diff --git a/.github/workflows/clean_stale_branches.yml b/.github/workflows/clean_stale_branches.yml
index 197595a1ff1e..c07ffc962d16 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/clean_stale_branches.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/clean_stale_branches.yml
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ env:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ if: github.repository == 'demisto/content' && github.event.pull_request.head.repo.fork == false
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
diff --git a/.gitlab/ci/.gitlab-ci.on-push.yml b/.gitlab/ci/.gitlab-ci.on-push.yml
index 04bc1a6b3e88..29cbeeefbe2a 100644
--- a/.gitlab/ci/.gitlab-ci.on-push.yml
+++ b/.gitlab/ci/.gitlab-ci.on-push.yml
@@ -168,6 +168,21 @@ validate-content-conf:
- cp "./Tests/conf.json" "${ARTIFACTS_FOLDER_SERVER_TYPE}/conf.json"
- section_end "Copy conf.json To Server Type Artifacts Folder"
+ - section_start "Find dependencies changes" --collapsed
+ - |
+ if [[ -z $BUCKET_UPLOAD || $TEST_UPLOAD == "false" ]]; then
+ source ./Tests/scripts/get_previous_master_sha.sh
+ if [[ -z $PREVIOUS_MASTER_SHA ]]; then
+ echo "WARNING: failed to detect previous master SHA, skipping find dependencies changes"
+ else
+ echo "Finding pack dependencies diff against $PREVIOUS_MASTER_SHA"
+ python Tests/scripts/find_pack_dependencies_changes.py --gitlab-token $GITLAB_API_TOKEN --master-sha $PREVIOUS_MASTER_SHA --job-name $CI_JOB_NAME --artifacts-folder "$ARTIFACTS_FOLDER_SERVER_TYPE"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Test upload flow - skipping find dependencies changes"
+ fi
+ - section_end "Find dependencies changes"
- section_start "Replace Cortex XSOAR" --collapsed
- |
if [[ $MARKETPLACE_VERSION == "marketplacev2" || $MARKETPLACE_VERSION == "xpanse" ]];
diff --git a/.hooks/bootstrap b/.hooks/bootstrap
index 4e87e458e277..86d36d97846a 100755
--- a/.hooks/bootstrap
+++ b/.hooks/bootstrap
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ else
if [[ "${should_install_poetry}" == "yes" ]]; then
echo "Installing Poetry version:${POETRY_VERSION}"
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 - --version "${POETRY_VERSION}"
- exit_on_error $? "Failed to install Poetry version:${POETRY_VERSION}"
+ error_code=$?
if ! command -v poetry >/dev/null 2>&1; then
exit_on_error $? "Poetry isn't installed"
@@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ else
exit_on_error 1 "Poetry version $(poetry --version) doesn't match the required version: ${POETRY_VERSION}"
+ if [ -n "${ARTIFACTS_FOLDER}" ] && [ "${error_code}" -ne 0 ]; then
+ cp ${PWD}/poetry-installer-error-*.log "${ARTIFACTS_FOLDER}"
+ fi
+ exit_on_error $error_code "Failed to install Poetry version:${POETRY_VERSION}"
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config_template.yaml b/.pre-commit-config_template.yaml
index 1f232d9e6337..8bff4bdedb7f 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config_template.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config_template.yaml
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ repos:
- decorator==5.1.1 ; python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.11"
- defusedxml==0.7.1 ; python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.11"
- demisto-py==3.2.13 ; python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.11"
- - demisto-sdk==1.26.0 ; python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.11"
+ - demisto-sdk==1.26.1 ; python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.11"
- dictdiffer==0.9.0 ; python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.11"
- dictor==0.1.12 ; python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.11"
- distlib==0.3.7 ; python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.11"
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/.pack-ignore b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/.pack-ignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e69de29bb2d1
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/.secrets-ignore b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/.secrets-ignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e69de29bb2d1
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake.py b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4f19ffca41d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake.py
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+import demistomock as demisto
+from CommonServerPython import *
+from CommonServerUserPython import *
+from datetime import datetime
+AWS_SERVICE_NAME = "athena"
+AWS_SERVICE_NAME_LAKE = "securitylake"
+def parse_rows_response(rows_data: list[dict]) -> list[dict]:
+ """
+ Parse and arrange the 'Rows' data from the response.
+ Args:
+ rows_data (list[dict]): The 'Rows' data from the response.
+ Note:
+ The 'Rows' data is returned in a table format, where each item in the list is a row.
+ Example for such a response can be seen on 'test_data/raw_data_mock/get_query_results.json'
+ Returns:
+ list[dict]: The data in a parsed and arranged format.
+ """
+ if not rows_data or not rows_data[0].get("Data"):
+ return []
+ keys: list[str] = [item["VarCharValue"] for item in rows_data[0]["Data"]]
+ raw_results = [item["Data"] for item in rows_data[1:]]
+ result_data = []
+ for raw_result in raw_results:
+ current_item_data = {}
+ for idx, value in enumerate(raw_result):
+ if "VarCharValue" in value:
+ current_item_data[keys[idx]] = value["VarCharValue"]
+ result_data.append(current_item_data)
+ return result_data
+def determine_client_service_name(command: str):
+ """determines the needed client service name based on the command.
+ Args:
+ command (str): command name being called.
+ Returns:
+ _type_: service name based on the command.
+ """
+ if command in ["aws-security-lake-data-sources-list", "aws-security-lake-data-lakes-list"]:
+ else:
+def next_token_output_dict(outputs_prefix: str, next_token: str | None, page_outputs: Any, page_outputs_key: str):
+ """Creates a dict for CommandResults.output with the next token."""
+ outputs = {
+ f"AWS.SecurityLake.{outputs_prefix}(val.{page_outputs_key} && val.{page_outputs_key} == obj.{page_outputs_key})": page_outputs, # noqa: E501
+ "AWS.SecurityLake(true)": {f"{outputs_prefix}NextToken": next_token},
+ }
+ return remove_empty_elements(outputs)
+def parse_table_metadata(table_metadata_list: list):
+ """Formats dates in the table metadata from the response.
+ Args:
+ table_metadata_list (list): the raw metadata returned from API.
+ """
+ for metadata in table_metadata_list:
+ if create_time := metadata.get("CreateTime"):
+ metadata["CreateTime"] = create_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ if last_access_time := metadata.get("LastAccessTime"):
+ metadata["LastAccessTime"] = last_access_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+# --- API Call Functions --- #
+def start_query_execution(
+ client,
+ query_string: str,
+ query_limit: int | None = None,
+ client_request_token: str | None = None,
+ database: str | None = None,
+ output_location: str | None = None,
+ encryption_option: str | None = None,
+ kms_key: str | None = None,
+ work_group: str | None = None,
+) -> dict:
+ if query_limit and "LIMIT" not in query_string:
+ query_string = f"{query_string} LIMIT {query_limit}"
+ kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {"QueryString": query_string}
+ if client_request_token:
+ kwargs.update({"ClientRequestToken": client_request_token})
+ if database:
+ kwargs.update({"QueryExecutionContext": {"Database": database}})
+ if output_location:
+ kwargs.update({"ResultConfiguration": {"OutputLocation": output_location}})
+ if encryption_option:
+ kwargs.update({"ResultConfiguration": {"EncryptionConfiguration": {"EncryptionOption": encryption_option}}})
+ if kms_key:
+ kwargs.update({"ResultConfiguration": {"EncryptionConfiguration": {"KmsKey": kms_key}}})
+ if work_group:
+ kwargs.update({"WorkGroup": work_group})
+ return client.start_query_execution(**kwargs)
+def get_query_execution(client, query_execution_id: str) -> dict:
+ response = client.get_query_execution(QueryExecutionId=query_execution_id)
+ # Convert datetime objects to strings
+ if (datetime_value := response.get("QueryExecution", {}).get("Status", {}).get("SubmissionDateTime")) and isinstance(
+ datetime_value, datetime
+ ):
+ response["QueryExecution"]["Status"]["SubmissionDateTime"] = datetime_value.isoformat()
+ if (datetime_value := response.get("QueryExecution", {}).get("Status", {}).get("CompletionDateTime")) and isinstance(
+ datetime_value, datetime
+ ):
+ response["QueryExecution"]["Status"]["CompletionDateTime"] = datetime_value.isoformat()
+ return response["QueryExecution"]
+def get_query_results(client, query_execution_id: str) -> list[dict]:
+ raw_response = client.get_query_results(QueryExecutionId=query_execution_id)
+ parsed_response = parse_rows_response(rows_data=raw_response["ResultSet"]["Rows"])
+ for result_item in parsed_response:
+ result_item["query_execution_id"] = query_execution_id
+ return parsed_response
+# --- Command Functions --- #
+def module_test_command(client) -> str | CommandResults:
+ response = client.list_named_queries()
+ if response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 200:
+ return "ok"
+ else:
+ raise DemistoException(f"Error: {response}")
+ name=demisto.command(),
+ interval=arg_to_number(demisto.args().get("interval_in_seconds", 10)),
+ timeout=arg_to_number(demisto.args().get("timeout_in_seconds", 300)),
+ requires_polling_arg=False,
+def execute_query_command(args: dict, query_results_context_key: str, client):
+ if "QueryExecutionId" not in args:
+ start_query_response = start_query_execution(
+ client=client,
+ query_string=args["query_string"],
+ query_limit=args.get("query_limit"),
+ client_request_token=args.get("client_request_token"),
+ database=args.get("database"),
+ output_location=args.get("output_location"),
+ encryption_option=args.get("encryption_option"),
+ kms_key=args.get("kms_key"),
+ work_group=args.get("work_group"),
+ )
+ query_execution_id = start_query_response["QueryExecutionId"]
+ else:
+ query_execution_id = args["QueryExecutionId"]
+ query_execution_response = get_query_execution(client=client, query_execution_id=query_execution_id)
+ query_state = query_execution_response["Status"]["State"]
+ if query_state in ("QUEUED", "RUNNING"):
+ args["QueryExecutionId"] = query_execution_id
+ return PollResult(
+ response=None,
+ continue_to_poll=True,
+ args_for_next_run=args,
+ partial_result=CommandResults(readable_output=f"Query is still running. Current state: '{query_state}'."),
+ )
+ output_data: dict[str, Any] = {f"AWS.SecurityLake.{QUERY_DATA_OUTPUTS_KEY}": query_execution_response}
+ readable_output = None
+ if query_state == "SUCCEEDED":
+ query_results_response = get_query_results(client=client, query_execution_id=query_execution_id)
+ output_data[f"AWS.SecurityLake.{query_results_context_key}"] = query_results_response
+ readable_output = tableToMarkdown("AWS Athena Query Results", query_results_response)
+ elif query_state == "CANCELLED":
+ readable_output = f"Query '{query_execution_id}' has been cancelled."
+ elif query_state == "FAILED":
+ readable_output = f"Query '{query_execution_id}' has failed."
+ demisto.debug(str(query_execution_response))
+ if query_execution_response["Status"].get("AthenaError", {}).get("ErrorMessage"):
+ error_message = query_execution_response["Status"]["AthenaError"]["ErrorMessage"]
+ readable_output += f"\nError: {error_message}"
+ return PollResult(
+ response=CommandResults(
+ outputs=output_data,
+ raw_response=output_data,
+ readable_output=readable_output,
+ ),
+ continue_to_poll=False,
+ )
+def list_catalogs_command(client, args: dict):
+ """Lists the data catalogs in the current Amazon Web Services account.
+ Args:
+ client : aws client object
+ args (dict): command argument - nextToken, limit, workGroup
+ """
+ args_to_request = {
+ "NextToken": args.get("next_token"),
+ "MaxResults": arg_to_number(args.get("limit")),
+ "WorkGroup": args.get("work_group"),
+ }
+ response = client.list_data_catalogs(**remove_empty_elements(args_to_request))
+ catalogs = response.get("DataCatalogsSummary")
+ next_token = response.get("NextToken")
+ context_output = next_token_output_dict("Catalog", next_token, catalogs, "CatalogName")
+ return CommandResults(
+ outputs=context_output,
+ raw_response=response,
+ readable_output=tableToMarkdown(
+ "AWS Security Lake Catalogs", response.get("DataCatalogsSummary"), headerTransform=pascalToSpace, removeNull=True
+ ),
+ )
+def list_databases_command(client, args: dict):
+ """Lists the databases in the specified data catalog.
+ Args:
+ client : aws client object
+ args (dict): command argument
+ """
+ args_to_request = {
+ "NextToken": args.get("next_token"),
+ "MaxResults": arg_to_number(args.get("limit")),
+ "WorkGroup": args.get("work_group"),
+ "CatalogName": args.get("catalog_name"),
+ }
+ response = client.list_databases(**remove_empty_elements(args_to_request))
+ databases = response.get("DatabaseList")
+ next_token = response.get("NextToken")
+ context_output = next_token_output_dict("Database", next_token, databases, "Name")
+ return CommandResults(
+ outputs=context_output,
+ raw_response=response,
+ readable_output=tableToMarkdown(
+ "AWS Security Lake Databases",
+ response.get("DatabaseList"),
+ headers=["Name"],
+ headerTransform=pascalToSpace,
+ removeNull=True,
+ ),
+ )
+def list_table_metadata_command(client, args: dict):
+ """Lists the metadata for the tables in the specified data catalog database.
+ Args:
+ client : aws client object
+ args (dict): command argument
+ """
+ args_to_request = {
+ "NextToken": args.get("next_token"),
+ "MaxResults": arg_to_number(args.get("limit")),
+ "WorkGroup": args.get("work_group"),
+ "CatalogName": args.get("catalog_name"),
+ "DatabaseName": args.get("database_name"),
+ "Expression": args.get("expression"),
+ }
+ response = client.list_table_metadata(**remove_empty_elements(args_to_request))
+ parse_table_metadata(response.get("TableMetadataList"))
+ metadata_list = response.get("TableMetadataList")
+ next_token = response.get("NextToken")
+ context_output = next_token_output_dict("TableMetadata", next_token, metadata_list, "Name")
+ return CommandResults(
+ outputs=context_output,
+ raw_response=response,
+ readable_output=tableToMarkdown(
+ "AWS Security Lake Databases",
+ metadata_list,
+ headers=["Name", "TableType", "Columns", "PartitionKeys"],
+ headerTransform=pascalToSpace,
+ removeNull=True,
+ ),
+ )
+def mfalogin_query_command(client, args: dict):
+ """Running aws-security-lake-query-execute command with query_string:
+ SELECT * FROM <{database}>.<{table}>
+ WHERE CAST(actor.user.name AS VARCHAR) = '{user_name}';
+ Args:
+ client : aws client object
+ args (dict): command argument
+ """
+ database = args.get("database")
+ table = args.get("table")
+ user_name = args.get("user_name")
+ args["query_string"] = f"SELECT * FROM {database}.{table} WHERE CAST(actor.user.name AS VARCHAR) = '{user_name}';"
+ result = execute_query_command(client=client, args=args, query_results_context_key="MfaLoginQueryResults")
+ return result
+def source_ip_query_command(client, args: dict):
+ """Running aws-security-lake-query-execute command with query_string:
+ SELECT * FROM <{database}>.<{table}>
+ WHERE CAST(src_endpoint.ip AS VARCHAR) = '{ip_src}';
+ Args:
+ client : aws client object
+ args (dict): command argument
+ """
+ database = args.get("database")
+ table = args.get("table")
+ ip_src = args.get("ip_src")
+ args["query_string"] = f"SELECT * FROM {database}.{table} WHERE CAST(src_endpoint.ip AS VARCHAR) = '{ip_src}';"
+ return execute_query_command(client=client, args=args, query_results_context_key="SourceIPQueryResults")
+def guardduty_activity_query_command(client, args: dict):
+ """Running aws-security-lake-query-execute command with query_string:
+ SELECT * FROM <{database}>.<{table}> WHERE severity = '{severity}';
+ Args:
+ client : aws client object
+ args (dict): command argument
+ """
+ database = args.get("database")
+ table = args.get("table")
+ severity = args.get("severity")
+ args["query_string"] = f"SELECT * FROM {database}.{table} WHERE severity = '{severity}';"
+ return execute_query_command(client=client, args=args, query_results_context_key="GuardDutyActivityQueryResults")
+def list_sources_command(client, args: dict):
+ """Retrieves a snapshot of the current Region.
+ Args:
+ client : aws client object
+ args (dict): command argument
+ """
+ args_to_request = {
+ "accounts": argToList(args.get("accounts")),
+ "maxResults": arg_to_number(args.get("limit")),
+ "nextToken": args.get("next_token"),
+ }
+ response = client.get_data_lake_sources(**remove_empty_elements(args_to_request))
+ next_token = response.get("nextToken")
+ outputs = {
+ "AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeArn": response.get("dataLakeArn"),
+ "AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeSources": response.get("dataLakeSources"),
+ "AWS.SecurityLake(true)": {"DataLakeSourceNextToken": next_token},
+ }
+ return CommandResults(
+ outputs=remove_empty_elements(outputs),
+ raw_response=response,
+ readable_output=tableToMarkdown(
+ "AWS Security Lake Catalogs",
+ response.get("dataLakeSources"),
+ headers=["account", "sourceName"],
+ headerTransform=pascalToSpace,
+ removeNull=True,
+ ),
+ )
+def list_data_lakes_command(client, args: dict):
+ """Retrieves the Amazon Security Lake configuration object for the specified Amazon Web Services Regions.
+ Args:
+ client : aws client object
+ args (dict): command argument
+ """
+ response = client.list_data_lakes(regions=argToList(args.get("regions")))
+ outputs = remove_empty_elements(response.get("dataLakes"))
+ return CommandResults(
+ outputs_prefix="AWS.SecurityLake.DataLake",
+ outputs_key_field="dataLakeArn",
+ outputs=outputs,
+ raw_response=response,
+ readable_output=tableToMarkdown("AWS Security Lake Data Lakes", outputs, headerTransform=pascalToSpace),
+ )
+def main(): # pragma: no cover
+ params = demisto.params()
+ args = demisto.args()
+ command = demisto.command()
+ aws_role_arn = params.get("roleArn")
+ aws_role_session_name = params.get("roleSessionName")
+ aws_default_region = params.get("defaultRegion")
+ aws_role_session_duration = params.get("sessionDuration")
+ aws_access_key_id = demisto.get(params, "credentials.identifier")
+ aws_secret_access_key = demisto.get(params, "credentials.password")
+ verify_certificate = not params.get("insecure", True)
+ timeout = params.get("timeout")
+ retries = params.get("retries", 5)
+ validate_params(aws_default_region, aws_role_arn, aws_role_session_name, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key)
+ try:
+ demisto.debug(f"Command being called is '{command}'.")
