getLoadingNavigation(\n redirectLocation,\n submission\n );\n await startNavigation(redirectNavigationType, redirectLocation, {\n overrideNavigation,\n // Send fetcher submissions through for shouldRevalidate\n fetcherSubmission,\n // Preserve these flags across redirects\n preventScrollReset: preventScrollReset || pendingPreventScrollReset,\n enableViewTransition: isNavigation ? pendingViewTransitionEnabled : void 0\n });\n }\n }\n async function callDataStrategy(type, state2, request, matchesToLoad, matches, fetcherKey) {\n let results;\n let dataResults = {};\n try {\n results = await callDataStrategyImpl(\n dataStrategyImpl,\n type,\n state2,\n request,\n matchesToLoad,\n matches,\n fetcherKey,\n manifest,\n mapRouteProperties2\n );\n } catch (e) {\n matchesToLoad.forEach((m) => {\n dataResults[m.route.id] = {\n type: \"error\" /* error */,\n error: e\n };\n });\n return dataResults;\n }\n for (let [routeId, result] of Object.entries(results)) {\n if (isRedirectDataStrategyResult(result)) {\n let response = result.result;\n dataResults[routeId] = {\n type: \"redirect\" /* redirect */,\n response: normalizeRelativeRoutingRedirectResponse(\n response,\n request,\n routeId,\n matches,\n basename\n )\n };\n } else {\n dataResults[routeId] = await convertDataStrategyResultToDataResult(\n result\n );\n }\n }\n return dataResults;\n }\n async function callLoadersAndMaybeResolveData(state2, matches, matchesToLoad, fetchersToLoad, request) {\n let loaderResultsPromise = callDataStrategy(\n \"loader\",\n state2,\n request,\n matchesToLoad,\n matches,\n null\n );\n let fetcherResultsPromise = Promise.all(\n fetchersToLoad.map(async (f) => {\n if (f.matches && f.match && f.controller) {\n let results = await callDataStrategy(\n \"loader\",\n state2,\n createClientSideRequest(init.history, f.path, f.controller.signal),\n [f.match],\n f.matches,\n f.key\n );\n let result = results[f.match.route.id];\n return { [f.key]: result };\n } else {\n return Promise.resolve({\n [f.key]: {\n type: \"error\" /* error */,\n error: getInternalRouterError(404, {\n pathname: f.path\n })\n }\n });\n }\n })\n );\n let loaderResults = await loaderResultsPromise;\n let fetcherResults = (await fetcherResultsPromise).reduce(\n (acc, r) => Object.assign(acc, r),\n {}\n );\n return {\n loaderResults,\n fetcherResults\n };\n }\n function interruptActiveLoads() {\n isRevalidationRequired = true;\n fetchLoadMatches.forEach((_, key) => {\n if (fetchControllers.has(key)) {\n cancelledFetcherLoads.add(key);\n }\n abortFetcher(key);\n });\n }\n function updateFetcherState(key, fetcher, opts = {}) {\n state.fetchers.set(key, fetcher);\n updateState(\n { fetchers: new Map(state.fetchers) },\n { flushSync: (opts && opts.flushSync) === true }\n );\n }\n function setFetcherError(key, routeId, error, opts = {}) {\n let boundaryMatch = findNearestBoundary(state.matches, routeId);\n deleteFetcher(key);\n updateState(\n {\n errors: {\n [boundaryMatch.route.id]: error\n },\n fetchers: new Map(state.fetchers)\n },\n { flushSync: (opts && opts.flushSync) === true }\n );\n }\n function getFetcher(key) {\n activeFetchers.set(key, (activeFetchers.get(key) || 0) + 1);\n if (fetchersQueuedForDeletion.has(key)) {\n fetchersQueuedForDeletion.delete(key);\n }\n return state.fetchers.get(key) || IDLE_FETCHER;\n }\n function deleteFetcher(key) {\n let fetcher = state.fetchers.get(key);\n if (fetchControllers.has(key) && !(fetcher && fetcher.state === \"loading\" && fetchReloadIds.has(key))) {\n abortFetcher(key);\n }\n fetchLoadMatches.delete(key);\n fetchReloadIds.delete(key);\n fetchRedirectIds.delete(key);\n fetchersQueuedForDeletion.delete(key);\n cancelledFetcherLoads.delete(key);\n state.fetchers.delete(key);\n }\n function queueFetcherForDeletion(key) {\n let count = (activeFetchers.get(key) || 0) - 1;\n if (count <= 0) {\n activeFetchers.delete(key);\n fetchersQueuedForDeletion.add(key);\n } else {\n activeFetchers.set(key, count);\n }\n updateState({ fetchers: new Map(state.fetchers) });\n }\n function abortFetcher(key) {\n let controller = fetchControllers.get(key);\n if (controller) {\n controller.abort();\n fetchControllers.delete(key);\n }\n }\n function markFetchersDone(keys) {\n for (let key of keys) {\n let fetcher = getFetcher(key);\n let doneFetcher = getDoneFetcher(fetcher.data);\n state.fetchers.set(key, doneFetcher);\n }\n }\n function markFetchRedirectsDone() {\n let doneKeys = [];\n let updatedFetchers = false;\n for (let key of fetchRedirectIds) {\n let fetcher = state.fetchers.get(key);\n invariant(fetcher, `Expected fetcher: ${key}`);\n if (fetcher.state === \"loading\") {\n fetchRedirectIds.delete(key);\n doneKeys.push(key);\n updatedFetchers = true;\n }\n }\n markFetchersDone(doneKeys);\n return updatedFetchers;\n }\n function abortStaleFetchLoads(landedId) {\n let yeetedKeys = [];\n for (let [key, id] of fetchReloadIds) {\n if (id < landedId) {\n let fetcher = state.fetchers.get(key);\n invariant(fetcher, `Expected fetcher: ${key}`);\n if (fetcher.state === \"loading\") {\n abortFetcher(key);\n fetchReloadIds.delete(key);\n yeetedKeys.push(key);\n }\n }\n }\n markFetchersDone(yeetedKeys);\n return yeetedKeys.length > 0;\n }\n function getBlocker(key, fn) {\n let blocker = state.blockers.get(key) || IDLE_BLOCKER;\n if (blockerFunctions.get(key) !== fn) {\n blockerFunctions.set(key, fn);\n }\n return blocker;\n }\n function deleteBlocker(key) {\n state.blockers.delete(key);\n blockerFunctions.delete(key);\n }\n function updateBlocker(key, newBlocker) {\n let blocker = state.blockers.get(key) || IDLE_BLOCKER;\n invariant(\n blocker.state === \"unblocked\" && newBlocker.state === \"blocked\" || blocker.state === \"blocked\" && newBlocker.state === \"blocked\" || blocker.state === \"blocked\" && newBlocker.state === \"proceeding\" || blocker.state === \"blocked\" && newBlocker.state === \"unblocked\" || blocker.state === \"proceeding\" && newBlocker.state === \"unblocked\",\n `Invalid blocker state transition: ${blocker.state} -> ${newBlocker.state}`\n );\n let blockers = new Map(state.blockers);\n blockers.set(key, newBlocker);\n updateState({ blockers });\n }\n function shouldBlockNavigation({\n currentLocation,\n nextLocation,\n historyAction\n }) {\n if (blockerFunctions.size === 0) {\n return;\n }\n if (blockerFunctions.size > 1) {\n warning(false, \"A router only supports one blocker at a time\");\n }\n let entries = Array.from(blockerFunctions.entries());\n let [blockerKey, blockerFunction] = entries[entries.length - 1];\n let blocker = state.blockers.get(blockerKey);\n if (blocker && blocker.state === \"proceeding\") {\n return;\n }\n if (blockerFunction({ currentLocation, nextLocation, historyAction })) {\n return blockerKey;\n }\n }\n function handleNavigational404(pathname) {\n let error = getInternalRouterError(404, { pathname });\n let routesToUse = inFlightDataRoutes || dataRoutes;\n let { matches, route } = getShortCircuitMatches(routesToUse);\n return { notFoundMatches: matches, route, error };\n }\n function enableScrollRestoration(positions, getPosition, getKey) {\n savedScrollPositions2 = positions;\n getScrollPosition = getPosition;\n getScrollRestorationKey2 = getKey || null;\n if (!initialScrollRestored && state.navigation === IDLE_NAVIGATION) {\n initialScrollRestored = true;\n let y = getSavedScrollPosition(state.location, state.matches);\n if (y != null) {\n updateState({ restoreScrollPosition: y });\n }\n }\n return () => {\n savedScrollPositions2 = null;\n getScrollPosition = null;\n getScrollRestorationKey2 = null;\n };\n }\n function getScrollKey(location, matches) {\n if (getScrollRestorationKey2) {\n let key = getScrollRestorationKey2(\n location,\n matches.map((m) => convertRouteMatchToUiMatch(m, state.loaderData))\n );\n return key || location.key;\n }\n return location.key;\n }\n function saveScrollPosition(location, matches) {\n if (savedScrollPositions2 && getScrollPosition) {\n let key = getScrollKey(location, matches);\n savedScrollPositions2[key] = getScrollPosition();\n }\n }\n function getSavedScrollPosition(location, matches) {\n if (savedScrollPositions2) {\n let key = getScrollKey(location, matches);\n let y = savedScrollPositions2[key];\n if (typeof y === \"number\") {\n return y;\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n function checkFogOfWar(matches, routesToUse, pathname) {\n if (patchRoutesOnNavigationImpl) {\n if (!matches) {\n let fogMatches = matchRoutesImpl(\n routesToUse,\n pathname,\n basename,\n true\n );\n return { active: true, matches: fogMatches || [] };\n } else {\n if (Object.keys(matches[0].params).length > 0) {\n let partialMatches = matchRoutesImpl(\n routesToUse,\n pathname,\n basename,\n true\n );\n return { active: true, matches: partialMatches };\n }\n }\n }\n return { active: false, matches: null };\n }\n async function discoverRoutes(matches, pathname, signal) {\n if (!patchRoutesOnNavigationImpl) {\n return { type: \"success\", matches };\n }\n let partialMatches = matches;\n while (true) {\n let isNonHMR = inFlightDataRoutes == null;\n let routesToUse = inFlightDataRoutes || dataRoutes;\n let localManifest = manifest;\n try {\n await patchRoutesOnNavigationImpl({\n path: pathname,\n matches: partialMatches,\n patch: (routeId, children) => {\n if (signal.aborted) return;\n patchRoutesImpl(\n routeId,\n children,\n routesToUse,\n localManifest,\n mapRouteProperties2\n );\n }\n });\n } catch (e) {\n return { type: \"error\", error: e, partialMatches };\n } finally {\n if (isNonHMR && !signal.aborted) {\n dataRoutes = [...dataRoutes];\n }\n }\n if (signal.aborted) {\n return { type: \"aborted\" };\n }\n let newMatches = matchRoutes(routesToUse, pathname, basename);\n if (newMatches) {\n return { type: \"success\", matches: newMatches };\n }\n let newPartialMatches = matchRoutesImpl(\n routesToUse,\n pathname,\n basename,\n true\n );\n if (!newPartialMatches || partialMatches.length === newPartialMatches.length && partialMatches.every(\n (m, i) => m.route.id === newPartialMatches[i].route.id\n )) {\n return { type: \"success\", matches: null };\n }\n partialMatches = newPartialMatches;\n }\n }\n function _internalSetRoutes(newRoutes) {\n manifest = {};\n inFlightDataRoutes = convertRoutesToDataRoutes(\n newRoutes,\n mapRouteProperties2,\n void 0,\n manifest\n );\n }\n function patchRoutes(routeId, children) {\n let isNonHMR = inFlightDataRoutes == null;\n let routesToUse = inFlightDataRoutes || dataRoutes;\n patchRoutesImpl(\n routeId,\n children,\n routesToUse,\n manifest,\n mapRouteProperties2\n );\n if (isNonHMR) {\n dataRoutes = [...dataRoutes];\n updateState({});\n }\n }\n router = {\n get basename() {\n return basename;\n },\n get future() {\n return future;\n },\n get state() {\n return state;\n },\n get routes() {\n return dataRoutes;\n },\n get window() {\n return routerWindow;\n },\n initialize,\n subscribe,\n enableScrollRestoration,\n navigate,\n fetch: fetch2,\n revalidate,\n // Passthrough to history-aware createHref used by useHref so we get proper\n // hash-aware URLs in DOM paths\n createHref: (to) => init.history.createHref(to),\n encodeLocation: (to) => init.history.encodeLocation(to),\n getFetcher,\n deleteFetcher: queueFetcherForDeletion,\n dispose,\n getBlocker,\n deleteBlocker,\n patchRoutes,\n _internalFetchControllers: fetchControllers,\n // TODO: Remove setRoutes, it's temporary to avoid dealing with\n // updating the tree while validating the update algorithm.