See the changelog readme file for an overview of the past versions and ongoing development effort.
Update pom.xml
to reflect changes to the current version. This is picked up by the DevOps pipeline to automatically tag the built docker image. The version can be easily extracted from the pom.xml
file by executing mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout
Specific -SNAPSHOT
versions are used to indicate work in progress, to be solidified in the actual version when it's deemed ready. This way multiple merge requests can be bundled into a single version.
The script
helps switching from one version to the next. It can do two things:
- finish off a SNAPSHOT version
- start the newly bumped version
The pom.xml
file is automatically added. The changelog file is modified accordingly.
Sample usage:
# when on 1.0.9-SNAPSHOT...
./ -b patch
# ... this creates two remote branches: feature/finalise-1.0.9 and feature/start-1.0.10-SNAPSHOT
# when on 1.0.9-SNAPSHOT...
./ -b minor
# ... this creates two remote branches: feature/finalise-1.0.9 and feature/start-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT