0.0.102 (2020-05-04)
0.0.101 (2020-05-04)
0.0.100 (2020-04-06)
- pointer-event: when combining the 'pointer-event' feature with the 'shadow-dom' feature, 'shadow-dom' must always be included first, given that both mutate EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener (00772bc)
0.0.99 (2020-04-06)
- update ScopingShim when requesting web-components with the 'experimental' flagC (d254f70)
0.0.98 (2020-03-06)
0.0.97 (2020-03-04)
0.0.96 (2020-03-04)
- css.focus-visible: add support for the :focus-visible pseudo-class (cac6e5a)
0.0.95 (2020-03-04)
- update relative paths for some polyfills (d1e09a1)
0.0.94 (2020-03-04)
- es.map: add support for the Stage-2 proposal Map.prototype.upsert (2315311)
- es.promise: add support for the Stage-3 proposal Promise.any (d8ce542)
0.0.93 (2019-10-01)
0.0.92 (2019-09-25)
0.0.86 (2019-09-09)
0.0.85 (2019-07-18)
0.0.83 (2019-05-08)
- logging: adds referrer logging (77cbce8)
0.0.82 (2019-04-11)
0.0.81 (2019-04-06)
0.0.80 (2019-04-06)
- polyfill: adds a 'proto' polyfill that adds support for 'proto' on IE <11 (41ba4c2)
0.0.79 (2019-04-06)
- bug: fixes a bug that would lead to crashes when requesting global-this (a24d038)
0.0.78 (2019-04-02)
- bug: stops auto-applying zone patches for ShadyDOM when requesting both Zone and shadow-dom since this may lead to issues in IE11 (fb6c5cf)
0.0.77 (2019-04-01)
0.0.76 (2019-04-01)
- shadow-dom: adds a 'experimental' option to the shadow-dom polyfill which may reduce bugs in older browsers such as IE and Edge <=15 (fb1a8f9)
0.0.75 (2019-03-28)
- bug: fixes an issue where polyfills with es2015 block scoping would cause issues in older browers (4efd9dd)
- zone: added ResizeObserver patch for Zone (1cdcbb5)
- zone.js: adds additional configuration options for Zone.js (315b0c1)
0.0.74 (2019-03-27)
- resize-observer: Changes ResizeObserver polyfill implementation since the current one causes significant performance issues in some browsers (aa5ffd8)
0.0.73 (2019-03-17)
- zone: fixes an issue where zone would break polyfill bundles for web workers/service workers (22b45c5)
0.0.72 (2019-03-12)
- feature detection: adds feature detections for newer features such as Intl.ListFormat, String.prototype.matchAll, and Constructable Stylesheets/DocumentOrShadowRoot.adoptedStyleSheets (c14c118)
0.0.71 (2019-03-12)
- intl: fixes intl polyfills (3e3a553)
0.0.70 (2019-03-12)
- safari: fixes Intl issue (adede93)
0.0.69 (2019-03-12)
- safari: fixes Intl issue (030ea4b)
0.0.68 (2019-03-12)
- safari: fixes Intl issue (590bcfc)
0.0.67 (2019-03-11)
- safari: fixes Intl issue in Safari with PluralRules (e278c75)
0.0.66 (2019-03-07)
- hosting: fixes a bug with resolving file paths in Docker environments (e13be77)
0.0.65 (2019-03-07)
- hosting: fixes a bug in Docker environments (bcf6028)
0.0.64 (2019-03-05)
- hosting: fixes some issues with self-hosting when dependencies are hoisted (d4958fd)
0.0.63 (2019-03-01)
- custom-elements: adds MutationObserver as dependency of the custom-elements polyfill (3716111)
0.0.62 (2019-02-16)
- polyfill: Adds polyfill for Constructable StyleSheets (b9f9989)
0.0.61 (2019-02-07)
- polyfill: fixes a caching issue (964449f)
