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Unreal Engine

A guide to making autosplitters for Unreal Engine games.

I'm not an expert. There very well may be things that are wrong, or can be done better, that I've talked about here. If that's the case, please raise it with me! I'm always happy to learn more. Contributions are welcome!

Assumed Skills

  • Programming skills, this is not a programming tutorial. This is a reverse engineering tutorial.
  • Cheat Engine
  • Pointer paths, basic memory skills
  • Some understanding of game engines
  • Experience with ASL and making autosplitters

How to ask for help

If you don't know how something works, or are confused, or need assistance, follow this guide:

  1. Search on the Speedrun Tool Development discord for keywords if others have already asked similar questions.
  2. Look at existing autosplitters to see if they have solved the problem you're asking.
  3. Condense your question to be as specific as possible, about a specific scenario. People will be more inclined to help you if it's obvious you have given the problem considerable thought.
  4. Account for the following pitfalls when asking questions:
    1. Don't ask to ask, just ask
    2. The XY Problem
  5. Ask your question in the channel that is most applicable to your issue.
    1. #reverse-engineering
    2. #memory
    3. #autosplitters

The best way you can learn something is by doing it yourself.

I couldn't tell you how many hours I have spent at this computer headbashing Cheat Engine trying to figure out how everything works. While frustrating in the moment, I knew that it would be worth it in the end, since I now understand things at a much deeper level than I previously did. I sincerely encourage you to try and figure things out yourself first (feel free to take advantage of existing resources, such as this guide, or steps 1 and 2 in the above guide).


You have a game, and you want to make an autosplitter for it. You may have been pointer scanning up to this point, and while it can work, it severely limits what you're able to do. Instead of guessing in the dark, we can construct intelligent methods to find the values we need!

The way that we will do this is we will:

  1. Setup reverse engineering tools on the game
  2. Find basic addresses (common across all UE games)
  3. Dump information about the game's code structure (an SDK)
  4. Search the SDK for fields that are helpful
  5. Construct pointer paths from the base addresses with the SDK
  6. Write an autosplitter with this


apple1417 has a thorough (but quite high-level) guide on Unreal Engine's internal structure. I recommended reading it (then re-reading, then re-reading...) as becoming familiar with the structure is irreplacable.

Practically, for making simple Unreal Engine autosplitters, the following is crucial:

  • all paths you'll find start from either the GWorld (a global, static pointer to the current UWorld) or the GEngine
  • most strings you'll find are FNames
  • most objects in the game are UObjects
    • UObjects have an FName at an offset of 0x18 that is the name of the object
  • the Unreal Engine source code is publically available and the experience to look through this is invaluable
  • Unreal Engine has public documentation available, and often for internal concepts to the engine. If, like me, you have no experience in using Unreal Engine, a lot of these concepts may be foreign to you. These docs can help.


First, you'll need Cheat Engine. Then you'll need a dumper.

There are a lot of different dumpers that will let you see the structure of the code for Unreal Engine games. The one I have found to be the most consistent is UE4SS. Follow the installation instructions to install it on your game.

You need to enable the GUI console.

  1. Open UE4SS-settings.ini
  2. Find the following settings and ensure that the two Gui options are enabled
; Whether to enable the external UE4SS debug console.
ConsoleEnabled = 0
GuiConsoleEnabled = 1
GuiConsoleVisible = 1
  1. Boot up the game and you should be able to view all the UObjects in the game. It will only be injected if you launch the {GameName}/Binaries/Win64/{GameName}-Win64-Shipping.exe directly.

Other alternative dumpers include:

Custom Config (Missing AOBs)

If that doesn't work, then you might see some errors that look like "missing AOB" and such. If that's the case, then the game has done some fiddling with the engine and needs manual support. Check the Custom Game Configs to see if your game is supported there. If it isn't, then you can find their docs on how to support it here. It is quite complex, but I won't go into supporting it right now.

Other Unreal Engine tools you may find useful

Finding base addresses

You should first figure out what version of Unreal Engine the game is running. Right click the game's .exe and go to Properties -> Details, you will see the UE version under "File version".

screenshot of the file version

I have the most experience with UE 4.23 - 4.27. See apple's guide for version differences.

You will need the following addresses:

There are a number of different ways to obtain these.


