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191 lines (155 loc) · 11.3 KB

File metadata and controls

191 lines (155 loc) · 11.3 KB

ANTLRngPart of the Next Generation ANTLR Project

Release Notes


  • Upgraded dependencies.
  • PR #273 Add a config variable to allow users to set the Java executable location (fixes issue #57)

2.4.5 - 2.4.6

  • Upgraded dependencies.
  • Fixed bug #242 Visual parse tree not showing for version 2.4.5


  • Upgraded to the latest formatter package to fix a number of issues.


  • Updated 3rd party dependencies.
  • Extracted the formatter into an own Node.js package for broader use.
  • Added new animation to call graphs, which highlights (in steps) which rule calls another rule. This is an implementation from Garry Miller.
  • Fixed bug #134 alignColons formatting setting affects semicolon on first line
  • Fixed bug #151: Formatting comments adds empty lines in some situations
  • Fixed bug #150: Language server fails to accept 'fail' option after semantic predicate.
  • Added support for predicate options.
  • Fixed bug #180: How to pass multi CLI arguments to antlr?
  • Fixed bug #182: Setting no generation language should not automatically apply Java as default
  • Fixed bug #210: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
  • Added a check to avoid endless recursion if a grammar uses itself as token vocabulary.
  • Added a new semantic check for this (erroneous situation).
  • Interpreter data is now also regenerated on start of the extension, if the grammar is newer than existing data and diagnostic checks are executed on startup.
  • Fixed bug #235: Extension does not work on Windows

2.4.0 - 2.4.2

  • Switched to a new TypeScript runtime (antlr4ng), which supports the latest features from ANTLR4 (e.g. case sensitive identifiers).
  • Fixed bug #195: Extension breaks if filename ends with Parser
  • Fixed bug #197: Use lexer token labels when generating tokens in debug console
  • Fixed bug #218: Activation fails with TypeError: Invalid host defined options
  • Fixed bugs in the formatter (last token removal and wrong action with copy/paste).
  • Fixed a bug in the ATN graph renderer, where rule name + index were not properly updated, when navigating between rules.
  • Railroad diagrams received a big overhaul:
    • Updated to latest version of the generation script.
    • Added a button for exporting all diagrams in the all-rules list to individual SVG files.
    • Added a new option to specify a character length in a line, after which an path is wrapped. This is useful for long alternatives.
    • All CSS rules (including custom ones) are now inlined into exported SVG files, to avoid CSP problems.
    • The all-rules list can now be filtered by typing a regular expression and only the visible diagrams are exported.
    • A new option allows to strip out a part of rule names (e.g. a common _SYMBOL suffix), while rendering the SVG.


A bug fix release for even stricter content security policies in VS Code starting at version 1.73.

  • Fixed bug #192: Broken Parse Tree Window on VSCode v1.73


  • Now using ANTLR 4.9. Cannot use the just released 4.10 because of TS runtime incompatibilities.
  • Fixed bug #104: Cannot read property 'document' of undefined error being thrown
  • Fixed bug #120: "antlr4.customcss": probably wrong type configuration.
  • Improved ATN diagrams:
    • Unused ATN states are no longer visible in the graph.
    • Initial rendering of the graph is now much faster, by doing the initial element position computation as a separate step, instead of animating that.
    • Transitions for actions, predicates and precedence predicates now show a label that indicates their type.
    • The action transitions now show their action (or predicate) in the ATN graph as additional label.
    • The custom CSS setting name has been changed to cause no spelling trouble (from customcss to customCSS). Documentation was updated as well.
  • Improved predicate execution:
    • Simplified the required JS code for predicate simulation in the debugger, sentence generation and test execution. See Grammar Debugging for details.
    • Labels for links now rotate sooner to horizontal position (45° instead of 75° of link angle), which makes for a nicer display.
  • Improved sentence generation:
    • Sentence generation is now available in grammar files. See Sentence Generation for details.
    • Show a special char if no printable char could be generated (due to filtering).
    • For virtual tokens the name is now printed instead of nothing (as they have no attached label), if no mapping is specified for them.
    • Inclusion of Unicode line terminators can now be enabled, to allow generating them where possible.
    • Sentence generation can now be configured per grammar. See the documentation for that.
  • Improved action and predicate handling/display:
    • Named actions, standard actions and predicates now have hover information.
    • Action types are now grouped for more details in the "Actions & Predicates" section. This also is part of better predicate handling (correct action index).
    • There are now separate entries for local and global named actions.
    • Exception blocks, lexer actions (more, pushMode etc.) and similar action blocks are tagged properly in the symbol table now and show as such in the actions section.
    • Action transitions in the ATN graph now show their type + index.
  • Elements in railroad diagrams now have a CSS class, to make them better customizable.
  • D3.js is a dependency of the extension and hence shipped with it. But the webviews downloaded an own copy of that lib for their work. Now they use the shipped D3.js code.
  • There is now a language injection definition for Markdown files, to syntax highlight ANTLR4 code in these files. Just specify antlr as language for triple-backtick code blocks to see it.
  • Improved the file generation process:
    • Generation continues if multiple files take part (e.g. those imported) and one of them has an error.
    • Errors coming up while running Java are now reported to the frontend. Also shows a hint if no Java is installed.


