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  • In practice. Use adjacency-lists representation.
    • Algorithms based on iterating over vertices pointing from v.
    • Real-world digraphs tend to be sparse.

4.1 Undirected Graphs

  • Maze graph
    • Trémaux maze exploration
      • Unroll a ball of string

Depth-first search

  • Typical applications
    • Find all vertices connected to a given source vertex
    • Find a path between two vertices
  • Goal. Find all vertices connected to s (and a corresponding path).
pseudo cod
To visit a vertex v :
    - Mark vertex v as visited.
    - Recursively visit all unmarked vertices adjacent to v.
  • Data structures
    • boolean[] marked to mark visited vertices
    • int[] edgeTo to keep tree of paths
      • (edgeTo[w] == v) means that edge v-w taken to visit w for first time
// it is actually the `explore` method
// it explores node in a connected components
private void dfs(Graph G, int v)
    marked[v] = true;
    for (int w : G.adj(v))
        if (!marked[w])
            dfs(G, w);
            edgeTo[w] = v;

  • Proposition
    • DFS marks all vertices connected to s in time proportional to the sum of their degrees.
    • After DFS, can find vertices connected to s in constant time and can find a path to s (if one exists) in time proportional to its length.
pubilc boolean hasPathTo(int v)
    return marked[v];  
public Iterable<Integer> pathTo(int v)
    if (!hasPathTo(v)) return null;
    Stack<Integer> path = new Stack<Integer>();
    // find path node excludes source node
    for (int x = v; x != s; x = edgeTo[x])
    // add the source node to complete the path
    return path;

Breadth-first search

// pseudo code
BFS (from source vertex s)
Put s onto a FIFO queue, and mark s as visited.
Repeat until the queue is empty:
    remove the least recently added vertex v
    add each of v's unvisited neighbors to the queue
    and mark them as visited
  • replace queue with stack ,and this algorithm can work as DFS.

  • Proposition

    • BFS computes shortest paths (fewest number of edges) from s to all other vertices in a graph in time proportional to E + V.

private void bfs(Graph G, int s)
    Queue<Integer> q = new Queue<Integer>();
    marked[s] = true;
    while (!q.isEmpty())
        int v = q.dequeue();
        for (int w : G.adj(v))
            if (!marked[w])
                marked[w] = true;
                edgeTo[w] = v;
        } // end for
    } // end while
} // end bfs

BFS,DFS的应用,一般只会访问一个节点一次; Astar这类graph search算法往往需要多次访问同一个节点

connected components

  • GOAL: Preprocess graph to answer queries of the form is v connected to w? in constant time.
    • Union-Find? Not quite.
    • Depth-first search. Yes.
  • Goal: Partition vertices into connected components.
// pseudo code
Connected components

initialize all vertices v as unmarked.
For each unmarked vertex v, run DFS to identify all
vertices discovered as part of the same component.
private boolean[] marked;
// id[v] = (index or ID of component)
private int[] id; 
// record component index
private int count; 

public CC(Graph G) {
    marked = new boolean[G.V()];
    id = new int[G.V()];
    for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++) {
        if (!marked[v])
            // run DFS from one vertex
            // in each component
            dfs(G, v);
        } // end if
    } // end for
} // end CC

private void dfs(Graph G, int v)
    marked[v] = true;
    // all vertices discovered in same 
    // call of dfs have same id
    id[v] = count ;
    for (int w : G.adj(v))
        if (!marked[w])
            dfs(G, w);


Graph-processing challenge 1

  • Problem: Is a graph bipartite?
    • what bipartite means is you can divide the vertices into 2 subsets with the property that every edge connect a vertex in one subset to a vertex in another.
    • in this caes , we can colorize 0,3,4 in red , so that each edge will connect a red vertex and a white vertex.
  • simple DFS-based solution

Graph-processing challenge 2

  • Problem. Find a cycle.
    • does the graph exist a cycle ?
  • simple DFS-based solution
  • mark visited later, when exporing a node, mark it as visiting and mark it visited only when the sub-exploring done.
    • if we encouter a vertex that is in visiting, that is , I want to mark it as visiting but it already have been , which means that we found a circle?