For GWorld, you can go to "Live View", which contains all of the current UObjects. Search for "World " to get all the instances of UWorld. Over time, you'll be able to quickly recognise which one is the one GWorld is currently pointing to.

Each one, when selected, will show it's current address in memory. We're going to search for this address. The idea is, one of these will show a single static address as a result. That is GWorld.

screenshot of "Live View" with a UWorld selected

Double click the static address (which will most likely be at the bottom of the list) to add it to your CE address list.

screenshot of Cheat Engine

Call it GWorld - you got it!

NamePoolData (or GNames)

Apple's guide does a much better job at explaining the intracicies with FNames then I would ever do here, so please go read that! This guide is for the practical use - finding these addresses for the purpose of autosplitters.

I currently don't have a great way of finding these, it's a little jank. I would using a signature (like the one in the below section) to find it if it works.


I haven't got much personal experience with this, but for some modern UE4 games, this address contains an int with the number of things currently being loaded. It might be useful for your game, to detect if a load is happening.


Here's a quick reference of some commonly used signatures. This is not a guide on how to use signatures, that is out of scope. All of these work at about 4.27ish most of the time. It's never guaranteed that one works, but it's always worth trying.

  • GWorld: 0F 2E ?? 74 ?? 48 8B 1D ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 85 DB 74" (offset 0x8)
  • NamePoolData: 89 5C 24 ?? 89 44 24 ?? 74 ?? 48 8D 15 (offset 0xD)
  • GEngine: 48 39 35 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 0D (offset 0x3)
  • SyncLoadCounter: 89 43 60 8B 05 (offset 0x5)

Dumping Headers (SDK)

An SDK, dump, or the headers, refers to the data structures we can infer from reading the game's memory. This will help us understand how the game is built to find the information we need. While we can't decompile the game's code directly (like you can in Unity), Unreal Engine exposes struct data for objects in-memory. Read apple's guide for the theory on how this is done / how it works.

To dump the C++ headers in UE4SS, navigate to "Dumpers" and click "Dump CXX Headers".

screenshot demonstrating how to dump headers

This will create a CXXHeaderDump folder in the directory the -Win64-Shipping.exe binary is in.

Navigating the SDK

I open this folder in a separate VSCode window. There are a lot of .hpp files. The place to start would be Engine.hpp, which contains structures internal to Unreal Engine (which remain relatively constant for all games).

screenshot of vscode file tree

All of these .hpp files contain the class or struct definitions for classes that are in-memory at the time of dumping. This can change depending on what is loaded in-game, so you may have to change worlds or area in the game, then re-dump, to find the things you want.

Available fields

Additionally, while you will see a dump for classes, you won't necessarily see a dump for every property in every class. This is because for a property to have the necessary metadata for the dump, it must have been marked as UPROPERTY in the source code. If something isn't available, it very well may just be hidden from you. It may take some guess-timating to find what you need.

Pointers, Classes, and Structs in C++

Classes and structs, for our purposes and in C++, are both "things that can hold fields". They look the same when laid out in memory. But to read the fields of these classes and structs, you need to understand what pointers are and how they work.

A "pointer" is a thing that points to a different area of memory. That is, it's an address that you can follow to access some other values in memory. The size of this address depends on whether the game is 32 bit or 64 bit (4 and 8 bytes respectively, though usually 8 bytes). The thing it points to can be arbitrarily sized.

Whether or not the field you're looking at is a pointer is denoted by the * symbol in its definition. For example, in the following, MyClass#someOtherClass is a pointer, whereas MyClass#someStruct is not.

class MyClass {
    int fieldA = 1;
    int fieldB = 2;
    class MyOtherClass* someOtherClass;
    struct MyStruct someStruct;

If the class/struct is not denoted by a * (so is not a pointer), the value is completely contained by the owning structure, and there is no pointer in between. That is, if you have the following structure:

struct MyStruct {
    int a = 6;
    int b = 7;
    int c = 8;

class MyClass {
    int fieldA = 1;
    int fieldB = 2;
    class MyOtherClass* someOtherClass;
    struct MyStruct someStruct;

and you're looking at an instance of MyClass in memory, assuming nothing is null, you would see (something like this, technical specifics omitted):

address     | D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 | D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF |
21A94C198D0 | 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00   80 2C 1C 85 1A 02 00 00 |
21A94C198E0 | 06 00 00 00 07 00 00 00   08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |

