diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 69cdca6..2a67683 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1022,9 +1022,11 @@ Set the minimum and maximum delay between two reports and set the level of
 change required to report a value (before the maximum delay is expired).
 This example configures Temperature reporting on a SonOff SNZB-02
-(eWeLink/TH01). Note that you (may) need to press the button on the
-thermometer just after requesting the command (it's a sleepy device and
-does not wake up often).
+(eWeLink/TH01). Note that on some devices you (may) need to press the
+button on the thermometer just after requesting the command (it's a sleepy
+device and does not wake up often). With a temperature sensor it may be
+more appropriate to sure a high temperature rise to force it to report the
+temperature and allow ZHA to send the configuration.
 After succeeding the configuration, the minimum delay was actually 20s
 which is likely the measurement period itself. The changes were reported
diff --git a/custom_components/zha_toolkit/zcl_attr.py b/custom_components/zha_toolkit/zcl_attr.py
index 2f51624..0c92b78 100644
--- a/custom_components/zha_toolkit/zcl_attr.py
+++ b/custom_components/zha_toolkit/zcl_attr.py
@@ -201,7 +201,9 @@ async def conf_report_read(
                         r_conf["type"] = f"0x{rcfg.datatype:02X}"
                         r_conf["min_interval"] = (rcfg.min_interval,)
                         r_conf["max_interval"] = (rcfg.max_interval,)
-                        # r_conf["reportable_change"] = rcfg.reportable_change,
+                        r_conf["reportable_change"] = (
+                            getattr(rcfg, "reportable_change", None),
+                        )
                     except Exception as e:  # nosec
                             "Issue when reading AttributesReportingConfig"