Utilities for Device Control
- Fork the repo
- Install python 3.12 or greater
- Install the package locally
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
python3 -m build
pip3 install -e .
The follow shortcuts should be created:
- Creating and deploying device control policiesdcconvert
- Converting Windows XML to macOS JSON formatsdcupgrade
- Upgrade macOS v1 policies to v2dcdoc
- Generate documentation for device control policies
- Configure the environment for dc
- To deploy an example, go to one of the directories in the deployable examples, and type
dc apply
- To import a configuration from an Excel file and deploy it to Intune:
- Create a directory for the project called
cd package-dir
dc init xlsx --file <xlsx-file> --name <name of the project> --description <description for the project> --os [windows|macOs] --version [v1|v2]
dc apply --user
usage: dc [-h] {init,validate,apply,delete} ...
Utility for device control
positional arguments:
The operation to perform on the package
init Initialize the package
validate Validate the configuration
apply Apply the package to Intune
delete Delete the package from Intune
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Set the following environment variables
Environment Variable | Description |
DC_CONFIG_PATH | Path to the mdedevicecontrol.conf |
DC_LOG_PATH | Path to for the dc.log |
DC_CLIENT_ID | The client_id used to connect to the Graph API |
DC_TENANT_ID | The tenant_id of the tenant |
DC_CLIENT_SECRET | The client_secret_id used by the application to authenticate to the Graph API |
Here's an example on Linux/Mac
export DC_CONFIG_PATH=/workspaces/mdatp-devicecontrol/python/mdedevicecontrol.conf
export DC_LOG_PATH=/workspaces/mdatp-devicecontrol/Examples/dc.log
export DC_CLIENT_ID=09df2e26-5097-4912-95f5-XXXXXXXXXXXX
export DC_TENANT_ID=5abce36e-7d75-4ce7-a04d-XXXXXXXXXXXX
The logging settings are in theDC_CONFIG_PATH
can use either a user or application identity to connect to the Graph API. In order to connect to the graph API,dc
needs credentials to connect. The instructions for authenticating as the logged in user (user credentials) are found here. The instructions for authenticating as an application are found here heredc
uses theDeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All Directory.Read.All
scopes to read information from Entra Id, and read/write information to Intune.dc
reads the credentials information from the environment variables.
Initializes the directory optionally from an external source.
usage: dc init [-h] [-n NAME] {intune,xlsx} ...
positional arguments:
{intune,xlsx} source
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAME, --name NAME The name of the package
uses a standard directory structure for organizing a device control deployment
Path | Description |
. | The root directory of the package |
package.json | Information about the policies and settings |
metadata.json | Information about the deployment in Intune |
src | A directory containing files that was used to create the directory |
macOS/devicecontrol/policies | A directory containing the .json policy files for macOS |
windows/devicecontrol/groups | A directory contaning the .xml files for groups |
windows/devicecontrol/rules | A directory contaning the .xml files for rules |
Initializes a directory from an Excel spreadsheet
usage: dc init xlsx [-h] -f FILE -n NAME
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE xlsx file to import
-n NAME, --name NAME name of the policy
description of the policy
-o OS, --os OS
-v VERSION, --version VERSION
- The sheets of the Excel spreadsheet contains information about the rules, groups, and entries to be imported.
- The
value is eitherwindows
- The
values is eitherv1
for macOS is custom mobilconfig.v1
for windows is OMA-URI.v2
is the settings catalog that the Intune UX uses. - Not all features are supported on all OS and versions
The xlsx import uses the following sheets:
Sheet | Description |
Entries | Rows of entries to be used in rules |
Groups | Rows of groups to be used in rules. |
Rules | Rows of the information used by rules |
A sheet that contains the group data for a group |
0000_1111 |
1111_2222 |
- The column names are exactly the descriptorIds for the groups XML
Name | Description | Included Groups | Excluded Groups | Entries |
Allow access to allowed USBs | Allow full access and audit write | Allowed USBs | Allow full access,Audit write access | |
Allowed USBs | Allow full access,Audit write access | All Removable Media Devices | Allowed USBs | Deny all access, Audit deny all access and block |
- The name of the groups are comman delimited and must match the name of the sheet containing the group data
- The values in the entries are comma delimited and must match the name inf the Entries sheet
Name | Type | Disk Read | Disk Write | Disk Execute | File Read | File Write | File Execute | Notification |
Allow full access | Allow | X | X | X | 0 | |||
Audit write access | AuditAllowed | X | 2 |
Name | Type | Match |
Allowed USBs | Device | MatchAll |
All Removable Media | Device | MatchAll |
Note: the name of the group must match the name of the sheet containing the group data
A example spreadsheet is here
Initializes a directory from Intune
usage: dc init intune [-h] -n NAME [-d DESCRIPTION] [-o OS] [-v VERSION] [-p POLICIES]
(-u | -a)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAME, --name NAME name of the package
description of the package
-o OS, --os OS
-v VERSION, --version VERSION
-p POLICIES, --policies POLICIES
command separated list of policy names to export
-u, --user authenticate as the logged in user to the graph API
-a, --application authenticate as the application to the graph API
Validates the connection to the graph API
usage: dc validate graph [-h] (-u | -a) {user,application} ...
positional arguments:
{user,application} The type of authentication to the graph
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --user
-a, --application
- The
option will test connectivity for the logged in user. - The
option will test connectivity for the configure application.