That is:

  • fieldA and fieldB are at 0x0 and 0x4. This is because ints are always 32 bits long (4 bytes).
  • someOtherClass, an instance of MyOtherClass is at 0x8 and is a pointer to another section of memory. The pointer's value is 0000021A851C2C80. If you were to follow that address, you would see the fields of MyOtherClass similar to how we're looking at the fields of MyClass here.
  • The struct someStruct is completely contained within MyClass, and is not a pointer. a is at 0x10 to MyClass, b is at 0x14, and c is at 0x18.

Take a moment to look at the class definitions that were provided and see if you can figure out why they are laid out that way in memory. This is a great skill to learn!

It's also worth noting that the way fields are laid out in memory is not only dependent on the size of the fields. It will also depend on how they get aligned. You won't need to worry too much about this since the unreal dumps will contain the exact offsets (you won't need to calculate this yourself) but you can read on other resources for what alignment is (and everything else I've summarised about C++ memory layout here).

Searching for things effectively

Before we get into it, we need to outline a few tricks for searching that will make it easier to find things that you need. Make sure you're searching the entire project (Ctrl+Shift+F on vscode):

  • To find the definition of a class, search for <class> :, e.g. UWorld :
  • To find the definition of a struct, search for struct <struct>, e.g. struct FWorldContext
  • To find classes which extend a class, search for c <class>, e.g. c AGameModeBase
  • To find instances of a class, search for <class>*, e.g. UGameInstance*

Note classes which extend AActor will be prefixed with an A in these dumps (e.g. AGameMode). Classes which do not extend AActor will be prefixed with U (e.g. UWorld). Structs will be prefixed with F (e.g. FWorldContext).


Find the definition for UWorld (as described in the previous section). It should look something like this (with only useful fields included):

class UWorld : public UObject
    class ULevel* PersistentLevel;            // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
    // ... some fields removed (by me)
    class AGameModeBase* AuthorityGameMode;   // 0x0118 (size: 0x8)
    class AGameStateBase* GameState;          // 0x0120 (size: 0x8)
    // ... some fields removed (by me)
    class UGameInstance* OwningGameInstance;  // 0x0180 (size: 0x8)
    // ... some fields removed (by me)
}; // Size: 0x798

The way to decipher this is: I have a class, UWorld, that extends UObject. On top of the fields that UObject has, it has an instance of:

  • ULevel named PersistentLevel at 0x30. Since it's a pointer to an instance, and the game is 64-bit, it has a size of 0x8.
  • AGameModeBase named AuthorityGameMode at 0x118.
  • AGameStateBase named GameState at 0x120.
  • UGameInstance named OwningGameInstance at 0x180 .

UWorld in particular is special. The GWorld address you have points to an instance of UWorld the currently loaded one.

GameMode, GameState, and GameInstance

For our purposes, these three classes are quite similar. But you can read the docs on how these differ. They very commonly hold information about the game in particular.

Specifically, on UWorld, there is an AGameModeBase, AGameStateBase, and a UGameInstance. The game will usually extend all three of these classes with their own code (in the case of game state/mode, they may instead extend AGameMode and AGameState instead).

For example, in Ghostrunner 2's demo, they extend AGameModeBase to look this:

