Library to read and manipulate Houdini files & data
Install docker if not already done:
Go to the root directory of this package, i.e. where the file "Dockerfile" located
Build the Docker image if you have not already done so :
docker build -t houio:base \ --build-arg USER_ID=$(id -u) \ --build-arg GROUP_ID=$(id -g) \ --build-arg USER_NAME=$(id -u -n) ./
Run a new container to make a call to
:docker run -it --rm -w $(pwd) --user $(id -u -n) \ --mount type=bind,source=/datas/$(id -u -n),target=/datas/$(id -u -n) \ --mount type=bind,source=/s/apps/packages,target=/s/apps/packages,readonly \ --name houio \ houio:base \ /bin/bash -c 'cmake .. && make && make install'
A script is deployed at Mikros with the REZ packages.