- [ENH] Remove extensions from the nifti header (#226)
- [FIX] Fixing conda version (#227)
- [TST] Speed-up long tests (#225)
- [TST] Migrate to CircleCI 2.0 (#224)
- [ENH] Added SanitizeImage interface (nipreps#221)
- [FIX] broken normalization retries (nipreps#220)
- [PIN] Nipype 1.0.0
- [PIN] Pinning nipype to oesteban/nipype (including nipy/nipype#2383, nipy/nipype#2384, nipy/nipype#2376)
- [PIN] Pinning nipype to nipy/nipype (including nipy/nipype#2373)
- [PIN] Pinning nipype to oesteban/nipype (including nipy/nipype#2368)
- [PIN] Pinning nipype to nipy/nipype@master
- [FIX] Regression of nipreps/fmriprep#868 - updated nipy/nipype#2325 to fix it.
- [PIN] Upgrade internal Nipype to current master + current nipy/nipype#2325
- [ENH] Thinner lines in tissue segmentation (#215)
- [ENH] Use nearest for coreg visualization (#214)
- [PIN] Upgrade internal Nipype to current master + nipy/nipype#2325
- [ENH] Add new ROIsPlot interface (#211)
- [PIN] Upgrade internal Nipype to current master.
- [ENH] Generate SVGs only (#210)
- [PIN] Upgrade internal Nipype to master after the v0.14.0 release.
Version 0.1.11 =============-
- [ENH] Update internal Nipype including merging nipy/nipype#2285 before nipype itself does.
Version 0.1.10 =============-
- [ENH] Lower priority of "Affines do not match" warning (#209)
- [FIX] Increase tolerance in GenerateSamplingReference (#207)
- [ENH] Upgrade internal Nipype
- [ENH] Display surface contours for MRICoregRPT if available (#204)
- [ENH] Crop BOLD sampling reference to reduce output file size (#205)
- [ENH] Close file descriptors where possible to avoid OS limits (#208)
- [ENH] Upgrade internal Nipype
- [ENH] Add NKI template data grabber (#200)
- [ENH] Enable sbref to be passed to EstimateReferenceImage (#199)
- [ENH] Add utilities for fixing NIfTI qform/sform matrices (#202)
- [ENH] Upgrade internal Nipype
- [ENH] Reporting interface for mri_coreg
- [ENH] Upgrade internal Nipype
- [ENH] Add BIDS example getters (#189)
- [ENH] Add NormalizeMotionParams interface (#190)
- [ENH] Add ICA-AROMA reporting interface (#193)
- [FIX] Correctly handle temporal units in MELODIC plotting (#192)
- [ENH] Upgrade internal Nipype
- [ENH] Do not enforce float precision for ANTs (#187)
- [ENH] Clear header extensions when making ref image (#188)
- [ENH] Upgrade internal Nipype
- [ENH] Upgrade internal Nipype
- [ENH] Upgrade internal Nipype
- Hotfix release (updated manifest)
- Hotfix release (updated manifest)
- [ENH] Improve dependency management for users unable to use Docker/Singularity containers (#174)
- [DEP] Removed RobustMNINormalization testing input; use flavor='testing' instead (#172)
- [ENH] Use AffineInitializer in RobustMNIRegistration (#169, #171)
- [ENH] Add CopyHeader interface (#168)
- [ENH] Add 3dUnifize to skull-stripping workflow (#167, #170)
- [ENH] Give access to num_threads in N4BiasFieldCorrection (#166)
- [ENH] Add a simple interface for visualising masks (#161)
- [ENH] Add a family of faster registration settings (#157)
- [ENH] More flexible settings for RobustMNIRegistration (#155)
- [ENH] Add EstimateReferenceImage interface (#148)
- [ENH] Add a SimpleBeforeAfter report capable interface (#144)
- [ENH] Add MELODIC report interface (#134)
- [FIX] Python 2.7 issues and testing (#130, #135)
- [ENH] Compress surface segmentation reports (#133)
- [ENH] Write bias image in skull-stripping workflow (#131)
- [FIX] BBRegisterRPT: Use inputs.subjects_dir to find structurals (#128)
- [ENH] Fetch full 2009c from OSF (#126)
- [ENH] Coregistration tweaks (#125)
- [FIX] Be more robust in detecting SVGO (#124)
- [ENH] Enable Lanczos interpolation (#122)
- Add parcellation derived from Harvard-Oxford template, to be used with the nonlinear-asym-09c template for the carpetplot
- Add headmask and normalize tpms in mni_icbm152_nlin_asym_09c
- Update MNI ICBM152 templates (linear and nonlinear-asym)
- Add MNI152 2009c nonlinear-symetric template (LAS)
- Add MNI152 nonlinear-symmetric template
- Add MNI EPI template and parcellation
- Switch data downloads from GDrive to OSF
- Fixed installer, now compatible with python 3
- Added MRI reorient workflow (based on AFNI)
- Added skull-stripping workflow based on AFNI
- Rewritten most of the shablona-derived names and description files
- Copied project structure from Shablona