- Adapter and IP information (IPv4 and IPv6)
- View DNS server, DHCP server, etc.
ipconfig /all
shows more extensive information
- Test reachability
- Determine round-trip time
- Uses ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
- Network statistics
- Windows, MacOS, and Linux
netstat -a
- All active connections
netstat -b
- Shows binaries (Windows)
- Needs elevation
netstat -n
- Don't resolve names
- Name server lookup
- Looks up info from DNS servers
- Canonical names, IP, cache timers, etc.
- Windows network commands
- Network resources
net view \\<servername>
net view /workgroup:<workgroupname>
- Map netowkr share
net use <drive>: \\<servername>\<sharename>
- View user account info
net user <username>
net user <username> * /domain
- Uses ICMP
- Takes advantage of TTL exceder error message
- TTL = hops , not seconds/mins
- TTL=1 is first router, TTL=2 is seconds, etc.
- Determine route a packet takes
- Each router that recieves packet decreases TTL by 1
- Some devices will not reply with ICMP time exceeded
- Firewall rules
- ICMP is low-priority on most devices
- Combines ping and traceroute
- First phase runs traceroute to build map
- Second phase measures round trip time and packet loss at each hop