This repository contains the code for a tool that can generate cryptographically secure random numbers that can be used for basic auth key/secret pairs. It can also do Windows machine key encryption/decryption.
When built, you should see a Tools directory at the same level as the solution file. Inside the Tools -> Command line directory, open a command prompt (as an administrator), then run the command line as follows:
enctool cred
This will generate a set of credentials and also echo back the basic auth header:
API Key : abbc324843274cf69fb0fae33b8382a4
API Secret: AeWpmMq8kByuvRuxDz/DQxpvh59oj/eIG/yODy+i81s=
Authorization header:
Basic YWJiYzMyNDg0MzI3NGNmNjlmYjBmYWUzM2I4MzgyYTQ6QWVXcG1NcThrQnl1dlJ1eER6L0RReHB2aDU5b2ovZUlHL3lPRHkraTgxcz0=
Inspired in parts by this post from Jon Galloway: