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Roadmap (Operators)
With TensorFlow-DirectML, our goal is to have largely equivalent operator coverage to the existing GPU device. We prioritize ops primarily on how frequently they are used in models that we've encountered, but there are other considerations as well. The following aspects are considered when lowering the priority of an operator:
- Usage: we don't have enough evidence that an op is frequently used.
- Cost: the implementation cost (e.g. a new DirectML API) is relatively high.
- Performance: falling back to CPU for the op isn't expected to result in a significant performance penalty, or the penalty is amortized over a longer training session.
- Domain: the op belongs to a set of ops that target a domain we don't intend to support at the moment.
- Generality: the op is unique to TensorFlow, not suitable for a DirectML API, but not easily implementable with a composition of existing APIs.
This prioritization may change, but we hope it's useful in highlighting the specific functionality we intend to light up over the coming months. Not all ops are equally important to accelerate, and it's definitely not required to reach 100% parity with the CPU; even the GPU device only implements a little over half (~600) of the total number of ops (~1100). As of today, DirectML implements ~430 ops.
The table below comprises all of the TF operators that have at least one GPU kernel.
- The first column is the name of the op. You can find more info for most of these by looking up
on TensorFlow's documentation (e.g. tf.raw_ops.Bitcast). - The second column indicates the operator type, which is a rough grouping of ops based on functionality. See Operator Types for details.
- The third column indicates DirectML support:
- ✅ = the op has at least one DirectML kernel registered
- 🚧 = the op will be implemented in the next milestone (~3 months)
- ❌ = the op may be implemented in the future
Op Name | Type | DirectML Support |
_ParallelConcatStart | array | ✅ |
_ParallelConcatUpdate | array | ✅ |
BatchMatrixBandPart | array | ✅ |
BatchMatrixDiag | array | ✅ |
BatchMatrixDiagPart | array | ✅ |
BatchMatrixSetDiag | array | ✅ |
BatchToSpace | array | ✅ |
BatchToSpaceND | array | ✅ |
Bitcast | array | ✅ |
BroadcastArgs | array | ✅ |
BroadcastGradientArgs | array | ✅ |
BroadcastTo | array | ✅ |
CheckNumerics | array | ✅ |
Concat | array | ✅ |
ConcatOffset | array | ✅ |
ConcatV2 | array | ✅ |
Const | array | ✅ |
DeepCopy | array | ✅ |
DepthToSpace | array | ✅ |
Diag | array | ✅ |
DiagPart | array | ✅ |
Empty | array | ✅ |
EnsureShape | array | ✅ |
ExpandDims | array | ✅ |
ExtractImagePatches | array | ✅ |
ExtractVolumePatches | array | ✅ |
Fill | array | ✅ |
Gather | array | ✅ |
GatherNd | array | ✅ |
GatherV2 | array | ✅ |
Identity | array | ✅ |
InplaceAdd | array | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
InplaceSub | array | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
InplaceUpdate | array | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
InvertPermutation | array | ✅ |
LowerBound | array | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
MatrixBandPart | array | ✅ |
MatrixDiag | array | ✅ |
MatrixDiagPart | array | ✅ |
MatrixDiagPartV2 | array | ✅ |
MatrixDiagV2 | array | ✅ |
MatrixSetDiag | array | ✅ |
MatrixSetDiagV2 | array | ✅ |
MirrorPad | array | ✅ |
MirrorPadGrad | array | ✅ |
OneHot | array | ✅ |
OnesLike | array | ✅ |
Pack | array | ✅ |
Pad | array | ✅ |
PadV2 | array | ✅ |
ParallelConcat | array | ✅ |
PlaceholderWithDefault | array | ✅ |
PreventGradient | array | ✅ |
Rank | array | ✅ |
RefIdentity | array | ✅ |
Reshape | array | ✅ |
ResourceStridedSliceAssign | array | ✅ |
Reverse | array | ✅ |
ReverseSequence | array | ✅ |
ReverseV2 | array | ✅ |
Roll | array | ✅ |
Shape | array | ✅ |
ShapeN | array | ✅ |
Size | array | ✅ |
Slice | array | ✅ |
Snapshot | array | ✅ |
SpaceToBatch | array | ✅ |
SpaceToBatchND | array | ✅ |
SpaceToDepth | array | ✅ |
Split | array | ✅ |
SplitV | array | ✅ |
Squeeze | array | ✅ |
StopGradient | array | ✅ |
StridedSlice | array | ✅ |
StridedSliceAssign | array | ✅ |
StridedSliceGrad | array | ✅ |
