7 December 2017 from 5:45pm @ Itty Bitty Apps (84 William Street, Melbourne) - Eventbrite Link
Let's go around the room, let everyone say hi.
- A focus on outreach; increasing new members attendance; making new members feel welcome; increased participation
- A new Hack Night
- Decentralise the management/leadership
Jesse to go over key vision points for 2018.
Discussion on 2018 vision on outreach and inclusion.
Discussion on 2018 vision on an improved Hack Night. Dot points exist in this gist.
Discussion on 2018 vision on sharing the load month to month. Break down of general responsibilities are in this gist.
A few small topics raised befhorehand
Ben Deckys to introduce the idea of a Diversity Committee for 2018.
Is there appetite for a Melbourne iOS centric conference in 2018? Is it possible?
Discuss whether or not this is a good idea.
Discuss potential opportunities for coordination/cross pollination with other meetups, including the Google Developer Group.
Discuss merits of a 'drinks night' event we can publish on Meetup along side other events.
Discuss introduction of a code of conduct. Similar in style to Sydney CocoaHeads.
Discuss some options for venues
Open the floor to unplanned discussions, feeback or input.
Quick outline of the details for 2018.
- Presentation Night - February through December. 2nd Thursday. Move back for WWDC if applicable.
- Hack Night - February through December.
- Drinks Night - (as per discussion above)
- NSBreakfast - First Friday - Matt D
Discuss status of venue for Presentation Night and venue for Hack Night.
Discuss financials and sponsorship opportunities for 2018.