+ aws_client = AWSClient(
+ aws_default_region=aws_default_region,
+ aws_role_arn=aws_role_arn,
+ aws_role_session_name=aws_role_session_name,
+ aws_role_session_duration=aws_role_session_duration,
+ aws_role_policy=None,
+ aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id,
+ aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key,
+ verify_certificate=verify_certificate,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ retries=retries,
+ )
+ service = determine_client_service_name(command=command)
+ client = aws_client.aws_session(
+ service=service,
+ region=args.get("region"),
+ role_arn=args.get("roleArn"),
+ role_session_name=args.get("roleSessionName"),
+ role_session_duration=args.get("roleSessionDuration"),
+ )
+ result: str | CommandResults
+ if command == "test-module":
+ result = module_test_command(client)
+ elif command == "aws-security-lake-query-execute":
+ result = execute_query_command(client=client, args=args, query_results_context_key="QueryResults") # type: ignore
+ elif command == "aws-security-lake-data-catalogs-list":
+ result = list_catalogs_command(client=client, args=args)
+ elif command == "aws-security-lake-databases-list":
+ result = list_databases_command(client=client, args=args)
+ elif command == "aws-security-lake-table-metadata-list":
+ result = list_table_metadata_command(client=client, args=args)
+ elif command == "aws-security-lake-user-mfalogin-query":
+ result = mfalogin_query_command(client=client, args=args) # type: ignore
+ elif command == "aws-security-lake-source-ip-query":
+ result = source_ip_query_command(client=client, args=args) # type: ignore
+ elif command == "aws-security-lake-guardduty-activity-query":
+ result = guardduty_activity_query_command(client=client, args=args) # type: ignore
+ elif command == "aws-security-lake-data-sources-list":
+ result = list_sources_command(client=client, args=args)
+ elif command == "aws-security-lake-data-lakes-list":
+ result = list_data_lakes_command(client=client, args=args)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(f'Command "{command}" is not implemented.')
+ return_results(result)
+ except Exception as e:
+ return_error(str(e))
+from AWSApiModule import * # noqa: E402
+if __name__ in ("__main__", "__builtin__", "builtins"):
+ main()
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake.yml b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..388884a3dfca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,1210 @@
+category: IT Services
+ id: AWS Security Lake
+ version: -1
+- name: roleArn
+ display: Role ARN
+ required: false
+ type: 0
+ section: Connect
+- name: roleSessionName
+ display: Role Session Name
+ required: false
+ type: 0
+ section: Connect
+- name: sessionDuration
+ display: Role Session Duration
+ required: false
+ type: 0
+ section: Connect
+ advanced: true
+- name: defaultRegion
+ display: AWS Default Region
+ required: false
+ type: 15
+ options:
+ - us-east-1
+ - us-east-2
+ - us-west-1
+ - us-west-2
+ - ca-central-1
+ - eu-west-1
+ - eu-central-1
+ - eu-west-2
+ - ap-northeast-1
+ - ap-northeast-2
+ - ap-southeast-1
+ - ap-southeast-2
+ - ap-south-1
+ - sa-east-1
+ - eu-north-1
+ - eu-west-3
+ - us-gov-east-1
+ - us-gov-west-1
+ section: Connect
+- name: credentials
+ display: Access Key
+ required: false
+ type: 9
+ displaypassword: Secret Key
+ hiddenusername: false
+ section: Connect
+- name: timeout
+ display: Timeout
+ required: false
+ defaultvalue: 60,10
+ type: 0
+ section: Connect
+ advanced: true
+ additionalinfo: The time in seconds until a timeout exception is reached. You can specify just the read timeout (for example 60) or also the connect timeout followed after a comma (for example 60,10). If a connect timeout is not specified, a default of 10 second will be used.
+- name: retries
+ display: Retries
+ required: false
+ defaultvalue: 5
+ type: 0
+ section: Connect
+ advanced: true
+ additionalinfo: "The maximum number of retry attempts when connection or throttling errors are encountered. Set to 0 to disable retries. The default value is 5 and the limit is 10. Note: Increasing the number of retries will increase the execution time."
+- name: insecure
+ display: Trust any certificate (not secure)
+ required: false
+ defaultvalue: 'false'
+ type: 8
+ advanced: true
+- name: proxy
+ display: Use system proxy settings
+ required: false
+ defaultvalue: 'false'
+ type: 8
+ advanced: true
+description: "Amazon Security Lake is a fully managed security data lake service."
+display: AWS-SecurityLake
+name: AWS Security Lake
+ commands:
+ - name: aws-security-lake-query-execute
+ arguments:
+ - name: query_string
+ description: The SQL query statements to be executed.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: query_limit
+ description: A limit (number) to use for the query. If the keyword 'LIMIT' exists within 'QueryString', this parameter will be ignored.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: "50"
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: client_request_token
+ description: A unique case-sensitive string used to ensure the request to create the query is idempotent (executes only once). If another StartQueryExecution request is received, the same response is returned and another query is not created.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: database
+ description: The name of the database.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: output_location
+ description: The location in Amazon S3 where your query results are stored, such as s3://path/to/query/bucket/.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: encryption_option
+ description: Indicates whether Amazon S3 server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys (SSE-S3 ), server-side encryption with KMS-managed keys (SSE-KMS ), or client-side encryption with KMS-managed keys (CSE-KMS) is used.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: kms_key
+ description: For SSE-KMS and CSE-KMS , this is the KMS key ARN or ID.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: work_group
+ description: The name of the workgroup in which the query is being started.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleArn
+ description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.
+ - name: roleSessionName
+ description: An identifier for the assumed role session.
+ - name: roleSessionDuration
+ description: The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role.
+ - name: region
+ description: The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used.
+ - name: QueryExecutionId
+ hidden: true
+ description: ID of the newly created query. Used internally for polling.
+ - name: hide_polling_output
+ hidden: true
+ description: ""
+ description: Execute a new query, wait for the query to complete (using polling), and return query's execution information, and query's results (if successful). Either 'OutputLocation' or 'WorkGroup' must be specified for the query to run.
+ polling: true
+ outputs:
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionId
+ description: The unique identifier for each query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Query
+ description: The SQL query statements which the query execution ran.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.StatementType
+ description: The type of query statement that was run.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation
+ description: The location in Amazon S3 where your query and calculation results are stored, such as 's3://path/to/query/bucket/'.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.EncryptionOption
+ description: If query and calculation results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option used (for example, SSE_KMS or CSE_KMS) and key information.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.KmsKey
+ description: For SSE_KMS and CSE_KMS, this is the KMS key ARN or ID.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.ExpectedBucketOwner
+ description: The Amazon Web Services account ID that you expect to be the owner of the Amazon S3 bucket specified by ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.AclConfiguration.S3AclOption
+ description: The Amazon S3 canned ACL that Athena should specify when storing query results.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.Enabled
+ description: True if previous query results can be reused when the query is run; otherwise, false. The default is false.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.MaxAgeInMinutes
+ description: Specifies, in minutes, the maximum age of a previous query result that Athena should consider for reuse. The default is 60.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Database
+ description: The name of the database used in the query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Catalog
+ description: The name of the data catalog used in the query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.State
+ description: The state of the query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.StateChangeReason
+ description: Further detail about the status of the query.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.SubmissionDateTime
+ description: The date and time that the query was submitted.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.CompletionDateTime
+ description: The date and time that the query completed.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorCategory
+ description: An integer value that specifies the category of a query failure error.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorType
+ description: An integer value that provides specific information about an Athena query error. For the meaning of specific values, see the Error Type Reference in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.Retryable
+ description: True if the query might succeed if resubmitted.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorMessage
+ description: Contains a short description of the error that occurred.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.EngineExecutionTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that the query took to execute.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataScannedInBytes
+ description: The number of bytes in the data that was queried.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataManifestLocation
+ description: The location and file name of a data manifest file. The manifest file is saved to the Athena query results location in Amazon S3.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.TotalExecutionTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to run the query.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryQueueTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that the query was in your query queue waiting for resources.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServicePreProcessingTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to preprocess the query before submitting the query to the query engine.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryPlanningTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to plan the query processing flow. This includes the time spent retrieving table partitions from the data source.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServiceProcessingTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to finalize and publish the query results after the query engine finished running the query.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseInformation.ReusedPreviousResult
+ description: True if a previous query result was reused; false if the result was generated from a new run of the query.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.WorkGroup
+ description: The name of the workgroup in which the query ran.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.SelectedEngineVersion
+ description: The engine version requested by the user. Possible values are determined by the output of ListEngineVersions, including AUTO.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.EffectiveEngineVersion
+ description: The engine version on which the query runs.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ExecutionParameters
+ description: A list of values for the parameters in a query. The values are applied sequentially to the parameters in the query in the order in which the parameters occur. The list of parameters is not returned in the response.
+ type: List
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.SubstatementType
+ description: The type of query statement that was run.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.QueryResults
+ description: List of query results.
+ type: List
+ - name: aws-security-lake-data-catalogs-list
+ description: Lists the data catalogs in the current Amazon Web Services account.
+ deprecated: false
+ arguments:
+ - name: work_group
+ description: The name of the workgroup. Required if making an IAM Identity Center request.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: region
+ description: The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleArn
+ description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionName
+ description: An identifier for the assumed role session.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionDuration
+ description: The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: limit
+ description: Specifies the maximum number of data catalogs to return.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: next_token
+ description: Specifies the maximum number of data catalogs to return.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ outputs:
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.Catalog.CatalogName
+ description: The name of the data catalog.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.Catalog.Type
+ description: The data catalog type.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.CatalogNextToken
+ description: A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
+ type: String
+ - name: aws-security-lake-databases-list
+ description: Lists the databases in the specified data catalog.
+ deprecated: false
+ arguments:
+ - name: catalog_name
+ description: The name of the data catalog that contains the databases to return.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: work_group
+ description: The name of the workgroup for which the metadata is being fetched. Required if requesting an IAM Identity Center enabled Glue Data Catalog.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: region
+ description: The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleArn
+ description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionName
+ description: An identifier for the assumed role session.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionDuration
+ description: The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: limit
+ description: Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: next_token
+ description: A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ outputs:
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.Database.Name
+ description: The name of the database.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.Database.Description
+ description: An optional description of the database.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.Database.Parameters
+ description: A set of custom key/value pairs.
+ type: List
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.DatabaseNextToken
+ description: A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
+ type: String
+ - name: aws-security-lake-table-metadata-list
+ description: Lists the metadata for the tables in the specified data catalog database.
+ deprecated: false
+ arguments:
+ - name: catalog_name
+ description: The name of the data catalog that contains the databases to return.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: database_name
+ description: The name of the database for which table metadata should be returned.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: expression
+ description: A regex filter that pattern-matches table names. If no expression is supplied, metadata for all tables are listed.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleArn
+ description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionName
+ description: An identifier for the assumed role session.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionDuration
+ description: The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: limit
+ description: Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: next_token
+ description: A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: work_group
+ description: The name of the workgroup for which the metadata is being fetched. Required if requesting an IAM Identity Center enabled Glue Data Catalog.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ outputs:
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.Name
+ description: The name of the table.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.CreateTime
+ description: The time that the table was created.
+ type: Date
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.LastAccessTime
+ description: The last time the table was accessed.
+ type: Date
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.TableType
+ description: The type of table. In Athena, only EXTERNAL_TABLE is supported.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.Columns.Name
+ description: The name of the column.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.Columns.Type
+ description: The data type of the column.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.Columns.Comment
+ description: Optional information about the column.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.PartitionKeys.Name
+ description: The name of the column.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.PartitionKeys.Type
+ description: The data type of the column.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.PartitionKeys.Comment
+ description: Optional information about the column.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.Parameters
+ description: A set of custom key/value pairs for table properties.
+ type: List
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadataNextToken
+ description: A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
+ type: String
+ - name: aws-security-lake-user-mfalogin-query
+ description: Runs query that takes a provided username and queries the AWS Security Lake for MFA login attempts (Success/Failed) associated with the user's account, using AWS CloudTrail logs.
+ deprecated: false
+ arguments:
+ - name: database
+ description: The database to run the query against.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: table
+ description: The table to run the query against.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: user_name
+ description: The username to search for MFA login attempts.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: output_location
+ description: The location in Amazon S3 where your query results are stored, such as s3://path/to/query/bucket/.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleArn
+ description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionName
+ description: An identifier for the assumed role session.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionDuration
+ description: The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: region
+ description: The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used.
+ - name: query_limit
+ description: A limit (number) to use for the query. If the keyword 'LIMIT' exists within 'QueryString', this parameter will be ignored.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: QueryExecutionId
+ hidden: true
+ description: ID of the newly created query. Used internally for polling.
+ - name: hide_polling_output
+ hidden: true
+ description: ""
+ polling: true
+ outputs:
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionId
+ description: The unique identifier for each query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Query
+ description: The SQL query statements which the query execution ran.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.StatementType
+ description: The type of query statement that was run.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation
+ description: The location in Amazon S3 where your query and calculation results are stored, such as 's3://path/to/query/bucket/'.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.EncryptionOption
+ description: If query and calculation results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option used (for example, SSE_KMS or CSE_KMS) and key information.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.KmsKey
+ description: For SSE_KMS and CSE_KMS, this is the KMS key ARN or ID.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.ExpectedBucketOwner
+ description: The Amazon Web Services account ID that you expect to be the owner of the Amazon S3 bucket specified by ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.AclConfiguration.S3AclOption
+ description: The Amazon S3 canned ACL that Athena should specify when storing query results.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.Enabled
+ description: True if previous query results can be reused when the query is run; otherwise, false. The default is false.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.MaxAgeInMinutes
+ description: Specifies, in minutes, the maximum age of a previous query result that Athena should consider for reuse. The default is 60.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Database
+ description: The name of the database used in the query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Catalog
+ description: The name of the data catalog used in the query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.State
+ description: The state of the query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.StateChangeReason
+ description: Further detail about the status of the query.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.SubmissionDateTime
+ description: The date and time that the query was submitted.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.CompletionDateTime
+ description: The date and time that the query completed.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorCategory
+ description: An integer value that specifies the category of a query failure error.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorType
+ description: An integer value that provides specific information about an Athena query error. For the meaning of specific values, see the Error Type Reference in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.Retryable
+ description: True if the query might succeed if resubmitted.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorMessage
+ description: Contains a short description of the error that occurred.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.EngineExecutionTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that the query took to execute.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataScannedInBytes
+ description: The number of bytes in the data that was queried.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataManifestLocation
+ description: The location and file name of a data manifest file. The manifest file is saved to the Athena query results location in Amazon S3.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.TotalExecutionTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to run the query.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryQueueTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that the query was in your query queue waiting for resources.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServicePreProcessingTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to preprocess the query before submitting the query to the query engine.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryPlanningTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to plan the query processing flow. This includes the time spent retrieving table partitions from the data source.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServiceProcessingTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to finalize and publish the query results after the query engine finished running the query.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseInformation.ReusedPreviousResult
+ description: True if a previous query result was reused; false if the result was generated from a new run of the query.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.WorkGroup
+ description: The name of the workgroup in which the query ran.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.SelectedEngineVersion
+ description: The engine version requested by the user. Possible values are determined by the output of ListEngineVersions, including AUTO.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.EffectiveEngineVersion
+ description: The engine version on which the query runs.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ExecutionParameters
+ description: A list of values for the parameters in a query. The values are applied sequentially to the parameters in the query in the order in which the parameters occur. The list of parameters is not returned in the response.
+ type: List
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.SubstatementType
+ description: The type of query statement that was run.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.MfaLoginQueryResults
+ description: List of query results.
+ type: List
+ - name: aws-security-lake-source-ip-query
+ description: Runs a query that takes a provided source IP address and queries the AWS Security Lake for console login attempts (Success/Failed) associated with the IP address, using AWS CloudTrail logs.
+ deprecated: false
+ arguments:
+ - name: database
+ description: The database to run the query against.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: table
+ description: The table to run the query against.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: ip_src
+ description: The source IP address to search for console login attempts.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: output_location
+ description: The location in Amazon S3 where your query results are stored, such as s3://path/to/query/bucket/.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleArn
+ description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionName
+ description: An identifier for the assumed role session.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionDuration
+ description: The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: region
+ description: The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used.
+ - name: query_limit
+ description: A limit (number) to use for the query. If the keyword 'LIMIT' exists within 'QueryString', this parameter will be ignored.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: QueryExecutionId
+ hidden: true
+ description: ID of the newly created query. Used internally for polling.
+ - name: hide_polling_output
+ hidden: true
+ description: ""
+ polling: true
+ outputs:
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionId
+ description: The unique identifier for each query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Query
+ description: The SQL query statements which the query execution ran.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.StatementType
+ description: The type of query statement that was run.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation
+ description: The location in Amazon S3 where your query and calculation results are stored, such as 's3://path/to/query/bucket/'.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.EncryptionOption
+ description: If query and calculation results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option used (for example, SSE_KMS or CSE_KMS) and key information.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.KmsKey
+ description: For SSE_KMS and CSE_KMS, this is the KMS key ARN or ID.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.ExpectedBucketOwner
+ description: The Amazon Web Services account ID that you expect to be the owner of the Amazon S3 bucket specified by ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.AclConfiguration.S3AclOption
+ description: The Amazon S3 canned ACL that Athena should specify when storing query results.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.Enabled
+ description: True if previous query results can be reused when the query is run; otherwise, false. The default is false.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.MaxAgeInMinutes
+ description: Specifies, in minutes, the maximum age of a previous query result that Athena should consider for reuse. The default is 60.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Database
+ description: The name of the database used in the query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Catalog
+ description: The name of the data catalog used in the query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.State
+ description: The state of the query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.StateChangeReason
+ description: Further detail about the status of the query.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.SubmissionDateTime
+ description: The date and time that the query was submitted.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.CompletionDateTime
+ description: The date and time that the query completed.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorCategory
+ description: An integer value that specifies the category of a query failure error.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorType
+ description: An integer value that provides specific information about an Athena query error. For the meaning of specific values, see the Error Type Reference in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.Retryable
+ description: True if the query might succeed if resubmitted.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorMessage
+ description: Contains a short description of the error that occurred.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.EngineExecutionTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that the query took to execute.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataScannedInBytes
+ description: The number of bytes in the data that was queried.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataManifestLocation
+ description: The location and file name of a data manifest file. The manifest file is saved to the Athena query results location in Amazon S3.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.TotalExecutionTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to run the query.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryQueueTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that the query was in your query queue waiting for resources.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServicePreProcessingTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to preprocess the query before submitting the query to the query engine.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryPlanningTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to plan the query processing flow. This includes the time spent retrieving table partitions from the data source.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServiceProcessingTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to finalize and publish the query results after the query engine finished running the query.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseInformation.ReusedPreviousResult
+ description: True if a previous query result was reused; false if the result was generated from a new run of the query.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.WorkGroup
+ description: The name of the workgroup in which the query ran.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.SelectedEngineVersion
+ description: The engine version requested by the user. Possible values are determined by the output of ListEngineVersions, including AUTO.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.EffectiveEngineVersion
+ description: The engine version on which the query runs.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ExecutionParameters
+ description: A list of values for the parameters in a query. The values are applied sequentially to the parameters in the query in the order in which the parameters occur. The list of parameters is not returned in the response.
+ type: List
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.SubstatementType
+ description: The type of query statement that was run.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.SourceIPQueryResults
+ description: List of query results.
+ type: List
+ - name: aws-security-lake-guardduty-activity-query
+ description: This command is used to search for Guard Duty logs for any criticality level activity.