  • You can now specify an alternative ANTLR4 jar file for parser generation and also use custom parameters. Both values can be set in the generation settings of the extension.
  • Handling of debug configuration has been changed to what is the preferred way by the vscode team, supporting so variables there now.
  • Further work has been done on the sentence generation feature, but it is still not enabled in the extension, due to a number of issues. Help is welcome to finished that, if someone has a rather urgent need for this.
  • The extension view for ANTLR4 grammars now shows only relevant views for a specific grammar (e.g. no lexer modes, if a parser grammar is active).
  • Code evaluation for grammar predicates has been changed to use an own VM for isolation. Plays now better with vscode (no need anymore to manually modify the imports cache).
  • Updated ANTLR4 jar to latest version (4.8.0). It's no longer a custom build, but the official release.
  • ESList has been enabled and the entire code base has been overhauled to fix any linter error/warning.


  • Update to latest antlr4ts version.
  • Added a new view container with sidebar icon for ANTLR4 files.
  • Added lists of actions and predicates in a grammar to the sidebar.
  • Added support for predicates in grammars. Code must be written in Javascript.
  • Improved stack trace display in debug view.
  • Reorganized documentation, with individual documents for specific aspects like debugging.
  • Enhanced parsing support for tests, with an overhaul of the lexer and parser interpreters.
  • Textual parse trees now include a list of recognized tokens.
  • Improved sentence generation, using weight based ATN graph traveling. Added full Unicode support for identifier generation and a dedicated test for this. Still, the sentence generator is not yet available in the editor.
  • Overhaul of most of the used extension icons (with support for light + dark themes).
  • Added a reference provider.
  • Fixed Bug #87: Omitting start rule doesn't fallback to first parser rule (when debugging)
  • Graphs no longer need an internet connection (to load D3.js). Instead it's taken from the D3 node module.
  • Added content security policies to all graphs, as required by vscode.


  • Fixed Bug #41: Plugin Internal Error on EOF
  • Fixed Bug #48: Not possible to use ${} macros in launch.json
  • Merged PR #59: Fix CodeLens positions being off by one while editing and reference count being wrong
  • Fixed re-use of graphical tabs (web views), to avoid multiple tabs of the same type for a single grammar. Also, parse tree tabs now include the grammar's name in the title, just like it is done for all other tabs.
  • Added live visual parse trees and improved their handling + usability. No more jumping and zooming to default values on each debugger run.
  • Fixed a number of TS warnings.
  • Added two parse tree related settings (allowing to specify the initial layout + orientation).
  • Improved handling of certain ANTLR4 errors.
  • Re-enabled the accidentally disabled code completion feature.


  • Fixed Bug #36: "$antlr-format off" removes remaining lines in file
  • Fixed Bug #37: Debugging gets stuck with visualParseTree set to true


  • Updated tests to compile with the latest backend changes.
  • Fixed a bug when setting up a debugger, after switching grammars. Only the first used grammar did work.


  • Fixed Bug #28: ATN graph cannot be drawn even after code generation.
  • Fixed another bug in interpreter data file names construction.


  • Bug fix for wrong interpreter data paths.
  • Implicit lexer tokens are now properly handled.
  • Fixed a bug in the formatter.


  • The extension and its backend module (formerly known as antlr4-graps) have now been combined. This went along with a reorganization of the code.
  • A rename provider has been added to allow renaming symbols across files.


  • Added grammar debugger.
  • Added graphical and textual parse tree display.


  • Added dependency graph.
  • Added call graph.


  • Added ATN graphs.
  • Added SVG export for ATN graphs + railroad diagrams.
  • Now showing a progress indicator for background tasks (parser generation).


  • Added code lens support.
  • Added code completion support.
  • Finished the light theme.


  • Rework of the code - now using Typescript.
  • Adjustments for reworked antlr4-graps nodejs module.
  • Native code compilation is a matter of the past, so problems on e.g. Windows are gone now.
  • No longer considered a preview.


  • Updated the symbol handling for the latest change in the antlr4-graps module. We now also show different icons depending on the type of the symbol.
  • Updated prebuilt antlr4-graps binaries for all platforms.
  • Quick navigation has been extended to imports/token vocabularies and lexer modes.
  • The symbols list now contains some markup to show where a section with a specific lexer mode starts.
  • Fixed also a little mis-highlighting in the language syntax file.
  • Added a license file.


Marked the extension as preview and added prebuilt binaries.


  • full setup of the project
  • added most of the required settings etc.
  • included dark theme is complete

For further details see the Git commit history.