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Releases: mint-lang/mint


05 Apr 18:16
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The parser has been speeded up thanks to @asterite (#537) - it should parse twice as fast and consume half the memory in the general case.

Type Checker

  • Fixed a bug in scoping #529


  • The service worker now only falls back to paths that matches any routes defined for the application @Eternahl #370 #539

Language Server

  • Added FoldingRange provider.
  • Added CodeAction provider.
  • Added a code action to sort the module entities in order.

Standard Library

  • Added Math.trunc
  • Added String.padLeft
  • Added String.takeRight

Time module rewrite

The time module has been completely reworked, check the PR: #526 and the docs for more information.

Housekeeping (@Sija @gdotdesign)

  • Bumped Crystal version requirement to 1.3.2
  • Makefile: Build the binary only if there are changed files
  • Updated dependencies


18 Feb 14:30
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Fixed runtime error in Clipboard.set


26 Jan 14:23
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  • Fixed a bug in function scoping #529
  • Fixed a bug in runtime which broke it on Safari


14 Dec 16:36
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Fixed a regression in inline styles handling, where using an non-string attribute could lead to runtime errors (mint-lang/mint-runtime#24)


13 Dec 15:12
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  • Time is now automatically serialized into String #357
  • Tuples now can be automatically serialized #519
  • Fixed selector reference & in styles #479
  • or operator can be used with Result(error, value) as well


  • Added basic completions for HTML tags and CSS properties #511
  • Added completions for enum options #518
  • Fixed cursor position lookup #481
  • Fixed some compatibility issues with specific clients #493
  • Honor snippetSupport client setting #520


  • A custom runtime can be used with the --runtime flag for the build and compile commands #476

Service Worker

  • Fix service-worker generation issue #506

Standard Library

  • Clipboard.set now returns a string and restores focus and text selection #524
  • Added Time.fromUnixTimestampInMs and Time.toUnixTimestampInMs #522

Web Components

  • Components can now be exported as web components #501

    A new field was added to the mint.json for this purpose:

      "name": "my-library",
      "web-components": {
        "Button": "my-button"
      "source-directories": [

    In the object, the key of the field refers to the component and the value refers to the tag name of the web component, in this case, the Button component will be exported as <my-button>.


  • More cleanups and refactors by @Sija


03 Jul 15:37
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Documentation Generator

  • Fix documentation generation for modules.


  • Eliminate versions of packages with missing or invalid mint.json when installing dependencies.


  • #467 #115 Don't minimize the CSS classes in development.


    Don't use these CSS classes for targeting - either with DOM or as sub styles - because they are minimized in production!

  • Update the list of valid CSS property names - @Sija

  • Fixes in the generated service worker.

Standard Library

  • BREAKING CHANGE Renamed treshold field to threshold in the subscription for Provider.Intersection.
  • Fixes documentation comments for some functions.


  • More cleanups and refactors - @Sija
  • Update documentation viewer app.


18 Jun 07:08
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Fixes a regression with service workers which results in the website not loading.


17 Jun 14:39
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Breaking Changes

  • Enum destructuring within case statements now uses parentheses and commas instead of whitespaces.

    Given this enum:

    enum Status {
      LoggedIn(Time, User)

    Destructuing before:

    case (maybe) {
      Status::LoggedIn time user => true
      Status::LoggedOut => flase


    case (maybe) {
      Status::LoggedIn(time, user) => true
      Status::LoggedOut => flase

    This was a necessary step to make nested destructuring work.


  • #81 #451 Added line comments: 🎉

    // Line comment
    fun render : Html {
  • Added @inline directive which inlines a text file into Mint code as String:

    @inline(path/to/file.html) /* String */
  • #418 #419 Added index variable to the for loops:

    /* Iterating over Array(item) or Set(item). */
    for (item, index of array) {
    /* Iterating over Map(key, value). */
    for (key, value, index of map) {
  • #437 Tuples can be destructured recursively (@matthewmcgarvey):

    case ({"A", {"B", "C"}}) {
      {a, {b, c}} => c
      => ""

Official Docker Image

Mint now has alpine-based Docker images hosted on DockerHub ( for tags and from master (latest).