TensorScatterAdd | array | ✅ |
TensorScatterSub | array | ✅ |
TensorScatterUpdate | array | ✅ |
TensorStridedSliceUpdate | array | ✅ |
Tile | array | ✅ |
Transpose | array | ✅ |
Unique | array | ✅ |
Unpack | array | ✅ |
UpperBound | array | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
Where | array | ✅ |
ZerosLike | array | ✅ |
BitwiseAnd | bitwise | ✅ |
BitwiseOr | bitwise | ✅ |
BitwiseXor | bitwise | ✅ |
Invert | bitwise | ✅ |
LeftShift | bitwise | ✅ |
PopulationCount | bitwise | ✅ |
RightShift | bitwise | ✅ |
Angle | complex | ❌ (Future: Domain (DirectML does not support complex data type)) |
Complex | complex | ❌ (Future: Domain (DirectML does not support complex data type)) |
ComplexAbs | complex | ❌ (Future: Domain (DirectML does not support complex data type)) |
Conj | complex | ❌ (Future: Domain (DirectML does not support complex data type)) |
ConjugateTranspose | complex | ❌ (Future: Domain (DirectML does not support complex data type)) |
Imag | complex | ❌ (Future: Domain (DirectML does not support complex data type)) |
Real | complex | ❌ (Future: Domain (DirectML does not support complex data type)) |
CudnnRNN | cudnn | ❌ (Future: Generality (CUDA-only op)) |
CudnnRNNBackprop | cudnn | ❌ (Future: Generality (CUDA-only op)) |
CudnnRNNBackpropV2 | cudnn | ❌ (Future: Generality (CUDA-only op)) |
CudnnRNNBackpropV3 | cudnn | ❌ (Future: Generality (CUDA-only op)) |
CudnnRNNCanonicalToParams | cudnn | ❌ (Future: Generality (CUDA-only op)) |
CudnnRNNCanonicalToParamsV2 | cudnn | ❌ (Future: Generality (CUDA-only op)) |
CudnnRNNParamsSize | cudnn | ❌ (Future: Generality (CUDA-only op)) |
CudnnRNNParamsToCanonical | cudnn | ❌ (Future: Generality (CUDA-only op)) |
CudnnRNNParamsToCanonicalV2 | cudnn | ❌ (Future: Generality (CUDA-only op)) |
CudnnRNNV2 | cudnn | ❌ (Future: Generality (CUDA-only op)) |
CudnnRNNV3 | cudnn | ❌ (Future: Generality (CUDA-only op)) |
AnonymousIterator | dataset | ✅ |
AnonymousIteratorV2 | dataset | ✅ |
DeleteIterator | dataset | ✅ |
ExperimentalMapDataset | dataset | ✅ |
ExperimentalSleepDataset | dataset | ✅ |
GeneratorDataset | dataset | ✅ |
IteratorFromStringHandleV2 | dataset | ✅ |
IteratorGetNext | dataset | ✅ |
IteratorGetNextAsOptional | dataset | ✅ |
IteratorGetNextSync | dataset | ✅ |
IteratorToStringHandle | dataset | ✅ |
IteratorV2 | dataset | ✅ |
MakeIterator | dataset | ✅ |
OptionalFromValue | dataset | ✅ |
OptionalGetValue | dataset | ✅ |
OptionalHasValue | dataset | ✅ |
OptionalNone | dataset | ✅ |
PrefetchDataset | dataset | ✅ |
SleepDataset | dataset | ✅ |
UnwrapDatasetVariant | dataset | ✅ |
WrapDatasetVariant | dataset | ✅ |
Copy | debug | ✅ |
CopyHost | debug | ✅ |
DebugIdentity | debug | ✅ |
DebugNanCount | debug | ✅ |
DebugNumericSummary | debug | ✅ |
CollectiveBcastRecv | distributed | ❌ (Future: Domain (distributed execution), Cost) |
CollectiveBcastSend | distributed | ❌ (Future: Domain (distributed execution), Cost) |
CollectiveGather | distributed | ❌ (Future: Domain (distributed execution), Cost) |
CollectiveReduce | distributed | ❌ (Future: Domain (distributed execution), Cost) |
ApplyKerasMomentum | directml | ✅ |
DmlNonzeroCoordinates | directml | ✅ |
_Arg | functional | ✅ |
_ArrayToList | functional | ✅ |
_DeviceArg | functional | ✅ |
_DeviceRetval | functional | ✅ |
_ListToArray | functional | ✅ |
_Retval | functional | ✅ |
_SwitchN | functional | ✅ |
_While | functional | ✅ |
Case | functional | ✅ |
DeleteSessionTensor | functional | ✅ |
DynamicPartition | functional | ❌ (Future: Cost, Generality) |
DynamicStitch | functional | ✅ |
EagerPyFunc | functional | ✅ |
EmptyTensorList | functional | ✅ |
Enter | functional | ✅ |
Exit | functional | ✅ |
FakeParam | functional | ✅ |
For | functional | ✅ |
GetSessionHandle | functional | ✅ |
GetSessionHandleV2 | functional | ✅ |
GetSessionTensor | functional | ✅ |
If | functional | ✅ |
MapClear | functional | ✅ |
MapIncompleteSize | functional | ✅ |
MapPeek | functional | ✅ |
MapSize | functional | ✅ |
MapStage | functional | ✅ |
MapUnstage | functional | ✅ |
MapUnstageNoKey | functional | ✅ |
Merge | functional | ✅ |
NextIteration | functional | ✅ |
OrderedMapClear | functional | ✅ |