\n _internalSetRoutes\n };\n return router;\n}\nfunction createStaticHandler(routes, opts) {\n invariant(\n routes.length > 0,\n \"You must provide a non-empty routes array to createStaticHandler\"\n );\n let manifest = {};\n let basename = (opts ? opts.basename : null) || \"/\";\n let mapRouteProperties2 = opts?.mapRouteProperties || defaultMapRouteProperties;\n let dataRoutes = convertRoutesToDataRoutes(\n routes,\n mapRouteProperties2,\n void 0,\n manifest\n );\n async function query(request, {\n requestContext,\n skipLoaderErrorBubbling,\n dataStrategy\n } = {}) {\n let url = new URL(request.url);\n let method = request.method;\n let location = createLocation(\"\", createPath(url), null, \"default\");\n let matches = matchRoutes(dataRoutes, location, basename);\n if (!isValidMethod(method) && method !== \"HEAD\") {\n let error = getInternalRouterError(405, { method });\n let { matches: methodNotAllowedMatches, route } = getShortCircuitMatches(dataRoutes);\n return {\n basename,\n location,\n matches: methodNotAllowedMatches,\n loaderData: {},\n actionData: null,\n errors: {\n [route.id]: error\n },\n statusCode: error.status,\n loaderHeaders: {},\n actionHeaders: {}\n };\n } else if (!matches) {\n let error = getInternalRouterError(404, { pathname: location.pathname });\n let { matches: notFoundMatches, route } = getShortCircuitMatches(dataRoutes);\n return {\n basename,\n location,\n matches: notFoundMatches,\n loaderData: {},\n actionData: null,\n errors: {\n [route.id]: error\n },\n statusCode: error.status,\n loaderHeaders: {},\n actionHeaders: {}\n };\n }\n let result = await queryImpl(\n request,\n location,\n matches,\n requestContext,\n dataStrategy || null,\n skipLoaderErrorBubbling === true,\n null\n );\n if (isResponse(result)) {\n return result;\n }\n return { location, basename, ...result };\n }\n async function queryRoute(request, {\n routeId,\n requestContext,\n dataStrategy\n } = {}) {\n let url = new URL(request.url);\n let method = request.method;\n let location = createLocation(\"\", createPath(url), null, \"default\");\n let matches = matchRoutes(dataRoutes, location, basename);\n if (!isValidMethod(method) && method !== \"HEAD\" && method !== \"OPTIONS\") {\n throw getInternalRouterError(405, { method });\n } else if (!matches) {\n throw getInternalRouterError(404, { pathname: location.pathname });\n }\n let match = routeId ? matches.find((m) => m.route.id === routeId) : getTargetMatch(matches, location);\n if (routeId && !match) {\n throw getInternalRouterError(403, {\n pathname: location.pathname,\n routeId\n });\n } else if (!match) {\n throw getInternalRouterError(404, { pathname: location.pathname });\n }\n let result = await queryImpl(\n request,\n location,\n matches,\n requestContext,\n dataStrategy || null,\n false,\n match\n );\n if (isResponse(result)) {\n return result;\n }\n let error = result.errors ? Object.values(result.errors)[0] : void 0;\n if (error !== void 0) {\n throw error;\n }\n if (result.actionData) {\n return Object.values(result.actionData)[0];\n }\n if (result.loaderData) {\n return Object.values(result.loaderData)[0];\n }\n return void 0;\n }\n async function queryImpl(request, location, matches, requestContext, dataStrategy, skipLoaderErrorBubbling, routeMatch) {\n invariant(\n request.signal,\n \"query()/queryRoute() requests must contain an AbortController signal\"\n );\n try {\n if (isMutationMethod(request.method)) {\n let result2 = await submit(\n request,\n matches,\n routeMatch || getTargetMatch(matches, location),\n requestContext,\n dataStrategy,\n skipLoaderErrorBubbling,\n routeMatch != null\n );\n return result2;\n }\n let result = await loadRouteData(\n request,\n matches,\n requestContext,\n dataStrategy,\n skipLoaderErrorBubbling,\n routeMatch\n );\n return isResponse(result) ? result : {\n ...result,\n actionData: null,\n actionHeaders: {}\n };\n } catch (e) {\n if (isDataStrategyResult(e) && isResponse(e.result)) {\n if (e.type === \"error\" /* error */) {\n throw e.result;\n }\n return e.result;\n }\n if (isRedirectResponse(e)) {\n return e;\n }\n throw e;\n }\n }\n async function submit(request, matches, actionMatch, requestContext, dataStrategy, skipLoaderErrorBubbling, isRouteRequest) {\n let result;\n if (!actionMatch.route.action && !actionMatch.route.lazy) {\n let error = getInternalRouterError(405, {\n method: request.method,\n pathname: new URL(request.url).pathname,\n routeId: actionMatch.route.id\n });\n if (isRouteRequest) {\n throw error;\n }\n result = {\n type: \"error\" /* error */,\n error\n };\n } else {\n let results = await callDataStrategy(\n \"action\",\n request,\n [actionMatch],\n matches,\n isRouteRequest,\n requestContext,\n dataStrategy\n );\n result = results[actionMatch.route.id];\n if (request.signal.aborted) {\n throwStaticHandlerAbortedError(request, isRouteRequest);\n }\n }\n if (isRedirectResult(result)) {\n throw new Response(null, {\n status: result.response.status,\n headers: {\n Location: result.response.headers.get(\"Location\")\n }\n });\n }\n if (isRouteRequest) {\n if (isErrorResult(result)) {\n throw result.error;\n }\n return {\n matches: [actionMatch],\n loaderData: {},\n actionData: { [actionMatch.route.id]: result.data },\n errors: null,\n // Note: statusCode + headers are unused here since queryRoute will\n // return the raw Response or value\n statusCode: 200,\n loaderHeaders: {},\n actionHeaders: {}\n };\n }\n let loaderRequest = new Request(request.url, {\n headers: request.headers,\n redirect: request.redirect,\n signal: request.signal\n });\n if (isErrorResult(result)) {\n let boundaryMatch = skipLoaderErrorBubbling ? actionMatch : findNearestBoundary(matches, actionMatch.route.id);\n let context2 = await loadRouteData(\n loaderRequest,\n matches,\n requestContext,\n dataStrategy,\n skipLoaderErrorBubbling,\n null,\n [boundaryMatch.route.id, result]\n );\n return {\n ...context2,\n statusCode: isRouteErrorResponse(result.error) ? result.error.status : result.statusCode != null ? result.statusCode : 500,\n actionData: null,\n actionHeaders: {\n ...result.headers ? { [actionMatch.route.id]: result.headers } : {}\n }\n };\n }\n let context = await loadRouteData(\n loaderRequest,\n matches,\n requestContext,\n dataStrategy,\n skipLoaderErrorBubbling,\n null\n );\n return {\n ...context,\n actionData: {\n [actionMatch.route.id]: result.data\n },\n // action status codes take precedence over loader status codes\n ...result.statusCode ? { statusCode: result.statusCode } : {},\n actionHeaders: result.headers ? { [actionMatch.route.id]: result.headers } : {}\n };\n }\n async function loadRouteData(request, matches, requestContext, dataStrategy, skipLoaderErrorBubbling, routeMatch, pendingActionResult) {\n let isRouteRequest = routeMatch != null;\n if (isRouteRequest && !routeMatch?.route.loader && !routeMatch?.route.lazy) {\n throw getInternalRouterError(400, {\n method: request.method,\n pathname: new URL(request.url).pathname,\n routeId: routeMatch?.route.id\n });\n }\n let requestMatches = routeMatch ? [routeMatch] : pendingActionResult && isErrorResult(pendingActionResult[1]) ? getLoaderMatchesUntilBoundary(matches, pendingActionResult[0]) : matches;\n let matchesToLoad = requestMatches.filter(\n (m) => m.route.loader || m.route.lazy\n );\n if (matchesToLoad.length === 0) {\n return {\n matches,\n // Add a null for all matched routes for proper revalidation on the client\n loaderData: matches.reduce(\n (acc, m) => Object.assign(acc, { [m.route.id]: null }),\n {}\n ),\n errors: pendingActionResult && isErrorResult(pendingActionResult[1]) ? {\n [pendingActionResult[0]]: pendingActionResult[1].error\n } : null,\n statusCode: 200,\n loaderHeaders: {}\n };\n }\n let results = await callDataStrategy(\n \"loader\",\n request,\n matchesToLoad,\n matches,\n isRouteRequest,\n requestContext,\n dataStrategy\n );\n if (request.signal.aborted) {\n throwStaticHandlerAbortedError(request, isRouteRequest);\n }\n let context = processRouteLoaderData(\n matches,\n results,\n pendingActionResult,\n true,\n skipLoaderErrorBubbling\n );\n let executedLoaders = new Set(\n matchesToLoad.map((match) => match.route.id)\n );\n matches.forEach((match) => {\n if (!executedLoaders.has(match.route.id)) {\n context.loaderData[match.route.id] = null;\n }\n });\n return {\n ...context,\n matches\n };\n }\n async function callDataStrategy(type, request, matchesToLoad, matches, isRouteRequest, requestContext, dataStrategy) {\n let results = await callDataStrategyImpl(\n dataStrategy || defaultDataStrategy,\n type,\n null,\n request,\n matchesToLoad,\n matches,\n null,\n manifest,\n mapRouteProperties2,\n requestContext\n );\n let dataResults = {};\n await Promise.all(\n matches.map(async (match) => {\n if (!(match.route.id in results)) {\n return;\n }\n let result = results[match.route.id];\n if (isRedirectDataStrategyResult(result)) {\n let response = result.result;\n throw normalizeRelativeRoutingRedirectResponse(\n response,\n request,\n match.route.id,\n matches,\n basename\n );\n }\n if (isResponse(result.result) && isRouteRequest) {\n throw result;\n }\n dataResults[match.route.id] = await convertDataStrategyResultToDataResult(result);\n })\n );\n return dataResults;\n }\n return {\n dataRoutes,\n query,\n queryRoute\n };\n}\nfunction getStaticContextFromError(routes, context, error) {\n let newContext = {\n ...context,\n statusCode: isRouteErrorResponse(error) ? error.status : 500,\n errors: {\n [context._deepestRenderedBoundaryId || routes[0].id]: error\n }\n };\n return newContext;\n}\nfunction throwStaticHandlerAbortedError(request, isRouteRequest) {\n if (request.signal.reason !== void 0) {\n throw request.signal.reason;\n }\n let method = isRouteRequest ? \"queryRoute\" : \"query\";\n throw new Error(\n `${method}() call aborted without an \\`AbortSignal.reason\\`: ${request.method} ${request.url}`\n );\n}\nfunction isSubmissionNavigation(opts) {\n return opts != null && (\"formData\" in opts && opts.formData != null || \"body\" in opts && opts.body !