How does the internet work?
What is HTTP?
Browsers and hw they work?
DNS and how it works?
What is Domain name?
What is hosting?
- Learn the basics
- Form and validations
- Conventions & Best practices
- Accessibility
- SEO basics
- Learn the basics
- Making layouts
- Floats
- Positioning
- Box model
- CSS Grid
- Flex box
- Responsive Design & Media Queries
- Syntax & Basic Constructs
- Learn DOM Manipulation
- Learn Fetch API/Ajax (XHR)
- ES6+ and modular JavaScript
- Understand the concepts
- Hoisting
- Event Bubbling
- Scope
- Prototype
- Shadow DOM
- strict
`What are they and why you should use one?
- Basic usage of Git
- Github
- GitLab
- Bitbucket
Basic knowledge of all of these would be great advantages
- Content Security Policy
- OWASP Security risk
They both are good. Though, we will mainly use npm
- npm
- yarn
- npm scripts
- Prettiers
- ESLint
- Webpack
- Rollup
- Parcel
- React.js
- Redux
- Mobx
- Style componentsFrontend Developer
- Jest
- react-testing-library
- Cypress
- Enzyme
- TypeScrypt
Learn the different web APIs used in PWAsFrontend Developer
- Storage
- Web Sockets
- Service Workers
- Location
- Notifications
- Device orientation
- Payments
- Credentials
Calculating, Measuring Frontend Developer
- RAIL Model
- Performance Metrics
- Using Lighthouse
- Using DevTools
- React.js
- Node.js
- Next.js
- Apollo
- Relay Modern
- Hexo (Node.js)
- Hugo (Go)
- mkbook (Rust)
- NextJS (React, Node.js)
- Gatsby (React)
- Flutter
- Electron
- Qt
- Flutter
Web Assembly or WASM is the binary instruction generated from languages such as C, C++, Rust, Go.
Keep moving forward...