diff --git a/docs/execution-providers/CoreML-ExecutionProvider.md b/docs/execution-providers/CoreML-ExecutionProvider.md
index af752b1a85e7e..6ffa77edc60b5 100644
--- a/docs/execution-providers/CoreML-ExecutionProvider.md
+++ b/docs/execution-providers/CoreML-ExecutionProvider.md
@@ -128,10 +128,12 @@ Operators that are supported by the CoreML Execution Provider when a NeuralNetwo
+|ai.onnx:Resize|4D input.
`coordinate_transformation_mode` == `asymmetric`.
`mode` == `linear` or `nearest`.
`nearest_mode` == `floor`.
`exclude_outside` == false
`scales` or `sizes` must be constant.|
|ai.onnx:Shape|Attribute `start` with non-default value is not supported.
Attribute `end` is not supported.|
|ai.onnx:Slice|Inputs `starts`, `ends`, `axes`, and `steps` should be constant. Empty slice is not supported.|
+|ai.onnx:Split|If provided, `splits` must be constant.|
@@ -147,15 +149,26 @@ Operators that are supported by the CoreML Execution Provider when a MLProgram m
|ai.onnx:AveragePool|Only 2D Pool is supported currently. 3D and 5D support can be added if needed.|
|ai.onnx:Conv|Only 1D/2D Conv is supported.
Bias if provided must be constant.|
+|ai.onnx:ConvTranspose|Weight and bias must be constant.
padding_type of SAME_UPPER/SAME_LOWER is not supported.
kernel_shape must have default values.
output_shape is not supported.
output_padding must have default values.|
+|ai.onnx.DepthToSpace|If 'mode' is 'CRD' the input must have a fixed shape.|
|ai.onnx:Gemm|Input B must be constant.|
|ai.onnx:GlobalAveragePool|Only 2D Pool is supported currently. 3D and 5D support can be added if needed.|
|ai.onnx:GlobalMaxPool|Only 2D Pool is supported currently. 3D and 5D support can be added if needed.|
+|ai.onnx:GridSample|4D input.
'mode' of 'linear' or 'zeros'.
(mode==linear && padding_mode==reflection && align_corners==0) is not supported.|
|ai.onnx:MatMul|Only support for transA == 0, alpha == 1.0 and beta == 1.0 is currently implemented.|
|ai.onnx:MaxPool|Only 2D Pool is supported currently. 3D and 5D support can be added if needed.|
|ai.onnx:Pow|Only supports cases when both inputs are fp32.|
+|ai.onnx:Resize|See [resize_op_builder.cc](https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/blob/main/onnxruntime/core/providers/coreml/builders/impl/resize_op_builder.cc) implementation. There are too many permutations to describe the valid combinations.|
+|ai.onnx.Slice|starts/ends/axes/steps must be constant initializers.|
+|ai.onnx.Split|If provided, `splits` must be constant.|