class AGhostrunnerGameMode : public AGameModeBase
    TArray<FPanelSpawn> UnderHudWidgets;               // 0x02C0 (size: 0x10)
    TArray<FPanelSpawn> NormalWidgets;                 // 0x02D0 (size: 0x10)
    TMap<class FString, class FMemento> SavedMementos; // 0x02E0 (size: 0x50)
    TArray<class UObject*> PauseLevelObjects;          // 0x0330 (size: 0x10)
    FGuid SavedCheckpointGuid;                         // 0x0340 (size: 0x10)
    FLevelSequenceTagPair CurrentTags;                 // 0x0350 (size: 0x10)
    FLevelSequenceTagPair SavedTags;                   // 0x0360 (size: 0x10)
    int32 StartStage;                                  // 0x0370 (size: 0x4)
    FGameplayTag ModeTag;                              // 0x0374 (size: 0x8)
    bool bForcePushSkillEnabled;                       // 0x037C (size: 0x1)
    bool bFurasshuSkillEnabled;                        // 0x037D (size: 0x1)
    bool bNamiSkillEnabled;                            // 0x037E (size: 0x1)
    bool bMindHackingEnabled;                          // 0x037F (size: 0x1)
    bool bIsBisLevel;                                  // 0x0380 (size: 0x1)
    bool bIsVR;                                        // 0x0381 (size: 0x1)
    bool bIsBossLevel;                                 // 0x0382 (size: 0x1)
    FString LevelState;                                // 0x0388 (size: 0x10)
    bool bOverrideEditorSave;                          // 0x0398 (size: 0x1)
    bool bShouldDisableCulling;                        // 0x0399 (size: 0x1)
    int32 DeathsCount;                                 // 0x039C (size: 0x4)
    float LevelTime;                                   // 0x03A0 (size: 0x4)
    float StartTime;                                   // 0x03A4 (size: 0x4)
    float PrevTime;                                    // 0x03A8 (size: 0x4)
    float CurrTime;                                    // 0x03AC (size: 0x4)
    bool bCanTick;                                     // 0x03B0 (size: 0x1)
    float PauseLevelFLowTime;                          // 0x03B4 (size: 0x4)
    bool bRequestedPauseLevelFlow;                     // 0x03B8 (size: 0x1)

Some of these look really good - for example - LevelTime and such. While Ghostrunner 2 doesn't extend AGameState, it does extend GameInstance:

class UConsoleCompatGameInstance : public UGameInstance
    class UConsoleCompatLayer* ConsoleCompatLayer;             // 0x01A8 (size: 0x8)
    TSubclassOf<class UConsoleCompatLayer> ConsoleCompatClass; // 0x01B0 (size: 0x8)

This doesn't look particularly helpful, but if you go one level deeper to see if anything extends UConsoleCompatGameInstance:

class UGameManager : public UConsoleCompatGameInstance
    class ALevelManager* LevelManager;                          // 0x01B8 (size: 0x8)
    TArray<class ALevelManager*> SubLevels;                     // 0x01C0 (size: 0x10)
    class UWorld* World;                                        // 0x01D0 (size: 0x8)
    float MaxFPS;                                               // 0x01D8 (size: 0x4)
    TSoftObjectPtr<UWorld> MapMainMenu;                         // 0x01F8 (size: 0x28)
    TSubclassOf<class UPanelLoading> BP_LoadingScreen;          // 0x0220 (size: 0x8)
    class UConsoleLeaderboardSubsystem* LeaderboardSubsystem;   // 0x0228 (size: 0x8)
    bool bIsPauseMenuOpened;                                    // 0x0238 (size: 0x1)
    bool bInputWasEnabled;                                      // 0x0239 (size: 0x1)
    TArray<class UMediaPlayer*> PausedMediaPlayers;             // 0x0240 (size: 0x10)
    class UGhostrunnerSettings* GhostrunnerSettings;            // 0x0250 (size: 0x8)
    class UDataTable* LevelSequenceConfig;                      // 0x0260 (size: 0x8)
    class UDataTable* KillRunLevelSequenceConfig;               // 0x0268 (size: 0x8)
    class UDataTable* HardModeLevelSequenceConfig;              // 0x0270 (size: 0x8)
    class UDataTable* AssistModeSequenceConfig;                 // 0x0278 (size: 0x8)
    class UDataTable* HelModeSequenceConfig;                    // 0x0280 (size: 0x8)
    class UDataTable* SurvivalModeSequenceConfig;               // 0x0288 (size: 0x8)
    class UDataTable* AlternativeLevelSequenceConfig;           // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
    bool bCanRequestDeaths;                                     // 0x0298 (size: 0x1)
    FString DeathsURL;                                          // 0x02A0 (size: 0x10)
    TSoftClassPtr<AGameModeBase> GhostrunnerGameMode;           // 0x02B8 (size: 0x28)
    TSoftClassPtr<AGameModeBase> HardcoreGameMode;              // 0x02E0 (size: 0x28)
    TSoftClassPtr<AGameModeBase> AssistGameMode;                // 0x0308 (size: 0x28)
    TSoftClassPtr<AGameModeBase> KillRunGameMode;               // 0x0330 (size: 0x28)
    TSoftClassPtr<AGameModeBase> HelGameMode;                   // 0x0358 (size: 0x28)
    TSoftClassPtr<AGameModeBase> SurvivalGameMode;              // 0x0380 (size: 0x28)
    class UHelModeDatabase* HelModeDatabase;                    // 0x03A8 (size: 0x8)
    class UUltimateAbilitiesDatabase* UltimateAbilitesDatabase; // 0x03B0 (size: 0x8)
} that looks good! LevelManager, UltimateAbilitesDatabase, bIsPauseMenuOpened all look quite promising.