+ deprecated: false
+ arguments:
+ - name: database
+ description: The database to run the query against.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: table
+ description: The table to run the query against.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: severity
+ description: The severity of related events to search for.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - Unknown
+ - Informational
+ - Low
+ - Medium
+ - High
+ - Critical
+ - Fatal
+ - Other
+ - name: output_location
+ description: The location in Amazon S3 where your query results are stored, such as s3://path/to/query/bucket/.
+ required: true
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleArn
+ description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionName
+ description: An identifier for the assumed role session.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionDuration
+ description: The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: region
+ description: The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used.
+ - name: query_limit
+ description: A limit (number) to use for the query. If the keyword 'LIMIT' exists within 'QueryString', this parameter will be ignored.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: QueryExecutionId
+ hidden: true
+ description: ID of the newly created query. Used internally for polling.
+ - name: hide_polling_output
+ hidden: true
+ description: ""
+ polling: true
+ outputs:
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionId
+ description: The unique identifier for each query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Query
+ description: The SQL query statements which the query execution ran.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.StatementType
+ description: The type of query statement that was run.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation
+ description: The location in Amazon S3 where your query and calculation results are stored, such as 's3://path/to/query/bucket/'.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.EncryptionOption
+ description: If query and calculation results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option used (for example, SSE_KMS or CSE_KMS) and key information.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.KmsKey
+ description: For SSE_KMS and CSE_KMS, this is the KMS key ARN or ID.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.ExpectedBucketOwner
+ description: The Amazon Web Services account ID that you expect to be the owner of the Amazon S3 bucket specified by ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.AclConfiguration.S3AclOption
+ description: The Amazon S3 canned ACL that Athena should specify when storing query results.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.Enabled
+ description: True if previous query results can be reused when the query is run; otherwise, false. The default is false.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.MaxAgeInMinutes
+ description: Specifies, in minutes, the maximum age of a previous query result that Athena should consider for reuse. The default is 60.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Database
+ description: The name of the database used in the query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Catalog
+ description: The name of the data catalog used in the query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.State
+ description: The state of the query execution.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.StateChangeReason
+ description: Further detail about the status of the query.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.SubmissionDateTime
+ description: The date and time that the query was submitted.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.CompletionDateTime
+ description: The date and time that the query completed.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorCategory
+ description: An integer value that specifies the category of a query failure error.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorType
+ description: An integer value that provides specific information about an Athena query error. For the meaning of specific values, see the Error Type Reference in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.Retryable
+ description: True if the query might succeed if resubmitted.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorMessage
+ description: Contains a short description of the error that occurred.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.EngineExecutionTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that the query took to execute.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataScannedInBytes
+ description: The number of bytes in the data that was queried.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataManifestLocation
+ description: The location and file name of a data manifest file. The manifest file is saved to the Athena query results location in Amazon S3.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.TotalExecutionTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to run the query.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryQueueTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that the query was in your query queue waiting for resources.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServicePreProcessingTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to preprocess the query before submitting the query to the query engine.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryPlanningTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to plan the query processing flow. This includes the time spent retrieving table partitions from the data source.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServiceProcessingTimeInMillis
+ description: The number of milliseconds that Athena took to finalize and publish the query results after the query engine finished running the query.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseInformation.ReusedPreviousResult
+ description: True if a previous query result was reused; false if the result was generated from a new run of the query.
+ type: Boolean
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.WorkGroup
+ description: The name of the workgroup in which the query ran.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.SelectedEngineVersion
+ description: The engine version requested by the user. Possible values are determined by the output of ListEngineVersions, including AUTO.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.EffectiveEngineVersion
+ description: The engine version on which the query runs.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.ExecutionParameters
+ description: A list of values for the parameters in a query. The values are applied sequentially to the parameters in the query in the order in which the parameters occur. The list of parameters is not returned in the response.
+ type: List
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.Query.SubstatementType
+ description: The type of query statement that was run.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.Athena.GuardDutyActivityQueryResults
+ description: List of query results.
+ type: List
+ - name: aws-security-lake-data-sources-list
+ description: Retrieves a snapshot of the current region, including whether Amazon Security Lake is enabled for those accounts and which sources Security Lake is collecting data from. In order to run this command the user must have 'securitylake' permissions.
+ deprecated: false
+ arguments:
+ - name: accounts
+ description: The Amazon Web Services account ID for which a static snapshot of the current Amazon Web Services Region, including enabled accounts and log sources, is retrieved.
+ required: false
+ isArray: true
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: limit
+ description: The maximum limit of accounts for which the static snapshot of the current region, including enabled accounts and log sources, is retrieved.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: next_token
+ description: Lists if there are more results available. The value of nextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Repeat the call using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other arguments unchanged.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleArn
+ description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionName
+ description: An identifier for the assumed role session.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionDuration
+ description: The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: region
+ description: The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used.
+ - name: query_limit
+ description: A limit (number) to use for the query. If the keyword 'LIMIT' exists within 'QueryString', this parameter will be ignored.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ outputs:
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeArn
+ description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) created by you to provide to the subscriber.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeSources.account
+ description: The ID of the Security Lake account for which logs are collected.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeSources.eventClasses
+ description: The Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) event classes which describes the type of data that the custom source will send to Security Lake.
+ type: List
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeSources.sourceName
+ description: The supported Amazon Web Services from which logs and events are collected. Amazon Security Lake supports log and event collection for natively supported Amazon Web Services.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeSources.sourceStatuses.resource
+ description: Defines the path in which the stored logs are available which has information on your systems, applications, and services.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeSources.sourceStatuses.status
+ description: The health status of services, including error codes and patterns.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSourceNextToken
+ description: Lists if there are more results available. The value of nextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Repeat the call using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other arguments unchanged.
+ type: String
+ - name: aws-security-lake-data-lakes-list
+ description: Retrieves the Amazon Security Lake configuration object for the specified Amazon Web Services Regions. In order to run this command the user must have 'securitylake' permissions.
+ deprecated: false
+ arguments:
+ - name: regions
+ description: The list of regions where Security Lake is enabled.
+ required: false
+ isArray: true
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleArn
+ description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionName
+ description: An identifier for the assumed role session.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: roleSessionDuration
+ description: The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ - name: region
+ description: The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used.
+ - name: query_limit
+ description: A limit (number) to use for the query. If the keyword 'LIMIT' exists within 'QueryString', this parameter will be ignored.
+ required: false
+ isArray: false
+ defaultValue: ""
+ predefined:
+ - ""
+ outputs:
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.createStatus
+ description: Retrieves the status of the configuration operation for an account in Amazon Security Lake.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.dataLakeArn
+ description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) created by you to provide to the subscriber.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.encryptionConfiguration.kmsKeyId
+ description: The ID of the KMS encryption key used by Amazon Security Lake to encrypt the Security Lake object.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.lifecycleConfiguration.expiration.days
+ description: Number of days before data expires in the Amazon Security Lake object.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.lifecycleConfiguration.transitions.days
+ description: Number of days before data transitions to a different S3 Storage Class in the Amazon Security Lake object.
+ type: Number
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.lifecycleConfiguration.transitions.storageClass
+ description: The range of storage classes that you can choose from based on the data access, resiliency, and cost requirements of your workloads.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.region
+ description: The Amazon Web Services regions where Security Lake is enabled.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.replicationConfiguration.regions
+ description: Replication enables automatic, asynchronous copying of objects across Amazon S3 buckets.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.replicationConfiguration.roleArn
+ description: Replication settings for the Amazon S3 buckets. This parameter uses the Identity and Access Management (IAM) role you created that is managed by Security Lake, to ensure the replication setting is correct.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.s3BucketArn
+ description: The ARN for the Amazon Security Lake Amazon S3 bucket.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.updateStatus.exception.code
+ description: The reason code for the exception of the last UpdateDataLake or DeleteDataLake API request.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.updateStatus.exception.reason
+ description: The reason for the exception of the last UpdateDataLake or DeleteDataLake API request.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.updateStatus.requestId
+ description: The unique ID for the last UpdateDataLake or DeleteDataLake API request.
+ type: String
+ - contextPath: AWS.SecurityLake.updateStatus.status
+ description: The status of the last UpdateDataLake or DeleteDataLake API request that was requested.
+ type: String
+ runonce: false
+ script: "-"
+ type: python
+ subtype: python3
+ dockerimage: demisto/boto3py3:
+ feed: false
+ isfetch: false
+fromversion: 6.10.0
+- No tests (auto formatted)
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake_description.md b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake_description.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3cf7bbdc29c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake_description.md
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Before you can use the AWS Security Lake integration in XSOAR, you need to perform several configuration steps in your AWS environment.
+### Prerequisites
+- Attach an instance profile with the required permissions to the Cortex XSOAR server or engine that is running
+on your AWS environment.
+- Instance profile requires minimum permission: sts:AssumeRole.
+- Instance profile requires permission to assume the roles needed by the AWS integrations.
+### Configure AWS Settings
+1. Create an IAM Role for the Instance Profile.
+2. Attach a Role to the Instance Profile.
+3. Configure the necessary IAM Roles that the AWS integration can assume.
+For detailed instructions, see the [AWS Integrations - Authentication](https://xsoar.pan.dev/docs/reference/articles/aws-integrations---authentication).
+Command descriptions, input descriptions, and output descriptions are taken from the Amazon ACM documentation. For more information, see the [Amazon Athena documention](https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/athena.html) or the [AWS Security Lake documentation](https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/securitylake.html).
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake_image.png b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake_image.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f70728817955
Binary files /dev/null and b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake_image.png differ
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake_test.py b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9e58030bfb9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/AWSSecurityLake_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+import pytest
+import importlib
+import json
+from pathlib import Path
+AWSSecurityLake = importlib.import_module("AWSSecurityLake")
+class MockClient:
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def start_query_execution(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def stop_query_execution(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def get_query_execution(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def get_query_results(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def list_data_catalogs(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def list_databases(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def list_table_metadata(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def list_data_lakes(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def get_data_lake_sources(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+def load_test_data(folder: str, file_name: str) -> dict | str:
+ """
+ A function for loading and returning data from test files within the "test_data" folder.
+ Args:
+ folder (str): Name of the parent folder of the file within `test_data`.
+ file_name (str): Name of a json file to load data from.
+ Returns:
+ dict | str: The data loaded from the file. If the file is a JSON file, a dict is returned, otherwise a string.
+ """
+ with open(Path("test_data") / folder / file_name) as f:
+ if file_name.endswith(".json"):
+ return json.load(f)
+ return f.read()
+def test_execute_query_command(mocker):
+ client = MockClient()
+ start_query_execution_mock_data = load_test_data("raw_data_mock", "start_query_execution.json")
+ mocker.patch.object(client, "start_query_execution", return_value=start_query_execution_mock_data)
+ get_query_execution_mock_data = load_test_data("raw_data_mock", "get_query_execution.json")
+ mocker.patch.object(client, "get_query_execution", return_value=get_query_execution_mock_data)
+ get_query_results_mock_data = load_test_data("raw_data_mock", "get_query_results.json")
+ mocker.patch.object(client, "get_query_results", return_value=get_query_results_mock_data)
+ args = {
+ "query_string": "SELECT * FROM test_db.test_table",
+ "output_location": "s3://athena-queries-test",
+ }
+ result = AWSSecurityLake.execute_query_command(args, "QueryResults", client)
+ expected_context_execution_details = load_test_data("expected_context", "get_query_execution_command.json")
+ expected_context_results = load_test_data("expected_context", "get_query_results_command.json")
+ expected_context = {
+ "AWS.SecurityLake.Query": expected_context_execution_details,
+ "AWS.SecurityLake.QueryResults": expected_context_results,
+ }
+ assert result.outputs == expected_context
+ expected_hr = load_test_data("expected_hr", "get_query_results_command.txt")
+ assert result.readable_output == expected_hr
+ (AWSSecurityLake.list_catalogs_command, "list_catalogs_command.json", "list_data_catalogs"),
+ (AWSSecurityLake.list_databases_command, "list_database_command.json", "list_databases"),
+ (AWSSecurityLake.list_table_metadata_command, "list_table_metadata_command.json", "list_table_metadata"),
+ (AWSSecurityLake.list_sources_command, "list_sources_command.json", "get_data_lake_sources"),
+ (AWSSecurityLake.list_data_lakes_command, "list_data_lakes_command.json", "list_data_lakes"),
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("command, file_name, client_command", COMMANDS)
+def test_general_command(mocker, command, file_name, client_command):
+ """
+ Given: argument to command
+ When: running the relevant command
+ Then: validate that the correct values are returned.
+ """
+ client = MockClient()
+ response = load_test_data("raw_data_mock", file_name)
+ outputs = load_test_data("expected_context", file_name)
+ mocker.patch.object(client, client_command, return_value=response)
+ result = command(client, {})
+ assert result.outputs == outputs
+ (
+ AWSSecurityLake.mfalogin_query_command,
+ {"database": "test_db", "table": "test_table", "user_name": "1234"},
+ "SELECT * FROM test_db.test_table WHERE CAST(actor.user.name AS VARCHAR) = '1234';",
+ "MfaLoginQueryResults",
+ ),
+ (
+ AWSSecurityLake.source_ip_query_command,
+ {"database": "test_db", "table": "test_table", "ip_src": "1234"},
+ "SELECT * FROM test_db.test_table WHERE CAST(src_endpoint.ip AS VARCHAR) = '1234';",
+ "SourceIPQueryResults",
+ ),
+ (
+ AWSSecurityLake.guardduty_activity_query_command,
+ {"database": "test_db", "table": "test_table", "severity": "Critical"},
+ "SELECT * FROM test_db.test_table WHERE severity = 'Critical';",
+ "GuardDutyActivityQueryResults",
+ ),
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("command, args, query, query_results_context_key", QUEYRY_COMMANDS)
+def test_query_creation_commands(mocker, command, args, query, query_results_context_key):
+ """
+ Given: Command arguments.
+ When: Running query generating command.
+ Then: Validate correct values are generated when calling the execute_query_command.
+ """
+ client = MockClient()
+ execute_command = mocker.patch.object(AWSSecurityLake, "execute_query_command")
+ command(client=client, args=args)
+ assert execute_command.called is True
+ assert execute_command.call_args.kwargs.get("args").get("query_string") == query
+ assert execute_command.call_args.kwargs.get("query_results_context_key") == query_results_context_key
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/README.md b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a754c8d496a9
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+Amazon Security Lake is a fully managed security data lake service.
+This integration was integrated and tested with version 1.34.20 of AWS Security Lake SDK (boto3).
+## Configure AWS-SecurityLake on Cortex XSOAR
+1. Navigate to **Settings** > **Integrations** > **Servers & Services**.
+2. Search for AWS-SecurityLake.
+3. Click **Add instance** to create and configure a new integration instance.
+ | **Parameter** | **Description** | **Required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | Name | User name | True |
+ | Role Arn | Role ARN | False |
+ | Role Session Name | Role Session Name | False |
+ | Role Session Duration | Role Session Duration | False |
+ | AWS Default Region | AWS Default Region | False |
+ | Access Key | Access Key | False |
+ | Secret Key | Secret Key | False |
+ | Timeout | The time in seconds until a timeout exception is reached. You can specify just the read timeout (for example 60) or also the connect timeout followed after a comma (for example 60,10). If a connect timeout is not specified, a default of 10 second will be used. | False |
+ | Retries | The maximum number of retry attempts when connection or throttling errors are encountered. Set to 0 to disable retries. The default value is 5 and the limit is 10. Note: Increasing the number of retries will increase the execution time. | False |
+ | Trust any certificate (not secure) | | False |
+ | Use system proxy settings | | False |
+4. Click **Test** to validate the URLs, token, and connection.
+## Commands
+You can execute these commands from the Cortex XSOAR CLI, as part of an automation, or in a playbook.
+After you successfully execute a command, a DBot message appears in the War Room with the command details.
+### aws-security-lake-query-execute
+Execute a new query, wait for the query to complete (using polling), and return query's execution information, and query's results (if successful). Either 'OutputLocation' or 'WorkGroup' must be specified for the query to run.
+#### Base Command
+#### Input
+| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| query_string | The SQL query statements to be executed. | Required |
+| query_limit | A limit (number) to use for the query. If the keyword 'LIMIT' exists within 'QueryString', this parameter will be ignored. Default is 50. | Optional |
+| client_request_token | A unique case-sensitive string used to ensure the request to create the query is idempotent (executes only once). If another StartQueryExecution request is received, the same response is returned and another query is not created. | Optional |
+| database | The name of the database. | Optional |
+| output_location | The location in Amazon S3 where your query results are stored, such as s3://path/to/query/bucket/. | Optional |
+| encryption_option | Indicates whether Amazon S3 server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys (SSE-S3 ), server-side encryption with KMS-managed keys (SSE-KMS ), or client-side encryption with KMS-managed keys (CSE-KMS) is used. | Optional |
+| kms_key | For SSE-KMS and CSE-KMS , this is the KMS key ARN or ID. | Optional |
+| work_group | The name of the workgroup in which the query is being started. | Optional |
+| roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
+| roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
+| roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
+| region | The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used. | Optional |
+| QueryExecutionId | ID of the newly created query. Used internally for polling. | Optional |
+| hide_polling_output | | Optional |
+#### Context Output
+| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionId | String | The unique identifier for each query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Query | String | The SQL query statements which the query execution ran. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.StatementType | String | The type of query statement that was run. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation | String | The location in Amazon S3 where your query and calculation results are stored, such as 's3://path/to/query/bucket/'. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.EncryptionOption | String | If query and calculation results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option used \(for example, SSE_KMS or CSE_KMS\) and key information. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.KmsKey | String | For SSE_KMS and CSE_KMS, this is the KMS key ARN or ID. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.ExpectedBucketOwner | String | The Amazon Web Services account ID that you expect to be the owner of the Amazon S3 bucket specified by ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.AclConfiguration.S3AclOption | String | The Amazon S3 canned ACL that Athena should specify when storing query results. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.Enabled | Boolean | True if previous query results can be reused when the query is run; otherwise, false. The default is false. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.MaxAgeInMinutes | Number | Specifies, in minutes, the maximum age of a previous query result that Athena should consider for reuse. The default is 60. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Database | String | The name of the database used in the query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Catalog | String | The name of the data catalog used in the query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.State | String | The state of the query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.StateChangeReason | String | Further detail about the status of the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.SubmissionDateTime | String | The date and time that the query was submitted. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.CompletionDateTime | String | The date and time that the query completed. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorCategory | Number | An integer value that specifies the category of a query failure error. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorType | Number | An integer value that provides specific information about an Athena query error. For the meaning of specific values, see the Error Type Reference in the Amazon Athena User Guide. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.Retryable | Boolean | True if the query might succeed if resubmitted. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorMessage | String | Contains a short description of the error that occurred. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.EngineExecutionTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that the query took to execute. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataScannedInBytes | Number | The number of bytes in the data that was queried. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataManifestLocation | String | The location and file name of a data manifest file. The manifest file is saved to the Athena query results location in Amazon S3. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.TotalExecutionTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to run the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryQueueTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that the query was in your query queue waiting for resources. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServicePreProcessingTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to preprocess the query before submitting the query to the query engine. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryPlanningTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to plan the query processing flow. This includes the time spent retrieving table partitions from the data source. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServiceProcessingTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to finalize and publish the query results after the query engine finished running the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseInformation.ReusedPreviousResult | Boolean | True if a previous query result was reused; false if the result was generated from a new run of the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.WorkGroup | String | The name of the workgroup in which the query ran. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.SelectedEngineVersion | String | The engine version requested by the user. Possible values are determined by the output of ListEngineVersions, including AUTO. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.EffectiveEngineVersion | String | The engine version on which the query runs. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ExecutionParameters | List | A list of values for the parameters in a query. The values are applied sequentially to the parameters in the query in the order in which the parameters occur. The list of parameters is not returned in the response. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.SubstatementType | String | The type of query statement that was run. |
+| AWS.Athena.QueryResults | List | List of query results. |
+### aws-security-lake-data-catalogs-list
+Lists the data catalogs in the current Amazon Web Services account.
