This document describes all telemetry properties supported by the ETS2 Telemetry Web Server.
A boolean value that can be either true or false.
An integer value. Example: 40
A floating point value. Example: 40.1233
Date types are always serialized to an ISO 8601 string in UTC. Counting starts from year 0001 when 1st January is Monday. Example: "0001-01-05T05:11:00Z".
If you want to convert date string to Javascript date object inside dashboard.js skin file you may use the following technique:
var nextRestStopTimeDate = new Date(;
var hours = nextRestStopTimeDate.getUTCHours();
var minutes = nextRestStopTimeDate.getUTCMinutes();
For more information about Javascript date object see the reference.
A string value. Example: "hshifter"
A complex property that describes object placement in the game world. Contains the following sub-properties:
"placement": {
"x": 13475.5762,
// X coordinate of the placement
"y": 67.3605652,
// Y coordinate of the placement
"z": 14618.6211,
// Z coordinate of the placement
"heading": 0.185142234,
// The angle is measured counterclockwise in horizontal plane
// when looking from top where 0 corresponds to forward (north),
// 0.25 to left (west), 0.5 to backward (south) and 0.75 to right (east).
// Stored in unit range where (0,1) corresponds to (0,360).
"pitch": -0.0067760786,
// The pitch angle is zero when in horizontal direction,
// with positive values pointing up (0.25 directly to zenith),
// and negative values pointing down (-0.25 directly to nadir).
// Stored in unit range where (-0.25,0.25) corresponds to (-90,90).
"roll": -0.000293774
// The angle is measured in counterclockwise
// when looking in direction of the roll axis.
// Stored in unit range where (-0.5,0.5) corresponds to (-180,180).
A complex property that describes a vector or position. Contains the following sub-properties:
"vector": {
"x": 13475.5762,
// X coordinate
"y": 67.3605652,
// Y coordinate
"z": 14618.6211,
// Z coordinate
Indicates whether the telemetry server is connected to the simulator (ETS) or not.
Type: boolean
Example: true
CSS Class: game-connected
Returns the acronym of the currently running game (ETS2, ATS), or null if game name could not be detected.
Type: string
Example: "ATS"
CSS Class: game-gameName
True if game is currently paused, false otherwise.
Type: boolean
Example: true
CSS Class: game-paused
Current absolute game time. Always starts from 0001 year when 1st January is Monday.
Type: date
Example: "0001-01-08T21:09:00Z"
CSS Class: game-time
Scale applied to distance and time to compensate for the scale of the map (e.g. 1s of real time corresponds to local_scale seconds of simulated game time).
Type: float
Example: 19
CSS Class: game-timeScale
When the fatique simulation is enabled contains relative remaining time before player starts experiencing yawning (time to stop at the next rest stop).
Type: date
Example: "0001-01-01T10:52:00Z"
CSS Class: game-nextRestStopTime
Current version of the game engine (internal).
Type: string
Example: "1.10"
CSS Class: game-version
Current version of the telemetry plugin DLL file (revision).
Type: string
Example: "4"
CSS Class: game-telemetryPluginVersion
The maximum number of trailers supported by the telemetry SDK.
Type: integer
Example: 10
CSS Class: game-maxTrailerCount
Brand Id of the current truck. Standard values are: "daf", "iveco", "man", "mercedes", "renault", "scania", "volvo".
Type: string
Example: "man"
CSS Class: truck-id
Localized brand name of the current truck for display purposes.
Type: string
Example: "MAN"
CSS Class: truck-make
Localized model name of the current truck.
Type: string
Example: "TGX"
CSS Class: truck-model
Current truck speed in km/h. If truck is moving backwards the value is negative.
Type: float
Example: 50.411231
CSS Class: truck-speed
Speed selected for the cruise control in km/h.
Type: float
Example: 75.0
CSS Class: truck-cruiseControlSpeed
Indicates whether cruise control is turned on or off.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-cruiseControlOn
The value of the truck's odometer in km.
Type: float
Example: 105809.25
CSS Class: truck-odometer
Gear that is currently selected in the engine (physical gear). Positive values reflect forward gears, negative - reverse.
Type: integer
Example: 9
CSS Class: truck-gear
Gear that is currently displayed on the main dashboard inside the game. Positive values reflect forward gears, negative - reverse.
