In Knative Eventing, you typically use Broker and Trigger to receive and filter messages. However, there are other simpler and more complex delivery models.
Let's take a look at the simple delivery scenario where an Event Source sends messages directly to a Service:
First, create the Knative Service that will be the target of our event.
Define service.yaml.
It's a Knative Service that simply logs out received messages.
Create the service:
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
Knative supports a number of Event Sources to read all sorts of events in Knative.
For this example, let's use Ping Source, an in-memory Event Source that fires events based on given cron schedule:
Define source.yaml:
It sends a message every minute to an event sink, which is a Knative Service in this case.
Create the source:
kubectl apply -f source.yaml
Check the running pods:
kubectl get pods
cronjobsource-source-3c465b71-4bbe-4611-a816-a73a75cf8681-66ps5 1/1 Running 0 2m54s
service-x25xg-deployment-55f957448-rtljx 2/2 Running 0 2m57s
Check the logs of the service. You should see messages from the CronJobSource:
kubectl logs service-x25xg-deployment-55f957448-rtljx -c user-container
info: event_display.Startup[0]
Event Display received event: {"message":"Hello world from cron!"}