OrderedMapIncompleteSize | functional | ✅ |
OrderedMapPeek | functional | ✅ |
OrderedMapSize | functional | ✅ |
OrderedMapStage | functional | ✅ |
OrderedMapUnstage | functional | ✅ |
OrderedMapUnstageNoKey | functional | ✅ |
ParallelDynamicStitch | functional | ✅ |
PartitionedCall | functional | ✅ |
RefEnter | functional | ✅ |
RefExit | functional | ✅ |
RefMerge | functional | ✅ |
RefNextIteration | functional | ✅ |
RefSwitch | functional | ✅ |
RemoteCall | functional | ✅ |
Stage | functional | ✅ |
StageClear | functional | ✅ |
StagePeek | functional | ✅ |
StageSize | functional | ✅ |
StatefulPartitionedCall | functional | ✅ |
StatelessIf | functional | ✅ |
StatelessWhile | functional | ✅ |
Switch | functional | ✅ |
SymbolicGradient | functional | ✅ |
TensorArray | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayClose | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayCloseV2 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayCloseV3 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayConcat | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayConcatV2 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayConcatV3 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayGather | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayGatherV2 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayGatherV3 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayGrad | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayGradV2 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayGradV3 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayGradWithShape | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayPack | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayRead | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayReadV2 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayReadV3 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayScatter | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayScatterV2 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayScatterV3 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArraySize | functional | ✅ |
TensorArraySizeV2 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArraySizeV3 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArraySplit | functional | ✅ |
TensorArraySplitV2 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArraySplitV3 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayUnpack | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayV2 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayV3 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayWrite | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayWriteV2 | functional | ✅ |
TensorArrayWriteV3 | functional | ✅ |
TensorListConcat | functional | ✅ |
TensorListConcatLists | functional | ✅ |
TensorListConcatV2 | functional | ✅ |
TensorListElementShape | functional | ✅ |
TensorListFromTensor | functional | ✅ |
TensorListGather | functional | ✅ |
TensorListGetItem | functional | ✅ |
TensorListLength | functional | ✅ |
TensorListPopBack | functional | ✅ |
TensorListPushBack | functional | ✅ |
TensorListPushBackBatch | functional | ✅ |
TensorListReserve | functional | ✅ |
TensorListResize | functional | ✅ |
TensorListScatter | functional | ✅ |
TensorListScatterIntoExistingList | functional | ✅ |
TensorListScatterV2 | functional | ✅ |
TensorListSetItem | functional | ✅ |
TensorListSplit | functional | ✅ |
TensorListStack | functional | ✅ |
Unstage | functional | ✅ |
While | functional | ✅ |
AdjustContrast | image | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
AdjustContrastv2 | image | ✅ |
AdjustHue | image | ✅ |
AdjustSaturation | image | ✅ |
CropAndResize | image | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
CropAndResizeGradBoxes | image | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
CropAndResizeGradImage | image | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
HSVToRGB | image | ✅ |
NonMaxSuppressionV2 | image | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
NonMaxSuppressionV3 | image | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
ResizeBilinear | image | ✅ |
