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237 lines (194 loc) · 8.43 KB

File metadata and controls

237 lines (194 loc) · 8.43 KB

Version 2.0-dev

The library has been tested using Agda 2.6.2.


  • A golden testing library in Test.Golden. This allows you to run a set of tests and make sure their output matches an expected golden' value. The test runner has many options: filtering tests by name, dumping the list of failures to a file, timing the runs, coloured output, etc. Cf. the comments in Test.Goldenand the standard library's own tests intests/` for documentation on how to use the library.


  • In System.Exit, the ExitFailure constructor is now carrying an integer rather than a natural. The previous binding was incorrectly assuming that all exit codes where non-negative.

Non-backwards compatible changes

  • In Algebra.Morphism.Structures, IsNearSemiringHomomorphism, IsSemiringHomomorphism, and IsRingHomomorphism have been redeisgned to build up from IsMonoidHomomorphism, IsNearSemiringHomomorphism, and IsSemiringHomomorphism respectively, adding a single property at each step. This means that they no longer need to have two separate proofs of IsRelHomomorphism. Similarly, IsLatticeHomomorphism is now built as IsRelHomomorphism along with proofs that _∧_ and _∨_ are homorphic.

    Also, ⁻¹-homo in IsRingHomomorphism has been renamed to -‿homo.

  • In Text.Pretty, Doc is now a record rather than a type alias. This helps Agda reconstruct the width parameter when the module is opened without it being applied. In particular this allows users to write width-generic pretty printers and only pick a width when calling the renderer by using this import style:

    open import Text.Pretty using (Doc; render)
    --                      ^-- no width parameter for Doc & render
    open module Pretty {w} = Text.Pretty w hiding (Doc; render)
    --                 ^-- implicit width parameter for the combinators
    pretty : Doc w
    pretty = ? -- you can use the combinators here and there won't be any
               -- issues related to the fact that `w` cannot be reconstructed
               -- anymore
    main = do
      -- you can now use the same pretty with different widths:
      putStrLn $ render 40 pretty
      putStrLn $ render 80 pretty
  • In Text.Regex.Search the searchND function finding infix matches has been tweaked to make sure the returned solution is a local maximum in terms of length. It used to be that we would make the match start as late as possible and finish as early as possible. It's now the reverse.

    So [a-zA-Z]+.agdai? run on "the path _build/Main.agdai corresponds to" will return "Main.agdai" when it used to be happy to just return "n.agda".

Strict functions

  • The module Strict has been deprecated in favour of Function.Strict and the definitions of strict application, _$!_ and _$!′_, have been moved from Function.Base to Function.Strict.

  • The contents of Function.Strict is now re-exported by Function.


  • The constructors +0 and +[1+_] from Data.Integer.Base are no longer exported by Data.Rational.Base. You will have to open Data.Integer(.Base) directly to use them.

Deprecated modules

Deprecated names

New modules

  • Identity morphisms and composition of morphisms between algebraic structures:

  • Show module for unnormalised rationals:

  • Properties of bijections:

  • Various system types and primitives:

  • A golden testing library with test pools, an options parser, a runner:


Other minor additions

  • Added new definitions to Algebra.Bundles:

    record UnitalMagma c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ))
    record Quasigroup  c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ))

    and the existing record Lattice now provides

    ∨-commutativeSemigroup : CommutativeSemigroup c ℓ
    ∧-commutativeSemigroup : CommutativeSemigroup c ℓ

    and their corresponding algebraic subbundles.

  • Added new functions to Algebra.Construct.DirectProduct:

    rawSemiring : RawSemiring a ℓ₁  RawSemiring b ℓ₂  RawSemiring (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
    rawRing : RawRing a ℓ₁  RawRing b ℓ₂  RawRing (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
    semiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero : SemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero a ℓ₁ 
                                      SemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero b ℓ₂ 
                                      SemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
    semiring : Semiring a ℓ₁  Semiring b ℓ₂  Semiring (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
    commutativeSemiring : CommutativeSemiring a ℓ₁  CommutativeSemiring b ℓ₂ 
                          CommutativeSemiring (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
    ring : Ring a ℓ₁  Ring b ℓ₂  Ring (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
    commutativeRing : CommutativeRing a ℓ₁  CommutativeRing b ℓ₂ 
                      CommutativeRing (a ⊔ b) (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)
* Added new definitions to `Algebra.Structures`:
 record IsUnitalMagma (_∙_ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ)
 record IsQuasigroup  (_∙_ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) (_⁻¹ : Op₁ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ)

and the existing record IsLattice now provides

∨-isCommutativeSemigroup : IsCommutativeSemigroup ∨
∧-isCommutativeSemigroup : IsCommutativeSemigroup ∧

and their corresponding algebraic substructures.

