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File metadata and controls

291 lines (228 loc) · 11 KB

Helm charts


  • HDFS High Availability (HA) via Quorum Journal Manager. Allows automatic failover of the active HDFS NameNode to another standby NameNode in case of failures.

  • Hadoop secure mode via Kerberos.

  • K8s persistent volumes (PVs) for metadata: NameNodes use PVs for storage, so that file system metadata are not lost even if both NameNode daemons are restarted.

  • K8s hostPath volumes for file data: DataNodes store file data on the local disks of the K8s cluster nodes using hostPath volumes.

The main entry-point is hdfs-k8s, an umbrella chart that installs HDFS components via subcharts:

  • hdfs-namenode-k8s: installs NameNodes, the HDFS components that manage file system metadata. Supports high availability (HA) via Quorum Journal Manager (QJM).

  • hdfs-datanode-k8s: installs DataNodes, which are responsible for storing file data.

  • hdfs-config-k8s: a configmap containing the HDFS configuration.

  • zookeeper (from installs ZooKeeper, used to manage NameNode failover. By default, the chart runs three ZooKeeper servers.

  • hdfs-journalnode-k8s: installs JournalNodes, which ensure that file system metadata are properly shared among the NameNodes. By default, the chart launches three JournalNode servers.

  • hdfs-client-k8s: a pod configured to run Hadoop client commands.

  • hdfs-krb5-k8s: a size-1 StatefulSet for launching a Kerberos server, which can be used to run HDFS in secure mode. Disabled by default.

  • hdfs-simple-namenode-k8s: runs a simple, non-HA HDFS setup (i.e., with a single NameNode daemon, no ZooKeeper and no JournalNode). Does not support Kerberos. Disabled by default.



Build the main chart:

  $ helm repo add incubator \
  $ helm dependency build charts/hdfs-k8s

ZooKeeper, JournalNode and NameNode pods need persistent volumes for storing metadata. By default, the helm charts do not set the storage class name for dynamically provisioned volumes, nor do they use selectors for static persistent volumes. This means they will rely on a default storage class provisioner for dynamic volumes. Or, if your cluster has statically provisioned volumes, the chart will match existing volumes entirely based on the size requirements. To override this default behavior, you can specify storage volume classes for dynamic volumes, or volume selectors for static volumes. See the values.yaml file for details.

Launch the main chart. The chart release name (e.g., my-hdfs), will be the prefix of the K8s resource names:

  $ helm install -n my-hdfs charts/hdfs-k8s

Wait for all pods to be ready (some may need to restart a few times).

  $ kubectl get pod -l release=my-hdfs

  NAME                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
  my-hdfs-client-c749d9f8f-d5pvk   1/1       Running   0          2m
  my-hdfs-datanode-o7jia           1/1       Running   3          2m
  my-hdfs-datanode-p5kch           1/1       Running   3          2m
  my-hdfs-datanode-r3kjo           1/1       Running   3          2m
  my-hdfs-journalnode-0            1/1       Running   0          2m
  my-hdfs-journalnode-1            1/1       Running   0          2m
  my-hdfs-journalnode-2            1/1       Running   0          1m
  my-hdfs-namenode-0               1/1       Running   3          2m
  my-hdfs-namenode-1               1/1       Running   3          2m
  my-hdfs-zookeeper-0              1/1       Running   0          2m
  my-hdfs-zookeeper-1              1/1       Running   0          2m
  my-hdfs-zookeeper-2              1/1       Running   0          2m

By default, NameNodes and DataNodes use hostNetwork, so they can see each other's physical IP and preserve data locality. This can also be changed in the values file.

Run a few checks on the client pod:

  $ _CLIENT=$(kubectl get pods -l app=hdfs-client,release=my-hdfs -o name | \
      cut -d / -f 2)
  $ kubectl exec $_CLIENT -- hdfs dfsadmin -report
  $ kubectl exec $_CLIENT -- hdfs haadmin -getServiceState nn0
  $ kubectl exec $_CLIENT -- hdfs haadmin -getServiceState nn1
  $ kubectl exec $_CLIENT -- hadoop fs -rm -r -f /tmp
  $ kubectl exec $_CLIENT -- hadoop fs -mkdir /tmp
  $ kubectl exec $_CLIENT -- sh -c \
    "(head -c 100M < /dev/urandom > /tmp/random-100M)"
  $ kubectl exec $_CLIENT -- hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /tmp/random-100M /tmp


Kerberos can be enabled by setting a few related options:

  $ helm install -n my-hdfs charts/hdfs-k8s \
    --set global.kerberosEnabled=true \
    --set global.kerberosRealm=MYCOMPANY.COM \
    --set tags.kerberos=true

This will launch all charts, including the Kerberos server. However, HDFS daemons will be blocked until Kerberos principals are created. First, create a configmap containing the common Kerberos config file:

  mkdir -p $_MY_DIR
  _KDC=$(kubectl get pod -l app=hdfs-krb5,release=my-hdfs --no-headers \
      -o name | cut -d / -f 2)
  _run kubectl cp $_KDC:/etc/krb5.conf $_MY_DIR/tmp/krb5.conf
  _run kubectl create configmap my-hdfs-krb5-config \

Then create the service principals and passwords. Kerberos requires service principals to be host-specific. Some HDFS daemons are associated with the physical host names of cluster nodes, say, while others are associated with virtual service names, such as You can get the list of these host names with something like the following:

  $ _HOSTS=$(kubectl get nodes \
    -o=jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type == "Hostname")].address}')
  $ _HOSTS+=$(kubectl describe configmap my-hdfs-config | \
      grep -A 1 -e dfs.namenode.rpc-address.hdfs-k8s \
          -e dfs.namenode.shared.edits.dir |  
      grep "<value>" |
      sed -e "s/<value>//" \
          -e "s/<\/value>//" \
          -e "s/:8020//" \
          -e "s/qjournal:\/\///" \
          -e "s/:8485;/ /g" \
          -e "s/:8485\/hdfs-k8s//")

Then generate per-host principal accounts and keytab files:

  $ _SECRET_CMD="kubectl create secret generic my-hdfs-krb5-keytabs"
  $ for _HOST in $_HOSTS; do
      kubectl exec $_KDC -- kadmin.local -q \
        "addprinc -randkey hdfs/[email protected]"
      kubectl exec $_KDC -- kadmin.local -q \
        "addprinc -randkey HTTP/[email protected]"
      kubectl exec $_KDC -- kadmin.local -q \
        "ktadd -norandkey -k /tmp/$_HOST.keytab hdfs/[email protected] HTTP/[email protected]"
      kubectl cp $_KDC:/tmp/$_HOST.keytab $_MY_DIR/tmp/$_HOST.keytab
      _SECRET_CMD+=" --from-file=$_MY_DIR/tmp/$_HOST.keytab"

This will unblock all HDFS daemon pods. Wait until they become ready. Finally, test the setup:

  $ _NN0=$(kubectl get pods -l app=hdfs-namenode,release=my-hdfs -o name | \
      head -1 | cut -d / -f 2)
  $ kubectl exec $_NN0 -- sh -c "(apt install -y krb5-user > /dev/null)"
  $ kubectl exec $_NN0 -- kinit -kt /etc/security/hdfs.keytab \
  $ kubectl exec $_NN0 -- hdfs dfsadmin -report
  $ kubectl exec $_NN0 -- hdfs haadmin -getServiceState nn0
  $ kubectl exec $_NN0 -- hdfs haadmin -getServiceState nn1
  $ kubectl exec $_NN0 -- hadoop fs -rm -r -f /tmp
  $ kubectl exec $_NN0 -- hadoop fs -mkdir /tmp
  $ kubectl exec $_NN0 -- hadoop fs -chmod 0777 /tmp
  $ kubectl exec $_KDC -- kadmin.local -q \
      "addprinc -randkey [email protected]"
  $ kubectl exec $_KDC -- kadmin.local -q \
      "ktadd -norandkey -k /tmp/user1.keytab [email protected]"
  $ kubectl cp $_KDC:/tmp/user1.keytab $_MY_DIR/tmp/user1.keytab
  $ kubectl cp $_MY_DIR/tmp/user1.keytab $_CLIENT:/tmp/user1.keytab
  $ kubectl exec $_CLIENT -- sh -c "(apt install -y krb5-user > /dev/null)"
  $ kubectl exec $_CLIENT -- kinit -kt /tmp/user1.keytab [email protected]
  $ kubectl exec $_CLIENT -- sh -c \
      "(head -c 100M < /dev/urandom > /tmp/random-100M)"
  $ kubectl exec $_CLIENT -- hadoop fs -ls /
  $ kubectl exec $_CLIENT -- hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /tmp/random-100M /tmp

Advanced options

Setting hostPath volume locations for DataNodes

Set global.dataNodeHostPath to override the default data storage directories for DataNodes. Note that you can use a list for multiple disks:

  $ helm install -n my-hdfs charts/hdfs-k8s \
      --set "global.dataNodeHostPath={/scratch0/hdfs-data,/scratch1/hdfs-data}"

Using an existing ZooKeeper quorum

By default, hdfs-k8s runs a ZooKeeper chart from If your K8s cluster already has a ZooKeeper quorum, you can configure hdfs-k8s to use that instead. For instance:

  $helm install -n my-hdfs charts/hdfs-k8s \
    --set condition.subchart.zookeeper=false \
    --set global.zookeeperQuorumOverride=zk-0.zk-svc.default.svc.cluster.local:2181,zk-1.zk-svc.default.svc.cluster.local:2181,zk-2.zk-svc.default.svc.cluster.local:2181

Pinning NameNodes to specific K8s cluster nodes

Optionally, you can attach labels to some of your k8s cluster nodes so that NameNodes will always run on those nodes. This allows to provide an HDFS client outside the Kubernetes cluster with stable NameNode IP addresses.

  $ kubectl label nodes YOUR-HOST-1 hdfs-namenode-selector=hdfs-namenode
  $ kubectl label nodes YOUR-HOST-2 hdfs-namenode-selector=hdfs-namenode

Add the nodeSelector option to the helm chart command:

  $ helm install -n my-hdfs charts/hdfs-k8s \
     --set hdfs-namenode-k8s.nodeSelector.hdfs-namenode-selector=hdfs-namenode \

Excluding DataNodes from some K8s cluster nodes

To prevent some K8s cluster nodes from being the targets of a DataNode deployment, label them with hdfs-datanode-exclude:

  $ kubectl label node YOUR-CLUSTER-NODE hdfs-datanode-exclude=yes

Launching a simple (non-HA) HDFS cluster

This is the simplest possible setup: one NameNode, no ZooKeepers and no JournalNodes:

  $ helm install -n my-hdfs charts/hdfs-k8s \
      --set tags.ha=false \
      --set tags.simple=true \
      --set global.namenodeHAEnabled=false


K8s secret containing Kerberos keytab files

The Kerberos setup creates a K8s secret containing all the keytab files of HDFS daemon service principals. This will be mounted onto HDFS daemon pods. You may want to restrict access to this secret using k8s RBAC.

hostPath volumes

DataNode daemons run on every cluster node. They also mount k8s hostPath local disk volumes. You may want to restrict hostPath access via pod security policies. See the PSP RBAC Example.