Type: integer
Example: 9
CSS Class: truck-displayedGear
Number of forward gears on undamaged truck.
Type: integer
Example: 12
CSS Class: truck-forwardGears
Number of reverse gears on undamaged truck.
Type: integer
Example: 1
CSS Class: truck-reverseGears
Type of the shifter selected in the game's settings. One of the following values: "arcade", "automatic", "manual", "hshifter".
Type: string
Example: "arcade"
CSS Class: truck-shifterType
Current RPM value of the truck's engine (rotates per minute).
Type: float
Example: 2490.033
CSS Class: truck-engineRpm
Maximal RPM value of the truck's engine.
Type: float
Example: 2500
CSS Class: truck-engineRpmMax
Current amount of fuel in liters.
Type: float
Example: 696.7544
CSS Class: truck-fuel
Fuel tank capacity in litres.
Type: float
Example: 700
CSS Class: truck-fuelCapacity
Average consumption of the fuel in liters/km.
Type: float
Example: 0.4923077
CSS Class: truck-fuelAverageConsumption
Fraction of the fuel capacity bellow which is activated the fuel warning.
Type: float
Example: 0.15
CSS Class: truck-fuelWarningFactor
Indicates whether low fuel warning is active or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-fuelWarningOn
Current level of truck's engine wear/damage between 0 (min) and 1 (max).
Type: float
Example: 0.00675457
CSS Class: truck-wearEngine
Current level of truck's transmission wear/damage between 0 (min) and 1 (max).
Type: float
Example: 0.047
CSS Class: truck-wearTransmission
Current level of truck's cabin wear/damage between 0 (min) and 1 (max).
Type: float
Example: 0.044
CSS Class: truck-wearCabin
Current level of truck's chassis wear/damage between 0 (min) and 1 (max).
Type: float
Example: 0.043
CSS Class: truck-wearChassis
Current level of truck's wheel wear/damage between 0 (min) and 1 (max).
Type: float
Example: 0.041
CSS Class: truck-wearWheels
Steering received from input (-1;1). Note that it is interpreted counterclockwise. If the user presses the steer right button on digital input (e.g. keyboard) this value goes immediatelly to -1.0.
Type: float
Example: -1.0
CSS Class: truck-userSteer
Throttle received from input (-1;1). If the user presses the forward button on digital input (e.g. keyboard) this value goes immediatelly to 1.0.
Type: float
Example: 0
CSS Class: truck-userThrottle
Brake received from input (-1;1). If the user presses the brake button on digital input (e.g. keyboard) this value goes immediatelly to 1.0.
Type: float
Example: 0
CSS Class: truck-userBrake
Clutch received from input (-1;1). If the user presses the clutch button on digital input (e.g. keyboard) this value goes immediatelly to 1.0.
Type: float
Example: 0
CSS Class: truck-userClutch
Steering as used by the simulation (-1;1). Note that it is interpreted counterclockwise. Accounts for interpolation speeds and simulated counterfoces for digital inputs.
Type: float
Example: -0.423521
CSS Class: truck-gameSteer
Throttle pedal input as used by the simulation (0;1). Accounts for the press attack curve for digital inputs or cruise-control input.
Type: float
Example: 0.17161
CSS Class: truck-gameThrottle
Brake pedal input as used by the simulation (0;1). Accounts for the press attack curve for digital inputs. Does not contain retarder, parking or motor brake.
Type: float
Example: 0
CSS Class: truck-gameBrake
Clutch pedal input as used by the simulation (0;1). Accounts for the automatic shifting or interpolation of player input.
Type: float
Example: 0
CSS Class: truck-gameClutch
Gearbox slot the h-shifter handle is currently in. 0 means that no slot is selected.
Type: integer
Example: 4
CSS Class: truck-shifterSlot
Indicates whether the engine is currently turned on or off.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-engineOn
Indicates whether the electric is enabled or not.
Type: boolean
Example: true
CSS Class: truck-electricOn
Indicates whether wipers are currently turned on or off.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-wipersOn
Current level of the retarder brake. Ranges from 0 to RetarderStepCount.
Type: integer
Example: 0
CSS Class: truck-retarderBrake
Number of steps in the retarder. Set to zero if retarder is not mounted to the truck.