+#### Base Command
+#### Input
+| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| work_group | The name of the workgroup. Required if making an IAM Identity Center request. | Optional |
+| region | The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used. | Optional |
+| roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
+| roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
+| roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
+| limit | Specifies the maximum number of data catalogs to return. | Optional |
+| next_token | Specifies the maximum number of data catalogs to return. | Optional |
+#### Context Output
+| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.Catalog.CatalogName | String | The name of the data catalog. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.Catalog.Type | String | The data catalog type. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.CatalogNextToken | String | A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call. |
+### aws-security-lake-databases-list
+Lists the databases in the specified data catalog.
+#### Base Command
+#### Input
+| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| catalog_name | The name of the data catalog that contains the databases to return. | Required |
+| work_group | The name of the workgroup for which the metadata is being fetched. Required if requesting an IAM Identity Center enabled Glue Data Catalog. | Optional |
+| region | The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used. | Optional |
+| roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
+| roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
+| roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
+| limit | Specifies the maximum number of results to return. | Optional |
+| next_token | A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call. | Optional |
+#### Context Output
+| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.Database.Name | String | The name of the database. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.Database.Description | String | An optional description of the database. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.Database.Parameters | List | A set of custom key/value pairs. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.DatabaseNextToken | String | A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call. |
+#### Command Example
+```!aws-security-lake-databases-list catalog_name=Test```
+### aws-security-lake-table-metadata-list
+Lists the metadata for the tables in the specified data catalog database.
+#### Base Command
+#### Input
+| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| catalog_name | The name of the data catalog that contains the databases to return. | Required |
+| database_name | The name of the database for which table metadata should be returned. | Required |
+| expression | A regex filter that pattern-matches table names. If no expression is supplied, metadata for all tables are listed. | Optional |
+| roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
+| roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
+| roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
+| limit | Specifies the maximum number of results to return. | Optional |
+| next_token | A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call. | Optional |
+| work_group | The name of the workgroup for which the metadata is being fetched. Required if requesting an IAM Identity Center enabled Glue Data Catalog. | Optional |
+#### Context Output
+| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.Name | String | The name of the table. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.CreateTime | Date | The time that the table was created. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.LastAccessTime | Date | The last time the table was accessed. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.TableType | String | The type of table. In Athena, only EXTERNAL_TABLE is supported. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.Columns.Name | String | The name of the column. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.Columns.Type | String | The data type of the column. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.Columns.Comment | String | Optional information about the column. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.PartitionKeys.Name | String | The name of the column. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.PartitionKeys.Type | String | The data type of the column. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.PartitionKeys.Comment | String | Optional information about the column. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata.Parameters | List | A set of custom key/value pairs for table properties. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadataNextToken | String | A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call. |
+#### Command Example
+```!aws-security-lake-table-metadata-list catalog_name=Test database_name=test```
+### aws-security-lake-user-mfalogin-query
+Runs query that takes a provided username and queries the AWS Security Lake for MFA login attempts (Success/Failed) associated with the user's account, using AWS CloudTrail logs.
+#### Base Command
+#### Input
+| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| database | The database to run the query against. | Required |
+| table | The table to run the query against. | Required |
+| user_name | The username to search for MFA login attempts. | Required |
+| output_location | The location in Amazon S3 where your query results are stored, such as s3://path/to/query/bucket/. | Required |
+| roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
+| roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
+| roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
+| region | The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used. | Optional |
+| query_limit | A limit (number) to use for the query. If the keyword 'LIMIT' exists within 'QueryString', this parameter will be ignored. | Optional |
+#### Context Output
+| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionId | String | The unique identifier for each query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Query | String | The SQL query statements which the query execution ran. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.StatementType | String | The type of query statement that was run. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation | String | The location in Amazon S3 where your query and calculation results are stored, such as 's3://path/to/query/bucket/'. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.EncryptionOption | String | If query and calculation results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option used \(for example, SSE_KMS or CSE_KMS\) and key information. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.KmsKey | String | For SSE_KMS and CSE_KMS, this is the KMS key ARN or ID. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.ExpectedBucketOwner | String | The Amazon Web Services account ID that you expect to be the owner of the Amazon S3 bucket specified by ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.AclConfiguration.S3AclOption | String | The Amazon S3 canned ACL that Athena should specify when storing query results. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.Enabled | Boolean | True if previous query results can be reused when the query is run; otherwise, false. The default is false. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.MaxAgeInMinutes | Number | Specifies, in minutes, the maximum age of a previous query result that Athena should consider for reuse. The default is 60. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Database | String | The name of the database used in the query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Catalog | String | The name of the data catalog used in the query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.State | String | The state of the query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.StateChangeReason | String | Further detail about the status of the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.SubmissionDateTime | String | The date and time that the query was submitted. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.CompletionDateTime | String | The date and time that the query completed. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorCategory | Number | An integer value that specifies the category of a query failure error. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorType | Number | An integer value that provides specific information about an Athena query error. For the meaning of specific values, see the Error Type Reference in the Amazon Athena User Guide. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.Retryable | Boolean | True if the query might succeed if resubmitted. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorMessage | String | Contains a short description of the error that occurred. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.EngineExecutionTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that the query took to execute. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataScannedInBytes | Number | The number of bytes in the data that was queried. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataManifestLocation | String | The location and file name of a data manifest file. The manifest file is saved to the Athena query results location in Amazon S3. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.TotalExecutionTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to run the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryQueueTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that the query was in your query queue waiting for resources. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServicePreProcessingTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to preprocess the query before submitting the query to the query engine. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryPlanningTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to plan the query processing flow. This includes the time spent retrieving table partitions from the data source. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServiceProcessingTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to finalize and publish the query results after the query engine finished running the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseInformation.ReusedPreviousResult | Boolean | True if a previous query result was reused; false if the result was generated from a new run of the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.WorkGroup | String | The name of the workgroup in which the query ran. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.SelectedEngineVersion | String | The engine version requested by the user. Possible values are determined by the output of ListEngineVersions, including AUTO. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.EffectiveEngineVersion | String | The engine version on which the query runs. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ExecutionParameters | List | A list of values for the parameters in a query. The values are applied sequentially to the parameters in the query in the order in which the parameters occur. The list of parameters is not returned in the response. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.SubstatementType | String | The type of query statement that was run. |
+| AWS.Athena.MfaLoginQueryResults | List | List of query results. |
+#### Command Example
+```!aws-security-lake-user-mfalogin-query table=Test database=test user_name=123 output_location=s3://path/to/query/bucket/```
+### aws-security-lake-source-ip-query
+Runs a query that takes a provided source IP address and queries the AWS Security Lake for console login attempts (Success/Failed) associated with the IP address, using AWS CloudTrail logs.
+#### Base Command
+#### Input
+| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| database | The database to run the query against. | Required |
+| table | The table to run the query against. | Required |
+| ip_src | The source IP address to search for console login attempts. | Required |
+| output_location | The location in Amazon S3 where your query results are stored, such as s3://path/to/query/bucket/. | Required |
+| roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
+| roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
+| roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
+| region | The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used. | Optional |
+| query_limit | A limit (number) to use for the query. If the keyword 'LIMIT' exists within 'QueryString', this parameter will be ignored. | Optional |
+#### Context Output
+| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionId | String | The unique identifier for each query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Query | String | The SQL query statements which the query execution ran. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.StatementType | String | The type of query statement that was run. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation | String | The location in Amazon S3 where your query and calculation results are stored, such as 's3://path/to/query/bucket/'. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.EncryptionOption | String | If query and calculation results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option used \(for example, SSE_KMS or CSE_KMS\) and key information. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.KmsKey | String | For SSE_KMS and CSE_KMS, this is the KMS key ARN or ID. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.ExpectedBucketOwner | String | The Amazon Web Services account ID that you expect to be the owner of the Amazon S3 bucket specified by ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.AclConfiguration.S3AclOption | String | The Amazon S3 canned ACL that Athena should specify when storing query results. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.Enabled | Boolean | True if previous query results can be reused when the query is run; otherwise, false. The default is false. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.MaxAgeInMinutes | Number | Specifies, in minutes, the maximum age of a previous query result that Athena should consider for reuse. The default is 60. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Database | String | The name of the database used in the query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Catalog | String | The name of the data catalog used in the query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.State | String | The state of the query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.StateChangeReason | String | Further detail about the status of the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.SubmissionDateTime | String | The date and time that the query was submitted. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.CompletionDateTime | String | The date and time that the query completed. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorCategory | Number | An integer value that specifies the category of a query failure error. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorType | Number | An integer value that provides specific information about an Athena query error. For the meaning of specific values, see the Error Type Reference in the Amazon Athena User Guide. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.Retryable | Boolean | True if the query might succeed if resubmitted. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorMessage | String | Contains a short description of the error that occurred. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.EngineExecutionTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that the query took to execute. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataScannedInBytes | Number | The number of bytes in the data that was queried. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataManifestLocation | String | The location and file name of a data manifest file. The manifest file is saved to the Athena query results location in Amazon S3. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.TotalExecutionTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to run the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryQueueTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that the query was in your query queue waiting for resources. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServicePreProcessingTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to preprocess the query before submitting the query to the query engine. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryPlanningTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to plan the query processing flow. This includes the time spent retrieving table partitions from the data source. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServiceProcessingTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to finalize and publish the query results after the query engine finished running the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseInformation.ReusedPreviousResult | Boolean | True if a previous query result was reused; false if the result was generated from a new run of the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.WorkGroup | String | The name of the workgroup in which the query ran. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.SelectedEngineVersion | String | The engine version requested by the user. Possible values are determined by the output of ListEngineVersions, including AUTO. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.EffectiveEngineVersion | String | The engine version on which the query runs. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ExecutionParameters | List | A list of values for the parameters in a query. The values are applied sequentially to the parameters in the query in the order in which the parameters occur. The list of parameters is not returned in the response. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.SubstatementType | String | The type of query statement that was run. |
+| AWS.Athena.SourceIPQueryResults | List | List of query results. |
+#### Command Example
+```!aws-security-lake-source-ip-query table=Test database=test ip_src= output_location=s3://path/to/query/bucket/```
+### aws-security-lake-guardduty-activity-query
+This command is used to search for Guard Duty logs for any criticality level activity.
+#### Base Command
+#### Input
+| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| database | The database to run the query against. | Required |
+| table | The table to run the query against. | Required |
+| severity | The severity of searchingto search related events for. Possible values are: 0-Unknown, 1-Informational, 2-Low, 3-Medium, 4-High, 5-Critical, 6-Fatal, 99-Other. | Required |
+| output_location | The location in Amazon S3 where your query results are stored, such as s3://path/to/query/bucket/. | Required |
+| roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
+| roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
+| roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
+| region | The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used. | Optional |
+| query_limit | A limit (number) to use for the query. If the keyword 'LIMIT' exists within 'QueryString', this parameter will be ignored. | Optional |
+#### Context Output
+| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionId | String | The unique identifier for each query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Query | String | The SQL query statements which the query execution ran. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.StatementType | String | The type of query statement that was run. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation | String | The location in Amazon S3 where your query and calculation results are stored, such as 's3://path/to/query/bucket/'. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.EncryptionOption | String | If query and calculation results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option used \(for example, SSE_KMS or CSE_KMS\) and key information. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.EncryptionConfiguration.KmsKey | String | For SSE_KMS and CSE_KMS, this is the KMS key ARN or ID. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.ExpectedBucketOwner | String | The Amazon Web Services account ID that you expect to be the owner of the Amazon S3 bucket specified by ResultConfiguration.OutputLocation. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultConfiguration.AclConfiguration.S3AclOption | String | The Amazon S3 canned ACL that Athena should specify when storing query results. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.Enabled | Boolean | True if previous query results can be reused when the query is run; otherwise, false. The default is false. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseConfiguration.ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration.MaxAgeInMinutes | Number | Specifies, in minutes, the maximum age of a previous query result that Athena should consider for reuse. The default is 60. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Database | String | The name of the database used in the query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.QueryExecutionContext.Catalog | String | The name of the data catalog used in the query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.State | String | The state of the query execution. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.StateChangeReason | String | Further detail about the status of the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.SubmissionDateTime | String | The date and time that the query was submitted. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.CompletionDateTime | String | The date and time that the query completed. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorCategory | Number | An integer value that specifies the category of a query failure error. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorType | Number | An integer value that provides specific information about an Athena query error. For the meaning of specific values, see the Error Type Reference in the Amazon Athena User Guide. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.Retryable | Boolean | True if the query might succeed if resubmitted. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Status.AthenaError.ErrorMessage | String | Contains a short description of the error that occurred. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.EngineExecutionTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that the query took to execute. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataScannedInBytes | Number | The number of bytes in the data that was queried. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.DataManifestLocation | String | The location and file name of a data manifest file. The manifest file is saved to the Athena query results location in Amazon S3. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.TotalExecutionTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to run the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryQueueTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that the query was in your query queue waiting for resources. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServicePreProcessingTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to preprocess the query before submitting the query to the query engine. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.QueryPlanningTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to plan the query processing flow. This includes the time spent retrieving table partitions from the data source. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.Statistics.ServiceProcessingTimeInMillis | Number | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to finalize and publish the query results after the query engine finished running the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ResultReuseInformation.ReusedPreviousResult | Boolean | True if a previous query result was reused; false if the result was generated from a new run of the query. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.WorkGroup | String | The name of the workgroup in which the query ran. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.SelectedEngineVersion | String | The engine version requested by the user. Possible values are determined by the output of ListEngineVersions, including AUTO. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.EngineVersion.EffectiveEngineVersion | String | The engine version on which the query runs. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.ExecutionParameters | List | A list of values for the parameters in a query. The values are applied sequentially to the parameters in the query in the order in which the parameters occur. The list of parameters is not returned in the response. |
+| AWS.Athena.Query.SubstatementType | String | The type of query statement that was run. |
+| AWS.Athena.GuardDutyActivityQueryResults | List | List of query results. |
+#### Command Example
+```!aws-security-lake-guardduty-activity-query table=Test database=test severity=0-Unknown output_location=s3://path/to/query/bucket/```
+### aws-security-lake-data-sources-list
+Retrieves a snapshot of the current region, including whether Amazon Security Lake is enabled for those accounts and which sources Security Lake is collecting data from.
+In order to run this command the user must have 'securitylake' permissions.
+#### Base Command
+#### Input
+| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| accounts | The Amazon Web Services account ID for which a static snapshot of the current Amazon Web Services Region, including enabled accounts and log sources, is retrieved. | Optional |
+| limit | Specifies the maximum number of results to return. | Optional |
+| next_token | Lists if there are more results available. The value of nextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Repeat the call using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other arguments unchanged. | Optional |
+| roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
+| roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
+| roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
+| region | The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used. | Optional |
+| query_limit | A limit (number) to use for the query. If the keyword 'LIMIT' exists within 'QueryString', this parameter will be ignored. | Optional |
+#### Context Output
+| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeArn | String | The Amazon Resource Name \(ARN\) created by you to provide to the subscriber. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeSources.account | String | The ID of the Security Lake account for which logs are collected. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeSources.eventClasses | List | The Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework \(OCSF\) event classes which describes the type of data that the custom source will send to Security Lake. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeSources.sourceName | String | The supported Amazon Web Services from which logs and events are collected. Amazon Security Lake supports log and event collection for natively supported Amazon Web Services. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeSources.sourceStatuses.resource | String | Defines the path in which the stored logs are available which has information on your systems, applications, and services. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeSources.sourceStatuses.status | String | The health status of services, including error codes and patterns. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSourceNextToken | String | Lists if there are more results available. The value of nextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Repeat the call using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other arguments unchanged. |
+#### Command Example
+### aws-security-lake-data-lakes-list
+Retrieves the Amazon Security Lake configuration object for the specified Amazon Web Services Regions.
+In order to run this command the user must have 'securitylake' permissions.