== void 0);\n}\nfunction normalizeTo(location, matches, basename, to, fromRouteId, relative) {\n let contextualMatches;\n let activeRouteMatch;\n if (fromRouteId) {\n contextualMatches = [];\n for (let match of matches) {\n contextualMatches.push(match);\n if (match.route.id === fromRouteId) {\n activeRouteMatch = match;\n break;\n }\n }\n } else {\n contextualMatches = matches;\n activeRouteMatch = matches[matches.length - 1];\n }\n let path = resolveTo(\n to ? to : \".\",\n getResolveToMatches(contextualMatches),\n stripBasename(location.pathname, basename) || location.pathname,\n relative === \"path\"\n );\n if (to == null) {\n path.search = location.search;\n path.hash = location.hash;\n }\n if ((to == null || to === \"\" || to === \".\") && activeRouteMatch) {\n let nakedIndex = hasNakedIndexQuery(path.search);\n if (activeRouteMatch.route.index && !nakedIndex) {\n path.search = path.search ? path.search.replace(/^\\?/, \"?index&\") : \"?index\";\n } else if (!activeRouteMatch.route.index && nakedIndex) {\n let params = new URLSearchParams(path.search);\n let indexValues = params.getAll(\"index\");\n params.delete(\"index\");\n indexValues.filter((v) => v).forEach((v) => params.append(\"index\", v));\n let qs = params.toString();\n path.search = qs ? `?${qs}` : \"\";\n }\n }\n if (basename !== \"/\") {\n path.pathname = path.pathname === \"/\" ? basename : joinPaths([basename, path.pathname]);\n }\n return createPath(path);\n}\nfunction normalizeNavigateOptions(isFetcher, path, opts) {\n if (!opts || !isSubmissionNavigation(opts)) {\n return { path };\n }\n if (opts.formMethod && !isValidMethod(opts.formMethod)) {\n return {\n path,\n error: getInternalRouterError(405, { method: opts.formMethod })\n };\n }\n let getInvalidBodyError = () => ({\n path,\n error: getInternalRouterError(400, { type: \"invalid-body\" })\n });\n let rawFormMethod = opts.formMethod || \"get\";\n let formMethod = rawFormMethod.toUpperCase();\n let formAction = stripHashFromPath(path);\n if (opts.body !== void 0) {\n if (opts.formEncType === \"text/plain\") {\n if (!isMutationMethod(formMethod)) {\n return getInvalidBodyError();\n }\n let text = typeof opts.body === \"string\" ? opts.body : opts.body instanceof FormData || opts.body instanceof URLSearchParams ? (\n // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#plain-text-form-data\n Array.from(opts.body.entries()).reduce(\n (acc, [name, value]) => `${acc}${name}=${value}\n`,\n \"\"\n )\n ) : String(opts.body);\n return {\n path,\n submission: {\n formMethod,\n formAction,\n formEncType: opts.formEncType,\n formData: void 0,\n json: void 0,\n text\n }\n };\n } else if (opts.formEncType === \"application/json\") {\n if (!isMutationMethod(formMethod)) {\n return getInvalidBodyError();\n }\n try {\n let json = typeof opts.body === \"string\" ? JSON.parse(opts.body) : opts.body;\n return {\n path,\n submission: {\n formMethod,\n formAction,\n formEncType: opts.formEncType,\n formData: void 0,\n json,\n text: void 0\n }\n };\n } catch (e) {\n return getInvalidBodyError();\n }\n }\n }\n invariant(\n typeof FormData === \"function\",\n \"FormData is not available in this environment\"\n );\n let searchParams;\n let formData;\n if (opts.formData) {\n searchParams = convertFormDataToSearchParams(opts.formData);\n formData = opts.formData;\n } else if (opts.body instanceof FormData) {\n searchParams = convertFormDataToSearchParams(opts.body);\n formData = opts.body;\n } else if (opts.body instanceof URLSearchParams) {\n searchParams = opts.body;\n formData = convertSearchParamsToFormData(searchParams);\n } else if (opts.body == null) {\n searchParams = new URLSearchParams();\n formData = new FormData();\n } else {\n try {\n searchParams = new URLSearchParams(opts.body);\n formData = convertSearchParamsToFormData(searchParams);\n } catch (e) {\n return getInvalidBodyError();\n }\n }\n let submission = {\n formMethod,\n formAction,\n formEncType: opts && opts.formEncType || \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\",\n formData,\n json: void 0,\n text: void 0\n };\n if (isMutationMethod(submission.formMethod)) {\n return { path, submission };\n }\n let parsedPath = parsePath(path);\n if (isFetcher && parsedPath.search && hasNakedIndexQuery(parsedPath.search)) {\n searchParams.append(\"index\", \"\");\n }\n parsedPath.search = `?${searchParams}`;\n return { path: createPath(parsedPath), submission };\n}\nfunction getLoaderMatchesUntilBoundary(matches, boundaryId, includeBoundary = false) {\n let index = matches.findIndex((m) => m.route.id === boundaryId);\n if (index >= 0) {\n return matches.slice(0, includeBoundary ? index + 1 : index);\n }\n return matches;\n}\nfunction getMatchesToLoad(history, state, matches, submission, location, initialHydration, isRevalidationRequired, cancelledFetcherLoads, fetchersQueuedForDeletion, fetchLoadMatches, fetchRedirectIds, routesToUse, basename, pendingActionResult) {\n let actionResult = pendingActionResult ? isErrorResult(pendingActionResult[1]) ? pendingActionResult[1].error : pendingActionResult[1].data : void 0;\n let currentUrl = history.createURL(state.location);\n let nextUrl = history.createURL(location);\n let boundaryMatches = matches;\n if (initialHydration && state.errors) {\n boundaryMatches = getLoaderMatchesUntilBoundary(\n matches,\n Object.keys(state.errors)[0],\n true\n );\n } else if (pendingActionResult && isErrorResult(pendingActionResult[1])) {\n boundaryMatches = getLoaderMatchesUntilBoundary(\n matches,\n pendingActionResult[0]\n );\n }\n let actionStatus = pendingActionResult ? pendingActionResult[1].statusCode : void 0;\n let shouldSkipRevalidation = actionStatus && actionStatus >= 400;\n let navigationMatches = boundaryMatches.filter((match, index) => {\n let { route } = match;\n if (route.lazy) {\n return true;\n }\n if (route.loader == null) {\n return false;\n }\n if (initialHydration) {\n return shouldLoadRouteOnHydration(route, state.loaderData, state.errors);\n }\n if (isNewLoader(state.loaderData, state.matches[index], match)) {\n return true;\n }\n let currentRouteMatch = state.matches[index];\n let nextRouteMatch = match;\n return shouldRevalidateLoader(match, {\n currentUrl,\n currentParams: currentRouteMatch.params,\n nextUrl,\n nextParams: nextRouteMatch.params,\n ...submission,\n actionResult,\n actionStatus,\n defaultShouldRevalidate: shouldSkipRevalidation ? false : (\n // Forced revalidation due to submission, useRevalidator, or X-Remix-Revalidate\n isRevalidationRequired || currentUrl.pathname + currentUrl.search === nextUrl.pathname + nextUrl.search || // Search params affect all loaders\n currentUrl.search !== nextUrl.search || isNewRouteInstance(currentRouteMatch, nextRouteMatch)\n )\n });\n });\n let revalidatingFetchers = [];\n fetchLoadMatches.forEach((f, key) => {\n if (initialHydration || !matches.some((m) => m.route.id === f.routeId) || fetchersQueuedForDeletion.has(key)) {\n return;\n }\n let fetcherMatches = matchRoutes(routesToUse, f.path, basename);\n if (!fetcherMatches) {\n revalidatingFetchers.push({\n key,\n routeId: f.routeId,\n path: f.path,\n matches: null,\n match: null,\n controller: null\n });\n return;\n }\n let fetcher = state.fetchers.get(key);\n let fetcherMatch = getTargetMatch(fetcherMatches, f.path);\n let shouldRevalidate = false;\n if (fetchRedirectIds.has(key)) {\n shouldRevalidate = false;\n } else if (cancelledFetcherLoads.has(key)) {\n cancelledFetcherLoads.delete(key);\n shouldRevalidate = true;\n } else if (fetcher && fetcher.state !== \"idle\" && fetcher.data === void 0) {\n shouldRevalidate = isRevalidationRequired;\n } else {\n shouldRevalidate = shouldRevalidateLoader(fetcherMatch, {\n currentUrl,\n currentParams: state.matches[state.matches.length - 1].params,\n nextUrl,\n nextParams: matches[matches.length - 1].params,\n ...submission,\n actionResult,\n actionStatus,\n defaultShouldRevalidate: shouldSkipRevalidation ? false : isRevalidationRequired\n });\n }\n if (shouldRevalidate) {\n revalidatingFetchers.push({\n key,\n routeId: f.routeId,\n path: f.path,\n matches: fetcherMatches,\n match: fetcherMatch,\n controller: new AbortController()\n });\n }\n });\n return [navigationMatches, revalidatingFetchers];\n}\nfunction shouldLoadRouteOnHydration(route, loaderData, errors) {\n if (route.lazy) {\n return true;\n }\n if (!route.loader) {\n return false;\n }\n let hasData = loaderData != null && loaderData[route.id] !== void 0;\n let hasError = errors != null && errors[route.id] !== void 0;\n if (!hasData && hasError) {\n return false;\n }\n if (typeof route.loader === \"function\" && route.loader.hydrate === true) {\n return true;\n }\n return !hasData && !hasError;\n}\nfunction isNewLoader(currentLoaderData, currentMatch, match) {\n let isNew = (\n // [a] -> [a, b]\n !currentMatch || // [a, b] -> [a, c]\n match.route.id !== currentMatch.route.id\n );\n let isMissingData = !currentLoaderData.hasOwnProperty(match.route.id);\n return isNew || isMissingData;\n}\nfunction isNewRouteInstance(currentMatch, match) {\n let currentPath = currentMatch.route.path;\n return (\n // param change for this match, /users/123 -> /users/456\n currentMatch.pathname !== match.pathname || // splat param changed, which is not present in match.path\n // e.g. /files/images/avatar.jpg -> files/finances.xls\n currentPath != null && currentPath.endsWith(\"*\") && currentMatch.params[\"*\"] !== match.params[\"*\"]\n );\n}\nfunction shouldRevalidateLoader(loaderMatch, arg) {\n if (loaderMatch.route.shouldRevalidate) {\n let routeChoice = loaderMatch.route.shouldRevalidate(arg);\n if (typeof routeChoice === \"boolean\") {\n return routeChoice;\n }\n }\n return arg.defaultShouldRevalidate;\n}\nfunction patchRoutesImpl(routeId, children, routesToUse, manifest, mapRouteProperties2) {\n let childrenToPatch;\n if (routeId) {\n let route = manifest[routeId];\n invariant(\n route,\n `No route found to patch children into: routeId = ${routeId}`\n );\n if (!route.children) {\n route.children = [];\n }\n childrenToPatch = route.children;\n } else {\n childrenToPatch = routesToUse;\n }\n let uniqueChildren = children.filter(\n (newRoute) => !childrenToPatch.some(\n (existingRoute) => isSameRoute(newRoute, existingRoute)\n )\n );\n let newRoutes = convertRoutesToDataRoutes(\n uniqueChildren,\n mapRouteProperties2,\n [routeId || \"_\", \"patch\", String(childrenToPatch?.length || \"0\")],\n manifest\n );\n childrenToPatch.push(...newRoutes);\n}\nfunction isSameRoute(newRoute, existingRoute) {\n if (\"id\" in newRoute && \"id\" in existingRoute && newRoute.id === existingRoute.id) {\n return true;\n }\n if (!