In order to enrich Cloud Guard findings, this integration includes code that will query the Cybereason API and fetch additional information about hosts and users. This code is packaged as a set of serverless functions that will run whenever Cloud Guard detects a problem.
Before you are able to use your functions, you will have to install the image on your Oracle Cloud. To do this:
Go to Menu --> Developer Services --> Container Registry and create a Repository
For the following steps, you will need to type commands in to the Oracle Cloud Shell. The shell can be accessed via a button on the top right of your Oracle Cloud site.
In your cloud shell, use the following commands
- Run the command
fn list context
- Get the Compartment ID (OCID) of the compartment in which you want to deploy the function. You can get the Compartment ID by going to the
Hamburger Menu --> Identity --> Compartments
. - Run the command
fn update context oracle.compartment-id <OCID of compartment to store function>
- Get the Object Storage Namespace and OCIR Repo by going to the
Hamburger Menu --> Developer Services --> Container Registry
- Run the command
fn update context registry <region><Object Storage Namespace>/<ocir repo>
. Where - Generate an auth token for your user by going to
Hamburger Menu --> Identity --> Users
and click on your username. Generate an auth token and store it in a secure place. - Run the command
docker login -u '<Object Storage Namespace>/<username>' <region>
. You will have to paste the auth token generated in the previous step when asked.
- Run the command
fn init --runtime python <function_name>
, where function_name can be "cybereason-responder" - Run the command
cd <function_name>
to change into the folder. - Copy all the files provided in the
folder of this repo into the current directory. At the end of this step yourcybereason-responder/
folder should have all the files fromfunction
. Note that the screenshot below is for reference only. You should make sure you have the latest version of all files in thefunction/
folder. - Run the command
fn build
to build the function image. This step can take some time. - Run the command
docker images
to list all the docker images that you have built. Look for the one corresponding to "cybereason-responder". The image string will look like<region><Object Storage Namespace>/<ocir repo>/<function_name>:<tag>
- Run the command
docker push <image name>
. For image name, paste the entire string that looks like<region><Object Storage Namespace>/<ocir repo>/<function_name>:<tag>