+#### Base Command
+#### Input
+| **Argument Name** | **Description** | **Required** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| regions | The list of regions where Security Lake is enabled. | Optional |
+| roleArn | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. | Optional |
+| roleSessionName | An identifier for the assumed role session. | Optional |
+| roleSessionDuration | The duration, in seconds, of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to the maximum session duration setting for the role. | Optional |
+| region | The AWS region. If not specified, the default region will be used. | Optional |
+| query_limit | A limit (number) to use for the query. If the keyword 'LIMIT' exists within 'QueryString', this parameter will be ignored. | Optional |
+#### Context Output
+| **Path** | **Type** | **Description** |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.createStatus | String | Retrieves the status of the configuration operation for an account in Amazon Security Lake. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.dataLakeArn | String | The Amazon Resource Name \(ARN\) created by you to provide to the subscriber. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.encryptionConfiguration.kmsKeyId | String | The ID of the KMS encryption key used by Amazon Security Lake to encrypt the Security Lake object. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.lifecycleConfiguration.expiration.days | Number | Number of days before data expires in the Amazon Security Lake object. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.lifecycleConfiguration.transitions.days | Number | Number of days before data transitions to a different S3 Storage Class in the Amazon Security Lake object. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.lifecycleConfiguration.transitions.storageClass | String | The range of storage classes that you can choose from based on the data access, resiliency, and cost requirements of your workloads. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.region | String | The Amazon Web Services regions where Security Lake is enabled. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.replicationConfiguration.regions | String | Replication enables automatic, asynchronous copying of objects across Amazon S3 buckets. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.replicationConfiguration.roleArn | String | Replication settings for the Amazon S3 buckets. This parameter uses the Identity and Access Management \(IAM\) role you created that is managed by Security Lake, to ensure the replication setting is correct. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.s3BucketArn | String | The ARN for the Amazon Security Lake Amazon S3 bucket. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.updateStatus.exception.code | String | The reason code for the exception of the last UpdateDataLake or DeleteDataLake API request. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.updateStatus.exception.reason | String | The reason for the exception of the last UpdateDataLake or DeleteDataLake API request. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.updateStatus.requestId | String | The unique ID for the last UpdateDataLake or DeleteDataLake API request. |
+| AWS.SecurityLake.updateStatus.status | String | The status of the last UpdateDataLake or DeleteDataLake API request that was requested. |
+#### Command Example
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/command_examples b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/command_examples
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e69de29bb2d1
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/get_query_execution_command.json b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/get_query_execution_command.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..043fa85cab66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/get_query_execution_command.json
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ "QueryExecutionId": "b3c194e7-6580-421c-81fa-4b409e1ba04f",
+ "Query": "SELECT * FROM test_db.test_table",
+ "StatementType": "DML",
+ "ResultConfiguration": {
+ "OutputLocation": "s3://athena-queries-test/b3c194e7-6580-421c-81fa-4b409e1ba04f.csv"
+ },
+ "ResultReuseConfiguration": {
+ "ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration": {
+ "Enabled": false
+ }
+ },
+ "QueryExecutionContext": {},
+ "Status": {
+ "State": "SUCCEEDED",
+ "SubmissionDateTime": "2023-11-07T10:01:03",
+ "CompletionDateTime": "2023-11-07T10:01:04"
+ },
+ "Statistics": {
+ "EngineExecutionTimeInMillis": 1074,
+ "DataScannedInBytes": 86996,
+ "TotalExecutionTimeInMillis": 1296,
+ "QueryQueueTimeInMillis": 192,
+ "QueryPlanningTimeInMillis": 493,
+ "ServiceProcessingTimeInMillis": 30,
+ "ResultReuseInformation": {
+ "ReusedPreviousResult": false
+ }
+ },
+ "WorkGroup": "primary",
+ "EngineVersion": {
+ "SelectedEngineVersion": "AUTO",
+ "EffectiveEngineVersion": "Athena engine version 3"
+ },
+ "SubstatementType": "SELECT"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/get_query_results_command.json b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/get_query_results_command.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fd468e25eb31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/get_query_results_command.json
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ {
+ "metadata": "{product={version=1.09, name=CloudTrail, vendor_name=AWS, feature={name=Data}}, uid=7c33bcd3-0252-4b28-b2c7-7f38ed881796, profiles=[cloud], version=1.0.0-rc.2}",
+ "time": "1699342808000",
+ "cloud": "{region=eu-central-1, provider=AWS}",
+ "api": "{response={error=null, message=null}, operation=PutObject, version=null, service={name=s3.amazonaws.com}, request={uid=5AV2YZSR7D9DFDW8}}",
+ "actor": "{user={type=AWSService, name=null, uid=null, uuid=null, account_uid=null, credential_uid=null}, session={created_time=null, mfa=null, issuer=null}, invoked_by=s3.amazonaws.com, idp={name=null}}",
+ "http_request": "{user_agent=s3.amazonaws.com}",
+ "src_endpoint": "{uid=vpce-59a25a30, ip=null, domain=s3.amazonaws.com}",
+ "resources": "[{uid=arn:aws:s3:::test-log-collector/2023-11-07-07-40-08-CD1B1BC0934C71D4, account_uid=null, type=AWS::S3::Object}, {uid=arn:aws:s3:::test-log-collector, account_uid=654338056632, type=AWS::S3::Bucket}]",
+ "class_name": "API Activity",
+ "class_uid": "3005",
+ "category_name": "Audit Activity",
+ "category_uid": "3",
+ "severity_id": "1",
+ "severity": "Informational",
+ "activity_name": "Update",
+ "activity_id": "3",
+ "type_uid": "300503",
+ "type_name": "API Activity: Update",
+ "status": "Success",
+ "status_id": "1",
+ "unmapped": "{additionalEventData.SSEApplied=Default_SSE_S3, additionalEventData.SignatureVersion=SigV4, additionalEventData.CipherSuite=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, additionalEventData.bytesTransferredOut=0, responseElements.x-amz-version-id=CSwJV1zFxiBSHjrTGaIUH5FMMVcgl05W, additionalEventData.x-amz-id-2=71IAMvFJ3O5bJRBlpJCB3l0B8CzNy5sG7BECw2I1R4oHyvkV2FKixZqmYAir4Y5h5ldtxWA+xlk=, readOnly=false, eventType=AwsApiCall, requestParameters.Host=s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com, additionalEventData.AuthenticationMethod=AuthHeader, sharedEventID=6ffdc2dd-05ca-483e-8baa-842949fddced, requestParameters.key=2023-11-07-07-40-08-CD1B1BC0934C71D4, requestParameters.bucketName=test-log-collector, responseElements.x-amz-server-side-encryption=AES256, responseElements.x-amz-expiration=expiry-date=\"Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 GMT\", rule-id=\"Delete-older-the-7-days\", recipientAccountId=654338056632, managementEvent=false, additionalEventData.bytesTransferredIn=480}",
+ "region": "eu-central-1",
+ "accountid": "654338056632",
+ "eventday": "20231107",
+ "query_execution_id": "b3c194e7-6580-421c-81fa-4b409e1ba04f"
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{product={version=1.09, name=CloudTrail, vendor_name=AWS, feature={name=Data}}, uid=69d54eee-2c1c-4f51-b89f-45c7029695c6, profiles=[cloud], version=1.0.0-rc.2}",
+ "time": "1699342833000",
+ "cloud": "{region=eu-central-1, provider=AWS}",
+ "api": "{response={error=null, message=null}, operation=PutObject, version=null, service={name=s3.amazonaws.com}, request={uid=BRW2SJ5SBFD7T91W}}",
+ "actor": "{user={type=AWSService, name=null, uid=null, uuid=null, account_uid=null, credential_uid=null}, session={created_time=null, mfa=null, issuer=null}, invoked_by=cloudtrail.amazonaws.com, idp={name=null}}",
+ "http_request": "{user_agent=cloudtrail.amazonaws.com}",
+ "src_endpoint": "{uid=null, ip=null, domain=cloudtrail.amazonaws.com}",
+ "resources": "[{uid=arn:aws:s3:::aws-cloudtrail-logs-654338056632-cloudlake/AWSLogs/o-re4vuxlksb/654338056632/CloudTrail/eu-central-1/2023/11/07/654338056632_CloudTrail_eu-central-1_20231107T0740Z_dimNGWjAynOPPS1e.json.gz, account_uid=null, type=AWS::S3::Object}, {uid=arn:aws:s3:::aws-cloudtrail-logs-654338056632-cloudlake, account_uid=654338056632, type=AWS::S3::Bucket}]",
+ "class_name": "API Activity",
+ "class_uid": "3005",
+ "category_name": "Audit Activity",
+ "category_uid": "3",
+ "severity_id": "1",
+ "severity": "Informational",
+ "activity_name": "Update",
+ "activity_id": "3",
+ "type_uid": "300503",
+ "type_name": "API Activity: Update",
+ "status": "Success",
+ "status_id": "1",
+ "unmapped": "{additionalEventData.SSEApplied=SSE_S3, requestParameters.x-amz-acl=bucket-owner-full-control, additionalEventData.SignatureVersion=SigV4, additionalEventData.CipherSuite=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, additionalEventData.bytesTransferredOut=0, additionalEventData.x-amz-id-2=CKIV9mfKLdZHOitE2UvDr21Km4whgr92dar3i5Ew4/upKPfXc97MP45lpxnGo1mhPW7RQgvuQEs=, readOnly=false, eventType=AwsApiCall, requestParameters.Host=aws-cloudtrail-logs-654338056632-cloudlake.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com, requestParameters.x-amz-server-side-encryption=AES256, additionalEventData.AuthenticationMethod=AuthHeader, sharedEventID=cd4f5d26-4491-40fc-a7d9-cb10f3e99ed3, requestParameters.key=AWSLogs/o-re4vuxlksb/654338056632/CloudTrail/eu-central-1/2023/11/07/654338056632_CloudTrail_eu-central-1_20231107T0740Z_dimNGWjAynOPPS1e.json.gz, requestParameters.bucketName=aws-cloudtrail-logs-654338056632-cloudlake, responseElements.x-amz-server-side-encryption=AES256, recipientAccountId=654338056632, managementEvent=false, additionalEventData.bytesTransferredIn=2347}",
+ "region": "eu-central-1",
+ "accountid": "654338056632",
+ "eventday": "20231107",
+ "query_execution_id": "b3c194e7-6580-421c-81fa-4b409e1ba04f"
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{product={version=1.09, name=CloudTrail, vendor_name=AWS, feature={name=Data}}, uid=2a0b2b1a-bff6-4a89-93e5-801e3fdf3b92, profiles=[cloud], version=1.0.0-rc.2}",
+ "time": "1699342772000",
+ "cloud": "{region=eu-central-1, provider=AWS}",
+ "api": "{response={error=null, message=null}, operation=PutObject, version=null, service={name=s3.amazonaws.com}, request={uid=55TVMR6HYD2ABTWB}}",
+ "actor": "{user={type=AWSService, name=null, uid=null, uuid=null, account_uid=null, credential_uid=null}, session={created_time=null, mfa=null, issuer=null}, invoked_by=s3.amazonaws.com, idp={name=null}}",
+ "http_request": "{user_agent=s3.amazonaws.com}",
+ "src_endpoint": "{uid=vpce-59a25a30, ip=null, domain=s3.amazonaws.com}",
+ "resources": "[{uid=arn:aws:s3:::test-log-collector/2023-11-07-07-39-32-43DC7FEEAE7DFCA6, account_uid=null, type=AWS::S3::Object}, {uid=arn:aws:s3:::test-log-collector, account_uid=654338056632, type=AWS::S3::Bucket}]",
+ "class_name": "API Activity",
+ "class_uid": "3005",
+ "category_name": "Audit Activity",
+ "category_uid": "3",
+ "severity_id": "1",
+ "severity": "Informational",
+ "activity_name": "Update",
+ "activity_id": "3",
+ "type_uid": "300503",
+ "type_name": "API Activity: Update",
+ "status": "Success",
+ "status_id": "1",
+ "unmapped": "{additionalEventData.SSEApplied=Default_SSE_S3, additionalEventData.SignatureVersion=SigV4, additionalEventData.CipherSuite=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, additionalEventData.bytesTransferredOut=0, responseElements.x-amz-version-id=LXBDlV4KJJB56OUOvwPNlb1v4Re5gpKH, additionalEventData.x-amz-id-2=0/+WsTcJgOlNKdHK/L2FmlK7IyBHUCeZDaXhRKtYAlWrPy0oTMVVtX41yxCh3HE5s2YMLFpwyGc=, readOnly=false, eventType=AwsApiCall, requestParameters.Host=s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com, additionalEventData.AuthenticationMethod=AuthHeader, sharedEventID=ae9c5147-998a-4a83-ae76-dd1916795763, requestParameters.key=2023-11-07-07-39-32-43DC7FEEAE7DFCA6, requestParameters.bucketName=test-log-collector, responseElements.x-amz-server-side-encryption=AES256, responseElements.x-amz-expiration=expiry-date=\"Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 GMT\", rule-id=\"Delete-older-the-7-days\", recipientAccountId=654338056632, managementEvent=false, additionalEventData.bytesTransferredIn=480}",
+ "region": "eu-central-1",
+ "accountid": "654338056632",
+ "eventday": "20231107",
+ "query_execution_id": "b3c194e7-6580-421c-81fa-4b409e1ba04f"
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": "{product={version=1.09, name=CloudTrail, vendor_name=AWS, feature={name=Data}}, uid=fee096f2-611d-4b3c-b092-ea06e8a527ca, profiles=[cloud], version=1.0.0-rc.2}",
+ "time": "1699137065000",
+ "cloud": "{region=eu-central-1, provider=AWS}",
+ "api": "{response={error=null, message=null}, operation=PutObject, version=null, service={name=s3.amazonaws.com}, request={uid=5E1S778MRDJEDVSR}}",
+ "actor": "{user={type=AWSService, name=null, uid=null, uuid=null, account_uid=null, credential_uid=null}, session={created_time=null, mfa=null, issuer=null}, invoked_by=cloudtrail.amazonaws.com, idp={name=null}}",
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "AWS.SecurityLake.Catalog(val.CatalogName && val.CatalogName == obj.CatalogName)": [
+ {
+ "CatalogName": "test",
+ "Type": "LAMBDA"
+ }
+ ],
+ "AWS.SecurityLake(true)" :{"CatalogNextToken": "test"}
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/list_data_lakes_command.json
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ "createStatus": "INITIALIZED",
+ "dataLakeArn": "test",
+ "encryptionConfiguration": {
+ "kmsKeyId": "test"
+ },
+ "lifecycleConfiguration": {
+ "expiration": {
+ "days": 123
+ },
+ "transitions": [
+ {
+ "days": 123,
+ "storageClass": "test"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ "replicationConfiguration": {
+ "regions": [
+ "test"
+ ],
+ "roleArn": "test"
+ },
+ "s3BucketArn": "test",
+ "updateStatus": {
+ "exception": {
+ "code": "test",
+ "reason": "test"
+ },
+ "requestId": "test",
+ "status": "INITIALIZED"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/list_database_command.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "AWS.SecurityLake.Database(val.Name && val.Name == obj.Name)": [
+ {
+ "Name": "test",
+ "Description": "test",
+ "Parameters": {
+ "test_param": "test"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "AWS.SecurityLake(true)": {"DatabaseNextToken": "test"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/list_sources_command.json b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/list_sources_command.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7cc6e8545956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/list_sources_command.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeArn": "test",
+ "AWS.SecurityLake.DataLakeSource.DataLakeSources":[
+ {
+ "account": "test",
+ "eventClasses": [
+ "test"
+ ],
+ "sourceName": "test",
+ "sourceStatuses": [
+ {
+ "resource": "test",
+ "status": "COLLECTING"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ "AWS.SecurityLake(true)": {"DataLakeSourceNextToken": "test"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/list_table_metadata_command.json b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/list_table_metadata_command.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6e993cc1c6b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/list_table_metadata_command.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "AWS.SecurityLake.TableMetadata(val.Name && val.Name == obj.Name)": [
+ {
+ "Name": "test",
+ "TableType": "test",
+ "Columns": [
+ {
+ "Name": "test",
+ "Type": "test",
+ "Comment": "test"
+ }
+ ],
+ "PartitionKeys": [
+ {
+ "Name": "test",
+ "Type": "test",
+ "Comment": "test"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Parameters": {
+ "string": "test"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "AWS.SecurityLake(true)" :{"TableMetadataNextToken": "test"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/start_query_command.json b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/start_query_command.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c367fe0eda4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_context/start_query_command.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "AWS.SecurityLake.Query": "SELECT * FROM test_db.test_table",
+ "AWS.SecurityLake.QueryExecutionId": "b3c194e7-6580-421c-81fa-4b409e1ba04f"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_hr/get_query_results_command.txt b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_hr/get_query_results_command.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dadfbb63bbcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/expected_hr/get_query_results_command.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+### AWS Athena Query Results
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+| 654338056632 | 3 | Update | {user={type=AWSService, name=null, uid=null, uuid=null, account_uid=null, credential_uid=null}, session={created_time=null, mfa=null, issuer=null}, invoked_by=cloudtrail.amazonaws.com, idp={name=null}} | {response={error=null, message=null}, operation=PutObject, version=null, service={name=s3.amazonaws.com}, request={uid=BRW2SJ5SBFD7T91W}} | Audit Activity | 3 | API Activity | 3005 | {region=eu-central-1, provider=AWS} | 20231107 | {user_agent=cloudtrail.amazonaws.com} | {product={version=1.09, name=CloudTrail, vendor_name=AWS, feature={name=Data}}, uid=69d54eee-2c1c-4f51-b89f-45c7029695c6, profiles=[cloud], version=1.0.0-rc.2} | b3c194e7-6580-421c-81fa-4b409e1ba04f | eu-central-1 | [{uid=arn:aws:s3:::aws-cloudtrail-logs-654338056632-cloudlake/AWSLogs/o-re4vuxlksb/654338056632/CloudTrail/eu-central-1/2023/11/07/654338056632_CloudTrail_eu-central-1_20231107T0740Z_dimNGWjAynOPPS1e.json.gz, account_uid=null, type=AWS::S3::Object}, {uid=arn:aws:s3:::aws-cloudtrail-logs-654338056632-cloudlake, account_uid=654338056632, type=AWS::S3::Bucket}] | Informational | 1 | {uid=null, ip=null, domain=cloudtrail.amazonaws.com} | Success | 1 | 1699342833000 | API Activity: Update | 300503 | {additionalEventData.SSEApplied=SSE_S3, requestParameters.x-amz-acl=bucket-owner-full-control, additionalEventData.SignatureVersion=SigV4, additionalEventData.CipherSuite=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, additionalEventData.bytesTransferredOut=0, additionalEventData.x-amz-id-2=CKIV9mfKLdZHOitE2UvDr21Km4whgr92dar3i5Ew4/upKPfXc97MP45lpxnGo1mhPW7RQgvuQEs=, readOnly=false, eventType=AwsApiCall, requestParameters.Host=aws-cloudtrail-logs-654338056632-cloudlake.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com, requestParameters.x-amz-server-side-encryption=AES256, additionalEventData.AuthenticationMethod=AuthHeader, sharedEventID=cd4f5d26-4491-40fc-a7d9-cb10f3e99ed3, requestParameters.key=AWSLogs/o-re4vuxlksb/654338056632/CloudTrail/eu-central-1/2023/11/07/654338056632_CloudTrail_eu-central-1_20231107T0740Z_dimNGWjAynOPPS1e.json.gz, requestParameters.bucketName=aws-cloudtrail-logs-654338056632-cloudlake, responseElements.x-amz-server-side-encryption=AES256, recipientAccountId=654338056632, managementEvent=false, additionalEventData.bytesTransferredIn=2347} |