(newRoute.index === existingRoute.index && newRoute.path === existingRoute.path && newRoute.caseSensitive === existingRoute.caseSensitive)) {\n return false;\n }\n if ((!newRoute.children || newRoute.children.length === 0) && (!existingRoute.children || existingRoute.children.length === 0)) {\n return true;\n }\n return newRoute.children.every(\n (aChild, i) => existingRoute.children?.some((bChild) => isSameRoute(aChild, bChild))\n );\n}\nasync function loadLazyRouteModule(route, mapRouteProperties2, manifest) {\n if (!route.lazy) {\n return;\n }\n let lazyRoute = await route.lazy();\n if (!route.lazy) {\n return;\n }\n let routeToUpdate = manifest[route.id];\n invariant(routeToUpdate, \"No route found in manifest\");\n let routeUpdates = {};\n for (let lazyRouteProperty in lazyRoute) {\n let staticRouteValue = routeToUpdate[lazyRouteProperty];\n let isPropertyStaticallyDefined = staticRouteValue !== void 0 && // This property isn't static since it should always be updated based\n // on the route updates\n lazyRouteProperty !== \"hasErrorBoundary\";\n warning(\n !isPropertyStaticallyDefined,\n `Route \"${routeToUpdate.id}\" has a static property \"${lazyRouteProperty}\" defined but its lazy function is also returning a value for this property. The lazy route property \"${lazyRouteProperty}\" will be ignored.`\n );\n if (!isPropertyStaticallyDefined && !immutableRouteKeys.has(lazyRouteProperty)) {\n routeUpdates[lazyRouteProperty] = lazyRoute[lazyRouteProperty];\n }\n }\n Object.assign(routeToUpdate, routeUpdates);\n Object.assign(routeToUpdate, {\n // To keep things framework agnostic, we use the provided `mapRouteProperties`\n // function to set the framework-aware properties (`element`/`hasErrorBoundary`)\n // since the logic will differ between frameworks.\n ...mapRouteProperties2(routeToUpdate),\n lazy: void 0\n });\n}\nasync function defaultDataStrategy({\n matches\n}) {\n let matchesToLoad = matches.filter((m) => m.shouldLoad);\n let results = await Promise.all(matchesToLoad.map((m) => m.resolve()));\n return results.reduce(\n (acc, result, i) => Object.assign(acc, { [matchesToLoad[i].route.id]: result }),\n {}\n );\n}\nasync function callDataStrategyImpl(dataStrategyImpl, type, state, request, matchesToLoad, matches, fetcherKey, manifest, mapRouteProperties2, requestContext) {\n let loadRouteDefinitionsPromises = matches.map(\n (m) => m.route.lazy ? loadLazyRouteModule(m.route, mapRouteProperties2, manifest) : void 0\n );\n let dsMatches = matches.map((match, i) => {\n let loadRoutePromise = loadRouteDefinitionsPromises[i];\n let shouldLoad = matchesToLoad.some((m) => m.route.id === match.route.id);\n let resolve = async (handlerOverride) => {\n if (handlerOverride && request.method === \"GET\" && (match.route.lazy || match.route.loader)) {\n shouldLoad = true;\n }\n return shouldLoad ? callLoaderOrAction(\n type,\n request,\n match,\n loadRoutePromise,\n handlerOverride,\n requestContext\n ) : Promise.resolve({ type: \"data\" /* data */, result: void 0 });\n };\n return {\n ...match,\n shouldLoad,\n resolve\n };\n });\n let results = await dataStrategyImpl({\n matches: dsMatches,\n request,\n params: matches[0].params,\n fetcherKey,\n context: requestContext\n });\n try {\n await Promise.all(loadRouteDefinitionsPromises);\n } catch (e) {\n }\n return results;\n}\nasync function callLoaderOrAction(type, request, match, loadRoutePromise, handlerOverride, staticContext) {\n let result;\n let onReject;\n let runHandler = (handler) => {\n let reject;\n let abortPromise = new Promise((_, r) => reject = r);\n onReject = () => reject();\n request.signal.addEventListener(\"abort\", onReject);\n let actualHandler = (ctx) => {\n if (typeof handler !== \"function\") {\n return Promise.reject(\n new Error(\n `You cannot call the handler for a route which defines a boolean \"${type}\" [routeId: ${match.route.id}]`\n )\n );\n }\n return handler(\n {\n request,\n params: match.params,\n context: staticContext\n },\n ...ctx !== void 0 ? [ctx] : []\n );\n };\n let handlerPromise = (async () => {\n try {\n let val = await (handlerOverride ? handlerOverride((ctx) => actualHandler(ctx)) : actualHandler());\n return { type: \"data\", result: val };\n } catch (e) {\n return { type: \"error\", result: e };\n }\n })();\n return Promise.race([handlerPromise, abortPromise]);\n };\n try {\n let handler = match.route[type];\n if (loadRoutePromise) {\n if (handler) {\n let handlerError;\n let [value] = await Promise.all([\n // If the handler throws, don't let it immediately bubble out,\n // since we need to let the lazy() execution finish so we know if this\n // route has a boundary that can handle the error\n runHandler(handler).catch((e) => {\n handlerError = e;\n }),\n loadRoutePromise\n ]);\n if (handlerError !== void 0) {\n throw handlerError;\n }\n result = value;\n } else {\n await loadRoutePromise;\n handler = match.route[type];\n if (handler) {\n result = await runHandler(handler);\n } else if (type === \"action\") {\n let url = new URL(request.url);\n let pathname = url.pathname + url.search;\n throw getInternalRouterError(405, {\n method: request.method,\n pathname,\n routeId: match.route.id\n });\n } else {\n return { type: \"data\" /* data */, result: void 0 };\n }\n }\n } else if (!handler) {\n let url = new URL(request.url);\n let pathname = url.pathname + url.search;\n throw getInternalRouterError(404, {\n pathname\n });\n } else {\n result = await runHandler(handler);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n return { type: \"error\" /* error */, result: e };\n } finally {\n if (onReject) {\n request.signal.removeEventListener(\"abort\", onReject);\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\nasync function convertDataStrategyResultToDataResult(dataStrategyResult) {\n let { result, type } = dataStrategyResult;\n if (isResponse(result)) {\n let data2;\n try {\n let contentType = result.headers.get(\"Content-Type\");\n if (contentType && /\\bapplication\\/json\\b/.test(contentType)) {\n if (result.body == null) {\n data2 = null;\n } else {\n data2 = await result.json();\n }\n } else {\n data2 = await result.text();\n }\n } catch (e) {\n return { type: \"error\" /* error */, error: e };\n }\n if (type === \"error\" /* error */) {\n return {\n type: \"error\" /* error */,\n error: new ErrorResponseImpl(result.status, result.statusText, data2),\n statusCode: result.status,\n headers: result.headers\n };\n }\n return {\n type: \"data\" /* data */,\n data: data2,\n statusCode: result.status,\n headers: result.headers\n };\n }\n if (type === \"error\" /* error */) {\n if (isDataWithResponseInit(result)) {\n if (result.data instanceof Error) {\n return {\n type: \"error\" /* error */,\n error: result.data,\n statusCode: result.init?.status\n };\n }\n result = new ErrorResponseImpl(\n result.init?.status || 500,\n void 0,\n result.data\n );\n }\n return {\n type: \"error\" /* error */,\n error: result,\n statusCode: isRouteErrorResponse(result) ? result.status : void 0\n };\n }\n if (isDataWithResponseInit(result)) {\n return {\n type: \"data\" /* data */,\n data: result.data,\n statusCode: result.init?.status,\n headers: result.init?.headers ? new Headers(result.init.headers) : void 0\n };\n }\n return { type: \"data\" /* data */, data: result };\n}\nfunction normalizeRelativeRoutingRedirectResponse(response, request, routeId, matches, basename) {\n let location = response.headers.get(\"Location\");\n invariant(\n location,\n \"Redirects returned/thrown from loaders/actions must have a Location header\"\n );\n if (!ABSOLUTE_URL_REGEX.test(location)) {\n let trimmedMatches = matches.slice(\n 0,\n matches.findIndex((m) => m.route.id === routeId) + 1\n );\n location = normalizeTo(\n new URL(request.url),\n trimmedMatches,\n basename,\n location\n );\n response.headers.set(\"Location\", location);\n }\n return response;\n}\nfunction normalizeRedirectLocation(location, currentUrl, basename) {\n if (ABSOLUTE_URL_REGEX.test(location)) {\n let normalizedLocation = location;\n let url = normalizedLocation.startsWith(\"//\") ? new URL(currentUrl.protocol + normalizedLocation) : new URL(normalizedLocation);\n let isSameBasename = stripBasename(url.pathname, basename) != null;\n if (url.origin === currentUrl.origin && isSameBasename) {\n return url.pathname + url.search + url.hash;\n }\n }\n return location;\n}\nfunction createClientSideRequest(history, location, signal, submission) {\n let url = history.createURL(stripHashFromPath(location)).toString();\n let init = { signal };\n if (submission && isMutationMethod(submission.formMethod)) {\n let { formMethod, formEncType } = submission;\n init.method = formMethod.toUpperCase();\n if (formEncType === \"application/json\") {\n init.headers = new Headers({ \"Content-Type\": formEncType });\n init.body = JSON.stringify(submission.json);\n } else if (formEncType === \"text/plain\") {\n init.body = submission.text;\n } else if (formEncType === \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\" && submission.formData) {\n init.body = convertFormDataToSearchParams(submission.formData);\n } else {\n init.body = submission.formData;\n }\n }\n return new Request(url, init);\n}\nfunction convertFormDataToSearchParams(formData) {\n let searchParams = new URLSearchParams();\n for (let [key, value] of formData.entries()) {\n searchParams.append(key, typeof value === \"string\" ? value : value.name);\n }\n return searchParams;\n}\nfunction convertSearchParamsToFormData(searchParams) {\n let formData = new FormData();\n for (let [key, value] of searchParams.entries()) {\n formData.append(key, value);\n }\n return formData;\n}\nfunction processRouteLoaderData(matches, results, pendingActionResult, isStaticHandler = false, skipLoaderErrorBubbling = false) {\n let loaderData = {};\n let errors = null;\n let statusCode;\n let foundError = false;\n let loaderHeaders = {};\n let pendingError = pendingActionResult && isErrorResult(pendingActionResult[1]) ? pendingActionResult[1].error : void 0;\n matches.forEach((match) => {\n if (!(match.route.id in results)) {\n return;\n }\n let id = match.route.id;\n let result = results[id];\n invariant(\n !isRedirectResult(result),\n \"Cannot handle redirect results in processLoaderData\"\n );\n if (isErrorResult(result)) {\n let error = result.error;\n if (pendingError !== void 0) {\n error = pendingError;\n pendingError = void 0;\n }\n errors = errors || {};\n if (skipLoaderErrorBubbling) {\n errors[id] = error;\n } else {\n let boundaryMatch = findNearestBoundary(matches, id);\n if (errors[boundaryMatch.route.id] == null) {\n errors[boundaryMatch.route.id] = error;\n }\n }\n if (!isStaticHandler) {\n loaderData[id] = ResetLoaderDataSymbol;\n }\n if (!foundError) {\n foundError = true;\n statusCode = isRouteErrorResponse(result.error) ? result.error.status : 500;\n }\n if (result.headers) {\n loaderHeaders[id] = result.headers;\n }\n } else {\n loaderData[id] = result.data;\n if (result.statusCode && result.statusCode !