You can then go from here in your game to search through classes that your game has.


Some information here taken from Apple's guide

TArray is how Unreal Engine does arrays. They are a struct (recall how structs are laid out in memory) that look like this:

template <typename T>
struct TArray {
    T* data;
    int32_t size;
    int32_t max;

To use an example, UWorld has a TArray of all it's levels at 0x138:

class UWorld : public UObject
    TArray<class ULevel*> Levels; // 0x0138 (size: 0x10)

To iterate over these levels, you'll find the data at 0x138 on the UWorld, and you'll find the size at 0x140. This is how a TArray (not this specific one) might look in memory:

address     | 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57   58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F
2AA94C19D50 | 40 84 D7 93 1A 02 00 00   0E 00 00 00 18 00 00 00
  • 2AA94C19D50 is the pointer to the data (which is at 0x21A93D78440).
  • 2AA94C19D58 is the size of the array - 0xE (14).
  • 2AA94C19D5C is the max capacity, which is currently 0x18 (24). This is an internal value, so you needn't worry about this.

If you want the 3rd element in this array, go into the data. In this case, the array appears to be an array of instances to some class. Each element in the array is therefore 0x8 in size.

Here you can see the hypothetical elements in this array:

address     | 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47   48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F
21A93D78440 | 20 0E 82 87 1A 02 00 00   40 0F 82 87 1A 02 00 00
21A93D78448 | 60 10 82 87 1A 02 00 00   80 11 FF C4 1A 02 00 00
21A93D78450 | A0 12 FF C4 1A 02 00 00   40 0F FF C4 1A 02 00 00
21A93D78458 | A0 99 FF C4 1A 02 00 00   C0 E2 FF C4 1A 02 00 00
21A93D78460 | A0 E1 FF C4 1A 02 00 00   80 E0 FF C4 1A 02 00 00
21A93D78468 | 60 DF FF C4 1A 02 00 00   40 DE FF C4 1A 02 00 00
21A93D78470 | 20 DD FF C4 1A 02 00 00   20 E6 A7 AA 1A 02 00 00
21A93D78478 | <some junk>

Since each element is 0x8 in size, and you want the 3rd element (index [2]), you should go to an offset 0x8 * 2 from the data, which in this case would be at 21A93D78450 for a value of 0000021AC4FF12A0. Keep in mind structs will be contained directly in the array, so if you have an array of structs sized at 0x18, and you want the value at index 5, you need to 0x18 * 5. Keep in mind how alignment is, a struct of size 0xC may be aligned at 0x10 bytes.


If you want information about the player, luckily this is standardised across UnrealEngine games. The GameInstance looks like this:

class UGameInstance : public UObject
    TArray<class ULocalPlayer*> LocalPlayers; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)
    class UOnlineSession* OnlineSession;      // 0x0048 (size: 0x8)
    TArray<class UObject*> ReferencedObjects; // 0x0050 (size: 0x10)
    // ...fields omitted
}; // Size: 0x1A8

LocalPlayers will contain an array of ULocalPlayer. I assume this is the players that are connected locally. In practice, you're probably only playing with singleplayer games, so the first element in this array is what you want.