+| 654338056632 | 3 | Update | {user={type=AWSService, name=null, uid=null, uuid=null, account_uid=null, credential_uid=null}, session={created_time=null, mfa=null, issuer=null}, invoked_by=s3.amazonaws.com, idp={name=null}} | {response={error=null, message=null}, operation=PutObject, version=null, service={name=s3.amazonaws.com}, request={uid=55TVMR6HYD2ABTWB}} | Audit Activity | 3 | API Activity | 3005 | {region=eu-central-1, provider=AWS} | 20231107 | {user_agent=s3.amazonaws.com} | {product={version=1.09, name=CloudTrail, vendor_name=AWS, feature={name=Data}}, uid=2a0b2b1a-bff6-4a89-93e5-801e3fdf3b92, profiles=[cloud], version=1.0.0-rc.2} | b3c194e7-6580-421c-81fa-4b409e1ba04f | eu-central-1 | [{uid=arn:aws:s3:::test-log-collector/2023-11-07-07-39-32-43DC7FEEAE7DFCA6, account_uid=null, type=AWS::S3::Object}, {uid=arn:aws:s3:::test-log-collector, account_uid=654338056632, type=AWS::S3::Bucket}] | Informational | 1 | {uid=vpce-59a25a30, ip=null, domain=s3.amazonaws.com} | Success | 1 | 1699342772000 | API Activity: Update | 300503 | {additionalEventData.SSEApplied=Default_SSE_S3, additionalEventData.SignatureVersion=SigV4, additionalEventData.CipherSuite=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, additionalEventData.bytesTransferredOut=0, responseElements.x-amz-version-id=LXBDlV4KJJB56OUOvwPNlb1v4Re5gpKH, additionalEventData.x-amz-id-2=0/+WsTcJgOlNKdHK/L2FmlK7IyBHUCeZDaXhRKtYAlWrPy0oTMVVtX41yxCh3HE5s2YMLFpwyGc=, readOnly=false, eventType=AwsApiCall, requestParameters.Host=s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com, additionalEventData.AuthenticationMethod=AuthHeader, sharedEventID=ae9c5147-998a-4a83-ae76-dd1916795763, requestParameters.key=2023-11-07-07-39-32-43DC7FEEAE7DFCA6, requestParameters.bucketName=test-log-collector, responseElements.x-amz-server-side-encryption=AES256, responseElements.x-amz-expiration=expiry-date="Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 GMT", rule-id="Delete-older-the-7-days", recipientAccountId=654338056632, managementEvent=false, additionalEventData.bytesTransferredIn=480} |
+| 654338056632 | 3 | Update | {user={type=AWSService, name=null, uid=null, uuid=null, account_uid=null, credential_uid=null}, session={created_time=null, mfa=null, issuer=null}, invoked_by=cloudtrail.amazonaws.com, idp={name=null}} | {response={error=null, message=null}, operation=PutObject, version=null, service={name=s3.amazonaws.com}, request={uid=5E1S778MRDJEDVSR}} | Audit Activity | 3 | API Activity | 3005 | {region=eu-central-1, provider=AWS} | 20231104 | {user_agent=cloudtrail.amazonaws.com} | {product={version=1.09, name=CloudTrail, vendor_name=AWS, feature={name=Data}}, uid=fee096f2-611d-4b3c-b092-ea06e8a527ca, profiles=[cloud], version=1.0.0-rc.2} | b3c194e7-6580-421c-81fa-4b409e1ba04f | eu-central-1 | [{uid=arn:aws:s3:::aws-cloudtrail-logs-654338056632-cloudlake/AWSLogs/o-re4vuxlksb/654338056632/CloudTrail/eu-central-1/2023/11/04/654338056632_CloudTrail_eu-central-1_20231104T2230Z_Ei3HUNUHdxFCuo9l.json.gz, account_uid=null, type=AWS::S3::Object}, {uid=arn:aws:s3:::aws-cloudtrail-logs-654338056632-cloudlake, account_uid=654338056632, type=AWS::S3::Bucket}] | Informational | 1 | {uid=null, ip=null, domain=cloudtrail.amazonaws.com} | Success | 1 | 1699137065000 | API Activity: Update | 300503 | {additionalEventData.SSEApplied=SSE_S3, requestParameters.x-amz-acl=bucket-owner-full-control, additionalEventData.SignatureVersion=SigV4, additionalEventData.CipherSuite=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, additionalEventData.bytesTransferredOut=0, additionalEventData.x-amz-id-2=RITtRiXX1DGn4aCJ1AguFwc0Ux/HS6LSgIjiGlJBFdeFWMwmqQk1TlibDKq5kIA2xrSZc/qyl8w=, readOnly=false, eventType=AwsApiCall, requestParameters.Host=aws-cloudtrail-logs-654338056632-cloudlake.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com, requestParameters.x-amz-server-side-encryption=AES256, additionalEventData.AuthenticationMethod=AuthHeader, sharedEventID=150e3c90-ce64-4311-b9de-67ef7077751a, requestParameters.key=AWSLogs/o-re4vuxlksb/654338056632/CloudTrail/eu-central-1/2023/11/04/654338056632_CloudTrail_eu-central-1_20231104T2230Z_Ei3HUNUHdxFCuo9l.json.gz, requestParameters.bucketName=aws-cloudtrail-logs-654338056632-cloudlake, responseElements.x-amz-server-side-encryption=AES256, recipientAccountId=654338056632, managementEvent=false, additionalEventData.bytesTransferredIn=1317} |
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diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/get_query_execution.json b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/get_query_execution.json
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+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/get_query_execution.json
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ "QueryExecution": {
+ "QueryExecutionId": "b3c194e7-6580-421c-81fa-4b409e1ba04f",
+ "Query": "SELECT * FROM test_db.test_table",
+ "StatementType": "DML",
+ "ResultConfiguration": {
+ "OutputLocation": "s3://athena-queries-test/b3c194e7-6580-421c-81fa-4b409e1ba04f.csv"
+ },
+ "ResultReuseConfiguration": {
+ "ResultReuseByAgeConfiguration": {
+ "Enabled": false
+ }
+ },
+ "QueryExecutionContext": {},
+ "Status": {
+ "State": "SUCCEEDED",
+ "SubmissionDateTime": "2023-11-07T10:01:03",
+ "CompletionDateTime": "2023-11-07T10:01:04"
+ },
+ "Statistics": {
+ "EngineExecutionTimeInMillis": 1074,
+ "DataScannedInBytes": 86996,
+ "TotalExecutionTimeInMillis": 1296,
+ "QueryQueueTimeInMillis": 192,
+ "QueryPlanningTimeInMillis": 493,
+ "ServiceProcessingTimeInMillis": 30,
+ "ResultReuseInformation": {
+ "ReusedPreviousResult": false
+ }
+ },
+ "WorkGroup": "primary",
+ "EngineVersion": {
+ "SelectedEngineVersion": "AUTO",
+ "EffectiveEngineVersion": "Athena engine version 3"
+ },
+ "SubstatementType": "SELECT"
+ },
+ "ResponseMetadata": {
+ "RequestId": "07c697eb-30b3-42a6-bb42-86afd1227d3f",
+ "HTTPStatusCode": 200,
+ "HTTPHeaders": {
+ "date": "Tue, 07 Nov 2023 16:51:15 GMT",
+ "content-type": "application/x-amz-json-1.1",
+ "content-length": "2106",
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+ "x-amzn-requestid": "07c697eb-30b3-42a6-bb42-86afd1227d3f"
+ },
+ "RetryAttempts": 0
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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+ "CaseSensitive": false
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Name": "accountid",
+ "Label": "accountid",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "Name": "eventday",
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+ "Scale": 0,
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+ "CaseSensitive": true
+ }
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+ }
+ },
+ "ResponseMetadata": {
+ "RequestId": "4633521e-628b-491b-bb41-e4915567588c",
+ "HTTPStatusCode": 200,
+ "HTTPHeaders": {
+ "date": "Wed, 08 Nov 2023 08:29:33 GMT",
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+ "x-amzn-requestid": "4633521e-628b-491b-bb41-e4915567588c"
+ },
+ "RetryAttempts": 0
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_catalogs_command.json b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_catalogs_command.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..23a5b4f0b581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_catalogs_command.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "DataCatalogsSummary": [
+ {
+ "CatalogName": "test",
+ "Type": "LAMBDA"
+ }
+ ],
+ "NextToken": "test"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_data_lakes_command.json b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_data_lakes_command.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..da3f0feda014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_data_lakes_command.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ "dataLakes": [
+ {
+ "createStatus": "INITIALIZED",
+ "dataLakeArn": "test",
+ "encryptionConfiguration": {
+ "kmsKeyId": "test"
+ },
+ "lifecycleConfiguration": {
+ "expiration": {
+ "days": 123
+ },
+ "transitions": [
+ {
+ "days": 123,
+ "storageClass": "test"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "region": "test",
+ "replicationConfiguration": {
+ "regions": [
+ "test"
+ ],
+ "roleArn": "test"
+ },
+ "s3BucketArn": "test",
+ "updateStatus": {
+ "exception": {
+ "code": "test",
+ "reason": "test"
+ },
+ "requestId": "test",
+ "status": "INITIALIZED"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_database_command.json b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_database_command.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bd7a80753903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_database_command.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ "DatabaseList": [
+ {
+ "Name": "test",
+ "Description": "test",
+ "Parameters": {
+ "test_param": "test"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "NextToken": "test"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_sources_command.json b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_sources_command.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a65c603743d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_sources_command.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "dataLakeArn": "test",
+ "dataLakeSources": [
+ {
+ "account": "test",
+ "eventClasses": [
+ "test"
+ ],
+ "sourceName": "test",
+ "sourceStatuses": [
+ {
+ "resource": "test",
+ "status": "COLLECTING"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "nextToken": "test"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_table_metadata_command.json b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_table_metadata_command.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..621d067ec4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/list_table_metadata_command.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "TableMetadataList": [
+ {
+ "Name": "test",
+ "TableType": "test",
+ "Columns": [
+ {
+ "Name": "test",
+ "Type": "test",
+ "Comment": "test"
+ }
+ ],
+ "PartitionKeys": [
+ {
+ "Name": "test",
+ "Type": "test",
+ "Comment": "test"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Parameters": {
+ "string": "test"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "NextToken": "test"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/start_query_execution.json b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/start_query_execution.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aa7cbf5a4d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/Integrations/AWSSecurityLake/test_data/raw_data_mock/start_query_execution.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "QueryExecutionId": "b3c194e7-6580-421c-81fa-4b409e1ba04f",
+ "ResponseMetadata": {
+ "RequestId": "90cd1f51-4cf6-4992-a435-11bf8bd791df",
+ "HTTPStatusCode": 200,
+ "HTTPHeaders": {
+ "date": "Wed, 08 Nov 2023 09:07:39 GMT",
+ "content-type": "application/x-amz-json-1.1",
+ "content-length": "59",
+ "connection": "keep-alive",
+ "x-amzn-requestid": "90cd1f51-4cf6-4992-a435-11bf8bd791df"
+ },
+ "RetryAttempts": 0
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/README.md b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a63416b0dc79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+### AWS Security Lake
+Amazon Security Lake is a fully managed security data lake service. You can use Security Lake to automatically centralize security data from AWS environments, SaaS providers, on premises, cloud sources, and third-party sources into a purpose-built data lake that's stored in your AWS account.
+Security Lake helps you analyze security data, so you can get a more complete understanding of your security posture across the entire organization. With Security Lake, you can also improve the protection of your workloads, applications, and data.
+The data lake is backed by Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, and you retain ownership over your data.
+## What does this pack do
+### AWS SecurityLake
+This integration enables you to:
+- List data lakes.
+- List data catalogs.
+- List databases.
+- List table metadata.
+- List data sources.
+- Query AWS Athena.
+- Run pre-defined queries on AWS Security Lake data.
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/TestPlaybooks/AWS_-_SecurityLake_Test_Playbbok.yml b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/TestPlaybooks/AWS_-_SecurityLake_Test_Playbbok.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d9b8febe8a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/TestPlaybooks/AWS_-_SecurityLake_Test_Playbbok.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+id: AWS_-_SecurityLake_Test_Playbook
+version: -1
+name: AWS_-_SecurityLake_Test_Playbook
+starttaskid: "0"
+ "0":
+ id: "0"
+ taskid: ee59c709-f930-48e2-8976-d461cde3c3e9
+ type: start
+ task:
+ id: ee59c709-f930-48e2-8976-d461cde3c3e9
+ version: -1
+ name: ""
+ iscommand: false
+ brand: ""
+ description: ''
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "1"
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 50,
+ "y": 50
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "1":
+ id: "1"
+ taskid: 105d8eea-b36b-4b54-810e-2991dba795fb
+ type: regular
+ task:
+ id: 105d8eea-b36b-4b54-810e-2991dba795fb
+ version: -1
+ name: List Catalogs
+ description: Lists the data catalogs in the current Amazon Web Services account.
+ script: '|||aws-security-lake-data-catalogs-list'
+ type: regular
+ iscommand: true
+ brand: ""
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "6"
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 50,
+ "y": 195
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "2":
+ id: "2"
+ taskid: 889f293e-23cd-41c4-8219-28021fa569df
+ type: regular
+ task:
+ id: 889f293e-23cd-41c4-8219-28021fa569df
+ version: -1
+ name: List Databases
+ description: Lists the databases in the specified data catalog.
+ script: '|||aws-security-lake-databases-list'
+ type: regular
+ iscommand: true
+ brand: ""
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "9"
+ scriptarguments:
+ catalog_name:
+ simple: ${AWS.SecurityLake.Catalog.CatalogName}
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 50,
+ "y": 545
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "3":
+ id: "3"
+ taskid: d6c1317e-6083-4a1e-869f-2f5df2813220
+ type: regular
+ task:
+ id: d6c1317e-6083-4a1e-869f-2f5df2813220
+ version: -1
+ name: List table metadata
+ description: Lists the metadata for the tables in the specified data catalog database.
+ script: '|||aws-security-lake-table-metadata-list'
+ type: regular
+ iscommand: true
+ brand: ""
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "4"
+ scriptarguments:
+ catalog_name:
+ simple: ${AWS.SecurityLake.Catalog.CatalogName}
+ database_name:
+ simple: ${AWS.SecurityLake.Database.Name}
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 50,
+ "y": 895
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "4":
+ id: "4"
+ taskid: 59f35a9e-8445-4e06-8576-818148e1b0a2
+ type: regular
+ task:
+ id: 59f35a9e-8445-4e06-8576-818148e1b0a2
+ version: -1
+ name: List sources
+ description: Retrieves a snapshot of the current region, including whether Amazon Security Lake is enabled for those accounts and which sources Security Lake is collecting data from.
+ script: '|||aws-security-lake-data-sources-list'
+ type: regular
+ iscommand: true
+ brand: ""
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "5"
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 50,
+ "y": 1070
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "5":
+ id: "5"
+ taskid: 93606b8e-6e73-4a60-885e-2ec46f092773
+ type: regular
+ task:
+ id: 93606b8e-6e73-4a60-885e-2ec46f092773
+ version: -1
+ name: List data Lakes
+ description: Retrieves the Amazon Security Lake configuration object for the specified Amazon Web Services Regions.
+ script: '|||aws-security-lake-data-lakes-list'
+ type: regular
+ iscommand: true
+ brand: ""
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 50,
+ "y": 1245
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "6":
+ id: "6"
+ taskid: 3b3284b2-84e6-4212-8ac7-9709eea9d918
+ type: condition
+ task:
+ id: 3b3284b2-84e6-4212-8ac7-9709eea9d918
+ version: -1
+ name: Validate catalog
+ type: condition
+ iscommand: false
+ brand: ""
+ nexttasks:
+ "yes":
+ - "2"
+ separatecontext: false
+ conditions:
+ - label: "yes"
+ condition:
+ - - operator: isEqualString
+ left:
+ value:
+ simple: AWS.SecurityLake.Catalog.CatalogName
+ iscontext: true
+ right:
+ value:
+ simple: AwsDataCatalog
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 50,
+ "y": 370
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "9":
+ id: "9"
+ taskid: 807591e1-1bf6-48de-8f27-a38a52f3fa7d
+ type: condition
+ task:
+ id: 807591e1-1bf6-48de-8f27-a38a52f3fa7d
+ version: -1
+ name: Validate databases
+ type: condition
+ iscommand: false
+ brand: ""
+ nexttasks:
+ "yes":
+ - "3"
+ separatecontext: false
+ conditions:
+ - label: "yes"
+ condition:
+ - - operator: hasLength
+ left:
+ value:
+ simple: AWS.SecurityLake.Database
+ iscontext: true
+ right:
+ value:
+ simple: "3"
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 50,
+ "y": 720
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+view: |-
+ {
+ "linkLabelsPosition": {},
+ "paper": {
+ "dimensions": {
+ "height": 1290,
+ "width": 380,
+ "x": 50,
+ "y": 50
+ }
+ }
+ }
+inputs: []
+outputs: []
+quiet: true
+fromversion: 6.10.0
+description: ''
diff --git a/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/pack_metadata.json b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/pack_metadata.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3aa1ec8031c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AWS-SecurityLake/pack_metadata.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "name": "AWS - Security Lake",
+ "description": "Amazon Security Lake is a fully managed security data lake service.",
+ "support": "xsoar",
+ "currentVersion": "1.0.0",
+ "author": "Cortex XSOAR",
+ "url": "https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/cortex",
+ "email": "",
+ "categories": [
+ "IT Services"
+ ],
+ "tags": [],
+ "useCases": [],
+ "keywords": [],
+ "marketplaces": [
+ "xsoar",
+ "marketplacev2"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/AzureSecurityCenter/Integrations/AzureSecurityCenter_v2/AzureSecurityCenter_v2.yml b/Packs/AzureSecurityCenter/Integrations/AzureSecurityCenter_v2/AzureSecurityCenter_v2.yml
index 44e6077ad3cf..29de2e176c36 100644
--- a/Packs/AzureSecurityCenter/Integrations/AzureSecurityCenter_v2/AzureSecurityCenter_v2.yml
+++ b/Packs/AzureSecurityCenter/Integrations/AzureSecurityCenter_v2/AzureSecurityCenter_v2.yml
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ script:
type: Unknown
- contextPath: Azure.ResourceGroupName.properties.provisioningState
description: Resource group provisioning state.
- dockerimage: demisto/crypto:
+ dockerimage: demisto/crypto:
runonce: false
script: '-'
type: python
diff --git a/Packs/AzureSecurityCenter/ReleaseNotes/2_0_21.md b/Packs/AzureSecurityCenter/ReleaseNotes/2_0_21.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ab196de41f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/AzureSecurityCenter/ReleaseNotes/2_0_21.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#### Integrations
+##### Microsoft Defender for Cloud
+- Updated the Docker image to: *demisto/crypto:*.
diff --git a/Packs/AzureSecurityCenter/pack_metadata.json b/Packs/AzureSecurityCenter/pack_metadata.json
index 4493dffd77b8..e273913052d0 100644
--- a/Packs/AzureSecurityCenter/pack_metadata.json
+++ b/Packs/AzureSecurityCenter/pack_metadata.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "Microsoft Defender for Cloud",
"description": "Unified security management and advanced threat protection across hybrid cloud workloads.",
"support": "xsoar",
- "currentVersion": "2.0.20",
+ "currentVersion": "2.0.21",
"author": "Cortex XSOAR",
"url": "https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/cortex",
"email": "",
diff --git a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-Enrichment_for_Verdict.yml b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-Enrichment_for_Verdict.yml
index bc843e925f62..baa0bb3df044 100644
--- a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-Enrichment_for_Verdict.yml
+++ b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-Enrichment_for_Verdict.yml
@@ -142,42 +142,6 @@ tasks:
quietmode: 0
isoversize: false
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
- "14":
- id: "14"
- taskid: 23d5414c-6989-467d-8f25-135e5cc83841
- type: regular
- task:
- id: 23d5414c-6989-467d-8f25-135e5cc83841
- version: -1
- name: Get WildFire report
- description: Retrieves results for a file hash using WildFire.
- script: '|||wildfire-report'
- type: regular
- iscommand: true
- brand: ""
- nexttasks:
- '#none#':
- - "42"
- scriptarguments:
- sha256:
- complex:
- root: inputs.FileSHA256
- separatecontext: false
- continueonerror: true
- view: |-
- {
- "position": {
- "x": 2310,
- "y": 1130
- }
- }
- note: false
- timertriggers: []
- ignoreworker: false
- skipunavailable: true
- quietmode: 0
- isoversize: false
- isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "15"
taskid: 6825c22c-48d1-4f99-803f-1b6169565f9c
@@ -232,8 +196,8 @@ tasks:
id: 5a797f7b-e0f2-46de-85c1-0d2165ce20a9
version: -1
- name: Was the file found as Suspicious?