  • #429 Run core tests both on Chrome and Firefox in CI.
  • Run a format test on the standard library in CI.
  • Added Dockerfile for official docker images.
  • Cleanup Markdown files in the repository.
  • #421 #423 #424 #425 No longer depending on string_inflection, time_format, time_format shards - @matthewmcgarvey
  • Move inlined HTML templates to their own files.
  • Lot of assorted refactors 🙏 - @Sija

Standard Library

  • Fixed some typos in the documentation comments.
  • #427 Fixed Window.scrollHeight, Window.scrollWidth, Window.scrollLeft, Window.scrollTop functions in non quirks mode.
  • Added function.
  • Added Http.Header record.
  • Added Http.hasHeader function.
  • #454 Added Maybe.withLazyDefault function.
  • #453 #460 AnimationFrame and its provider now provides the elapsed timestamp.
  • #432 #438 #434 Http.jsonBody now sets the Content-Type header of the request to application/json.


  • #435 #431 Optimizations to the parser lead to significant speedups in parsing.
  • #420 try expressions now need a space after the try keyword.
  • Don't parse double equals as a statement.

Type Checker

  • #403 Fix rendering of types in error messages.


  • #273 Record constructors now format into multiple lines if it contains a line break.
  • Only use a single space for empty records instead of two.
  • Don't format Mint code in JavaScript interpolations.


  • #398 The installer now uses the force flag to checkout using Git.
  • #198 Added mint-version field to the mint.json which specifies which Mint versions the package works on.

Language Server

  • The server now exits properly instead of hanging if the client disconnects unexpectedly.

Test Runner

  • #433 #436 The suite name is displayed for failing test cases.
  • #441 #443 The test location (filename, line, and column) is displayed for each failing test case.


  • Fixed the compile order of constants depending on other constants.


  • #408 Added sandbox-server command which starts a server for compiling and formatting projects using requests.
  • #405 Added lint command to lint the project for syntax and type errors.
  • #412 Added --minify, --no-minify flags to the build and compile commands which control whether or not to minify the output JavaScript.
  • #450 Show syntax errors for the format command.
  • #413 Don't generate icons if there is no icon specified.
  • Added --check flag to format command, allowing to check for changes without actually modifying the files (returns with exit code 1 if there are changes)
  • Added -r, --live-reload, --no-live-reload flags to start command which controls the live reload functionality.
  • Building assets now respect the --relative flag.
  • Fixed format command without any arguments.
  • Fixed test command to return with exit code 1 if any tests fail.
  • Changed version command now returns the plain version only.


13 Apr 08:23
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This release brings language server support and asset handling to Mint!

Language Server 🎉

One of the highly requested features the language server is now available using the mint ls command.

Having this shipped allows us to incrementally implement other features such as showing errors and goto declaration / implementation.

Format on save

The files are formatted when saved if they don't contain any errors.


Hover Provider

The type information of most entities can be checked by hovering over them also, if available the documentation is displayed as well.



Completions are provided for entities in stores, components, modules and also in scope variables (depending on where to cursor is).


New App Template

A new application template has been implemented!

App Template

Language Features

The asset directive was implemented also support for constants in tests.

Asset Directive

The asset directive allows you to reference an asset (image, stylesheet, video, etc..) - relative to the current file. These assets are bundled in the production build.

component Main {
  fun render : Html {
    /* The image should be in the same directory as this file. */
    <img src={@asset(some-image.jpg)}/>

Only those assets get bundled which are touched during type checking, for example if a component references some assets then those assets are only bundled if that component is used.

Constants in Tests

Constants can now be used in tests:

suite "Some tests" {
  const VALUE = "Hello"

  test "Constant equals Hello" {
    VALUE == "Hello"


  • Fixed Preact to 10.4.4 (last known working version).
  • Don't use shouldComponentUpdate in components #316.
  • Normalize dataTransfer and clipboardData fields in events.
  • Properly resolve page position after navigation (hash jump, scroll to top).
  • Don't handle links that point out of the current frame.