Applies the configuration to Intune
usage: dc apply [-h] (-u | -a)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --user authenticate as the logged in user to the graph API
-a, --application authenticate as the application to the graph API
Deletes the objects from Intune
usage: dc delete [-h] (-u | -a) [-s]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --user authenticate as the logged in user to the graph API
-a, --application authenticate as the application to the graph API
-s, --silent don't prompt the user to confirm delete
Converts Windows DC policy XML into equivalent macOS policy JSON.
usage: dcconvert [--groups=groups.xml][--rules=rules.xml][--strict][--o=outfile]
Visual Studio Code configuration
"name": "Python: Convert device control policy",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}\\python\\convert_dc_policy.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"justMyCode": true,
Not all Windows policies can be converted to Mac.
Used to update v1 macOS DC policy plists into the new JSON policy format.
usage: dcupgrade [-h] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
for example:
dcupgrade /workspaces/mdatp-devicecontrol/macOS/mobileconfig/v1/deny_all_mount.mobileconfig
Gerenates the following in dc_policy.json
"groups": [
"$type": "device",
"id": "9eb96f56-a517-4ab0-9615-d0f0b0bf51be",
"name": "Removable Storage Devices: All",
"query": {
"$type": "and",
"clauses": [
"$type": "primaryId",
"value": "removable_media_devices"
"rules": [
"id": "38075d0a-77f7-4f61-880b-5014ec900c19",
"name": "Removable Storage Devices: All",
"includeGroups": [
"entries": [
"$type": "removableMedia",
"id": "b604eccd-5bd6-4232-ba63-81ecd7801d23",
"enforcement": {
"$type": "deny"
"access": [
"$type": "removableMedia",
"id": "435b62a4-adf4-4578-abdb-ffecc2b0e4d9",
"enforcement": {
"$type": "auditDeny",
"options": [
"access": [
"settings": {
"features": {
"removableMedia": {
"disable": false
"ux": {
"navigationTarget": "https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-device-control-overview?view=o365-worldwide"
Visual Studio Code configuration
"name": "Convert the v1 file to v2",
"type": "debugpy",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/python/src/mdedevicecontrol/upgrade_dc_policy.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"args": [
Used to generate documentaion on device control policies
usage: dcdoc [-h] [-q QUERY | -s SCENARIOS | -i IN_FILE]
Utility for generating documentation for device control
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q QUERY, --query QUERY
The query to retrieve the policy
rules to process
A JSON file that contains a list of
scenarios to process
-i IN_FILE, --input IN_FILE
A policy rule to process
The path to search for source files.
Defaults to current working
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
The format of the output. Defaults
to text.
-o OUT_FILE, --output OUT_FILE
The output file
-d DEST, --dest DEST The output directory. Defaults to
current working directory.
Generates files for other formats
-t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
Jinja2 template to use to generate
output. Defaults to dcutil.j2.
Jinja2 template to use for the
readme. Defaults to readme.j2.
The readme file to generate.
Defaults to readme.md.
path to Jinja2 templates. Defaults
to templates.
loads all of the group and policy files found in the SOURCE_PATH
into an inventory.
It then selects files from that inventory for processing.
- Select a single file
. - Select files defined in a scenario file
.- See Windows Device Scenarios, Windows Printer Scenarios, Windows Getting Started or Mac Scenarios for examples
- Select files from the inventory using a query
. The query uses the pandas query syntax.
The query is run. As part of running the query, dcdoc
will attempt to generate files in other formats. The GENERATED_FILES_LOCATION
controls which format of files are generated and where they are saved. This parameter is a comma delimited list of format
values (e.g oma-uri:c:\dcdoc\output
The result of the query is coverted to a FORMAT
- either csv
or txt
The csv
option generates a dc_rules.csv
and dc_groups.csv
with the contents of the queries inventory.
- See the rules for the examples in this repo and groups for the examples in this repo for the format of the files
The txt
option uses the TEMPLATE
in the templates directory to format the content.
If the files were defined using SCENARIOS
, then a readme.md is generated as well.
- See Windows Device Examples README, Windows Printer Examples README, Windows Getting Started README or Mac Samples README for examples
The output is stored in the DEST
directory. The name of the file created can be changed from the default using the OUT_FILE
The example are VS Code Python configurations. They can be added to launch.json
Generate documentation for a single file
"name": "Python: dcdoc - single file",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}\\python\\src\\mdedevicecontrol\\dcdoc.py",
"args": [
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"justMyCode": true,
Generate documentation based on scenarios
"name": "Python: dcdoc with scenarios",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}\\python\\src\\mdedevicecontrol\\dcdoc.py",
"args": [
"--generate=oma-uri:${fileDirname}\\Intune OMA-URI",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"justMyCode": true,
Generate csv report on files
"name": "Python: dcdoc csv report",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}\\python\\src\\mdedevicecontrol\\dcdoc.py",
"args": [
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"justMyCode": true,