== 200 && !foundError) {\n statusCode = result.statusCode;\n }\n if (result.headers) {\n loaderHeaders[id] = result.headers;\n }\n }\n });\n if (pendingError !== void 0 && pendingActionResult) {\n errors = { [pendingActionResult[0]]: pendingError };\n loaderData[pendingActionResult[0]] = void 0;\n }\n return {\n loaderData,\n errors,\n statusCode: statusCode || 200,\n loaderHeaders\n };\n}\nfunction processLoaderData(state, matches, results, pendingActionResult, revalidatingFetchers, fetcherResults) {\n let { loaderData, errors } = processRouteLoaderData(\n matches,\n results,\n pendingActionResult\n );\n revalidatingFetchers.forEach((rf) => {\n let { key, match, controller } = rf;\n let result = fetcherResults[key];\n invariant(result, \"Did not find corresponding fetcher result\");\n if (controller && controller.signal.aborted) {\n return;\n } else if (isErrorResult(result)) {\n let boundaryMatch = findNearestBoundary(state.matches, match?.route.id);\n if (!(errors && errors[boundaryMatch.route.id])) {\n errors = {\n ...errors,\n [boundaryMatch.route.id]: result.error\n };\n }\n state.fetchers.delete(key);\n } else if (isRedirectResult(result)) {\n invariant(false, \"Unhandled fetcher revalidation redirect\");\n } else {\n let doneFetcher = getDoneFetcher(result.data);\n state.fetchers.set(key, doneFetcher);\n }\n });\n return { loaderData, errors };\n}\nfunction mergeLoaderData(loaderData, newLoaderData, matches, errors) {\n let mergedLoaderData = Object.entries(newLoaderData).filter(([, v]) => v !== ResetLoaderDataSymbol).reduce((merged, [k, v]) => {\n merged[k] = v;\n return merged;\n }, {});\n for (let match of matches) {\n let id = match.route.id;\n if (!newLoaderData.hasOwnProperty(id) && loaderData.hasOwnProperty(id) && match.route.loader) {\n mergedLoaderData[id] = loaderData[id];\n }\n if (errors && errors.hasOwnProperty(id)) {\n break;\n }\n }\n return mergedLoaderData;\n}\nfunction getActionDataForCommit(pendingActionResult) {\n if (!pendingActionResult) {\n return {};\n }\n return isErrorResult(pendingActionResult[1]) ? {\n // Clear out prior actionData on errors\n actionData: {}\n } : {\n actionData: {\n [pendingActionResult[0]]: pendingActionResult[1].data\n }\n };\n}\nfunction findNearestBoundary(matches, routeId) {\n let eligibleMatches = routeId ? matches.slice(0, matches.findIndex((m) => m.route.id === routeId) + 1) : [...matches];\n return eligibleMatches.reverse().find((m) => m.route.hasErrorBoundary === true) || matches[0];\n}\nfunction getShortCircuitMatches(routes) {\n let route = routes.length === 1 ? routes[0] : routes.find((r) => r.index || !r.path || r.path === \"/\") || {\n id: `__shim-error-route__`\n };\n return {\n matches: [\n {\n params: {},\n pathname: \"\",\n pathnameBase: \"\",\n route\n }\n ],\n route\n };\n}\nfunction getInternalRouterError(status, {\n pathname,\n routeId,\n method,\n type,\n message\n} = {}) {\n let statusText = \"Unknown Server Error\";\n let errorMessage = \"Unknown @remix-run/router error\";\n if (status === 400) {\n statusText = \"Bad Request\";\n if (method && pathname && routeId) {\n errorMessage = `You made a ${method} request to \"${pathname}\" but did not provide a \\`loader\\` for route \"${routeId}\", so there is no way to handle the request.`;\n } else if (type === \"invalid-body\") {\n errorMessage = \"Unable to encode submission body\";\n }\n } else if (status === 403) {\n statusText = \"Forbidden\";\n errorMessage = `Route \"${routeId}\" does not match URL \"${pathname}\"`;\n } else if (status === 404) {\n statusText = \"Not Found\";\n errorMessage = `No route matches URL \"${pathname}\"`;\n } else if (status === 405) {\n statusText = \"Method Not Allowed\";\n if (method && pathname && routeId) {\n errorMessage = `You made a ${method.toUpperCase()} request to \"${pathname}\" but did not provide an \\`action\\` for route \"${routeId}\", so there is no way to handle the request.`;\n } else if (method) {\n errorMessage = `Invalid request method \"${method.toUpperCase()}\"`;\n }\n }\n return new ErrorResponseImpl(\n status || 500,\n statusText,\n new Error(errorMessage),\n true\n );\n}\nfunction findRedirect(results) {\n let entries = Object.entries(results);\n for (let i = entries.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n let [key, result] = entries[i];\n if (isRedirectResult(result)) {\n return { key, result };\n }\n }\n}\nfunction stripHashFromPath(path) {\n let parsedPath = typeof path === \"string\" ? parsePath(path) : path;\n return createPath({ ...parsedPath, hash: \"\" });\n}\nfunction isHashChangeOnly(a, b) {\n if (a.pathname !== b.pathname || a.search !== b.search) {\n return false;\n }\n if (a.hash === \"\") {\n return b.hash !== \"\";\n } else if (a.hash === b.hash) {\n return true;\n } else if (b.hash !== \"\") {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n}\nfunction isDataStrategyResult(result) {\n return result != null && typeof result === \"object\" && \"type\" in result && \"result\" in result && (result.type === \"data\" /* data */ || result.type === \"error\" /* error */);\n}\nfunction isRedirectDataStrategyResult(result) {\n return isResponse(result.result) && redirectStatusCodes.has(result.result.status);\n}\nfunction isErrorResult(result) {\n return result.type === \"error\" /* error */;\n}\nfunction isRedirectResult(result) {\n return (result && result.type) === \"redirect\" /* redirect */;\n}\nfunction isDataWithResponseInit(value) {\n return typeof value === \"object\" && value != null && \"type\" in value && \"data\" in value && \"init\" in value && value.type === \"DataWithResponseInit\";\n}\nfunction isResponse(value) {\n return value != null && typeof value.status === \"number\" && typeof value.statusText === \"string\" && typeof value.headers === \"object\" && typeof value.body !== \"undefined\";\n}\nfunction isRedirectStatusCode(statusCode) {\n return redirectStatusCodes.has(statusCode);\n}\nfunction isRedirectResponse(result) {\n return isResponse(result) && isRedirectStatusCode(result.status) && result.headers.has(\"Location\");\n}\nfunction isValidMethod(method) {\n return validRequestMethods.has(method.toUpperCase());\n}\nfunction isMutationMethod(method) {\n return validMutationMethods.has(method.toUpperCase());\n}\nfunction hasNakedIndexQuery(search) {\n return new URLSearchParams(search).getAll(\"index\").some((v) => v === \"\");\n}\nfunction getTargetMatch(matches, location) {\n let search = typeof location === \"string\" ? parsePath(location).search : location.search;\n if (matches[matches.length - 1].route.index && hasNakedIndexQuery(search || \"\")) {\n return matches[matches.length - 1];\n }\n let pathMatches = getPathContributingMatches(matches);\n return pathMatches[pathMatches.length - 1];\n}\nfunction getSubmissionFromNavigation(navigation) {\n let { formMethod, formAction, formEncType, text, formData, json } = navigation;\n if (!formMethod || !formAction || !formEncType) {\n return;\n }\n if (text != null) {\n return {\n formMethod,\n formAction,\n formEncType,\n formData: void 0,\n json: void 0,\n text\n };\n } else if (formData != null) {\n return {\n formMethod,\n formAction,\n formEncType,\n formData,\n json: void 0,\n text: void 0\n };\n } else if (json !== void 0) {\n return {\n formMethod,\n formAction,\n formEncType,\n formData: void 0,\n json,\n text: void 0\n };\n }\n}\nfunction getLoadingNavigation(location, submission) {\n if (submission) {\n let navigation = {\n state: \"loading\",\n location,\n formMethod: submission.formMethod,\n formAction: submission.formAction,\n formEncType: submission.formEncType,\n formData: submission.formData,\n json: submission.json,\n text: submission.text\n };\n return navigation;\n } else {\n let navigation = {\n state: \"loading\",\n location,\n formMethod: void 0,\n formAction: void 0,\n formEncType: void 0,\n formData: void 0,\n json: void 0,\n text: void 0\n };\n return navigation;\n }\n}\nfunction getSubmittingNavigation(location, submission) {\n let navigation = {\n state: \"submitting\",\n location,\n formMethod: submission.formMethod,\n formAction: submission.formAction,\n formEncType: submission.formEncType,\n formData: submission.formData,\n json: submission.json,\n text: submission.text\n };\n return navigation;\n}\nfunction getLoadingFetcher(submission, data2) {\n if (submission) {\n let fetcher = {\n state: \"loading\",\n formMethod: submission.formMethod,\n formAction: submission.formAction,\n formEncType: submission.formEncType,\n formData: submission.formData,\n json: submission.json,\n text: submission.text,\n data: data2\n };\n return fetcher;\n } else {\n let fetcher = {\n state: \"loading\",\n formMethod: void 0,\n formAction: void 0,\n formEncType: void 0,\n formData: void 0,\n json: void 0,\n text: void 0,\n data: data2\n };\n return fetcher;\n }\n}\nfunction getSubmittingFetcher(submission, existingFetcher) {\n let fetcher = {\n state: \"submitting\",\n formMethod: submission.formMethod,\n formAction: submission.formAction,\n formEncType: submission.formEncType,\n formData: submission.formData,\n json: submission.json,\n text: submission.text,\n data: existingFetcher ? existingFetcher.data : void 0\n };\n return fetcher;\n}\nfunction getDoneFetcher(data2) {\n let fetcher = {\n state: \"idle\",\n formMethod: void 0,\n formAction: void 0,\n formEncType: void 0,\n formData: void 0,\n json: void 0,\n text: void 0,\n data: data2\n };\n return fetcher;\n}\nfunction restoreAppliedTransitions(_window, transitions) {\n try {\n let sessionPositions = _window.sessionStorage.getItem(\n TRANSITIONS_STORAGE_KEY\n );\n if (sessionPositions) {\n let json = JSON.parse(sessionPositions);\n for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(json || {})) {\n if (v && Array.isArray(v)) {\n transitions.set(k, new Set(v || []));\n }\n }\n }\n } catch (e) {\n }\n}\nfunction persistAppliedTransitions(_window, transitions) {\n if (transitions.size > 0) {\n let json = {};\n for (let [k, v] of transitions) {\n json[k] = [...v];\n }\n try {\n _window.sessionStorage.setItem(\n TRANSITIONS_STORAGE_KEY,\n JSON.stringify(json)\n );\n } catch (error) {\n warning(\n false,\n `Failed to save applied view transitions in sessionStorage (${error}).