PHP implementation for retrieving ISO3166-1 and ISO3166-2 country codes and data. These codes are the standard for defining countries, dependent territories, special areas of geographical interest, and their prinicpal subdivisions.
Country data provided is taken from ISO3166-Library.
$ composer require mjdymalla/iso3166-php
The data supports over 150 different locales. Although, it is worth noting that at country level (iso3166-1) 'en' (english) as a locale is supported but at subdivision level (iso3166-2) to avoid ambiguity on whether a subdivisions name is in english or infact the native country's latin equivalent 'mul_Latn' (multi-latin) should be used instead.
All methods accept an array of locales which is used to fallback on, i.e. if provided locales are ['it', 'en'] translations in 'it' will be prioritized, if a translation is not found then it will fallback to 'en'.
use MJDymalla\PHP\CountryData;
$countryData = new CountryData();
$data = $countryData->getCountryNames(['en']);
[AU] => 'Australia'
$data = $countryData->getCountries(['en']);
[AU] => Array
[alpha_2] => AU
[alpha_3] => AUS
[numeric] => 036
[name] => Australia
$data = $countryData->getSubDivisionNames('US', ['mul_Latn']);
[US-CA] => 'California',
[US-CO] => 'Colorado',
[US-CT] => 'Connecticut'
$data = $countryData->getSubDivisions('US', ['ja']);
[US-CA] => Array
[code] => US-CA
[type] => State
[name] => カリフォルニア
[US-CO] => Array
[code] => US-CO
[type] => State
[name] => コロラド