  • Added new definitions and proofs in Data.Rational.Properties:

    +-*-rawNearSemiring : RawNearSemiring 0ℓ 0ℓ
    +-*-rawSemiring : RawSemiring 0ℓ 0ℓ
    toℚᵘ-isNearSemiringHomomorphism-+-* : IsNearSemiringHomomorphism +-*-rawNearSemiring ℚᵘ.+-*-rawNearSemiring toℚᵘ
    toℚᵘ-isNearSemiringMonomorphism-+-* : IsNearSemiringMonomorphism +-*-rawNearSemiring ℚᵘ.+-*-rawNearSemiring toℚᵘ
    toℚᵘ-isSemiringHomomorphism-+-* : IsSemiringHomomorphism +-*-rawSemiring ℚᵘ.+-*-rawSemiring toℚᵘ
    toℚᵘ-isSemiringMonomorphism-+-* : IsSemiringMonomorphism +-*-rawSemiring ℚᵘ.+-*-rawSemiring toℚᵘ
  • Added new definitions in Data.Rational.Unnormalised.Properties:

    +-*-rawNearSemiring : RawNearSemiring 0ℓ 0ℓ
    +-*-rawSemiring : RawSemiring 0ℓ 0ℓ
  • Added new proof to Data.Product.Properties:

    map-cong : f ≗ g  h ≗ i  map f h ≗ map g i
  • Added new proofs in Data.String.Properties:

    ≤-isDecTotalOrder-≈ : IsDecTotalOrder _≈_ _≤_
    ≤-decTotalOrder-≈   :  DecTotalOrder _ _ _
  • Added new proofs in Function.Construct.Symmetry:

    bijective     : Bijective ≈₁ ≈₂ f → Symmetric ≈₂ → Transitive ≈₂ → Congruent ≈₁ ≈₂ f → Bijective ≈₂ ≈₁ f⁻¹
    isBijection   : IsBijection ≈₁ ≈₂ f → Congruent ≈₂ ≈₁ f⁻¹ → IsBijection ≈₂ ≈₁ f⁻¹
    isBijection-≡ : IsBijection ≈₁ _≡_ f → IsBijection _≡_ ≈₁ f⁻¹
    bijection     : Bijection R S → Congruent IB.Eq₂._≈_ IB.Eq₁._≈_ f⁻¹ → Bijection S R
    bijection-≡   : Bijection R (setoid B) → Bijection (setoid B) R
    sym-⤖        : A ⤖ B → B ⤖ A
  • Added new operations in Function.Strict:

    _!|>_  : (a : A) → (∀ a → B a) → B a
    _!|>′_ : A → (A → B) → B
  • Added new operations in IO:

    Colist.forM  : Colist A → (A → IO B) → IO (Colist B)
    Colist.forM′ : Colist A → (A → IO B) → IO ⊤
    List.forM  : List A → (A → IO B) → IO (List B)
    List.forM′ : List A → (A → IO B) → IO ⊤
  • Added new operations in IO.Base:

    lift! : IO A → IO (Lift b A)
    _<$_  : B → IO A → IO B
    _=<<_ : (A → IO B) → IO A → IO B
    _<<_  : IO B → IO A → IO B
    lift′ : Prim.IO ⊤ → IO {a} ⊤
    when   : Bool → IO {a} ⊤ → IO ⊤
    unless : Bool → IO {a} ⊤ → IO ⊤
    whenJust  : Maybe A → (A → IO {a} ⊤) → IO ⊤
    untilJust : IO (Maybe A) → IO A
  • Added new operations in System.Exit:

    isSuccess : ExitCode → Bool
    isFailure : ExitCode → Bool