Graph-processing challenge 3

  • Problem. Find a (general) cycle that uses every edge exactly once.
  • Bridges of Königsberg (柯尼斯堡七桥问题)
    • Euler tour: Is there a (general) cycle that uses each edge exactly once?
    • Euler's theorem
      • 欧拉路径(Euler path): 路径包括每个边恰好一次
        • the number of odd degree vertices , equals 0 or 2.
      • 欧拉回路(Euler circuit): 回路是欧拉路径
        • A connected graph is Eulerian iff all vertices have even degree.
      • 如果连通无向图 G 有 2k 个奇顶点,那么它可以用 k 笔画成,并且至少要用 k 笔画成

Graph-processing challenge 4

  • Problem. Find a cycle that visits every vertex exactly once.
    • traveling salesperson has to get to every city and wants to just go there once.
  • Intractable
    • Hamiltonian cycle (classical NP-complete problem)

Graph-processing challenge 5

  • Problem. Are two graphs identical except for vertex names?
    • Graph Isomorphism
  • Nobody knows even how to classify this problem .
    • graph isomorphism is longstanding open problem

Graph-processing challenge 6

  • Problem. Lay out a graph in the plane without crossing edges?
  • Hire an expert.
    • linear-time DFS-based planarity algorithm discovered by Tarjan in 1970s
    • too complicated for most practitioners


Diameter and center of a tree

  • Given a connected graph with no cycles
  • Diameter: design a linear-time algorithm to find the longest simple path in the graph.
    • to compute the diameter, pick a vertex s; run BFS from s; then run BFS again from the vertex that is furthest from s.
  • Center: design a linear-time algorithm to find a vertex such that its maximum distance from any other vertex is minimized.
    • consider vertices on the longest path.

Euler cycle.

  • Design a linear-time algorithm to determine whether a graph has an Euler cycle, and if so, find one.
  • use depth-first search and piece together the cycles you discover.

4.2 Directed Graphs

  • Some digraph problems
    • Path. Is there a directed path from s to t ?
    • Shortest path. What is the shortest directed path from s to t ?
    • Topological sort. Can you draw a digraph so that all edges point upwards?
    • Strong connectivity. Is there a directed path between all pairs of vertices?
    • Transitive closure. For which vertices v and w is there a path from v to w ?
    • PageRank. What is the importance of a web page?

digraph search

  • Reachability
    • Problem. Find all vertices reachable from s along a directed path

Depth-first search in digraphs

  • Depth-first search in digraphs
    • Same method as for undirected graphs.
      • Every undirected graph is a digraph (with edges in both directions).
      • DFS is a digraph algorithm.
  • Reachability application: program control-flow analysis
    • Every program is a digraph.
      • Vertex = basic block of instructions (straight-line program).
      • Edge = jump.
    • Dead-code elimination.
      • Find (and remove) unreachable code.
      • Infinite-loop detection.
  • Reachability application: mark-sweep garbage collector
    • Every data structure is a digraph.
      • Vertex = object.
      • Edge = reference.
    • Roots. Objects known to be directly accessible by program (e.g., stack).
    • Reachable objects. Objects indirectly accessible by program (starting at a root and following a chain of pointers). -

Depth-first search in digraphs summary

  • DFS enables direct solution of simple digraph problems.
    • Reachability
    • Path finding
    • Topological sort
    • Directed cycle detection
  • Basis for solving difficult digraph problems
    • 2-satisfiability
    • Directed Euler path
    • Strongly-connected components