Following down the chain:

class ULocalPlayer : public UPlayer
    class UGameViewportClient* ViewportClient;                              // 0x0070 (size: 0x8)
    TEnumAsByte<EAspectRatioAxisConstraint> AspectRatioAxisConstraint;      // 0x0094 (size: 0x1)
    TSubclassOf<class APlayerController> PendingLevelPlayerControllerClass; // 0x0098 (size: 0x8)
    uint8 bSentSplitJoin;                                                   // 0x00A0 (size: 0x1)
    int32 ControllerId;                                                     // 0x00B8 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x258

class UPlayer : public UObject
    class APlayerController* PlayerController; // 0x0030 (size: 0x8)
    int32 CurrentNetSpeed;                     // 0x0038 (size: 0x4)
    int32 ConfiguredInternetSpeed;             // 0x003C (size: 0x4)
    int32 ConfiguredLanSpeed;                  // 0x0040 (size: 0x4)
}; // Size: 0x48

You'll find the PlayerController, which is what you want. Note that the game may extend this class for other custom attributes about the player:

class APlayerController : public AController
    class UPlayer* Player;                                            // 0x0298 (size: 0x8)
    class APawn* AcknowledgedPawn;                                    // 0x02A0 (size: 0x8)
    class UInterpTrackInstDirector* ControllingDirTrackInst;          // 0x02A8 (size: 0x8)
    class AHUD* MyHUD;                                                // 0x02B0 (size: 0x8)
    class APlayerCameraManager* PlayerCameraManager;                  // 0x02B8 (size: 0x8)
    TSubclassOf<class APlayerCameraManager> PlayerCameraManagerClass; // 0x02C0 (size: 0x8)
    bool bAutoManageActiveCameraTarget;                               // 0x02C8 (size: 0x1)
    FRotator TargetViewRotation;                                      // 0x02CC (size: 0xC)
    float SmoothTargetViewRotationSpeed;                              // 0x02E4 (size: 0x4)
    /// ...a bunch of other goodies that I've omitted

On PlayerController, a few things I want to make note:

  • MyHUD contains information about widgets that are on the screen that make up the HUD. The game will probably extend this.
  • PlayerCameraManager's Name might be able to tell you if you're currently in a cutscene, or even a checkpoint, area, etc. Depends on the game!

You probably want the position, rotation, and velocity of the player though. That information is in the superclasses of APlayerController:

class AController : public AActor
    class APlayerState* PlayerState;                        // 0x0228 (size: 0x8)
    FControllerOnInstigatedAnyDamage OnInstigatedAnyDamage; // 0x0238 (size: 0x10)
    FName StateName;                                        // 0x0248 (size: 0x8)
    class APawn* Pawn;                                      // 0x0250 (size: 0x8)
    class ACharacter* Character;                            // 0x0260 (size: 0x8)
    class USceneComponent* TransformComponent;              // 0x0268 (size: 0x8)
    // ... omitted

// into Character
class ACharacter : public APawn
    class USkeletalMeshComponent* Mesh;                   // 0x0280 (size: 0x8)
    class UCharacterMovementComponent* CharacterMovement; // 0x0288 (size: 0x8)
    class UCapsuleComponent* CapsuleComponent;            // 0x0290 (size: 0x8)
    // ... lots of other stuff

UCapsuleComponent extends UShapeComponent, which extends UPrimitiveComponent, which extends USceneComponent, which has our goodies.

class USceneComponent : public UActorComponent
    // ... other stuff
    FVector RelativeLocation;                              // 0x011C (size: 0xC)
    FRotator RelativeRotation;                             // 0x0128 (size: 0xC)
    FVector RelativeScale3D;                               // 0x0134 (size: 0xC)
    FVector ComponentVelocity;                             // 0x0140 (size: 0xC)
    // ... other stuff

FVector and FRotator are structs (recall how structs and classes are laid out in memory). Their structure is approximately the following:

struct FVector {
    float X;
    float Y;
    float Z;

struct FRotator {
    float X;
    float Y;
    float Z;

hence the (size: 0xC). And again, this should be common between all unreal engine games (at least 3D ones), so this is definitely one to remember.


Unreal Engine docs

You may find a lot of classes when searching that extend, for example USubsystem. Unfortunately, these will not show up in any other classes, and they may contain important data that you want to look at. While I can't help for all subsystems, the most common I found was UGameInstanceSubsystems.

This will require some investigation on your side, but I've found there's a TMap of GameInstanceSubsystem classes to instances of those classes on the GameInstance at about 0xA0 to 0x140. I leave the exact structure of TMap and how to recognise this map as an exercise for the reader. Once you've found this map, you can iterate over it's entries and check the Name of the class object and check if it's what you want.

