Phonegap plugin to download a List of files or a single file to the Phone, check consistency and unzip if necessary (Android and ios)
- Unzipping is now queue based like the download porgress.
- noMedia flag in init options to prevent gallery from scanning download folder
yourAppDir$ phonegap plugin add
###Initialize the downloader
downloader.init({folder: "yourPersistantAppFolder", unzip: true});
- folder: folder to store downloads in [required]
- unzip: true -> unzip after download is enabled [default: false]
- check: true -> md5sum of file is checked after download [default: false]
- delete: true -> delete after unpack a zipfile [default: true]
- noMedia: true -> prevent gallery from scan files on android [default: true]
- wifiOnly: true -> only Download when connected to Wifi, else fires
event [default: false]
###Download single file
###Download multiple files
document.addEventListener(eventName, function(event){
var data =;
DOWNLOADER_initialized data:none
DOWNLOADER_gotFileSystem data:[cordova.fileSystem fileSystem]
DOWNLOADER_gotFolder data:[cordova.fileEntry folder]
DOWNLOADER_error data:[object error]
DOWNLOADER_noWifiConnection data:none
DOWNLOADER_downloadSuccess data:[cordova.fileEntry entry]
DOWNLOADER_downloadError data:[object error]
DOWNLOADER_downloadProgress data:[number percentage, string fileName]
DOWNLOADER_unzipSuccess data:[string fileName]
DOWNLOADER_unzipError data:[string fileName]
DOWNLOADER_unzipProgress data:[number percentage, string fileName]
DOWNLOADER_fileRemoved data:[cordova.fileEntry entry]
DOWNLOADER_fileRemoveError data:[cordova.fileEntry entry]
DOWNLOADER_getFileError data:[object error]
DOWNLOADER_fileCheckSuccess data:[string md5sum, string fileName]
DOWNLOADER_fileCheckFailed data:[string calculatedMd5sum, string md5, string fileName])
DOWNLOADER_fileCheckError data:[object error]
##Full Examples
downloader.init({folder: "testApp"});
downloader.init({folder: "testApp", unzip: true});
downloader.init({folder: "testApp", unzip: true, delete: false});
Download file to testApp, check if md5sum matches given string and extract it and delete it afterwards
downloader.init({folder: "testApp", unzip: true, check: true});
downloader.get("", "3f4ea2219aa321ef5cd3143ea33076ab");
Download multiple zip-files to testApp, check if md5sum matches given string and extract it and delete it afterwards
downloader.init({folder: "testApp", unzip: true, check: true});
{url: "", md5:"1f4ea2219aa321ef5cd3143ea33076ac"},
{url: "", md5:"2f4ea2219aa321ef5cd3143ea33076ad"},
{url: "", md5:"3f4ea2219aa321ef5cd3143ea33076ae"}