Breadth-first search in digraphs

  • Same method as for undirected graphs.
    • Every undirected graph is a digraph (with edges in both directions).
    • BFS is a digraph algorithm.
  • Proposition
    • BFS computes shortest paths (fewest number of edges) from s to all other vertices in a digraph in time proportional to E + V.
  • Multiple-source shortest paths
    • Given a digraph and a set of source vertices, find shortest path from any vertex in the set to other vertex.
    • Q. How to implement multi-source shortest paths algorithm?
      • A. Use BFS, but initialize by enqueuing all source vertices.
  • Breadth-first search in digraphs application: web crawler
    • Goal. Crawl web, starting from some root web page, say
    • Solution. [BFS with implicit digraph]
      • Choose root web page as source s.
      • Maintain a Queue of websites to explore
      • Maintain a SET of discovered websites
      • Dequeue the next website and enqueue websites to which it links (provided you haven't done so before).
    • Q. Why not use DFS?
      • A. One reason is you're gonna go far away in your search for the web.

Topological Sort

Precedence scheduling

  • Goal. Given a set of tasks to be completed with precedence constraints, in which order should we schedule the tasks?
  • Digraph model
    • vertex = task
    • edge = precedence constraint
  • example

Topological sort

  • DAG. Directed acyclic graph.
  • Topological sort. Redraw DAG so all edges point upwards.
  • Solution. DFS.
    • What else solutions ? might be hard to find a different way

    • just run DFS

    • but there's a particular point at which we want to take the vertices out to get the roder , and

      • what we do is when we do the DFS, when we're done with the vertex ( done means that vertex has no out-degree ), we put it on a stack or put it out.
        • 有 out-degree ,但是连接的 vertex 已经访问过,也算 done
        • then trace back to vertex 1
    • that's called reverse DFS postorder.

public class DepthFirstOrder {
    private boolean[] marked;
    private Stack<Integer> reversePost; // 1

    public DepthFirstOrder(Digraph G) {
        reversePost = new Stack<Integer>(); //2
        marked = new boolean[G.V()];
        for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++)
            if (!marked[v]) explore(G, v);

    private void explore(Digraph G, int v) {
        marked[v] = true;
        for (int w : G.adj(v))
            if (!marked[w]) explore(G, w);
        reversePost.push(v);  // 3

    // 4      
    public Iterable<Integer> reversePost() {  
        ArrayList<Integer> l = new ArrayList<Integer>() ;
        while ( reversePost.size()>0 ) {
            l.add(  reversePost.pop()  ) ;   
        return l ;
  • Proposition. Reverse DFS postorder of a DAG is a topological order.
  • Running Time : O(m+n)

Directed cycle detection

  • Proposition. A digraph has a topological order iff no directed cycle.
  • Pf.
    • If directed cycle, topological order impossible.
    • If no directed cycle, DFS-based algorithm finds a topological order.
  • Goal. Given a digraph, find a directed cycle.
  • Solution. DFS. What else? See textbook.
  • Directed cycle detection application: precedence scheduling
    • Scheduling. Given a set of tasks to be completed with precedence constraints, in what order should we schedule the tasks?
    • Remark. A directed cycle implies scheduling problem is infeasible.
  • Directed cycle detection application: cyclic inheritance
    • The Java compiler does cycle detection.

strong components

Strongly-connected components

  • Def. Vertices v and w are strongly connected if there is both a directed path from v to w and a directed path from w to v.
  • Key property. Strong connectivity is an equivalence relation:
    • v is strongly connected to v
    • If v is strongly connected to w, then w is strongly connected to v.
    • If v is strongly connected to w and w to x, then v is strongly connected to x.
  • Def. A strong component is a maximal subset of strongly-connected vertices.
  • 强连通图必然有环
    • so if a graph has no directed cycle, the number of SCC must equal to the number of vertices
  • Strong component application: software modules
    • Vertex = software module.
    • Edge: from module to dependency.
    • Strong component. Subset of mutually interacting modules.
    • Approach 1. Package strong components together.
    • Approach 2. Use to improve design!