I've an example of how I did that for Ghostrunner 2 (Demo):

vars.RefreshSubsystemCache = (Action<dynamic>)((curr) =>
    print("Reloading subsystem cache...");
    vars.Checkpoint = null;

    // iterate over game instances and check for the checkpoint trigger
    // gissCount points to the `size` prop on the `TMap`, `giss` points to the `data`
    for (int i = 0; i < curr.gissCount; i++)
        var ssPtr = game.ReadValue<IntPtr>((IntPtr) (curr.giss + i * 0x18 + 0x8));
        var name = vars.ReadFNameOfObject(ssPtr);
        vars.Log(name + " at " + ssPtr.ToString("X"));

        if (name == "CheckpointSubsystem") {
            // this is some value on the subsystem that I needed
            vars.Checkpoint = new MemoryWatcher<long>(new DeepPointer(ssPtr + 0x50, 0x18));

As far as I know there is no way to get the offset to this map dynamically.

Constructing Pointer Paths

Now you have found some of the things you need! But how do you construct a pointer path to that thing?

Well, you start out with your GWorld address (usually). As we know, this points to an instance of UWorld. From there, you use the offsets for each field to work your way to what you need. I'll use the Z position of the player as an example.

The full path (through LocalPlayers above) looks like:


where -> implies a pointer dereference, . implies a member of a struct, and [x] of course indexes an array at the xth element.

Say your GWorld address is "Ghostrunner2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+6A3BCB0. Since "Ghostrunner2-Win64-Shipping.exe" is the main module, I'll use 0x6A3BCB0 to represent the GWorld address (ASL will default to the main module if one isn't provided).

We get the offset for each step by looking at the field dumps. Each field will have something like this (note that for this example are looking at UWorld here, since we're starting from a GWorld!):

class UGameInstance* OwningGameInstance; // 0x0180 (size: 0x8)

The here 0x180 is the offset. So the path to OwningGameInstance is "Ghostrunner2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+6A3BCB0, 0x180. If you look at that, you should see it looks like a pointer.

To dive into that a bit more: you start out at "Ghostrunner2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+6A3BCB0. That gives you some address like 0x21A93D78440. At that address is a pointer to a UWorld, which means the value at 0x21A93D78440 is another address - like 0x2AA94C19D50. If you follow that address, you're looking at the fields of a UWorld. So we know that, according to our dumps, if we were to go an additional 0x180 from that address, we'd find a pointer to a UGameInstance. So to find the UGameInstance, we're first dereferencing our initial address 0x21A93D78440 ("Ghostrunner2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+6A3BCB0) to get 0x2AA94C19D50, then adding 0x180 to that to get the pointer to a UGameInstance.

The comma in "Ghostrunner2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+6A3BCB0, 0x180 indicates we're changing offsets, which you can think of as a dereferencing action. This is the crucial bit to understand how pointer paths work and to effectively traverse them.

Then we follow an offset from UGameInstance, this time to LocalPlayers:

TArray<class ULocalPlayer*> LocalPlayers; // 0x0038 (size: 0x10)

This gives us an offset of 0x38 to the TArray struct. Since we want data on LocalPlayers, we offset this further by 0x0 (which does nothing in effect, but if you wanted size, you would offset 0x8 to get 0x40).

Then we index this array at the 0th position, which is 0x0, to get the first ULocalPlayer*.

Then the PlayerController is at 0x30, etc etc. I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure out why the pointer path looks the way it does - but you should be able to figure it out by looking at the dumps and by following it in memory. (All of the values I've used are in this guide).

    // GWorld->OwningGameInstance->[0]->PlayerController->Character->CapsuleComponent->RelativeLocation.Z
    float z: 0x6A3BCB0, 0x180, 0x38, 0x0, 0x30, 0x260, 0x290, 0x124;

Of course, I recommend using signatures where possible, but that's outside the scope of this guide.

Writing an autosplitter

You should be able to do this! But I have some templates you can use to start out with, under _templates. I also highly recommend you use Ero's asl-help just to do some stuff nicer (my templates use this). But I'll leave the docs for that to him. ;)

Happy reverse engineering!