- description: "Was the file found as suspicious?"
+ name: Was the file found as Benign?
+ description: Was the file found as suspicious?
type: condition
iscommand: false
brand: ""
@@ -241,7 +205,7 @@ tasks:
- "29"
- - "14"
+ - "54"
separatecontext: false
- label: "yes"
@@ -696,7 +660,7 @@ tasks:
id: cbb20744-6ea2-4151-8575-3bbac0b2962e
version: -1
- name: Set file verdict
+ name: Set file verdict suspicious
description: Set the SuspectedVerdict key in context to Suspicious File.
scriptName: Set
type: regular
@@ -709,22 +673,13 @@ tasks:
simple: FileVerdict
- complex:
- root: WildFire.Verdicts
- accessor: VerdictDescription
- transformers:
- - operator: SetIfEmpty
- args:
- applyIfEmpty: {}
- defaultValue:
- value:
- simple: Suspicious
+ simple: Suspicious
separatecontext: false
view: |-
"position": {
- "x": 2310,
- "y": 1450
+ "x": 2320,
+ "y": 1190
note: false
@@ -961,41 +916,6 @@ tasks:
quietmode: 0
isoversize: false
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
- "42":
- id: "42"
- taskid: 765d45fd-edfa-4084-8e93-ee9b3687c228
- type: regular
- task:
- id: 765d45fd-edfa-4084-8e93-ee9b3687c228
- version: -1
- name: Get WildFire verdict
- description: Returns a verdict for a hash.
- script: '|||wildfire-get-verdict'
- type: regular
- iscommand: true
- brand: ""
- nexttasks:
- '#none#':
- - "29"
- scriptarguments:
- hash:
- complex:
- root: inputs.FileSHA256
- separatecontext: false
- view: |-
- {
- "position": {
- "x": 2310,
- "y": 1290
- }
- }
- note: false
- timertriggers: []
- ignoreworker: false
- skipunavailable: true
- quietmode: 0
- isoversize: false
- isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
id: "43"
taskid: 30038490-f60a-4a8a-8edd-06bd7af8e182
@@ -1347,6 +1267,43 @@ tasks:
quietmode: 0
isoversize: false
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "54":
+ id: "54"
+ taskid: 22852879-29ee-4b24-8286-57c1d6f5f3ef
+ type: regular
+ task:
+ id: 22852879-29ee-4b24-8286-57c1d6f5f3ef
+ version: -1
+ name: Set file verdict benign
+ description: Set the SuspectedVerdict key in context to Suspicious File.
+ scriptName: Set
+ type: regular
+ iscommand: false
+ brand: ""
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "25"
+ scriptarguments:
+ key:
+ simple: FileVerdict
+ value:
+ simple: Benign
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1880,
+ "y": 1190
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
system: true
view: |-
diff --git a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-Enrichment_for_Verdict_README.md b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-Enrichment_for_Verdict_README.md
index a1030089a7ef..b11545db9c85 100644
--- a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-Enrichment_for_Verdict_README.md
+++ b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-Enrichment_for_Verdict_README.md
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.
### Sub-playbooks
+* URL Enrichment - Generic v2
* Domain Enrichment - Generic v2
* Get prevalence for IOCs
-* IP Enrichment - Generic v2
-* Account Enrichment - Generic v2.1
-* URL Enrichment - Generic v2
* File Reputation
+* Account Enrichment - Generic v2.1
+* IP Enrichment - Generic v2
### Integrations
@@ -19,13 +19,12 @@ This playbook does not use any integrations.
### Scripts
-* SearchIncidentsV2
* Set
+* SearchIncidentsV2
### Commands
-* wildfire-get-verdict
-* wildfire-report
+This playbook does not use any commands.
## Playbook Inputs
diff --git a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-File_Reputation.yml b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-File_Reputation.yml
index c04d48bf21ea..d7867bc79236 100644
--- a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-File_Reputation.yml
+++ b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-File_Reputation.yml
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ tasks:
- "7"
- "4"
- "18"
+ - "25"
separatecontext: false
view: |-
@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ tasks:
note: false
timertriggers: []
ignoreworker: false
- skipunavailable: false
+ skipunavailable: true
quietmode: 0
isoversize: false
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
@@ -346,7 +347,7 @@ tasks:
id: afa05da2-350f-4d09-85f1-7d9ddb31477c
version: -1
- name: Set file verdict - NSRL
+ name: Set file verdict - IsNSRL
description: Set a value in context under the key you entered.
scriptName: Set
type: regular
@@ -682,7 +683,7 @@ tasks:
id: bb096e6a-72b8-43f3-81a3-14633d6a58d3
version: -1
- name: Set file verdict - NSRL
+ name: Set file verdict - IsNotNSRL
description: Set a value in context under the key you entered.
scriptName: Set
type: regular
@@ -754,7 +755,7 @@ tasks:
id: 9bc117b9-97ee-4aa4-81b5-e2ca1e5c9549
version: -1
- name: Set file verdict - XDR-TrustedSigners
+ name: Set file verdict - XDR-UnTrustedSigners
description: Set a value in context under the key you entered.
scriptName: Set
type: regular
@@ -825,6 +826,112 @@ tasks:
quietmode: 0
isoversize: false
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "25":
+ id: "25"
+ taskid: 825810e7-b8fb-4347-894b-51dae87fcb7f
+ type: title
+ task:
+ id: 825810e7-b8fb-4347-894b-51dae87fcb7f
+ version: -1
+ name: WildFire
+ type: title
+ iscommand: false
+ brand: ""
+ description: ''
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "27"
+ - "28"
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": -2950,
+ "y": -440
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "27":
+ id: "27"
+ taskid: 7bcc68bb-ba26-4690-8535-395ec5fbb28f
+ type: regular
+ task:
+ id: 7bcc68bb-ba26-4690-8535-395ec5fbb28f
+ version: -1
+ name: Get WildFire report
+ description: Retrieves results for a file hash using WildFire.
+ script: '|||wildfire-report'
+ type: regular
+ iscommand: true
+ brand: ""
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "3"
+ scriptarguments:
+ sha256:
+ complex:
+ root: inputs.FileSHA256
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerror: true
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": -2730,
+ "y": 90
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: true
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "28":
+ id: "28"
+ taskid: e91fa96b-14ce-40a2-8ba6-2607ee95ea47
+ type: regular
+ task:
+ id: e91fa96b-14ce-40a2-8ba6-2607ee95ea47
+ version: -1
+ name: Get WildFire verdict
+ description: Returns a verdict for a hash.
+ script: '|||wildfire-get-verdict'
+ type: regular
+ iscommand: true
+ brand: ""
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "3"
+ scriptarguments:
+ hash:
+ complex:
+ root: inputs.FileSHA256
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": -3170,
+ "y": 90
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: true
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+system: true
view: |-
"linkLabelsPosition": {
@@ -840,8 +947,8 @@ view: |-
"paper": {
"dimensions": {
"height": 1195,
- "width": 3540,
- "x": -2280,
+ "width": 4430,
+ "x": -3170,
"y": -600
@@ -879,6 +986,12 @@ outputs:
- contextPath: XDRFileSigners
description: XDR file signers.
type: unknown
+- contextPath: WildFire.Report
+ description: WildFire report details.
+ type: unknown
+- contextPath: WildFire.Verdicts
+ description: WildFire verdict.
+ type: unknown
- No tests.
fromversion: 6.6.0
diff --git a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-File_Reputation_README.md b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-File_Reputation_README.md
index 1220ee154eaf..9860967a1f56 100644
--- a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-File_Reputation_README.md
+++ b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/Playbooks/playbook-File_Reputation_README.md
@@ -10,23 +10,31 @@ Note: a user can provide a list of trusted signers of his own using the playbook
## Dependencies
This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.
### Sub-playbooks
This playbook does not use any sub-playbooks.
### Integrations
This playbook does not use any integrations.
### Scripts
+* Set
* http
* ParseJSON
-* Set
### Commands
+* wildfire-report
+* wildfire-get-verdict
* file
## Playbook Inputs
| **Name** | **Description** | **Default Value** | **Required** |
@@ -36,6 +44,7 @@ This playbook does not use any integrations.
| FileSHA256 | The file SHA256. | | Optional |
## Playbook Outputs
| **Path** | **Description** | **Type** |
@@ -44,7 +53,11 @@ This playbook does not use any integrations.
| NSRLFileVerdict | NSRL file verdict. | unknown |
| VTFileSigners | VirusTotal file signers. | unknown |
| XDRFileSigners | XDR file signers. | unknown |
+| WildFire.Report | WildFire report details. | unknown |
+| WildFire.Verdicts | WildFire verdict. | unknown |
## Playbook Image
-![File Reputation](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/demisto/content/48a7f1a1a628a2755201c55c24bc68d94e0dd49c/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/doc_files/File_Reputation.png)
\ No newline at end of file
+![File Reputation](../doc_files/File_Reputation.png)
diff --git a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/ReleaseNotes/2_6_7.md b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/ReleaseNotes/2_6_7.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1575ca4a9e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/ReleaseNotes/2_6_7.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#### Playbooks
+##### File Reputation
+- Added a flow to get the file reputation from WildFire
+##### Enrichment for Verdict
+- Removed the WildFire reputation flow and moved it to the File Reputation playbook
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/doc_files/Enrichment_for_Verdict.png b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/doc_files/Enrichment_for_Verdict.png
index 36c9fc3c02a5..0cf2996a5003 100644
Binary files a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/doc_files/Enrichment_for_Verdict.png and b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/doc_files/Enrichment_for_Verdict.png differ
diff --git a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/doc_files/File_Reputation.png b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/doc_files/File_Reputation.png
index 44eb106c875c..faac84f6d6b7 100644
Binary files a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/doc_files/File_Reputation.png and b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/doc_files/File_Reputation.png differ
diff --git a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/pack_metadata.json b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/pack_metadata.json
index 189721fe6b83..159a1e910c10 100644
--- a/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/pack_metadata.json
+++ b/Packs/CommonPlaybooks/pack_metadata.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "Common Playbooks",
"description": "Frequently used playbooks pack.",
"support": "xsoar",
- "currentVersion": "2.6.6",
+ "currentVersion": "2.6.7",
"author": "Cortex XSOAR",
"url": "https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/cortex",
"email": "",
diff --git a/Packs/ContentManagement/IncidentFields/incidentfield-ConfigurationFileSource.json b/Packs/ContentManagement/IncidentFields/incidentfield-ConfigurationFileSource.json
index 7e764db9d25b..b37b438ea2fd 100644
--- a/Packs/ContentManagement/IncidentFields/incidentfield-ConfigurationFileSource.json
+++ b/Packs/ContentManagement/IncidentFields/incidentfield-ConfigurationFileSource.json
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
- "AzureDevOps"
+ "AzureDevOps",
+ "GoogleCloudStorage"
"useAsKpi": false,
"locked": false,
diff --git a/Packs/ContentManagement/Playbooks/playbook-Configuration_Setup.yml b/Packs/ContentManagement/Playbooks/playbook-Configuration_Setup.yml
index 13fef4925e0e..e52c9c155542 100644
--- a/Packs/ContentManagement/Playbooks/playbook-Configuration_Setup.yml
+++ b/Packs/ContentManagement/Playbooks/playbook-Configuration_Setup.yml
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 275,
- "y": 545
+ "y": 555
note: false
@@ -628,6 +628,8 @@ tasks:
- '35'
- "37"
+ - "39"
separatecontext: false
- label: Attachment
@@ -670,6 +672,16 @@ tasks:
simple: AzureDevOps
+ condition:
+ - - operator: isEqualString
+ left:
+ value:
+ simple: incident.configurationfilesource
+ iscontext: true
+ right:
+ value:
+ simple: GoogleCloudStorage
view: |-
"position": {
@@ -1075,7 +1087,8 @@ tasks:
simple: ${incident.branchname}
- simple: Gitlab Gold
+ complex:
+ root: inputs.GitlabInstanceName
separatecontext: false
view: |-
@@ -1215,6 +1228,43 @@ tasks:
quietmode: 0
isoversize: false
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "39":
+ id: "39"
+ taskid: 06f49ef0-a41e-4dc4-8b97-1cc696df593f
+ type: regular
+ task:
+ id: 06f49ef0-a41e-4dc4-8b97-1cc696df593f
+ version: -1
+ name: Get Configuration File from Google cloud storage
+ description: Retrieves object data into a file.
+ script: Google Cloud Storage|||gcs-download-file
+ type: regular
+ iscommand: true
+ brand: Google Cloud Storage
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "2"
+ scriptarguments:
+ bucket_name:
+ simple: ${incident.cicds3bucketname}
+ object_name:
+ simple: ${incident.configfilepath}
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 190,
+ "y": 380
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
view: |-
"linkLabelsPosition": {},
@@ -1233,6 +1283,11 @@ inputs:
required: false
description: Core REST API instance name to use.
+- key: GitlabInstanceName
+ value: {}
+ required: false
+ description: Gitlab instance name to use.
+ playbookInputQuery:
outputs: []
- No tests (auto formatted)
diff --git a/Packs/ContentManagement/Playbooks/playbook-Configuration_Setup_README.md b/Packs/ContentManagement/Playbooks/playbook-Configuration_Setup_README.md
index 59eb7d066827..861e80691058 100644
--- a/Packs/ContentManagement/Playbooks/playbook-Configuration_Setup_README.md
+++ b/Packs/ContentManagement/Playbooks/playbook-Configuration_Setup_README.md
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Playbook for the CÖ¹onfiguration Setup incident type.
| **Name** | **Description** | **Default Value** | **Required** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| InstanceName | Core REST API instance name to use. | | Optional |
+| GitlabInstanceName | Gitlab instance name to use. | | Optional |
## Playbook Outputs
diff --git a/Packs/ContentManagement/ReleaseNotes/1_2_17.md b/Packs/ContentManagement/ReleaseNotes/1_2_17.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..45c5bd57afa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/ContentManagement/ReleaseNotes/1_2_17.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#### Incident Fields
+- **Configuration File Source**
+ Added the option to get the Configuration File from Google Cloud Storage.
+#### Playbooks
+##### Configuration Setup
+- Added the option to get the Configuration File from Google Cloud Storage.
+- Added the input 'GitlabInstanceName' to use specific gitlab instance in the playbook.
diff --git a/Packs/ContentManagement/pack_metadata.json b/Packs/ContentManagement/pack_metadata.json
index 112e9e90d002..9a7199f3ca40 100644
--- a/Packs/ContentManagement/pack_metadata.json
+++ b/Packs/ContentManagement/pack_metadata.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "XSOAR CI/CD",
"description": "This pack enables you to orchestrate your XSOAR system configuration.",
"support": "xsoar",
- "currentVersion": "1.2.16",
+ "currentVersion": "1.2.17",
"author": "Cortex XSOAR",
"url": "https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/cortex",
"email": "",
diff --git a/Packs/Core/Playbooks/playbook-Local_Analysis_alert_Investigation.yml b/Packs/Core/Playbooks/playbook-Local_Analysis_alert_Investigation.yml
index ffb0b024d590..8da1d6d8bc37 100644
--- a/Packs/Core/Playbooks/playbook-Local_Analysis_alert_Investigation.yml
+++ b/Packs/Core/Playbooks/playbook-Local_Analysis_alert_Investigation.yml
@@ -99,14 +99,6 @@ tasks:
simple: Suspicious
ignorecase: true
- - operator: isEqualString
- left:
- value:
- simple: FileVerdict
- iscontext: true
- right:
- value:
- simple: Malicious
- - operator: isEqualString
@@ -225,9 +217,11 @@ tasks:
brand: ''
- - '39'
+ - "39"
- - "77"
+ - "85"
+ Greyware:
+ - "86"
separatecontext: false
- label: Benign
@@ -241,31 +235,31 @@ tasks:
iscontext: true
- simple: '0'
- - operator: isEqualString
+ simple: "0"
+ - label: Greyware
+ condition:
+ - - operator: isEqualString
- complex:
- root: inputs.GraywareAsMalware
+ simple: WildFire.Verdicts.Verdict
iscontext: true
- simple: 'False'
+ simple: "2"
- - operator: isEqualString
- complex:
- root: inputs.ShouldRescanBenign
+ simple: inputs.GraywareAsMalware
iscontext: true
- simple: 'True'
- ignorecase: true
+ simple: "False"
+ continueonerrortype: ""
view: |-
"position": {
"x": 900,
- "y": 875
+ "y": 825
note: false
@@ -275,9 +269,8 @@ tasks:
quietmode: 0
isoversize: false
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
- continueonerrortype: ""
- '33':
- id: '33'
+ "33":
+ id: "33"
taskid: 6b6f4826-2aa2-456a-8587-93f122f1c99e
type: title
@@ -428,7 +421,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 900,
- "y": 2910
+ "y": 2800
note: false
@@ -472,7 +465,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 900,
- "y": 2670
+ "y": 2560
note: false
@@ -550,7 +543,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 900,
- "y": 3410
+ "y": 3300
note: false
@@ -596,7 +589,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 900,
- "y": 3750
+ "y": 3640
note: false
@@ -627,7 +620,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 1270,
- "y": 3920
+ "y": 3810
note: false
@@ -658,7 +651,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 900,
- "y": 3255
+ "y": 3145
note: false
@@ -685,8 +678,8 @@ tasks:
view: |-
"position": {
- "x": 430,
- "y": 4290
+ "x": 40,
+ "y": 4170
note: false
@@ -889,8 +882,8 @@ tasks:
view: |-
"position": {
- "x": 1280,
- "y": 1720
+ "x": 1340,
+ "y": 1590
note: false
@@ -926,8 +919,8 @@ tasks:
view: |-
"position": {
- "x": 1280,
- "y": 1880
+ "x": 1340,
+ "y": 1750
note: false
@@ -1135,7 +1128,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 900,
- "y": 2500
+ "y": 2390
note: false
@@ -1265,7 +1258,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 1300,
- "y": 3050
+ "y": 2940
note: false
@@ -1398,7 +1391,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 1370,
- "y": 3580
+ "y": 3470
note: false
@@ -1457,8 +1450,8 @@ tasks:
view: |-
"position": {
- "x": 430,
- "y": 2500
+ "x": 40,
+ "y": 2390
note: false
@@ -1493,8 +1486,8 @@ tasks:
view: |-
"position": {
- "x": 1280,
- "y": 2040
+ "x": 1340,
+ "y": 1910
note: false
@@ -1577,8 +1570,8 @@ tasks:
view: |-
"position": {
- "x": 1280,
- "y": 2200
+ "x": 1340,
+ "y": 2070
note: false
@@ -1624,7 +1617,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 1760,
- "y": 3050
+ "y": 2940
note: false
@@ -1742,7 +1735,7 @@ tasks:
"position": {
"x": 1760,
- "y": 2910
+ "y": 2800
note: false
@@ -1777,8 +1770,8 @@ tasks:
view: |-
"position": {
- "x": 1280,
- "y": 1280
+ "x": 1340,
+ "y": 1150
note: false
@@ -1820,11 +1813,20 @@ tasks:
simple: Success
+ - operator: isEqualString
+ left:
+ value:
+ simple: inputs.ShouldRescanBenign
+ iscontext: true
+ right:
+ value:
+ simple: "True"
+ ignorecase: true
view: |-
"position": {
- "x": 1280,
- "y": 1480
+ "x": 1340,
+ "y": 1350
note: false
@@ -1851,7 +1853,6 @@ tasks:
- "80"
separatecontext: false
- continueonerrortype: ""
view: |-
"position": {
@@ -2086,6 +2087,69 @@ tasks:
quietmode: 0
isoversize: false
isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "85":
+ id: "85"
+ taskid: d5e7fd85-67c3-44c5-8f35-f08f3727a564
+ type: title
+ task:
+ id: d5e7fd85-67c3-44c5-8f35-f08f3727a564
+ version: -1
+ name: Benign
+ type: title
+ iscommand: false
+ brand: ""
+ description: ''
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "77"
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1560,
+ "y": 1010
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+ "86":
+ id: "86"
+ taskid: 4457cf9c-89af-450f-8fe6-c211a98c3eca
+ type: title
+ task:
+ id: 4457cf9c-89af-450f-8fe6-c211a98c3eca
+ version: -1
+ name: Greyware
+ type: title
+ iscommand: false
+ brand: ""
+ description: ''
+ nexttasks:
+ '#none#':
+ - "77"
+ separatecontext: false
+ continueonerrortype: ""
+ view: |-
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1110,
+ "y": 1010
+ }
+ }
+ note: false
+ timertriggers: []
+ ignoreworker: false
+ skipunavailable: false
+ quietmode: 0
+ isoversize: false
+ isautoswitchedtoquietmode: false
+system: true
view: |-
"linkLabelsPosition": {
diff --git a/Packs/Core/Playbooks/playbook-Local_Analysis_alert_Investigation_README.md b/Packs/Core/Playbooks/playbook-Local_Analysis_alert_Investigation_README.md
index e9a64657d285..345214b4bbe3 100644
--- a/Packs/Core/Playbooks/playbook-Local_Analysis_alert_Investigation_README.md
+++ b/Packs/Core/Playbooks/playbook-Local_Analysis_alert_Investigation_README.md
@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.
