For birthday API of famous personalities like film actor, actress, politician, sportsperson, or even a new anchor this is the best API I found till now. This API following parameters as a result.
End Point:
Method: POST
Documentation URL:
Input: This API accepts two parameters as input.
response, limit
The response accepts fixed value "JSON" as a string.
The limit accepts integer ranging from 1 to 100.
You can get a maximum of 100 results per query.
OutPut: Following output, results are received with each query.
- 'name',
- 'first name',
- 'last name',
- 'gender',
- 'occupation',
- 'birthplace',
- 'country',
- 'country iso',
- 'religion'
Response Format: JSON
Limitations: As shown in the above input para, this can give a maximum of 100 results per day and has no option for searching by date to avoid misuse of the application.
Example Codes :
- JavaScript
- JavaScript (jquery)
- curl
available in this repository