- local OS X install, R 3.2.1
- ubuntu 14.04, R 3.2.1
- win-builder (devel and release)
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 note
- This is a new release and re-submit. There is no special note.
This is a new release. Then, there is no revdep like the following log.
> devtools::use_revdep()
* Creating `revdep`.
* Adding `revdep` to `.Rbuildignore`.
* Creating `revdep/check.R` from template.
> source('~/Rtextrankr/revdep/check.R')
Reverse dependency checks for Rtextrankr ==============================================================================
Saving check results in `revdep/checks/`
Computing reverse dependencies
Installing Rtextrankr 1.0.0 and dependencies to /tmp/Rtmp88Qu57/R-lib
Setting env vars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOT_CRAN : false
Saving check results to `revdep/check.rds` ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cleaning up -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No ERRORs or WARNINGs found :)