ResizeBilinearGrad | image | ✅ |
ResizeNearestNeighbor | image | ✅ |
ResizeNearestNeighborGrad | image | ✅ |
RGBToHSV | image | ✅ |
_CopyFromGpuToHost | internal | ✅ |
_CopyFromHostToGpu | internal | ✅ |
_If | internal | ✅ |
_ScopedAllocator | internal | ❌ (Future: Usage) |
_ScopedAllocatorConcat | internal | ❌ (Future: Usage) |
_ScopedAllocatorSplit | internal | ❌ (Future: Usage) |
BatchMatrixTriangularSolve | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost, Usage) |
BatchSvd | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost) |
Cholesky | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost) |
Einsum | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost) |
LogMatrixDeterminant | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost, Usage) |
Lu | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost, Usage) |
MatrixDeterminant | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost) |
MatrixInverse | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost) |
MatrixSolve | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost) |
MatrixTriangularSolve | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost) |
Qr | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost, Usage) |
SelfAdjointEigV2 | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost) |
Svd | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost) |
TridiagonalMatMul | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost, Usage) |
TridiagonalSolve | linalg | ❌ (Future: Domain (linear algebra), Cost, Usage) |
Abs | math | ✅ |
Acos | math | ✅ |
Acosh | math | ✅ |
Add | math | ✅ |
AddN | math | ✅ |
AddV2 | math | ✅ |
All | math | ✅ |
Any | math | ✅ |
ApproximateEqual | math | ✅ |
ArgMax | math | ✅ |
ArgMin | math | ✅ |
Asin | math | ✅ |
Asinh | math | ✅ |
Atan | math | ✅ |
Atan2 | math | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Atanh | math | ✅ |
BatchMatMul | math | ✅ |
BatchMatMulV2 | math | ✅ |
Bincount | math | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
Bucketize | math | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
Cast | math | ✅ |
Ceil | math | ✅ |
ClipByValue | math | ✅ |
CompareAndBitpack | math | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Cos | math | ✅ |
Cosh | math | ✅ |
Cross | math | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Cumprod | math | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Cumsum | math | ✅ |
CumulativeLogsumexp | math | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
Div | math | ✅ |
DivNoNan | math | ✅ |
Equal | math | ✅ |
Erf | math | ✅ |
Erfc | math | ✅ |
EuclideanNorm | math | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Exp | math | ✅ |
Expm1 | math | ✅ |
Floor | math | ✅ |
FloorDiv | math | ✅ |
FloorMod | math | ✅ |
Greater | math | ✅ |
GreaterEqual | math | ✅ |
HistogramFixedWidth | math | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
Inv | math | ✅ |
InvGrad | math | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
IsFinite | math | ✅ |
IsInf | math | ✅ |
IsNan | math | ✅ |
Less | math | ✅ |
LessEqual | math | ✅ |
LinSpace | math | ✅ |
Log | math | ✅ |
Log1p | math | ✅ |
LogicalAnd | math | ✅ |
LogicalNot | math | ✅ |
LogicalOr | math | ✅ |
MatMul | math | ✅ |
Max | math | ✅ |
Maximum | math | ✅ |
Mean | math | ✅ |
Min | math | ✅ |
Minimum | math | ✅ |
Mod | math | ✅ |
Mul | math | ✅ |
MulNoNan | math | ✅ |
Neg | math | ✅ |
NextAfter | math | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
NotEqual | math | ✅ |
Pow | math | ✅ |
Prod | math | ✅ |
Range | math | ✅ |
RealDiv | math | ✅ |
Reciprocal | math | ✅ |
ReciprocalGrad | math | ✅ |
Rint | math | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Round | math | ✅ |
Rsqrt | math | ✅ |
RsqrtGrad | math | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
SegmentSum | math | ❌ (Future: Generality, Cost) |
Select | math | ✅ |
SelectV2 | math | ✅ |
Sigmoid | math | ✅ |
SigmoidGrad | math | ✅ |
Sign | math | ✅ |
Sin | math | ✅ |
Sinh | math | ✅ |
Sqrt | math | ✅ |
SqrtGrad | math | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Square | math | ✅ |
SquaredDifference | math | ✅ |
Sub | math | ✅ |
Sum | math | ✅ |
Tan | math | ✅ |