`\n );\n }\n }\n}\nfunction createDeferred() {\n let resolve;\n let reject;\n let promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {\n resolve = async (val) => {\n res(val);\n try {\n await promise;\n } catch (e) {\n }\n };\n reject = async (error) => {\n rej(error);\n try {\n await promise;\n } catch (e) {\n }\n };\n });\n return {\n promise,\n //@ts-ignore\n resolve,\n //@ts-ignore\n reject\n };\n}\n\n// lib/components.tsx\nimport * as React3 from \"react\";\n\n// lib/context.ts\nimport * as React from \"react\";\nvar DataRouterContext = React.createContext(null);\nDataRouterContext.displayName = \"DataRouter\";\nvar DataRouterStateContext = React.createContext(null);\nDataRouterStateContext.displayName = \"DataRouterState\";\nvar ViewTransitionContext = React.createContext({\n isTransitioning: false\n});\nViewTransitionContext.displayName = \"ViewTransition\";\nvar FetchersContext = React.createContext(\n /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()\n);\nFetchersContext.displayName = \"Fetchers\";\nvar AwaitContext = React.createContext(null);\nAwaitContext.displayName = \"Await\";\nvar NavigationContext = React.createContext(\n null\n);\nNavigationContext.displayName = \"Navigation\";\nvar LocationContext = React.createContext(\n null\n);\nLocationContext.displayName = \"Location\";\nvar RouteContext = React.createContext({\n outlet: null,\n matches: [],\n isDataRoute: false\n});\nRouteContext.displayName = \"Route\";\nvar RouteErrorContext = React.createContext(null);\nRouteErrorContext.displayName = \"RouteError\";\n\n// lib/hooks.tsx\nimport * as React2 from \"react\";\nvar ENABLE_DEV_WARNINGS = false;\nfunction useHref(to, { relative } = {}) {\n invariant(\n useInRouterContext(),\n // TODO: This error is probably because they somehow have 2 versions of the\n // router loaded. We can help them understand how to avoid that.\n `useHref() may be used only in the context of a component.`\n );\n let { basename, navigator: navigator2 } = React2.useContext(NavigationContext);\n let { hash, pathname, search } = useResolvedPath(to, { relative });\n let joinedPathname = pathname;\n if (basename !== \"/\") {\n joinedPathname = pathname === \"/\" ? basename : joinPaths([basename, pathname]);\n }\n return navigator2.createHref({ pathname: joinedPathname, search, hash });\n}\nfunction useInRouterContext() {\n return React2.useContext(LocationContext) != null;\n}\nfunction useLocation() {\n invariant(\n useInRouterContext(),\n // TODO: This error is probably because they somehow have 2 versions of the\n // router loaded. We can help them understand how to avoid that.\n `useLocation() may be used only in the context of a component.`\n );\n return React2.useContext(LocationContext).location;\n}\nfunction useNavigationType() {\n return React2.useContext(LocationContext).navigationType;\n}\nfunction useMatch(pattern) {\n invariant(\n useInRouterContext(),\n // TODO: This error is probably because they somehow have 2 versions of the\n // router loaded. We can help them understand how to avoid that.\n `useMatch() may be used only in the context of a component.`\n );\n let { pathname } = useLocation();\n return React2.useMemo(\n () => matchPath(pattern, decodePath(pathname)),\n [pathname, pattern]\n );\n}\nvar navigateEffectWarning = `You should call navigate() in a React.useEffect(), not when your component is first rendered.`;\nfunction useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(cb) {\n let isStatic = React2.useContext(NavigationContext).static;\n if (!isStatic) {\n React2.useLayoutEffect(cb);\n }\n}\nfunction useNavigate() {\n let { isDataRoute } = React2.useContext(RouteContext);\n return isDataRoute ? useNavigateStable() : useNavigateUnstable();\n}\nfunction useNavigateUnstable() {\n invariant(\n useInRouterContext(),\n // TODO: This error is probably because they somehow have 2 versions of the\n // router loaded. We can help them understand how to avoid that.\n `useNavigate() may be used only in the context of a component.`\n );\n let dataRouterContext = React2.useContext(DataRouterContext);\n let { basename, navigator: navigator2 } = React2.useContext(NavigationContext);\n let { matches } = React2.useContext(RouteContext);\n let { pathname: locationPathname } = useLocation();\n let routePathnamesJson = JSON.stringify(getResolveToMatches(matches));\n let activeRef = React2.useRef(false);\n useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => {\n activeRef.current = true;\n });\n let navigate = React2.useCallback(\n (to, options = {}) => {\n warning(activeRef.current, navigateEffectWarning);\n if (!activeRef.current) return;\n if (typeof to === \"number\") {\n navigator2.go(to);\n return;\n }\n let path = resolveTo(\n to,\n JSON.parse(routePathnamesJson),\n locationPathname,\n options.relative === \"path\"\n );\n if (dataRouterContext == null && basename !== \"/\") {\n path.pathname = path.pathname === \"/\" ? basename : joinPaths([basename, path.pathname]);\n }\n (!!options.replace ? navigator2.replace : navigator2.push)(\n path,\n options.state,\n options\n );\n },\n [\n basename,\n navigator2,\n routePathnamesJson,\n locationPathname,\n dataRouterContext\n ]\n );\n return navigate;\n}\nvar OutletContext = React2.createContext(null);\nfunction useOutletContext() {\n return React2.useContext(OutletContext);\n}\nfunction useOutlet(context) {\n let outlet = React2.useContext(RouteContext).outlet;\n if (outlet) {\n return /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(OutletContext.Provider, { value: context }, outlet);\n }\n return outlet;\n}\nfunction useParams() {\n let { matches } = React2.useContext(RouteContext);\n let routeMatch = matches[matches.length - 1];\n return routeMatch ? routeMatch.params : {};\n}\nfunction useResolvedPath(to, { relative } = {}) {\n let { matches } = React2.useContext(RouteContext);\n let { pathname: locationPathname } = useLocation();\n let routePathnamesJson = JSON.stringify(getResolveToMatches(matches));\n return React2.useMemo(\n () => resolveTo(\n to,\n JSON.parse(routePathnamesJson),\n locationPathname,\n relative === \"path\"\n ),\n [to, routePathnamesJson, locationPathname, relative]\n );\n}\nfunction useRoutes(routes, locationArg) {\n return useRoutesImpl(routes, locationArg);\n}\nfunction useRoutesImpl(routes, locationArg, dataRouterState, future) {\n invariant(\n useInRouterContext(),\n // TODO: This error is probably because they somehow have 2 versions of the\n // router loaded. We can help them understand how to avoid that.\n `useRoutes() may be used only in the context of a component.`\n );\n let { navigator: navigator2 } = React2.useContext(NavigationContext);\n let { matches: parentMatches } = React2.useContext(RouteContext);\n let routeMatch = parentMatches[parentMatches.length - 1];\n let parentParams = routeMatch ? routeMatch.params : {};\n let parentPathname = routeMatch ? routeMatch.pathname : \"/\";\n let parentPathnameBase = routeMatch ? routeMatch.pathnameBase : \"/\";\n let parentRoute = routeMatch && routeMatch.route;\n if (ENABLE_DEV_WARNINGS) {\n let parentPath = parentRoute && parentRoute.path || \"\";\n warningOnce(\n parentPathname,\n !parentRoute || parentPath.endsWith(\"*\") || parentPath.endsWith(\"*?\"),\n `You rendered descendant (or called \\`useRoutes()\\`) at \"${parentPathname}\" (under ) but the parent route path has no trailing \"*\". This means if you navigate deeper, the parent won't match anymore and therefore the child routes will never render.\n\nPlease change the parent to .`\n );\n }\n let locationFromContext = useLocation();\n let location;\n if (locationArg) {\n let parsedLocationArg = typeof locationArg === \"string\" ? parsePath(locationArg) : locationArg;\n invariant(\n parentPathnameBase === \"/\" || parsedLocationArg.pathname?.startsWith(parentPathnameBase),\n `When overriding the location using \\`\\` or \\`useRoutes(routes, location)\\`, the location pathname must begin with the portion of the URL pathname that was matched by all parent routes. The current pathname base is \"${parentPathnameBase}\" but pathname \"${parsedLocationArg.pathname}\" was given in the \\`location\\` prop.`\n );\n location = parsedLocationArg;\n } else {\n location = locationFromContext;\n }\n let pathname = location.pathname || \"/\";\n let remainingPathname = pathname;\n if (parentPathnameBase !== \"/\") {\n let parentSegments = parentPathnameBase.replace(/^\\//, \"\").split(\"/\");\n let segments = pathname.replace(/^\\//, \"\").split(\"/\");\n remainingPathname = \"/\" + segments.slice(parentSegments.length).join(\"/\");\n }\n let matches = matchRoutes(routes, { pathname: remainingPathname });\n if (ENABLE_DEV_WARNINGS) {\n warning(\n parentRoute || matches != null,\n `No routes matched location \"${location.pathname}${location.search}${location.hash}\" `\n );\n warning(\n matches == null || matches[matches.length - 1].route.element !== void 0 || matches[matches.length - 1].route.Component !== void 0 || matches[matches.length - 1].route.lazy !== void 0,\n `Matched leaf route at location \"${location.pathname}${location.search}${location.hash}\" does not have an element or Component. This means it will render an with a null value by default resulting in an \"empty\" page.`\n );\n }\n let renderedMatches = _renderMatches(\n matches && matches.map(\n (match) => Object.assign({}, match, {\n params: Object.assign({}, parentParams, match.params),\n pathname: joinPaths([\n parentPathnameBase,\n // Re-encode pathnames that were decoded inside matchRoutes\n navigator2.encodeLocation ? navigator2.encodeLocation(match.pathname).pathname : match.pathname\n ]),\n pathnameBase: match.pathnameBase === \"/\" ? parentPathnameBase : joinPaths([\n parentPathnameBase,\n // Re-encode pathnames that were decoded inside matchRoutes\n navigator2.encodeLocation ? navigator2.encodeLocation(match.pathnameBase).pathname : match.pathnameBase\n ])\n })\n ),\n parentMatches,\n dataRouterState,\n future\n );\n if (locationArg && renderedMatches) {\n return /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(\n LocationContext.Provider,\n {\n value: {\n location: {\n pathname: \"/\",\n search: \"\",\n hash: \"\",\n state: null,\n key: \"default\",\n ...location\n },\n navigationType: \"POP\" /* Pop */\n }\n },\n renderedMatches\n );\n }\n return renderedMatches;\n}\nfunction DefaultErrorComponent() {\n let error = useRouteError();\n let message = isRouteErrorResponse(error) ? `${error.status} ${error.statusText}` : error instanceof Error ? error.message : JSON.stringify(error);\n let stack = error instanceof Error ? error.stack : null;\n let lightgrey = \"rgba(200,200,200, 0.5)\";\n let preStyles = { padding: \"0.5rem\", backgroundColor: lightgrey };\n let codeStyles = { padding: \"2px 4px\", backgroundColor: lightgrey };\n let devInfo = null;\n if (ENABLE_DEV_WARNINGS) {\n console.error(\n \"Error handled by React Router default ErrorBoundary:\",\n error\n );\n devInfo = /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(React2.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(\"p\", null, \"\\u{1F4BF} Hey developer \\u{1F44B}\"), /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(\"p\", null, \"You can provide a way better UX than this when your app throws errors by providing your own \", /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(\"code\", { style: codeStyles }, \"ErrorBoundary\"), \" or\", \" \", /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(\"code\", { style: codeStyles }, \"errorElement\"), \" prop on your route.