Type: integer
Example: 3
CSS Class: truck-retarderStepCount
Is the parking brake enabled or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-parkBrakeOn
Is the motor brake enabled or not.
Type: boolean
Example: true
CSS Class: truck-motorBrakeOn
Temperature of the brakes in degrees celsius.
Type: float
Example: 15.9377184
CSS Class: truck-brakeTemperature
Amount of AdBlue in liters.
Type: float
Example: 0
CSS Class: truck-adblue
AdBlue tank capacity in litres.
Type: float
Example: 0
CSS Class: truck-adblueCapacity
Average consumption of the adblue in liters/km.
Type: float
Example: 0
CSS Class: truck-adblueAverageConsumption
Is the low adblue warning active or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-adblueWarningOn
Pressure in the brake air tank in psi.
Type: float
Example: 133.043961
CSS Class: truck-airPressure
Is the air pressure warning active or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-airPressureWarningOn
Pressure of the air in the tank bellow which the warning activates.
Type: float
Example: 65
CSS Class: truck-airPressureWarningValue
Are the emergency brakes active as result of low air pressure or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-airPressureEmergencyOn
Pressure of the air in the tank bellow which the emergency brakes activate.
Type: float
Example: 30
CSS Class: truck-airPressureEmergencyValue
Temperature of the oil in degrees celsius.
Type: float
Example: 16.2580566
CSS Class: truck-oilTemperature
Pressure of the oil in psi.
Type: float
Example: 36.4550362
CSS Class: truck-oilPressure
Is the oil pressure warning active or not.
Type: boolean
Example: true
CSS Class: truck-oilPressureWarningOn
Pressure of the oil bellow which the warning activates.
Type: float
Example: 10
CSS Class: truck-oilPressureWarningValue
Temperature of the water in degrees celsius.
Type: float
Example: 16.1623955
CSS Class: truck-waterTemperature
Is the water temperature warning active or not.
Type: boolean
Example: true
CSS Class: truck-waterTemperatureWarningOn
Temperature of the water above which the warning activates.
Type: float
Example: 105
CSS Class: truck-waterTemperatureWarningValue
Voltage of the battery in volts.
Type: float
Example: 23.4985161
CSS Class: truck-batteryVoltage
Is the battery voltage/not charging warning active or not.
Type: boolean
Example: true
CSS Class: truck-batteryVoltageWarningOn
Voltage of the battery bellow which the warning activates.
Type: float
Example: 22
CSS Class: truck-batteryVoltageWarningValue
Intensity of the dashboard backlight between 0 (off) and 1 (max).
Type: float
Example: 1
CSS Class: truck-lightsDashboardValue
Is the dashboard backlight currently turned on or off.
Type: boolean
Example: true
CSS Class: truck-lightsDashboardOn
Indicates whether the left blinker currently emits light or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-blinkerLeftActive
Indicates whether the right blinker currently emits light or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-blinkerRightActive
Is left blinker currently turned on or off.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-blinkerLeftOn
Is right blinker currently turned on or off.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-blinkerRightOn
Are parking lights enabled or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-lightsParkingOn
Are low beam lights enabled or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-lightsBeamLowOn
Are high beam lights enabled or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-lightsBeamHighOn
Are auxiliary front lights active or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-lightsAuxFrontOn
Are auxiliary roof lights active or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-lightsAuxRoofOn
Are beacon lights enabled or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-lightsBeaconOn
Is brake light active or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-lightsBrakeOn
Is reverse light active or not.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: truck-lightsReverseOn
Current truck placement in the game world.
Type: placement
Example: -
CSS Classes: truck-placement-x
Represents vehicle space linear acceleration of the truck measured in meters per second^2.
Type: vector
Example: -
CSS Classes: truck-acceleration-x
Default position of the head in the cabin space.
Type: vector
Example: -
CSS Classes: truck-head-x
Position of the cabin in the vehicle space. This is position of the joint around which the cabin rotates. This attribute might be not present if the vehicle does not have a separate cabin.
Type: vector
Example: -
CSS Classes: truck-cabin-x
Position of the trailer connection hook in vehicle space.
Type: vector
Example: -
CSS Classes: truck-hook-x
The license plate affixed to the truck.
