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Forty-Two, a next-generation tool for enriching alignments of orthologous genes and gene families.


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To this end, we have developed a novel tool, "42", along the lines of HaMStR [Ebersberger et al. (2009) BMC Evol Biol 9:157] and the newly released Orthograph [M. Petersen et al. (2017), *BMC Bioinformatics], whose aim is to add (and optionally align) sequences to thousands of preexisting multiple sequence alignments (MSA) while controlling for orthology relationships and potentially contaminating sequences. "42" uses advanced heuristics based on a multiple Best Reciprocal Hit (multi-BRH) strategy against reference proteomes to distinguish orthologous from paralogous sequences among homologues. It is fully functional and has already been used in several phylogenomic manuscripts dealing with various parts of the tree of life.

Precision-recall analyses of eukaryotic orthologous groups enrichment with complete proteome and genome data have shown its heuristics to perform as expected. By force of circumstances we designed comparison tests with Orthograph. As long as we deal with transcriptomic data, both sofwares play on an even field. Where Forty-Two denotes is when genomic data is used; it seems that its ability to deal with long sequence by trimming the coding sub-sequence assessed as ortholog allows Forty-Two to detect sequences from long genomic sequences.

Forty-Two has proven to be an all terrain tool, able to handle heterogenous data types while performing as expected. Forty-Two can be directly installed from CPAN. It is provided with configuration helper tools that makes it easy to use. Nonetheless the experimented user will be satisfied with the generous set of fine-tunable parameters. The current version is freely available at:


Identifying orthology relationships among sequences is fundamental in phylogenomics; indeed, those are essential to understand evolution, diversity of life and ancestry among organisms. To build alignments of orthologous sequences, phylogenomic pipelines often start with a step of all-vs-all similarity search followed by a clustering with an algorithm such as OrthoFinder [Emms and Kelly (2015) Genome Biol 16:157]. For it to be as accurate as possible, proteomes of good quality are needed. Since their availability is limited to a small subset of the living beings, large-scale taxonomic phylogenomic analyses imply the enrichment of preexisting orthologous groups with transcriptomic or genomic data, hence the need for robust tools for identifying orthologues from heterogeneous sequence data. However, obtaining good quality transcriptomic data is far from trivial, that's why Forty-Two is provided with contamination detection features that can prevent enrichment of orthologous MSAs with contaminating sequences.

Besides, Forty-Two can be used as a stand alone contamination detection tool , hence without MSAs enrichment, in order to spot contaminants in transcriptomic or genomic data. To this end Forty-Two comes along with a set of ribosomal MSAs manually currated, maintained and continuously enriched with new species by Hervé Philippe. Indeed, it is crucial that the taxonomic richness within these MSAs is maximised for an ever more precise detection.

Here, we present the principles and algorithms underlying Forty-Two as well as the results of an extensive test suite of its features. We designed a series of tests in an ideal case scenario to prove Forty-Two heuristics that we further transposed to a "real-world" case scenario using a home-made dataset of 480 orthologous groups (OGs). Then, we compared performances with a software, Orthograph, with both transcriptomic and genomic data. In addition, we tested its contamination-proof enrichment features with a dataset of OGs built for Hymenoptera. Finally, using a dataset of transcriptomes from MMESTP, we highlighted its stand-alone contamination detection feature.



The F1 score is an average of precision and recall that does not take into account true negatives. Indeed, our choice is based on the fact that is it complex to define what true negatives are. It could be all the sequences constituting a genome but it would tend to overestimate specificity (TN/TN+FP) and accuracy (TP+TN/TP+TN+FP+FN) because of the huge difference in numbers with TP, FP and FN. An alternative would be to limit true negatives to the pool of homologous but being dependent on BLAST parameters it is likely subjective.


The Forty-Two software package is available on CPAN and is divided into three main tools that handles (i) configuration setup (, (ii) MSAs enrichment by orthology assessment based on a multi-BRH approach (Forty-Two) and (iii) debriefing tools including summarizers ( and and enrichment control ( While the user-friendly assistant configurator helps you reproduce previous runs alike, TODO??? it can also spare computation time by re-using previous runs data.

