diff --git a/test/test_simple-usage.jl b/test/test_simple-usage.jl
index 14e7ac5..01f7876 100644
--- a/test/test_simple-usage.jl
+++ b/test/test_simple-usage.jl
@@ -264,4 +264,36 @@ end
             "foo" => "bar3",
+@testset "saving and loading an in memory zip file" begin
+    g = ZGroup()
+    data1 = rand(10,20)
+    g["testarray1"] = data1
+    attrs(g["testarray1"])["foo"] = "bar1"
+    data2 = rand(Int,20)
+    g["testarray2"] = data2
+    data3 = rand(UInt8,20)
+    g["testgroup1"] = ZGroup()
+    g["testgroup1"]["testarray1"] = data3
+    attrs(g["testgroup1/testarray1"])["foo"] = "bar3"
+    io = IOBuffer()
+    writer = SmallZarrGroups.ZarrZipWriter(io)
+    SmallZarrGroups.save_dir(writer, g)
+    SmallZarrGroups.closewriter(writer)
+    data = take!(io)
+    # data now contains the data of a zipfile
+    # it could be saved to disk, sent to another process, or loaded back as a ZGroup.
+    gload = SmallZarrGroups.load_dir(SmallZarrGroups.ZarrZipReader(data))
+    @test collect(gload["testarray1"]) == data1
+    @test attrs(gload["testarray1"]) == OrderedDict([
+        "foo" => "bar1",
+    ])
+    @test gload["testarray2"] == data2
+    @test attrs(gload["testarray2"]) == OrderedDict([])
+    @test attrs(gload) == OrderedDict([])
+    @test gload["testgroup1/testarray1"] == data3
+    @test attrs(gload["testgroup1/testarray1"]) == OrderedDict([
+        "foo" => "bar3",
+    ])
\ No newline at end of file