Tanh | math | ✅ |
TanhGrad | math | ✅ |
TruncateDiv | math | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
TruncateMod | math | ✅ |
UnsortedSegmentMax | math | ❌ (Future: Generality, Cost) |
UnsortedSegmentMin | math | ❌ (Future: Generality, Cost, Usage) |
UnsortedSegmentProd | math | ❌ (Future: Generality, Cost, Usage) |
UnsortedSegmentSum | math | ❌ (Future: Generality, Cost) |
Xdivy | math | ✅ |
Xlogy | math | ✅ |
_FusedBatchNormEx | nn | ✅ |
_FusedConv2D | nn | ✅ |
AvgPool | nn | ✅ |
AvgPool3D | nn | ✅ |
AvgPool3DGrad | nn | ✅ |
AvgPoolGrad | nn | ✅ |
BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization | nn | ✅ |
BatchNormWithGlobalNormalizationGrad | nn | ✅ |
BiasAdd | nn | ✅ |
BiasAddGrad | nn | ✅ |
BiasAddV1 | nn | ✅ |
Conv2D | nn | ✅ |
Conv2DBackpropFilter | nn | ✅ |
Conv2DBackpropInput | nn | ✅ |
Conv3D | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Conv3DBackpropFilter | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Conv3DBackpropFilterV2 | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Conv3DBackpropInput | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Conv3DBackpropInputV2 | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
DataFormatDimMap | nn | ✅ |
DataFormatVecPermute | nn | ✅ |
DepthwiseConv2dNative | nn | ✅ |
DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilter | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInput | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Dilation2D | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Dilation2DBackpropFilter | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Dilation2DBackpropInput | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Elu | nn | ✅ |
EluGrad | nn | ✅ |
FusedBatchNorm | nn | ✅ |
FusedBatchNormGrad | nn | ✅ |
FusedBatchNormGradV2 | nn | ✅ |
FusedBatchNormGradV3 | nn | ✅ |
FusedBatchNormV2 | nn | ✅ |
FusedBatchNormV3 | nn | ✅ |
InTopKV2 | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
L2Loss | nn | ✅ |
LeakyRelu | nn | ✅ |
LeakyReluGrad | nn | ✅ |
LogSoftmax | nn | ✅ |
LRN | nn | ✅ |
LRNGrad | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
MaxPool | nn | ✅ |
MaxPool3D | nn | ✅ |
MaxPool3DGrad | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
MaxPool3DGradGrad | nn | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
MaxPoolGrad | nn | ✅ |
MaxPoolGradGrad | nn | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
MaxPoolGradGradV2 | nn | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
MaxPoolGradGradWithArgmax | nn | ❌ (Future: Usage, Cost) |
MaxPoolGradV2 | nn | ✅ |
MaxPoolGradWithArgmax | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
MaxPoolV2 | nn | ✅ |
MaxPoolWithArgmax | nn | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
Relu | nn | ✅ |
Relu6 | nn | ✅ |
Relu6Grad | nn | ✅ |
ReluGrad | nn | ✅ |
Selu | nn | ✅ |
SeluGrad | nn | ✅ |
Softmax | nn | ✅ |
SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits | nn | ✅ |
Softplus | nn | ✅ |
SoftplusGrad | nn | ✅ |
Softsign | nn | ✅ |
SoftsignGrad | nn | ✅ |
SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits | nn | ✅ |
TopK | nn | ✅ |
TopKV2 | nn | ✅ |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs | quantization | ❌ (Future: Domain (quantization), Cost) |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient | quantization | ❌ (Future: Domain (quantization), Cost) |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars | quantization | ❌ (Future: Domain (quantization), Cost) |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient | quantization | ❌ (Future: Domain (quantization), Cost) |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel | quantization | ❌ (Future: Domain (quantization), Cost) |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient | quantization | ❌ (Future: Domain (quantization), Cost) |
QuantizeAndDequantize | quantization | ❌ (Future: Domain (quantization), Cost) |
QuantizeAndDequantizeV2 | quantization | ❌ (Future: Domain (quantization), Cost) |
QuantizeAndDequantizeV3 | quantization | ❌ (Future: Domain (quantization), Cost) |
Multinomial | random | ❌ (Future: Cost, Performance (amortizable) |
