+Pattern: DLT0x01
+Broken time (ISO C)
+Microsecond of broken time
+Epoch of system/Timestamp
+Msg counter
+Info of msg type and length
+Verbose status
+Number of arguments
This project is based on COVESA/DLT-Daemon
The aim of this project is to create a plugin used for log viewing on website. The plugin is first used for local network and then can be enhance for online update (might be realtime).
- First, the idea is to simply build a tool helping user or client view the log data stored inside the system. The tool must contain a feature helping browse action and can upload the log file onto web page. Then the web page will be written in HTML.
Web page (UI) must be user-friendly and be able to detect correctly the log files.
The plugin can upload and convert binary file into ascii (human readable text).
The plugin must obey the COVESA standard log construction format.
The header and the payload must be considered as separate parts and be processed sequentially before uploading on Web.
The plugin should be programmed using native Javascript instead of back-end runtime environment NodeJS or Javascript plugin JQuery.
The procedural scripts must be separated and put into different js file so that they can be hidden from users, instead of coding directly onto HTML file.
The lack of Javascript deeper knowledge might not seem to be a big matter but it is still a little struggling and challenging to manage searched information and Internet resources.
Some features or functions might not be supported by some web browsers.
Web browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox)
- Please feel free to comment to this part for further investigation and enhancement. = Intern of DLT can start with this project to enhance basic DLT logging mechanism.