- polyfill: updated supported contexts for requestIdleCallback (5261d13)
0.0.60 (2019-02-07)
- contexts: adds support for passing a context of either 'window', 'worker', or 'node' as a query parameter (5266c25), closes #2
- polyfill: adds missing ESNext map methods: 'Map.#every, 'Map.#find', 'Map.#find-key', 'Map.#includes', 'Map.#key-of', 'Map.#reduce', Map.'#some', and 'Map.#update' (1307877)
- polyfill: adds support for 'globalThis' (ffb3e0d)
0.0.59 (2019-02-04)
0.0.58 (2019-02-04)
- intl: fixes an issue where Intl.PluralRules would not be polyfilled. (72db7d3)
0.0.57 (2019-01-28)
- edge: Bumps dependencies to fix an issue where Edge 16 could report as Edge 18 under some circumstances (417a3b9)
0.0.56 (2019-01-28)
- edge: Bumps dependencies to fix an issue where Edge 16 could report as Edge 18 under some circumstances (aaa2ca6)
0.0.55 (2019-01-24)
- safari: fixes an issue where intersection-observer and web-animations would not apply to Safari v12 (not TP) (3cd66d0)
0.0.54 (2019-01-24)
- polyfill: made 'animation' an alias for the polyfill 'web-animations' (7fa03e9)
0.0.53 (2019-01-24)
- dependencies: updated Zone.js version to 0.8.29 (28a1228)
- project: adds Prettier, better release pipeline (17a6ce2)
- project: updated deploy scripts (a6c6cf4)
- project: updated test scripts (7bd9e17)
- contributing: adds Prettier formatting to the project (edc62e6)
- polyfill: es.set.is-disjoint-with has been renamed to es.set.is-disjoint-from to align with the current spec proposal (0dfb26e)
0.0.52 (2019-01-18)
0.0.51 (2019-01-18)
- server: fixes issue where OPTIONS requests would return METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED (3d6f950)
0.0.50 (2019-01-18)
- server: fixes issue where OPTIONS requests would return METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED (0ebc4ef)
- polyfill: adds support for the proposed new Set methods: Set.prototype.isDisjointWith, Set.prototype.isSubsetOf, and Set.prototype.isSupersetOf (90e98d2)
0.0.49 (2019-01-15)
- polyfill: adds polyfill for Intl.ListFormat (1dce148)
0.0.48 (2019-01-14)
- core: adds support for Intl.RelativeTimeFormat (749bef9)
- polyfill: Adds support for the scroll-behavior CSS property and extensions to the Element interface via the polyfill name: 'scroll-behavior' (f5a8957)
0.0.47 (2019-01-02)
- chore: adds feature detections for Object.fromEntries and Symbol.description, both of which have shipped in some browsers now (04205ab)
0.0.46 (2018-12-19)
0.0.45 (2018-12-06)
0.0.44 (2018-12-06)
0.0.43 (2018-11-14)
0.0.42 (2018-11-14)
0.0.41 (2018-11-14)
0.0.40 (2018-10-31)
0.0.39 (2018-10-31)
0.0.38 (2018-10-30)
- chore: Bumped dependencies (dec27c9)
0.0.37 (2018-10-28)
0.0.36 (2018-10-24)
0.0.35 (2018-10-18)
- a new header, 'x-applied-polyfills' (50b8010)
0.0.34 (2018-10-18)
0.0.33 (2018-10-18)
- chore: SystemJS depends on Promise and fetch (for package maps) (9ff236c)
0.0.32 (2018-10-18)
- SystemJS: adds support for SystemJS 2.0 (50ce832)
0.0.31 (2018-10-08)
- Added polyfill support for ResizeObserver (2a6b549)
- Added polyfill support for setImmediate (92ab7eb)
0.0.30 (2018-09-24)
0.0.29 (2018-09-24)
0.0.28 (2018-09-20)
- Added support for 'requestidlecallback' (f8df4bb)