- Upload the plugin files to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Go to your WooCommerce payment Gateway settings page and enable/configure the gateway
- First, ensure that Secure Acceptance Windows Mobile is enabled for your cybersource account
- Create a Profile Id: log into the CyberSource Business Center and go to Tools & Settings > Profiles > Create New Profile
- Generate an Access Key : log into the CyberSource Business Center and go to Tools & Settings > Profiles > Profile Name > Security > Create New Key > Give it a Name > Generate Key
- Generate a Secret Key: log into the CyberSource Business Center and go to Tools & Settings > Profiles > Profile Name > Security. The Secret Key is automatically generated from the previous step.
- Make sure to disable test/debug modes in the WooCommerce Settings page prior to accepting live transactions!
- Log into the CyberSource Business Center (Test: https://ebc2test.cybersource.com/ebc2/)/(Live: https://ebc2.cybersource.com/ebc2/)
- Go to Tools & Settings > Profiles > Profile Name > Payment Settings.
- Click 'Save' at the top\bottom of the page.
- Ensure that the supported Credit\Debit Cards are added to the Payment Method list that you selected in the WooCommerce plugin settings are also listed.
- Under 'Customer Response Pages' set the 'Hosted by you URL' to https://www.example.com/?wc-api=wc_gateway_cybersource_secure_acceptance_wm_response where www.example.com is the host name of your server
- Click 'Save' at the top\bottom of the page.
* Card Type/Number:
Visa 4000 0000 0000 0002
MasterCard 5555 5555 5555 4444
Maestro Int'l 6000 3400 0000 9859
American Express 378 2822 4631 0005
* Expiration Date: any date in the future
* Card Security Code: any 3 digits