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File metadata and controls

285 lines (193 loc) · 9.69 KB

story-indexer choices

NOTE! This started as Phil's attempt to braindump design choices. It should not be taken as authoritative.


The original requirements for the project are documented at


  • Use and build open source tools, not proprietary ones
  • Can run anywhere (dedicated hardware or the cloud)
  • Use standard file formats (WARC file)
  • BUT, use available services (like sentry) to avoid excessive infrastructure


  • Visible statistics for monitoring
  • Alerts


  • Use queues not databases or files to represent system state
  • Avoid SQL databases in processing path

Reduce spin-up and ongoing costs

Reduce data maintenance needs

  • keep data in one place, not two or more

Split off different tasks to separate projects that could be owned by different organizations

Rahul: this was an original requirement, which hasn't worked out for social-technical reasons but definitely drove engineering architecture decisions.

Package choices


We decided on bare RabbitMQ because "streaming" frameworks like Kafka seemed to be a solution aimed at larger scale applications than story-indexer. Streaming systems seem to prefer that data always arrive chronologically, but side-loading and back-filling violate that assumption.


[PB: something here on choice of ES over Solr?]


"Hide mistakes behind abstractions, so they can be replaced if needed"

  • App class

    • Base class for command line programs, provides command line argument parsing, logging, statistics reporting abstraction.
    • Eliminates "boilerplate"
    • Mixins provide additional sets of common options/functionality.
  • Story class

    • Pipeline processes are unaware of the storage representation of stories.
  • Worker/Queuer classes

    • Pipeline process are unaware of how and where stories move.


When possible, choose a simple solition. If it's likely the choice will be revisited, see "Abstraction" above.

Data Safety

Three layers:

  1. ES Cluster

    Running a three node Elasticsearch cluster with a replica of every shard.

  2. Rotating indices

    Using ES Index Lifetime Management to close the currently active index every three months, so static/past processed data can be dumped and archived off-site.

  3. Story Archive Files

    After stories are indexed (found to be new/unique), they're packed into Web Archive (WARC) files, and archived off site. With the above index archives, at most the last three months of WARC files should be needed to restore all data.


Pipeline "Worker" processes are unaware of their position in a pipeline: They process input messages from a workername-in queue, and write to a workername-out exchange, and can be assembled in multiple configurations. "plumbs" the pipeline based on the --type argument.

The basic structure for the three current flavors of pipeline is:

queuer[1] -> fetcher -> parser -> importer -> archiver[2]

As shown in (system-diagram.pdf).


  1. With batch based fetching there is no queuer
  2. For archive processing pipelines, the archiver is not run (since archives already exist!) can create "fanouts" where a Worker's output is fed to more than one Worker's input queue. This could be used for any number of reasons: indexing in multiple search engines, temporary or permanent statistics gathering, piping stories to specific research projects for processing according to their needs.

Alternate pipelines could be used, for example:

hist-queuer -> hist-fetcher -> archiver

could be used to re-pack historical S3 objects into WARC files in new S3 bucket, for later transport/download and parsing.

arch-fetcher could be used to process WARC files if a research question required additional processing.

Write installation scripts!

Installation scripts are preferable to documentation!

Remember! There may be emergency circumstances (with little or no advance notice) that require the system to be set up at an alternate location. Hand installation/configuration should be avoided!!!


See ../docker/ for how to install the system, and to deploy the code. exists to automate the process of testing and deploying code WITHOUT hand tweaking. Hand tweaking makes it hard/impossible for another person to replicate your results!

Document your decisions

Whenever possible, put in comments that describe why a choice was made, or a particular number was used! The code will likely outlast your involvement with the project, or you may not remember the details two years, or even six months from now!

If you DO put a file in the doc directory, try to remember to update it when something changes!!!


Mediacloud was already using the dokku grafana-graphite-statsd docker image for the rss-fetcher, which while dated and hard to configure, is turn-key. The image uses statsd to aggregate data sent from multiple containers to a well-known DNS name. Stats are reported via App class methods and are intentionally abstract if replacement in warrented.

story-indexer uses the schema established by rss-fetcher (and the use of statsd as the collector):[.LABEL=VALUE....]