Forty-Two requires only one pre-processing step that is formatting databases i.e. genome/transcriptome set to mine for candidate orthologs and the reference proteome set used to assess orthology. Formatting implies two step: (i) renaming deflines as what we call "must ids" (e.g. "genus species") followed by (ii) turning files into blast databases with the makeblastdb command. All is left is to follow the instructions given by the assistant configurator (

Forty-Two's heuristic is based on a multiple best reciprocal hit criterion; it can be divided into three main steps:

  1. Best-hit checklist building
    • Orthologous queries (sequences from the MSA to enrich, user defined) are used to perform a BLAST against the reference proteome. Each best-hit(s) in each proteome for each query are collected thus constituting a checklist of orthologous sequences in the reference proteome set. The idea behind this checklist is that any other sequence that is ortholgous to the concerned gene should point to the same best-hit(s) in each and every reference proteome.
    • The checklist is further consolidated by performing a BLAST of each best-hit against the remaining reference proteomes. If a collected best-hit does not point to the same best-hit for each and every reference proteomes it is discarded from the list. This is to robustly ensure orthology between best-hits.
  2. Candidate orthologs mining
    • The same orthologous queries are used to mine the candidate genomes/transcriptomes for homologs (candidates orthologs) with BLAST.
  3. Orthology test
    • Each homolog is used to perform a BLASTX versus each proteome of the reference proteome set and their best-hit are collected. If a candidate orhtolog point to the same best-hit as in the checklist for each and every reference proteome, it is then considered as an ortholog.

Figure 1. Forty-Two's heuristic illustrated. (1) Alignement to enrich. (a) Query extraction step. (b) Blastp of queries VS a reference proteome set (2) and collection of best-hits in order to build (c) a best-hit checklist. (d) tblastn of queries VS genome set (3) to mine for orthologs in order to build (e) a list of homologs (candidate orthologs). (f) blastx of homologs VS the same reference proteome set and collection of best-hits. (g) Orthology affiliation by confirming that a homologs’ best-hits list is strictly included in the best-hit checklist (c).

Results and discussion

Proving heuristics

In order to prove Forty-Two's heuristics, we desgined an ideal test case scenario. Starting from our own OGs set that we obtained by running OrthoFinder on 57 broadly sampled Eukaryotes and distributed in 8 taxonomic groups (14 Heterokonts, 7 Alveolates, 8 Viridiplantae, 4 Rhodophytes, 3 Kinetoplastids, 3 Amoebozoans, 12 Fungi + Fonticulate and 6 Metazoans + Ichthyosporea). We then filtered the XXXXXXX groups according to their complexity: - Taxonomic richness - Universal (every species are present) - Widespread (approximately 66% of species in each group) - Spread (approximately 33% of species in each group) - Average copy number - 1.1 - 1.2 - 2.0 We thus obtained 480 OGs distributed as follow:

        Max copy mean
       | 1.1      | 1.2      | 2.0

Universal | 17 | 33 | 36 Widespread | 76 | 130 | 59 Sparse | 32 | 60 | 37

OGs reconstruction test

The main idea was to prune targeted sequences in all OGs and try to recover the their original composition by running Forty-Two with a mining set constituted of the proteomes of the species that were pruned. As for the reference proteome set, we used all species but the ones concerned by the pruning to avoid that the same sequences are used for the orhtology assessment step.

We executed this protocol 8 times in parallel by pruning a different taxonomic group each time and tried to recover the original group by running Forty-Two with a mining set constituted of the (i) proteomes (ideal case scenario) and (ii) genomes (real-world case scenario) of the species that were pruned.

It was also the oportunity to test the influence of a parameter called 'ref_org_mul' which is a multiplier that allows to select best suited reference organisms for each OGs by ranking them by the average bit score of the obtained best-hits when performing the BLAST from the OG's queries. We actually tested 10 values of the 'ref_org_mul' ranging from 0.1 to 1. In the end, we performed 38,400 pruning/enrichment experiment (480 OGs x 8 taxonomic groups x 10 'ref_org_mul' values).

Proteomic data

When considering proteome as the mining set, a list comparison of protein identifiers was enough to assess if an OG had been restored as the original.

Genomic data

OGs reconstitution assessment was more challenging when considering genomes as the mining set for identifiers comparison was not possible. Instead, we had to build phylogenetic trees and develop a script for parsing bipartitions.

We computed precision and recall curves for

Assessing performance - F1-score