\"));\n }\n return /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(React2.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(\"h2\", null, \"Unexpected Application Error!\"), /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(\"h3\", { style: { fontStyle: \"italic\" } }, message), stack ? /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(\"pre\", { style: preStyles }, stack) : null, devInfo);\n}\nvar defaultErrorElement = /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(DefaultErrorComponent, null);\nvar RenderErrorBoundary = class extends React2.Component {\n constructor(props) {\n super(props);\n this.state = {\n location: props.location,\n revalidation: props.revalidation,\n error: props.error\n };\n }\n static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {\n return { error };\n }\n static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {\n if (state.location !== props.location || state.revalidation !== \"idle\" && props.revalidation === \"idle\") {\n return {\n error: props.error,\n location: props.location,\n revalidation: props.revalidation\n };\n }\n return {\n error: props.error !== void 0 ? props.error : state.error,\n location: state.location,\n revalidation: props.revalidation || state.revalidation\n };\n }\n componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {\n console.error(\n \"React Router caught the following error during render\",\n error,\n errorInfo\n );\n }\n render() {\n return this.state.error !== void 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(RouteContext.Provider, { value: this.props.routeContext }, /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(\n RouteErrorContext.Provider,\n {\n value: this.state.error,\n children: this.props.component\n }\n )) : this.props.children;\n }\n};\nfunction RenderedRoute({ routeContext, match, children }) {\n let dataRouterContext = React2.useContext(DataRouterContext);\n if (dataRouterContext && dataRouterContext.static && dataRouterContext.staticContext && (match.route.errorElement || match.route.ErrorBoundary)) {\n dataRouterContext.staticContext._deepestRenderedBoundaryId = match.route.id;\n }\n return /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(RouteContext.Provider, { value: routeContext }, children);\n}\nfunction _renderMatches(matches, parentMatches = [], dataRouterState = null, future = null) {\n if (matches == null) {\n if (!dataRouterState) {\n return null;\n }\n if (dataRouterState.errors) {\n matches = dataRouterState.matches;\n } else if (parentMatches.length === 0 && !dataRouterState.initialized && dataRouterState.matches.length > 0) {\n matches = dataRouterState.matches;\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }\n let renderedMatches = matches;\n let errors = dataRouterState?.errors;\n if (errors != null) {\n let errorIndex = renderedMatches.findIndex(\n (m) => m.route.id && errors?.[m.route.id] !== void 0\n );\n invariant(\n errorIndex >= 0,\n `Could not find a matching route for errors on route IDs: ${Object.keys(\n errors\n ).join(\",\")}`\n );\n renderedMatches = renderedMatches.slice(\n 0,\n Math.min(renderedMatches.length, errorIndex + 1)\n );\n }\n let renderFallback = false;\n let fallbackIndex = -1;\n if (dataRouterState) {\n for (let i = 0; i < renderedMatches.length; i++) {\n let match = renderedMatches[i];\n if (match.route.HydrateFallback || match.route.hydrateFallbackElement) {\n fallbackIndex = i;\n }\n if (match.route.id) {\n let { loaderData, errors: errors2 } = dataRouterState;\n let needsToRunLoader = match.route.loader && !loaderData.hasOwnProperty(match.route.id) && (!errors2 || errors2[match.route.id] === void 0);\n if (match.route.lazy || needsToRunLoader) {\n renderFallback = true;\n if (fallbackIndex >= 0) {\n renderedMatches = renderedMatches.slice(0, fallbackIndex + 1);\n } else {\n renderedMatches = [renderedMatches[0]];\n }\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return renderedMatches.reduceRight((outlet, match, index) => {\n let error;\n let shouldRenderHydrateFallback = false;\n let errorElement = null;\n let hydrateFallbackElement = null;\n if (dataRouterState) {\n error = errors && match.route.id ? errors[match.route.id] : void 0;\n errorElement = match.route.errorElement || defaultErrorElement;\n if (renderFallback) {\n if (fallbackIndex < 0 && index === 0) {\n warningOnce(\n \"route-fallback\",\n false,\n \"No `HydrateFallback` element provided to render during initial hydration\"\n );\n shouldRenderHydrateFallback = true;\n hydrateFallbackElement = null;\n } else if (fallbackIndex === index) {\n shouldRenderHydrateFallback = true;\n hydrateFallbackElement = match.route.hydrateFallbackElement || null;\n }\n }\n }\n let matches2 = parentMatches.concat(renderedMatches.slice(0, index + 1));\n let getChildren = () => {\n let children;\n if (error) {\n children = errorElement;\n } else if (shouldRenderHydrateFallback) {\n children = hydrateFallbackElement;\n } else if (match.route.Component) {\n children = /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(match.route.Component, null);\n } else if (match.route.element) {\n children = match.route.element;\n } else {\n children = outlet;\n }\n return /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(\n RenderedRoute,\n {\n match,\n routeContext: {\n outlet,\n matches: matches2,\n isDataRoute: dataRouterState != null\n },\n children\n }\n );\n };\n return dataRouterState && (match.route.ErrorBoundary || match.route.errorElement || index === 0) ? /* @__PURE__ */ React2.createElement(\n RenderErrorBoundary,\n {\n location: dataRouterState.location,\n revalidation: dataRouterState.revalidation,\n component: errorElement,\n error,\n children: getChildren(),\n routeContext: { outlet: null, matches: matches2, isDataRoute: true }\n }\n ) : getChildren();\n }, null);\n}\nfunction getDataRouterConsoleError(hookName) {\n return `${hookName} must be used within a data router. See https://reactrouter.com/en/main/routers/picking-a-router.`;\n}\nfunction useDataRouterContext(hookName) {\n let ctx = React2.useContext(DataRouterContext);\n invariant(ctx, getDataRouterConsoleError(hookName));\n return ctx;\n}\nfunction useDataRouterState(hookName) {\n let state = React2.useContext(DataRouterStateContext);\n invariant(state, getDataRouterConsoleError(hookName));\n return state;\n}\nfunction useRouteContext(hookName) {\n let route = React2.useContext(RouteContext);\n invariant(route, getDataRouterConsoleError(hookName));\n return route;\n}\nfunction useCurrentRouteId(hookName) {\n let route = useRouteContext(hookName);\n let thisRoute = route.matches[route.matches.length - 1];\n invariant(\n thisRoute.route.id,\n `${hookName} can only be used on routes that contain a unique \"id\"`\n );\n return thisRoute.route.id;\n}\nfunction useRouteId() {\n return useCurrentRouteId(\"useRouteId\" /* UseRouteId */);\n}\nfunction useNavigation() {\n let state = useDataRouterState(\"useNavigation\" /* UseNavigation */);\n return state.navigation;\n}\nfunction useRevalidator() {\n let dataRouterContext = useDataRouterContext(\"useRevalidator\" /* UseRevalidator */);\n let state = useDataRouterState(\"useRevalidator\" /* UseRevalidator */);\n return React2.useMemo(\n () => ({\n async revalidate() {\n await dataRouterContext.router.revalidate();\n },\n state: state.revalidation\n }),\n [dataRouterContext.router, state.revalidation]\n );\n}\nfunction useMatches() {\n let { matches, loaderData } = useDataRouterState(\n \"useMatches\" /* UseMatches */\n );\n return React2.useMemo(\n () => matches.map((m) => convertRouteMatchToUiMatch(m, loaderData)),\n [matches, loaderData]\n );\n}\nfunction useLoaderData() {\n let state = useDataRouterState(\"useLoaderData\" /* UseLoaderData */);\n let routeId = useCurrentRouteId(\"useLoaderData\" /* UseLoaderData */);\n return state.loaderData[routeId];\n}\nfunction useRouteLoaderData(routeId) {\n let state = useDataRouterState(\"useRouteLoaderData\" /* UseRouteLoaderData */);\n return state.loaderData[routeId];\n}\nfunction useActionData() {\n let state = useDataRouterState(\"useActionData\" /* UseActionData */);\n let routeId = useCurrentRouteId(\"useLoaderData\" /* UseLoaderData */);\n return state.actionData ? state.actionData[routeId] : void 0;\n}\nfunction useRouteError() {\n let error = React2.useContext(RouteErrorContext);\n let state = useDataRouterState(\"useRouteError\" /* UseRouteError */);\n let routeId = useCurrentRouteId(\"useRouteError\" /* UseRouteError */);\n if (error !== void 0) {\n return error;\n }\n return state.errors?.[routeId];\n}\nfunction useAsyncValue() {\n let value = React2.useContext(AwaitContext);\n return value?._data;\n}\nfunction useAsyncError() {\n let value = React2.useContext(AwaitContext);\n return value?._error;\n}\nvar blockerId = 0;\nfunction useBlocker(shouldBlock) {\n let { router, basename } = useDataRouterContext(\"useBlocker\" /* UseBlocker */);\n let state = useDataRouterState(\"useBlocker\" /* UseBlocker */);\n let [blockerKey, setBlockerKey] = React2.useState(\"\");\n let blockerFunction = React2.useCallback(\n (arg) => {\n if (typeof shouldBlock !== \"function\") {\n return !!shouldBlock;\n }\n if (basename === \"/\") {\n return shouldBlock(arg);\n }\n let { currentLocation, nextLocation, historyAction } = arg;\n return shouldBlock({\n currentLocation: {\n ...currentLocation,\n pathname: stripBasename(currentLocation.pathname, basename) || currentLocation.pathname\n },\n nextLocation: {\n ...nextLocation,\n pathname: stripBasename(nextLocation.pathname, basename) || nextLocation.pathname\n },\n historyAction\n });\n },\n [basename, shouldBlock]\n );\n React2.useEffect(() => {\n let key = String(++blockerId);\n setBlockerKey(key);\n return () => router.deleteBlocker(key);\n }, [router]);\n React2.useEffect(() => {\n if (blockerKey !== \"\") {\n router.getBlocker(blockerKey, blockerFunction);\n }\n }, [router, blockerKey, blockerFunction]);\n return blockerKey && state.blockers.has(blockerKey) ? state.blockers.get(blockerKey) : IDLE_BLOCKER;\n}\nfunction useNavigateStable() {\n let { router } = useDataRouterContext(\"useNavigate\" /* UseNavigateStable */);\n let id = useCurrentRouteId(\"useNavigate\" /* UseNavigateStable */);\n let activeRef = React2.useRef(false);\n useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => {\n activeRef.current = true;\n });\n let navigate = React2.useCallback(\n async (to, options = {}) => {\n warning(activeRef.current, navigateEffectWarning);\n if (!activeRef.current) return;\n if (typeof to === \"number\") {\n router.navigate(to);\n } else {\n await router.navigate(to, { fromRouteId: id, ...options });\n }\n },\n [router, id]\n );\n return navigate;\n}\nvar alreadyWarned = {};\nfunction warningOnce(key, cond, message) {\n if (!cond && !alreadyWarned[key]) {\n alreadyWarned[key] = true;\n warning(false, message);\n }\n}\n\n// lib/server-runtime/warnings.ts\nvar alreadyWarned2 = {};\nfunction warnOnce(condition, message) {\n if (!condition && !alreadyWarned2[message]) {\n alreadyWarned2[message] = true;\n console.warn(message);\n }\n}\n\n// lib/components.tsx\nvar ENABLE_DEV_WARNINGS2 = false;\nfunction mapRouteProperties(route) {\n let updates = {\n // Note: this check also occurs in createRoutesFromChildren so update\n // there if you change this -- please and thank you!