- [COOK-2106] -
cannot find available packages
- [COOK-1803] - use better regexp to match package name
- [COOK-1926] - support Amazon linux
- [COOK-543] - php.ini template should be configurable
- [COOK-1067] - support for PECL zend extensions
- [COOK-1193] - update package names for EPEL 6
- [COOK-1348] - rescue Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed (chef 0.10.10)
- [COOK-1465] - fix pear extension template
- [COOK-993] Add mhash-devel to centos php source libs
- [COOK-989] - bump version of php to 5.3.10
- Also download the .tar.gz instead of .tar.bz2 as bzip2 may not be in the base OS (e.g., CentOS 6 minimal)