### Sub-playbooks
-* Containment Plan
-* Handle False Positive Alerts
-* Ticket Management - Generic
* Wildfire Detonate and Analyze File
* Enrichment for Verdict
+* Recovery Plan
* Endpoint Investigation Plan
+* Ticket Management - Generic
+* Containment Plan
* Eradication Plan
-* Recovery Plan
+* Handle False Positive Alerts
### Integrations
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ This playbook uses the following sub-playbooks, integrations, and scripts.
### Commands
* core-retrieve-file-details
-* closeInvestigation
-* core-report-incorrect-wildfire
-* internal-wildfire-get-report
* setParentIncidentFields
+* internal-wildfire-get-report
+* closeInvestigation
* core-retrieve-files
+* core-report-incorrect-wildfire
## Playbook Inputs
diff --git a/Packs/Core/ReleaseNotes/3_0_17.md b/Packs/Core/ReleaseNotes/3_0_17.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2f89d60e4850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/Core/ReleaseNotes/3_0_17.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#### Playbooks
+##### Local Analysis alert Investigation
+- Fixed the WildFire verdict decision tas number 14 to handle correctly Benign and Malware verdicts
diff --git a/Packs/Core/doc_files/Local_Analysis_alert_Investigation.png b/Packs/Core/doc_files/Local_Analysis_alert_Investigation.png
index 9e574181d735..f7a6fdda057c 100644
Binary files a/Packs/Core/doc_files/Local_Analysis_alert_Investigation.png and b/Packs/Core/doc_files/Local_Analysis_alert_Investigation.png differ
diff --git a/Packs/Core/pack_metadata.json b/Packs/Core/pack_metadata.json
index b0ed5bbd6110..2204eb640190 100644
--- a/Packs/Core/pack_metadata.json
+++ b/Packs/Core/pack_metadata.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "Core - Investigation and Response",
"description": "Automates incident response",
"support": "xsoar",
- "currentVersion": "3.0.16",
+ "currentVersion": "3.0.17",
"author": "Cortex XSOAR",
"url": "https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/cortex",
"email": "",
diff --git a/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/Integrations/CrowdStrikeFalcon/CrowdStrikeFalcon.py b/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/Integrations/CrowdStrikeFalcon/CrowdStrikeFalcon.py
index 5b3799fc82c5..ed70f3d33a39 100644
--- a/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/Integrations/CrowdStrikeFalcon/CrowdStrikeFalcon.py
+++ b/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/Integrations/CrowdStrikeFalcon/CrowdStrikeFalcon.py
@@ -5238,7 +5238,7 @@ def cs_falcon_spotlight_list_host_by_vulnerability_command(args: dict) -> Comman
outputs_prefix="CrowdStrike.VulnerabilityHost", outputs_key_field="id")
-def get_cve_command(args: dict) -> list[CommandResults]:
+def get_cve_command(args: dict) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
Get a list of vulnerabilities by spotlight
: args: filter which include params or filter param.
@@ -5269,10 +5269,10 @@ def get_cve_command(args: dict) -> list[CommandResults]:
'Base Score': cve.get('base_score')}
human_readable = tableToMarkdown('CrowdStrike Falcon CVE', cve_human_readable,
headers=['ID', 'Description', 'Published Date', 'Base Score'])
- command_results_list.append(CommandResults(raw_response=cve,
- readable_output=human_readable,
- relationships=relationships_list,
- indicator=cve_indicator))
+ command_results = CommandResults(raw_response=cve, readable_output=human_readable, relationships=relationships_list,
+ indicator=cve_indicator).to_context()
+ if command_results not in command_results_list:
+ command_results_list.append(command_results)
return command_results_list
diff --git a/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/Integrations/CrowdStrikeFalcon/CrowdStrikeFalcon.yml b/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/Integrations/CrowdStrikeFalcon/CrowdStrikeFalcon.yml
index 1742ececae97..f9d0ebcc0b6b 100644
--- a/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/Integrations/CrowdStrikeFalcon/CrowdStrikeFalcon.yml
+++ b/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/Integrations/CrowdStrikeFalcon/CrowdStrikeFalcon.yml
@@ -4962,7 +4962,7 @@ script:
- contextPath: CrowdStrike.IOARules.version_ids
description: The IOA Rule's version ID.
type: String
- dockerimage: demisto/py3-tools:
+ dockerimage: demisto/py3-tools:
isfetch: true
ismappable: true
isremotesyncin: true
diff --git a/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/Integrations/CrowdStrikeFalcon/CrowdStrikeFalcon_test.py b/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/Integrations/CrowdStrikeFalcon/CrowdStrikeFalcon_test.py
index c8f285169398..a7cde8a8792c 100644
--- a/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/Integrations/CrowdStrikeFalcon/CrowdStrikeFalcon_test.py
+++ b/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/Integrations/CrowdStrikeFalcon/CrowdStrikeFalcon_test.py
@@ -6704,3 +6704,28 @@ def test_get_incident_behavior_command(mocker):
assert result.outputs_prefix == 'CrowdStrike.IncidentBehavior'
assert result.outputs_key_field == 'behavior_id'
assert result.outputs == api_mock['resources']
+def test_get_cve_command(mocker):
+ """
+ Given:
+ - Raw response with duplicates
+ When:
+ - Running cve command
+ Then:
+ - Validate that the response doesn't contain duplicates
+ """
+ import CrowdStrikeFalcon
+ raw1 = {"id": "CVE-2023-12345", "description": "A1", "published_date": "2023-12-10T10:15:00Z", "base_score": 10,
+ "vector": "A1B2C3D4", "cisa_info": {"due_date": "2023-12-24T00:00:00Z", "is_cisa_kev": True},
+ "actors": ["ALPHA", "BETA", "GAMMA"]}
+ raw2 = {"id": "CVE-2023-12345", "description": "A1", "published_date": "2023-12-10T10:15:00Z", "base_score": 10,
+ "vector": "A1B2C3D4", "cisa_info": {"due_date": "2023-12-24T00:00:00Z", "is_cisa_kev": False},
+ "actors": ["ALPHA", "BETA", "GAMMA"]}
+ http_response = {'resources': [{'cve': raw1}, {'cve': raw1}, {'cve': raw1}, {'cve': raw2}, {'cve': raw1}, {'cve': raw2}]}
+ mocker.patch.object(CrowdStrikeFalcon, 'http_request', return_value=http_response)
+ results = CrowdStrikeFalcon.get_cve_command(args={'cve': 'CVE-2023-12345'})
+ assert len(results) == 2
diff --git a/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/ReleaseNotes/1_12_16.md b/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/ReleaseNotes/1_12_16.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ec93b53ce67b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/ReleaseNotes/1_12_16.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#### Integrations
+##### CrowdStrike Falcon
+- Improved implementation of the ***cve*** command to avoid returning duplicates.
+- Updated the Docker image to: *demisto/py3-tools:*.
diff --git a/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/pack_metadata.json b/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/pack_metadata.json
index bf7d501be0c3..0ff93191a01a 100644
--- a/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/pack_metadata.json
+++ b/Packs/CrowdStrikeFalcon/pack_metadata.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "CrowdStrike Falcon",
"description": "The CrowdStrike Falcon OAuth 2 API (formerly the Falcon Firehose API), enables fetching and resolving detections, searching devices, getting behaviors by ID, containing hosts, and lifting host containment.",
"support": "xsoar",
- "currentVersion": "1.12.15",
+ "currentVersion": "1.12.16",
"author": "Cortex XSOAR",
"url": "https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/cortex",
"email": "",
diff --git a/Packs/EmailCommunication/ReleaseNotes/2_0_24.md b/Packs/EmailCommunication/ReleaseNotes/2_0_24.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..670805640221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Packs/EmailCommunication/ReleaseNotes/2_0_24.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#### Scripts
+##### SendEmailReply
+- Fixed an issue with rendering Markdown in the email body to HTML.
+- Fixed an issue with the `body_type` argument missing from the documentation.
+- Fixed an issue with the `reputation_calc_async` argument not being used.
+- Updated the Docker image to: *demisto/bs4-py3:*.
diff --git a/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/README.md b/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/README.md
index 3ed657826992..b7e8fc334e98 100644
--- a/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/README.md
+++ b/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/README.md
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ For more information, see the section about permissions here: [https://docs-cort
| service_mail | The email address the emails are sent from. |
| mail_sender_instance | Name of the mail sender instance name for transmitting emails |
| new_thread | Specify whether to reply to an existing thread or start a new one. Default value of 'n/a' is for 'Email Communication' type incidents only |
+| body_type | The type of the email body. Can be either HTML or plain text. Default is HTML. |
+| reputation_calc_async| Whether to calculate the reputation asynchronously. Default is false. |
## Outputs
diff --git a/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/SendEmailReply.py b/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/SendEmailReply.py
index 587c53e080cc..47a59a1a6f49 100644
--- a/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/SendEmailReply.py
+++ b/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/SendEmailReply.py
@@ -5,8 +5,37 @@
import random
import re
from datetime import datetime as dt
+from markdown import Extension, markdown
+from markdown.inlinepatterns import UnderscoreProcessor, EmStrongItem
ERROR_TEMPLATE = 'ERROR: SendEmailReply - {function_name}: {reason}'
+UNDERLINE_RE = r'(\+)([^+]+)\1' # +underline+ -> underline
+STRIKETHROUGH_RE = r'(~{2})(.+?)\1' # ~~Strikethrough~~ -> Strikethrough
+class DemistoUnderlineProcessor(UnderscoreProcessor):
+ """Processor for handling Underline."""
+ EmStrongItem(re.compile(UNDERLINE_RE, re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE), 'single', 'u')
+ ]
+class DemistoStrikethroughProcessor(UnderscoreProcessor):
+ """Processor for handling Strikethrough."""
+ EmStrongItem(re.compile(STRIKETHROUGH_RE, re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE), 'single', 's')
+ ]
+class DemistoExtension(Extension):
+ """ Add Custom Demisto Markdown support."""
+ def extendMarkdown(self, md):
+ """ Modify inline patterns. """
+ md.inlinePatterns.register(DemistoUnderlineProcessor(r'\+'), 'underline', 50)
+ md.inlinePatterns.register(DemistoStrikethroughProcessor(r'~'), 'strikethrough', 50)
def get_utc_now():
@@ -409,7 +438,7 @@ def get_reply_body(notes, incident_id, attachments, reputation_calc_async=False)
note_user = note['Metadata']['user']
note_userdata = demisto.executeCommand("getUserByUsername", {"username": note_user})
user_fullname = dict_safe_get(note_userdata[0], ['Contents', 'name']) or "DBot"
- reply_body += f"{user_fullname}: \n{note['Contents']}\n\n"
+ reply_body += f"{user_fullname}: \n\n{note['Contents']}\n\n"
if isinstance(attachments, str):
attachments = argToList(attachments)
@@ -433,12 +462,8 @@ def get_reply_body(notes, incident_id, attachments, reputation_calc_async=False)
return_error("Please add a note")
- try:
- res = demisto.executeCommand("mdToHtml", {"contextKey": "replyhtmlbody", "text": reply_body})
- reply_html_body = res[0]['EntryContext']['replyhtmlbody']
- return reply_body, reply_html_body
- except Exception:
- return_error(get_error(res))
+ reply_html_body = format_body(reply_body)
+ return reply_body, reply_html_body
def get_email_recipients(email_to, email_from, service_mail, mailbox):
@@ -616,13 +641,15 @@ def format_body(new_email_body):
new_email_body (str): Email body text with or without Markdown formatting included
Returns: (str) HTML email body
- # Replace newlines with
element to preserve line breaks
- new_email_body = new_email_body.replace('\n', '
- res = demisto.executeCommand("mdToHtml", {"text": new_email_body})
- html_body = res[0]['Contents']
- return html_body
+ return markdown(new_email_body,
+ extensions=[
+ 'tables',
+ 'fenced_code',
+ 'legacy_em',
+ 'sane_lists',
+ 'nl2br',
+ DemistoExtension(),
+ ])
def single_thread_reply(email_code, incident_id, email_cc, add_cc, notes, body_type, attachments, files, email_subject,
@@ -970,8 +997,7 @@ def main():
email_selected_thread = custom_fields.get('emailselectedthread')
subject_include_incident_id = argToBoolean(args.get('subject_include_incident_id', False))
body_type = args.get('bodyType') or args.get('body_type') or 'html'
- argToBoolean(args.get('reputation_calc_async', False))
+ reputation_calc_async = argToBoolean(args.get('reputation_calc_async', False))
if new_email_attachments:
new_attachment_names = ', '.join([attachment.get('name', '') for attachment in new_email_attachments])
@@ -982,7 +1008,7 @@ def main():
# This case is run when replying to an email from the 'Email Communication' layout
single_thread_reply(email_code, incident_id, email_cc, add_cc, notes, body_type, attachments, files, email_subject,
subject_include_incident_id, email_to_str, service_mail, email_latest_message,
- mail_sender_instance, reputation_calc_async=False)
+ mail_sender_instance, reputation_calc_async)
elif new_thread == 'true':
# This case is run when using the 'Email Threads' layout to send a new first-contact email message
@@ -997,5 +1023,5 @@ def main():
-if __name__ in ('__main__', '__builtin__', 'builtins'):
+if __name__ in ('__main__', '__builtin__', 'builtins'): # pragma: no cover
diff --git a/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/SendEmailReply.yml b/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/SendEmailReply.yml
index f77ec97c5820..9be53b73c51e 100644
--- a/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/SendEmailReply.yml
+++ b/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/SendEmailReply.yml
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ subtype: python3
system: true
type: python
fromversion: 5.0.0
-dockerimage: demisto/python3:
+dockerimage: demisto/bs4-py3:
- No tests (auto formatted)
diff --git a/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/SendEmailReply_test.py b/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/SendEmailReply_test.py
index 47cf9e80c423..d5650d4a4fbf 100644
--- a/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/SendEmailReply_test.py
+++ b/Packs/EmailCommunication/Scripts/SendEmailReply/SendEmailReply_test.py
@@ -273,17 +273,17 @@ def test_get_query_window(list_response, expected_result, mocker):
[{'Metadata': {'user': 'DBot'}, 'Contents': 'note1'}, {'Metadata': {'user': 'DBot'}, 'Contents': 'note2'}],
[{'name': 'attachment1.png'}, {'name': 'attachment2.png'}],
- "DBot: \nnote1\n\nDBot: \nnote2\n\nAttachments: ['attachment1.png', 'attachment2.png']\n\n"
+ "DBot: \n\nnote1\n\nDBot: \n\nnote2\n\nAttachments: ['attachment1.png', 'attachment2.png']\n\n"
[{'Metadata': {'user': 'DBot'}, 'Contents': 'note1'}, {'Metadata': {'user': 'DBot'}, 'Contents': 'note2'}],
- "DBot: \nnote1\n\nDBot: \nnote2\n\n"
+ "DBot: \n\nnote1\n\nDBot: \n\nnote2\n\n"
[{'Metadata': {'user': 'DBot'}, 'Contents': 'note1'}, {'Metadata': {'user': 'DBot'}, 'Contents': 'note2'}],
- "DBot: \nnote1\n\nDBot: \nnote2\n\n"
+ "DBot: \n\nnote1\n\nDBot: \n\nnote2\n\n"
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ def test_main(new_thread, mocker):
if new_thread == 'n/a':
single_thread_reply_args = single_thread_reply_mocker.call_args
expected_args = ('87654321', '10', '', 'test_cc@example.com', '', 'html', [], {}, None, False, 'end_user@company.com',
- 'soc_sender@company.com', '123456', 'mail-sender-instance-1')
+ 'soc_sender@company.com', '123456', 'mail-sender-instance-1', False)
assert single_thread_reply_args.args == expected_args
elif new_thread == 'true':
multi_thread_new_args = multi_thread_new_mocker.call_args
@@ -897,3 +897,77 @@ def test_main(new_thread, mocker):
expected_args = ('This is a test email.', 'html', '10', 1, {}, {}, 'test_cc@example.com', 'test_bcc@example.com',
'soc_sender@company.com', 'mail-sender-instance-1', 'None', False)
assert multi_thread_reply_args.args == expected_args
+# Parametrized test for happy path scenarios with various realistic markdown inputs
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("input_md, expected_html, test_id", [
+ # Test ID: #1 - Simple text conversion
+ ("Hello, World!", "
Hello, World!
", "simple_text"), + + # Test ID: #2 - Header conversion + ("# Header 1", "Header1 | \nHeader2 | \n
Cell1 | \n" + "Cell2 | \n
italic bold
", + "emphasis_conversion"), + + # Test ID: #5 - List conversion + ("- Item 1\n- Item 2", + "Line 1
\nLine 2
", "underline"), + + # Test ID: #2 - Demisto custom markdown strikethrough syntax. + ("~~strikethrough~~", "strikethrough