⚠️ This project has been depreciated and replaced by Custom Header
- Compact design that removes header text.
- Per user/device settings.
- Hide tabs/buttons from user's and devices.
- Style & hide anything in the header & the header itself.
- Dynamically style header elements based on entity states/attributes.
- Add swipe navigation to Lovelace for mobile devices.
- Any button can be hidden, turned into clock with optional date, or placed in the options menu.
- Set a default/starting view.
See the Docs for installation and configuration.
Follow the troubleshooting guide before submitting issues to github or on the forums.
- Hiding the header or the options button will remove your ability to edit from the UI.
- You can disable CCH by adding "?disable_cch" to the end of your URL.
- After using the raw config editor you will need to refresh the page to restore CCH.
- While in edit mode select "Show All Tabs" in the options menu to display hidden tabs.