author: Melissa Monk date: October 2016 autosize: true
We'll walk through
How to get a copy of the repo
How to incorporate your assessment
Major sections of the document
Iserting tables
- via R code chunks and txt files
Inserting figures
- via r4SS output and image files
Literature cited
On GitHub, navigate to the StockAssessment_template repository
In the top right, click
. The repository is now forked to your account -
This will take you to the repository on your account. Click the green
Clone or download button
You can rename the repository if you'd like.
Navigate toe Settings in the top right of the repository page.
Click the little clipboard to copy the link (choose HTTPS or SSH depending on your account setup)
Now, open RStudio, File -> New Project -> Version Control -> Git
Copy the repo location in the Repository URL field.
Edit the "Project directory name" and "Create project as subdirectory of" as you wish
Click Create Project
All master changes will be made to Assessment_template. If there are update to Assessment_template, you should be able to pull those changes to your clone.
If you'd like to suggest a change, you can fork the Assessment_template and submit a pull request. HOWEVER, I'd like to hold off on this during the assessment cycle.
Feel free to submit an Issue on GitHub, and we'll likely get to them after the STAR panels.
left: 60% Each line is described in the ReadMe PDF
title: 'Status of Blue Rockfish (*Sebastes mystinus*) Along the U.S. Pacific Coast in x2015x' author: '' date: '' output: pdf_document: fig_caption: yes highlight: haddock includes: before_body: Titlepage.tex in_header: header.tex keep_tex: yes latex_engine: xelatex template: Default_template_modified.tex number_sections: yes toc: yes toc_depth: 4documentclass: article
fontsize: 12pt
geometry: margin=1in
csl: CJFAS.csl
bibliography: BibFile.bib
We're going to work in the Assessment template repo and loosely follow the ReadMe.pdf