\n hasErrorBoundary: route.hasErrorBoundary || route.ErrorBoundary != null || route.errorElement != null\n };\n if (route.Component) {\n if (ENABLE_DEV_WARNINGS2) {\n if (route.element) {\n warning(\n false,\n \"You should not include both `Component` and `element` on your route - `Component` will be used.\"\n );\n }\n }\n Object.assign(updates, {\n element: React3.createElement(route.Component),\n Component: void 0\n });\n }\n if (route.HydrateFallback) {\n if (ENABLE_DEV_WARNINGS2) {\n if (route.hydrateFallbackElement) {\n warning(\n false,\n \"You should not include both `HydrateFallback` and `hydrateFallbackElement` on your route - `HydrateFallback` will be used.\"\n );\n }\n }\n Object.assign(updates, {\n hydrateFallbackElement: React3.createElement(route.HydrateFallback),\n HydrateFallback: void 0\n });\n }\n if (route.ErrorBoundary) {\n if (ENABLE_DEV_WARNINGS2) {\n if (route.errorElement) {\n warning(\n false,\n \"You should not include both `ErrorBoundary` and `errorElement` on your route - `ErrorBoundary` will be used.\"\n );\n }\n }\n Object.assign(updates, {\n errorElement: React3.createElement(route.ErrorBoundary),\n ErrorBoundary: void 0\n });\n }\n return updates;\n}\nfunction createMemoryRouter(routes, opts) {\n return createRouter({\n basename: opts?.basename,\n future: opts?.future,\n history: createMemoryHistory({\n initialEntries: opts?.initialEntries,\n initialIndex: opts?.initialIndex\n }),\n hydrationData: opts?.hydrationData,\n routes,\n mapRouteProperties,\n dataStrategy: opts?.dataStrategy,\n patchRoutesOnNavigation: opts?.patchRoutesOnNavigation\n }).initialize();\n}\nvar Deferred = class {\n constructor() {\n this.status = \"pending\";\n this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n this.resolve = (value) => {\n if (this.status === \"pending\") {\n this.status = \"resolved\";\n resolve(value);\n }\n };\n this.reject = (reason) => {\n if (this.status === \"pending\") {\n this.status = \"rejected\";\n reject(reason);\n }\n };\n });\n }\n};\nfunction RouterProvider({\n router,\n flushSync: reactDomFlushSyncImpl\n}) {\n let [state, setStateImpl] = React3.useState(router.state);\n let [pendingState, setPendingState] = React3.useState();\n let [vtContext, setVtContext] = React3.useState({\n isTransitioning: false\n });\n let [renderDfd, setRenderDfd] = React3.useState();\n let [transition, setTransition] = React3.useState();\n let [interruption, setInterruption] = React3.useState();\n let fetcherData = React3.useRef(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map());\n let setState = React3.useCallback(\n (newState, { deletedFetchers, flushSync, viewTransitionOpts }) => {\n deletedFetchers.forEach((key) => fetcherData.current.delete(key));\n newState.fetchers.forEach((fetcher, key) => {\n if (fetcher.data !== void 0) {\n fetcherData.current.set(key, fetcher.data);\n }\n });\n warnOnce(\n flushSync === false || reactDomFlushSyncImpl != null,\n 'You provided the `flushSync` option to a router update, but you are not using the `` from `react-router/dom` so `ReactDOM.flushSync()` is unavailable. Please update your app to `import { RouterProvider } from \"react-router/dom\"` and ensure you have `react-dom` installed as a dependency to use the `flushSync` option.'\n );\n let isViewTransitionAvailable = router.window != null && router.window.document != null && typeof router.window.document.startViewTransition === \"function\";\n warnOnce(\n viewTransitionOpts == null || isViewTransitionAvailable,\n \"You provided the `viewTransition` option to a router update, but you do not appear to be running in a DOM environment as `window.startViewTransition` is not available.\"\n );\n if (!viewTransitionOpts || !isViewTransitionAvailable) {\n if (reactDomFlushSyncImpl && flushSync) {\n reactDomFlushSyncImpl(() => setStateImpl(newState));\n } else {\n React3.startTransition(() => setStateImpl(newState));\n }\n return;\n }\n if (reactDomFlushSyncImpl && flushSync) {\n reactDomFlushSyncImpl(() => {\n if (transition) {\n renderDfd && renderDfd.resolve();\n transition.skipTransition();\n }\n setVtContext({\n isTransitioning: true,\n flushSync: true,\n currentLocation: viewTransitionOpts.currentLocation,\n nextLocation: viewTransitionOpts.nextLocation\n });\n });\n let t = router.window.document.startViewTransition(() => {\n reactDomFlushSyncImpl(() => setStateImpl(newState));\n });\n t.finished.finally(() => {\n reactDomFlushSyncImpl(() => {\n setRenderDfd(void 0);\n setTransition(void 0);\n setPendingState(void 0);\n setVtContext({ isTransitioning: false });\n });\n });\n reactDomFlushSyncImpl(() => setTransition(t));\n return;\n }\n if (transition) {\n renderDfd && renderDfd.resolve();\n transition.skipTransition();\n setInterruption({\n state: newState,\n currentLocation: viewTransitionOpts.currentLocation,\n nextLocation: viewTransitionOpts.nextLocation\n });\n } else {\n setPendingState(newState);\n setVtContext({\n isTransitioning: true,\n flushSync: false,\n currentLocation: viewTransitionOpts.currentLocation,\n nextLocation: viewTransitionOpts.nextLocation\n });\n }\n },\n [router.window, reactDomFlushSyncImpl, transition, renderDfd]\n );\n React3.useLayoutEffect(() => router.subscribe(setState), [router, setState]);\n React3.useEffect(() => {\n if (vtContext.isTransitioning && !vtContext.flushSync) {\n setRenderDfd(new Deferred());\n }\n }, [vtContext]);\n React3.useEffect(() => {\n if (renderDfd && pendingState && router.window) {\n let newState = pendingState;\n let renderPromise = renderDfd.promise;\n let transition2 = router.window.document.startViewTransition(async () => {\n React3.startTransition(() => setStateImpl(newState));\n await renderPromise;\n });\n transition2.finished.finally(() => {\n setRenderDfd(void 0);\n setTransition(void 0);\n setPendingState(void 0);\n setVtContext({ isTransitioning: false });\n });\n setTransition(transition2);\n }\n }, [pendingState, renderDfd, router.window]);\n React3.useEffect(() => {\n if (renderDfd && pendingState && state.location.key === pendingState.location.key) {\n renderDfd.resolve();\n }\n }, [renderDfd, transition, state.location, pendingState]);\n React3.useEffect(() => {\n if (!vtContext.isTransitioning && interruption) {\n setPendingState(interruption.state);\n setVtContext({\n isTransitioning: true,\n flushSync: false,\n currentLocation: interruption.currentLocation,\n nextLocation: interruption.nextLocation\n });\n setInterruption(void 0);\n }\n }, [vtContext.isTransitioning, interruption]);\n let navigator2 = React3.useMemo(() => {\n return {\n createHref: router.createHref,\n encodeLocation: router.encodeLocation,\n go: (n) => router.navigate(n),\n push: (to, state2, opts) => router.navigate(to, {\n state: state2,\n preventScrollReset: opts?.preventScrollReset\n }),\n replace: (to, state2, opts) => router.navigate(to, {\n replace: true,\n state: state2,\n preventScrollReset: opts?.preventScrollReset\n })\n };\n }, [router]);\n let basename = router.basename || \"/\";\n let dataRouterContext = React3.useMemo(\n () => ({\n router,\n navigator: navigator2,\n static: false,\n basename\n }),\n [router, navigator2, basename]\n );\n return /* @__PURE__ */ React3.createElement(React3.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ React3.createElement(DataRouterContext.Provider, { value: dataRouterContext }, /* @__PURE__ */ React3.createElement(DataRouterStateContext.Provider, { value: state }, /* @__PURE__ */ React3.createElement(FetchersContext.Provider, { value: fetcherData.current }, /* @__PURE__ */ React3.createElement(ViewTransitionContext.Provider, { value: vtContext }, /* @__PURE__ */ React3.createElement(\n Router,\n {\n basename,\n location: state.location,\n navigationType: state.historyAction,\n navigator: navigator2\n },\n /* @__PURE__ */ React3.createElement(\n MemoizedDataRoutes,\n {\n routes: router.routes,\n future: router.future,\n state\n }\n )\n ))))), null);\n}\nvar MemoizedDataRoutes = React3.memo(DataRoutes);\nfunction DataRoutes({\n routes,\n future,\n state\n}) {\n return useRoutesImpl(routes, void 0, state, future);\n}\nfunction MemoryRouter({\n basename,\n children,\n initialEntries,\n initialIndex\n}) {\n let historyRef = React3.useRef();\n if (historyRef.current == null) {\n historyRef.current = createMemoryHistory({\n initialEntries,\n initialIndex,\n v5Compat: true\n });\n }\n let history = historyRef.current;\n let [state, setStateImpl] = React3.useState({\n action: history.action,\n location: history.location\n });\n let setState = React3.useCallback(\n (newState) => {\n React3.startTransition(() => setStateImpl(newState));\n },\n [setStateImpl]\n );\n React3.useLayoutEffect(() => history.listen(setState), [history, setState]);\n return /* @__PURE__ */ React3.createElement(\n Router,\n {\n basename,\n children,\n location: state.location,\n navigationType: state.action,\n navigator: history\n }\n );\n}\nfunction Navigate({\n to,\n replace: replace2,\n state,\n relative\n}) {\n invariant(\n useInRouterContext(),\n // TODO: This error is probably because they somehow have 2 versions of\n // the router loaded. We can help them understand how to avoid that.\n ` may be used only in the context of a component.`\n );\n let { static: isStatic } = React3.useContext(NavigationContext);\n warning(\n !isStatic,\n ` must not be used on the initial render in a . This is a no-op, but you should modify your code so the is only ever rendered in response to some user interaction or state change.`\n );\n let { matches } = React3.useContext(RouteContext);\n let { pathname: locationPathname } = useLocation();\n let navigate = useNavigate();\n let path = resolveTo(\n to,\n getResolveToMatches(matches),\n locationPathname,\n relative === \"path\"\n );\n let jsonPath = JSON.stringify(path);\n React3.useEffect(() => {\n navigate(JSON.parse(jsonPath), { replace: replace2, state, relative });\n }, [navigate, jsonPath, relative, replace2, state]);\n return null;\n}\nfunction Outlet(props) {\n return useOutlet(props.context);\n}\nfunction Route(_props) {\n invariant(\n false,\n `A is only ever to be used as the child of element, never rendered directly. Please wrap your in a