Type: string
Example: "ABC123"
CSS Class: truck-licensePlate
Country ID of the license plate (internal).
Type: string
Example: "arizona"
CSS Class: truck-licensePlateCountryId
The license plate's localized country (ETS2) or state (ATS).
Type: string
Example: "Arizona"
CSS Class: truck-licensePlateCountry
The telemetry API will always return 10 trailers, indicated as trailer1, trailer2, etc. When referring to the proper CSS class, replace the #
symbol with the proper trailer number.
The sequence number of the trailer (1 being first, 10 being last)
Type: integer
Example: 1
CSS Class: trailer#-trailerNumber
Is the trailer attached to the truck or not.
Type: boolean
Example: true
CSS Class: trailer#-attached
Does the trailer exist in the game world?
Type: boolean
Example: true
CSS Class: trailer#-present
Id of the trailer (internal).
Type: string
Example: ""
CSS Class: trailer#-id
Localized name of the current trailer for display purposes.
Type: string
Example: "A-KRB-18"
CSS Class: trailer#-name
Current level of trailer wheel wear/damage between 0 (min) and 1 (max).
Type: float
Example: 0.0314717
CSS Class: trailer#-wearWheels
Current level of trailer chassis wear/damage between 0 (min) and 1 (max).
Type: float
Example: 0.0314717
CSS Class: trailer#-wearChassis
Current level of cargo damage in the specific trailer between 0 (min) and 1 (max).
Type: float
Example: 0.0314717
CSS Class: trailer#-cargoDamage
Type: string
Example: ""
CSS Class: trailer#-cargoAccessoryId
Id of the trailer's brand (internal).
Type: string
Example: "scs"
CSS Class: trailer#-brandId
Localized name of the trailer's brand for display purposes.
Type: string
Example: ""
CSS Class: trailer#-brand
Type of the trailer
Type: string
Example: "refrigerated"
CSS Class: trailer#-bodyType
Type of cargo the trailer can deliver
Type: string
Example: "refrigerated"
CSS Class: trailer#-cargo
The license plate affixed to the trailer.
Type: string
Example: "ABC123"
CSS Class: trailer#-licensePlate
Country ID of the license plate (internal).
Type: string
Example: "arizona"
CSS Class: trailer#-licensePlateCountryId
The license plate's localized country (ETS2) or state (ATS).
Type: string
Example: "Arizona"
CSS Class: trailer#-licensePlateCountry
The type of trailer.
Type: string
Example: "double"
CSS Class: trailer#-chainType
Current trailer placement in the game world.
Type: placement
Example: -
CSS Classes: trailer#-placement-x
Reward in internal game-specific currency.
Type: integer
Example: 2310
CSS Class: job-income
Absolute in-game time of end of job delivery window. Delivering the job after this time will cause it be late.
Type: date
Example: "0001-01-09T03:34:00Z"
CSS Class: job-deadlineTime
Relative remaining in-game time left before deadline.
Type: date
Example: "0001-01-01T07:06:00Z"
CSS Class: job-remainingTime
Localized name of the source city for display purposes.
Type: string
Example: "Linz"
CSS Class: job-sourceCity
Localized name of the source company for display purposes.
Type: string
Example: "DHL"
CSS Class: job-sourceCompany
Localized name of the destination city for display purposes.
Type: string
Example: "Salzburg"
CSS Class: job-destinationCity
Localized name of the destination company for display purposes.
Type: string
Example: "JCB"
CSS Class: job-destinationCompany
Is this job a special transport job?
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: job-specialTransport
The job market the job came from. Possible values: "quick_job"
, "cargo_market"
, "freight_market"
, "external_contracts"
, "external_market"
Type: string
Example: "quick_job"
CSS Class: job-jobMarket
Is the cargo loaded into the trailer? (NOTE: This will always be true for jobs that do not use a player-owned trailer)
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: cargo-cargoLoaded
Internal ID of the cargo.
Type: string
Example: "derrick"
CSS Class: cargo-cargoId
Localized name of the cargo for display purposes.
Type: string
Example: "Derrick"
CSS Class: cargo-cargo
The total mass of the cargo in kilograms.
