There are many other utilities for backup using Btrfs snapshot features, Snapper is a good one. But Snapman is very simple mechanism, very simple to undestand, and very simple to configure and hack. If you are happy with Snapper or other similar tool, maybe don't need Snapman. However if you want even more simplicity it's posible you will like this program.
My native language is spanish. I have a very basic level of english. I'm very sorry for my english. I will be happy if you can perform a translation of the documentation to your language.
I don't know. I am not a good python programer. But if I like your proposal I'll try to implement it in the script.
A very good option is to send me a lot of MONEY, or pay me a beer ;-). But if you are a grateful man (or grateful poor man with internet access), I would appreciate a thanks by mail.