ParameterizedTruncatedNormal | random | ❌ (Future: Cost, Performance (amortizable) |
RandomGammaGrad | random | ❌ (Future: Cost, Performance (amortizable) |
RandomStandardNormal | random | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
RandomUniform | random | ✅ |
RandomUniformInt | random | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
RngSkip | random | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
StatefulStandardNormalV2 | random | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
StatefulTruncatedNormal | random | ❌ (Future: Cost, Performance (amortizable)) |
StatefulUniform | random | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
StatefulUniformFullInt | random | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
StatefulUniformInt | random | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
StatelessMultinomial | random | ❌ (Future: Cost, Performance (amortizable)) |
StatelessRandomNormal | random | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
StatelessRandomUniform | random | ✅ |
StatelessRandomUniformInt | random | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
StatelessTruncatedNormal | random | ❌ (Future: Cost, Performance (amortizable)) |
TruncatedNormal | random | ❌ (Future: Cost, Performance (amortizable)) |
BlockLSTM | rnn | ✅ |
BlockLSTMGrad | rnn | ✅ |
BlockLSTMGradV2 | rnn | ✅ |
BlockLSTMV2 | rnn | ✅ |
GRUBlockCell | rnn | ✅ |
GRUBlockCellGrad | rnn | ✅ |
LSTMBlockCell | rnn | ✅ |
LSTMBlockCellGrad | rnn | ✅ |
BatchFFT | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
BatchFFT2D | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
BatchFFT3D | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
BatchIFFT | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
BatchIFFT2D | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
BatchIFFT3D | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
FFT | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
FFT2D | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
FFT3D | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
IFFT | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
IFFT2D | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
IFFT3D | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
IRFFT | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
IRFFT2D | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
IRFFT3D | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
RFFT | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
RFFT2D | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
RFFT3D | signal | ❌ (Future: Domain (signal processing), Cost) |
SparseTensorDenseMatMul | sparse | ❌ (Future: Domain (sparse tensors), Usage) |
BesselI0e | special | ❌ (Future: Domain (special functions), Cost, Usage) |
BesselI1e | special | ❌ (Future: Domain (special functions), Cost, Usage) |
Betainc | special | ❌ (Future: Domain (special functions), Cost, Usage) |
Digamma | special | ❌ (Future: Domain (special functions), Cost, Usage) |
Igamma | special | ❌ (Future: Domain (special functions), Cost, Usage) |
Igammac | special | ❌ (Future: Domain (special functions), Cost, Usage) |
IgammaGradA | special | ❌ (Future: Domain (special functions), Cost, Usage) |
Lgamma | special | ❌ (Future: Domain (special functions), Cost) |
Polygamma | special | ❌ (Future: Domain (special functions), Cost, Usage) |
Zeta | special | ❌ (Future: Domain (special functions), Cost, Usage) |
_ReadVariablesOp | state | ✅ |
_VarHandlesOp | state | ✅ |
Assign | state | ✅ |
AssignAdd | state | ✅ |
AssignAddVariableOp | state | ✅ |
AssignSub | state | ✅ |
AssignSubVariableOp | state | ✅ |
AssignVariableOp | state | ✅ |
ConsumeMutexLock | state | ✅ |
DestroyResourceOp | state | ✅ |
DestroyTemporaryVariable | state | ✅ |
IsVariableInitialized | state | ✅ |
MutexLock | state | ✅ |
MutexV2 | state | ✅ |
ReadVariableOp | state | ✅ |
ResourceGather | state | ✅ |