  • Implemented missing CSS keyframes formatter.
  • Properly format Html body when there are only comments inside.
  • Open modules now format properly (not duplicating entities).
  • Format Html body properly if it's children has new lines.
  • Format inline functions as multiline if they contain new lines.
  • Format state statements as multiline if appropriate.


  • Crystal 1.0 compatibility.
  • Builds now use the latest crystal version.
  • #375 Contribution guide has been updated (@itsgreggreg).
  • #383 Github actions has been improved (@Sija).

Standard Library

  • Added Map.fromArray.
  • Added String.wrap.
  • Added String.indent.
  • Added String.indentWithOptions.
  • Added Time.nextWeek.
  • Added Time.previousWeek.
  • Added Function.debounce1.
  • Added Html.Portals.Head component.
  • String.parameterize now converts titlecase to dash case.
  • Window.isActiveURL now ignores search (query) parameters and the hash.
  • now works again #390.
  • Make sure the copy clipboard function does not scroll the page.

Minor changes / fixes

  • Use Array(Char) instead of String in the parser which speeds up parsing in some cases.
  • #385 Rename manifest.json to manifest.webmanifest (@jonathanoberg).

Fixed issues

  • #371 Case does not unify branches which can lead to unexpected behaviour.
  • #372 Make sure that module functions are resolved in the proper scope.
  • #373 Convert string literals in CSS values to string unless they contain interpolations.
  • #376, #358 Make sure that error messages render properly.
  • #381 Try now can return a result directly (@itsgreggreg).
  • #366 Gracefully shut down the test runner in case of uncaught exceptions in JavaScript (@Sam647254).


07 Jan 13:51
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This release focused on bug fixes, although there are some new language features.

Language Features

Regular Expression Literal #250

Mint now supports regular expression literals:

Regexp.match("abbc", /ab+c/i) == true

Open Modules #265

Modules now can be defined in multiple places allowing to define constants and functions.

module Greeter {
  fun greet (name : String) {
    "Hello #{name}!"

module Greeter {
  fun greetPolitely (name : String) {
    "Have a nice day Mr. #{name}!"

This is mostly useful if you want to extend a module in the standard library (like Array).

Or operator

Added the or operator as an alias to Maybe.withDefault:

Maybe.withDefault("Hello", Maybe::Just("Value")) /* "Value" */
Maybe.withDefault("Hello", Maybe::Nothing)       /* "Hello" */

Maybe::Just("Value") or "Hello" /* "Value" */
Maybe::Nothing or "Hello"       /* "Hello" */

[] access on tuples

It is now possible to use [] on tuples:

{"Name", "Joe"}[0] == "Name"

Only literal numbers are valid since it's the only way we can only determine the type.


  • Format the type signature of the inline JavaScript if given.
  • Format the type signature of an array literal if given.


  • Moved the CI from Travis to Github actions.

Standard Library

  • #288 - Added API wrapper for DataTransfer and added dataTransfer to Html.Event.
  • Added return types to all functions @s0kil
  • Added Array.uniq

Minor changes / fixes

  • Fixed compiling of calls when the expression is an anonymous function.
  • Fixed compiling of referenced html elements.
  • Compile empty HTML fragments as nil.

Fixed issues

  • #249 #319 - Disallow referencing other entities from the same top level entity in the default value of a state or property.
  • #277 - Added clean command to delete compiler and package artifacts @s0kil
  • #278 - Format code from STDIN if --stdin flag is passed @s0kil
  • #302 - Added error message for ambiguous pipe operators
  • #305 - Allow parsing string literals in css definitions
  • #317 - Throw error when record does not have a record definition @s0kil
  • #320 - Set manifest.json as relative path when --relative flag is set @s0kil
  • #326 - Refactor encoding to be explicit
  • #327 - Confusing error when trying to add styles to custom components @matthewmcgarvey
  • #330 - Make sure inlined variable names are not conflicting with generated ones
  • #332 - Add the record type as the last parameter in record constructor functions
  • #338 - Allow trailing comment in record definitions.
  • #339 - Better error message for NextCallStateTypeMismatch @s0kil
  • #341 - Update documentation viewer to handle inferred types @s0kil
  • #349 - Allow prefixing CSS classes using mint.json