mvsma, aka mhamster's very simple modrinth api (wrapper), is a super simple modrinth api wrapper for python.
Package provides plain and simple access to modrinth's api endpoints and returns json responses. Very easy to use!
For information about api models see modrinth api documentation.
Because why would you want to mess with api yourself, when some random guy from internet (like me) can do it for you?
Want to improve this project? Feel free to create forks and/or pull requests!
Something does not work as intended? Feel free to open issue and describe what actually went wrong.
Search for a projects:
from mvsma import Modrinth
m = Modrinth()
# Search for mod called 'cesium' and print first result = 'Package example from' # Edit User-Agent of request so everyone will know who we are and what we are doing
response ="cesium")
Get versions of a project:
from mvsma import Modrinth
m = Modrinth()
# Get versions of mod with slug "supercoolmod" = 'Package example from' # Edit User-Agent of request so everyone will know who we are and what we are doing
response = m.project_versions(slug="supercoolmod")
Get list of random projects
from mvsma import Modrinth
m = Modrinth()
# Get list of random projects = 'Package example from' # Edit User-Agent of request so everyone will know who we are and what we are doing
response = m.random_projects(count=11)
pip install mvsma
MIT License, find more in 'LICENSE' file