ResourceGatherNd | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ResourceScatterAdd | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ResourceScatterDiv | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ResourceScatterMax | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ResourceScatterMin | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ResourceScatterMul | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ResourceScatterNdAdd | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ResourceScatterNdSub | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ResourceScatterNdUpdate | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ResourceScatterSub | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ResourceScatterUpdate | state | ✅ |
ScatterAdd | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ScatterDiv | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ScatterMax | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ScatterMin | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ScatterMul | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ScatterNd | state | ✅ |
ScatterNdAdd | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ScatterNdNonAliasingAdd | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ScatterNdSub | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ScatterNdUpdate | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ScatterSub | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
ScatterUpdate | state | 🚧 (Spring 2021) |
TemporaryVariable | state | ✅ |
VarHandleOp | state | ✅ |
Variable | state | ✅ |
VariableShape | state | ✅ |
VariableV2 | state | ✅ |
VarIsInitializedOp | state | ✅ |
ApplyAdadelta | training | ✅ |
ApplyAdagrad | training | ✅ |
ApplyAdagradV2 | training | ✅ |
ApplyAdam | training | ✅ |
ApplyAdaMax | training | ✅ |
ApplyAddSign | training | ✅ |
ApplyCenteredRMSProp | training | ✅ |
ApplyGradientDescent | training | ✅ |
ApplyMomentum | training | ✅ |
ApplyPowerSign | training | ✅ |
ApplyRMSProp | training | ✅ |
ResourceApplyAdadelta | training | ✅ |
ResourceApplyAdagrad | training | ✅ |
ResourceApplyAdagradV2 | training | ✅ |
ResourceApplyAdam | training | ✅ |
ResourceApplyAdaMax | training | ✅ |
ResourceApplyAdamWithAmsgrad | training | ✅ |
ResourceApplyAddSign | training | ✅ |
ResourceApplyCenteredRMSProp | training | ✅ |
ResourceApplyGradientDescent | training | ✅ |
ResourceApplyKerasMomentum | training | ✅ |
ResourceApplyMomentum | training | ✅ |
ResourceApplyPowerSign | training | ✅ |
ResourceApplyRMSProp | training | ✅ |
The operator type in the table above is a rough grouping of ops based on functionality. These labels are not official and only for organization purposes. Many of the names are derived from the kernel source file names.
Op Type | Purpose |
array | Tensor transforms such as tile, reshape, slice, join, split, broadcast, generate, etc. |
bitwise | Classic unary and binary bitwise ops: and, xor, not, bit count, etc. |
complex | Op to support tensors that store complex numbers. |
cudnn | Ops specific to CuDNN (no CPU implementation). |
dataset | Training/inference data pipeline primitives for efficient storage, retrieval, and batching. |
debug | Helpers for working with tfdbg (TensorFlow debugger). |
distributed | Distributed/remote execution, including multi-device and multi-node operation. |
directml | Ops specific to DirectML (no CPU implementation). |
functional | Constructing dynamic graphs with higher-level primitives (tf.function, while_loop, AutoGraph). |
image | Encoding, decoding, and working with image formats. Includes color space transforms, cropping, etc. |
internal | Internal-only memory transfer optimization ops. |
linalg | Classic linear algebra routines: determinants, decomposition, solving systems of equations, etc. |
math | General-purpose compute ops: unary, binary, trig functions, reductions, norms, etc. |
nn | Neural-network ops: pooling, conv, normalization, activation, etc. |
quantization | Ops to support quantization. |
random | Random number generation and distributions: uniform, normal, truncated normal, binomial, etc. |
rnn | Recurrent neural-network ops, including GRU and LSTM. |
signal | Signal processing ops for converting between time and frequency domains (FFTs). |
special | Special functions. |
state | Graph execution state: variables, resources, mutexes, etc. |
training | Optimizers (e.g. SGD, Adam) and training-specific support ops. |