Type: float
Example: 3.1415
CSS Class: cargo-mass
The mass of one piece of cargo in kilograms
Type: float
Example: 3.1415
CSS Class: cargo-unitMass
The number of units of cargo in the trailer(s).
Type: integer
Example: 200
CSS Class: cargo-unitCount
The total amount of damaged cargo between 0 (min) and 1 (max).
Type: float
Example: 0.0031415
CSS Class: cargo-damage
Relative estimated time of arrival.
Type: date
Example: "0001-01-01T02:05:00Z"
CSS Class: navigation-estimatedTime
Estimated distance to the destination in meters.
Type: integer
Example: 132500
CSS Class: navigation-estimatedDistance
Current value of the "Route Advisor speed limit" in km/h.
Type: integer
Example: 50
CSS Class: navigation-speedLimit
Events are new as of ETS2 / ATS 1.35. Each event has a boolean
property that is true
for 10 frames when activated; it then switches back to false
. However, after the 10 frames,
the information is NOT cleared from the API, allowing you to use the data for as long as needed.
Whether or not the user has recently received a fine.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: finedEvent-fined
The type of offense the user was fined for. Possible values:
: Player crashed into another vehicle (or vice-versa 😉) -
: Player ignored sleeping requirements -
: Player drove on the wrong side of the road -
: Player caught speeding by a traffic camera -
: Player caught driving with headlights off during nighttime hours] -
: Player drove through a red signal -
: Player caught speeding by a police officer on the road -
: Player skipped weigh station when prompted (ATS only) -
: Player drove a trailer into a country/state that does not allow the player's trailer configuration -
: ??? (Please open an issue if you encounter this offense so this documentation can be updated)Type: string Example: "crash" CSS Class: finedEvent-fineOffense
The amount the user was fined in internal game-specific currency.
Type: integer
Example: 900
CSS Class: finedEvent-fineAmount
when a job is finished
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: jobEvent-jobFinished
when the user cancels their current job
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: jobEvent-jobCancelled
when the user delivers the cargo to the destination
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: jobEvent-jobDelivered
The amount of internal game-specific currency the user was fined for canceling the job
Type: integer
Example: 900
CSS Class: jobEvent-cancelPenalty
The amount of total revenue earned from the delivery
Type: integer
Example: 900
CSS Class: jobEvent-revenue
The amount of experience (XP) earned from completing the delivery
Type: integer
Example: 900
CSS Class: jobEvent-earnedXp
The total amount of damaged cargo between 0 (min) and 1 (max).
Type: float
Example: 0.0031415
CSS Class: jobEvent-cargoDamage
The total distance traveled to complete the delivery.
Type: integer
Example: 900
CSS Class: jobEvent-distance
The time it took to complete the delivery in in-game time.
Type: date
Example: "0001-01-01T10:52:00Z"
CSS Class: jobEvent-deliveryTime
if the user skipped parking
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: jobEvent-autoparkUsed
if the user skipped loading their trailer
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: jobEvent-autoloadUsed
if the user recently used a tollgate / toll booth.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: tollgateEvent-tollgateUsed
The amount the player paid in internal game-specific currency.
Type: int
Example: 900
CSS Class: tollgateEvent-payAmount
if the user recently used a ferry.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: ferryEvent-ferryUsed
Internal ID of the source ferry port.
Type: string
Example: "europoort"
CSS Class: ferryEvent-sourceId
Localized name of the source ferry port for display purposes.
Type: string
Example: "Europoort"
CSS Class: ferryEvent-sourceName
Internal ID of the target ferry port.
Type: string
Example: "europoort"
CSS Class: ferryEvent-targetId
Localized name of the target ferry port for display purposes.
Type: string
Example: "Europoort"
CSS Class: ferryEvent-targetName
if the user recently used a train.
Type: boolean
Example: false
CSS Class: trainEvent-trainUsed
Internal ID of the source train station.
Type: string
Example: "id"
CSS Class: trainEvent-sourceId
Localized name of the source train station for display purposes.
Type: string
Example: "Station Name"
CSS Class: trainEvent-sourceName
Internal ID of the target train station.
Type: string
Example: "id"
CSS Class: trainEvent-targetId
Localized name of the target train station for display purposes.
Type: string
Example: "Station Name"
CSS Class: ferry-targetName