Table of contents 👋 Introduction to Meem 💡 Why Build with Meem? ⚡ Quickstart 📣 Chat With Us! Nomenclature Ⓜ Meem Web App Introduction Developers Extensions Getting Started Extension File Structure Extension Setup Working with Community Agreements Configuring your Extension Extension Data Storage Submit Your Extension For Review Contributing to the Meem Website 📦 EPM Ethereum Package Manager Composable Contracts Contract Types EPM Walkthrough Creating a Contract Upgrade a Contract Customize Clubs Contract Bundles EIP-2535 Further Reading 🤓 Meem Developer Tools Javascript/Typescript SDK GraphQL API REST API Authentication Get Nonce Login Get API Key Users Get the Current User Update the Current User Remove a User Identity Refresh ENS Agreements & Roles Create an Agreement Reinitialize an Agreement Upgrade an Agreement Delete an Agreement Bulk Mint Agreement Tokens Create an Agreement Role Get Agreement Roles Bulk Mint Agreement Role Tokens Get an Agreement Role Reinitialize an Agreement Role Delete an Agreement Role EPM Create Contract Create Bundle Update Bundle Track Contract Un-track Contract Generate Types Miscellaneous Generate API Types API Models Reference Bundles Contracts Agreements Tokens AgreementWallets (Contract Roles) Wallets React SDK 📜 Meem Contracts Meem Protocol Meem Smart Contracts Meem Contract Features Splits / Royalties Token Limits Soul-bound Tokens Examples Meem Contract Versions Meem Contracts v1 Contract Reference Meem Diamond Proxy Admin Facet Access Control Facet Meem ERC-721 Facet Splits (Royalties) Facet Permissions Facet Contract Types Split Permission MeemType 📰 Community Publishing Webhooks