  • 如上图,如果我们从 最右侧的SCC 中的任意一个 node开始查找, DFS可以找到这3个nodes 组成的SCC; 但是 如果最下面的 node开始查找, DFS会找到下方和右方两个SCC的集合; 如果我们直接从最左边的 node 开始查找,则DFS会找到整个graph.
  • 可以看到,从不同的node开始DFS, 会得到不同的结果. 所以,在应用DFS之前,我们需要一步预处理: 我们需要一个正确的 node 访问顺序。

Kosaraju-Sharir algorithm: intuition

  • Reverse graph. Strong components in G are same as in Gᴿ.
    • 转置图(同图中的每边的方向相反)具有和原图完全一样的强连通分量
  • Kernel DAG. Shrink each strong component into a single vertex.
  • Idea.
    • Compute topological order (reverse postorder) in kernel DAG. (how to ?)
    • Run DFS, considering vertices in reverse topological order.

kernel DAG of G (in reverse topological order)

Kosaraju-Sharir algorithm

  • Phase 1. run DFS on Gᴿ to compute reverse postorder .
    • 确定 phase 2 DFS 的vertex 访问顺序
  • Phase 2. run DFS on G, considering vertices in order given by first DFS
    • 注意,这里我们恢复到 原图G了,我们在 原图G上执行DFS
    • it is really same as to compute CC.
private boolean[] marked;
// id[v] = (index or ID of component)
private int[] id; 
// record component index
private int count; 

public SCC(Digraph G) {
    marked = new boolean[G.V()];
    id = new int[G.V()];
    // +
    DepthFirstOrder dfs = new DepthFirstOrder(G.reverse());
    // m 
    for (int v : dfs.reversePost())
    //for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++) 
        if (!marked[v])
            // run DFS from one vertex
            // in each component
            dfs(G, v);
        } // end if
    } // end for
} // end CC

private void dfs(Digraph G, int v)
    marked[v] = true;
    // all vertices discovered in same 
    // call of dfs have same id
    id[v] = count ;
    for (int w : G.adj(v))
        if (!marked[w])
            dfs(G, w);
  • Compare to compute CC , there is only 2 lines different.
  • PS. The DFS in the 1st phase ( to compute reverse postorder ) is crucial; in the 2nd phase , any algorithm that marks the set of vertices reachable from a given vertex will do. Since Strong components in G are same as in Gᴿ , you also can run DFS on Gᴿ then run DFS on G which will get the same result.

  • Simple (but mysterious) algorithm for computing strong components.
  • Proposition. Kosaraju-Sharir algorithm computes the strong components of a digraph in time proportional to E + V.
  • Pf.
    • Running time: bottleneck is running DFS twice (and computing Gᴿ).
    • Implementation: easy!

Digraph-processing summary: algorithms of the day

problem algorithm
single-source reachability in a digraph DFS
topological sort in a DAG DFS
strong components in a digraph Kosaraju-Sharir DFS (twice)

Digraph question

  • Shortest directed cycle
    • Given a digraph G, design an efficient algorithm to find a directed cycle with the minimum number of edges.
      • The running time of your algorithm should be at most proportional to V(E+V) and use space proportional to E+V,
    • A: run BFS from each vertex.
  • Hamiltonian path in a DAG
    • Given a directed acyclic graph, design a linear-time algorithm to determine whether it has a Hamiltonian path (a simple path that visits every vertex), and if so, find one.
    • A: topological sort ( DAG 经过一个vertex 就回不去了 )
  • Reachable vertex
    • DAG: Design a linear-time algorithm to determine whether a DAG has a vertex that is reachable from every other vertex, and if so, find one.
      • A: compute the outdegree of each vertex.
    • Digraph: Design a linear-time algorithm to determine whether a digraph has a vertex that is reachable from every other vertex, and if so, find one.
      • A: compute the strong components and look at the kernel DAG . Then it leads to the previous DAG problem.