  • TYPE is counters, gauges or timers (forced by statsd)
  • REALM contains the deployment type (and optional pipeline) type, ie: prod, staging, hist-prod, devname in grafana the variable $realm can be used in dashboards to allow multiple stacks to be monitored.
  • PROJECT: story-indexer
  • PROGRAM is the name passed to the App (sub)class
  • NAME is the statistic name (can be dotted)
  • LABEL=VALUE is used when a group of sub-stats sum meaningfully and want to be displayed together

Data types

The following stats datatypes are available:

  • counters
    • sum events across multiple container instances for each reporting period
    • reported/stored incrementally (sums over a period can be queried)
    • almost always monotonically increasing (like an odometer)
    • statsd reports raw count for period, or rate scaled to events/second
    • ideally should be a plural noun for the event, ie; "stories". Sub-conditions should be reported with a status label.
  • gauges
    • used for things that go up and down (like a thermometer): containers, queue levels
    • only a single (last) report for current reporting period saved
  • timers
    • aggregate statistics for multiple reports per period
    • for time data, canonically reported in floating point milliseconds
    • can be used for any multi-value data
    • statsd reports a LARGE number of aggregates (upper, lower, mean) on all data or on particular percentiles

Stock stats

All Apps report a timer for "main_loop". This enables monitoring of processing time, and frequent restarts.

All queue-based apps report a sent-msgs counter with label name dest and labels appname-{delay,out,quar}.

Everything that handles Story objects has a stories counter, that can be incremented by calling StoryMixin.incr_stories(status, story_url)

incr_stories should be called EXACTLY ONCE per story.

  • multiple calls will cause overcounts
  • provides tracing of a story through the log files!!!

Error conditions are as/more important as success, and can help localize problems when something goes wrong!!!

If there is need to report some additional orthogonal condition, you may need to add another counter (or replace "success" with several different conditions).

StoryApp also provides methods to enforce important conditions which may occur at different points in pipeline processing (depending on Story origin):

  • check_story_length
  • check_story_url

Both call incr_stories and return False when a story should be discarded.


Some programs run in every stack that report server/stack stats:

  • elastic-stats reports data from http:server:9200/_stats/
  • rabbitmq-stats reports:
    • queue stats: acked, ready, delivered, memory usage, published, redelivered, unacked
    • node stats: fds, memory usage, open sockets
  • docker-stats reports: services running, desired, completed

All of the above report data only once a minute, to avoid excessive overhead.

timer aggregate stats

The following are reported for each timer:

  • count
  • count_{50,75,90,95,98,99,99_9,99_99,99_999,ps}
  • lower
  • mean
  • mean_{50,75,90,95,98,99,99_9,99_99,99_999}
  • median
  • std
  • sum
  • sum_{50,75,90,95,98,99,99_9,99_99,99_999}
  • sum_squares
  • sum_squares_{50,75,90,95,98,99,99_9,99_99,99_999}
  • upper
  • upper_{50,75,90,95,98,99,99_9,99_99,99_999}

too many stats

It's easy to report more stats than will ever be examined (although this project has not fallen into that hole, yet).

Each series (One week of data at 10-second granularity) takes 709K of storage. Since two series are reported for each counter, they take 1410K, and since 54(!!) series are reported for each timer, they take 38M.

Where the bodies are buried

Stats data ends up on tarbell in /space/dokku/services/grafana-graphite-statsd/ObscureStatsServiceName/data/whisper (the dokku service has name ObscureStatsServiceName so that the name "stats" can be associated with a proxy that speaks https).

Each series ends up in a .wsp file, and can be removed, HOWEVER, if the series has been reported since the grafana container started, it will be re-reported by statsd. So to eliminate a stat you first need to restart statsd on tarbell:

docker exec dokku.graphite.ObscureStatsServiceName supervisorctl restart statsd

Then you can remove the old files without having them reappear, this will however cause a discontinuity in some graphs (that will be gone in a week).