i2b2 2014 Evaluation Script
This script is distributed as a part of the i2b2 2014 Cardiac Risk and Protected Health Information (PHI) tasks.
If you would like to contribute to this project, pull requests are welcome. Please see: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo for instructions on how to make a fork of this repository, and https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests for instructions on making a pull request. Suggestions for improvements, bugs or feature requests may be directed to the i2b2 evaluation scripts' issues page located at: https://github.com/kotfic/i2b2_evaluation_scripts/issues
This script also requires the following Python packages: lxml version 3.3.1 numpy version 1.8.0
If you get an error when running the script, please make sure that these are installed and accessible to your Python installation.
Running the script
This script intended to be used via command line: python evaluate.py [cr|phi] [FLAGS] SYSTEM GOLD
Where 'cr' produces Precision, Recall and F1 (P/R/F1) measure for the cardiac risk task and 'phi' produces P/R/F1 for the PHI task. SYSTEM and GOLD may be individual files representing system output in the case of SYSTEM and the gold standard in the case of GOLD. SYSTEM and GOLD may also be directories in which case all files in SYSTEM will be compared to files the GOLD directory based on their file names. See below for more information on the different output the cr/phi flag produces.
File name restrictions
File names MUST be of the form: XXX-YY.xml where XXX is the patient id, and YY is the document id. The files from your system runs are matched to the the gold standard file by file name alone. If your system outputs file names in a different format, you will need to either modify your system or this script.
Output for Risk Factor Track
To compare your system output for the Risk Factor track, run the following command for individual files:
python evaluate.py cr {system.xml} {gold.xml} (replace the file names in {}s with the names of your actual files)
or, to run the script on directories of files: python evaluate.py cr {system}/ {gold}/ (again, replace the folder names in {}s with the names of your actual folders)
Running one of these versions will produce output in this format:
(# of files) Measure Macro (SD) Micro
Total Precision 1.0 (0.0) 1.0
Recall 1.0 (0.0) 1.0
F1 1.0 1.0
The script evaluates the accuracy of your tags based on tag type and all the attributes (except ID). If you want to get more details about the output of your system, such as which attributes it is getting right/wrong, you can use the more experimental flags. Please see the evaluate.py script itself for more information on the flags.
Output for De-identification Track
To compare your system output for the de-identification track, run the following command on individual files:
python evaluate.py phi {system.xml} {gold.xml} (replace the file names in {}s with the names of your actual files)
or, to run the script on directories of files: python evaluate.py phi {system}/ {gold}/ (again, replace the folder names in {}s with the names of your actual folders)
Running one of these versions wil produce output that looks like this:
Strict (521) Measure Macro (SD) Micro
Total Precision 0.6635 (0.11) 0.6537
Recall 0.4906 (0.12) 0.4988
F1 0.5641 0.5658
Relaxed (521) Measure Macro (SD) Micro
Total Precision 0.897 (0.086) 0.9047
Recall 0.6663 (0.15) 0.6903
F1 0.7646 0.7831
HIPAA Strict (521) Measure Macro (SD) Micro
Total Precision 0.7406 (0.098) 0.7225
Recall 0.7406 (0.098) 0.7225
F1 0.7406 0.7225
HIPAA Relaxed (521) Measure Macro (SD) Micro
Total Precision 1.0 (0.0) 1.0
Recall 1.0 (0.0) 1.0
F1 1.0 1.0
A few notes to explain this output:
- The "(521)" represents the number of files the scrip was run on
- "Strict" evaluations require that the offsets for the system outputs match exactly
- "Relaxed" evaluations allow for the "end" part of the offsets to be off by 2--this allows for variations in including "'s" and other endings that many systems will ignore due to tokenization
- "HIPPA" evalutions include only the tags that a strict interpretation of the HIPAA guidelines. See the below list for which tags are included in this evaluation
HIPAA-compliant PHI
Verbose flag
To get document-by-document information about the accuracy of your tags, you can use the "-v" or "--verbose" flag. For example:
python evaluate.py cr -v system/ gold/
Advanced useage
Some additional functionality is made available for testing and error analysis. This functionality is provided AS IS with the hopes that it will be useful. It should be considered 'experimental' at best, may be bug prone and will not be explicitly supported, though, bug reports and pull requests are welcome.
Advanced Flags:
--filter [TAG ATTRIBUTES] :: run P/R/F1 measures in either summary or verbose mode (see -v) for the list of attributes defined by TAG ATTRIBUTES. This may be a comma separated list of tag names and attribute values. For more see Advanced Examples. --conjunctive :: If multiple values are passed to filter as a comma separated list, treat them as a series of AND based filters instead of a series of OR based filters --invert :: run P/R/F1 on the inverted set of tags defined by TAG ATTRIBUTES in the --filter tag (see --filter).
Advanced Examples:
python evaluate.py cr --filter MEDICATION system/ gold/
Evaluate system output in system/ folder against gold/ folder considering only MEDICATION tags
python evaluate.py cr --filter CAD,OBESE system/ gold/
Evaluate system output in system/ folder against gold/ folder considering only CAD or OBESE tags. Comma separated lists to the --filter flag are con- joined via OR.
python evaluate.py cr --filter "CAD,before DCT" system/ gold/
Evaluate system output in system/ folder against gold/ folder considering only CAD OR tags with a time attribute of before DCT. This is probably not what you want when filtering, see the next example
python evaluate.py cr --conjunctive
--filter "CAD,before DCT" system/ gold/
Evaluate system output in system/ folder against gold/ folder considering CAD tags AND tags with a time attribute of before DCT.
python evaluate.py cr --invert
--filter MEDICATION system/ gold/
Evaluate system output in system/ folder against gold/ folder considering any tag which is NOT a MEDICATION tag.
python evaluate.py cr --invert
--filter "CAD,before DCT" system/ gold/
Evaluate system output in system/ folder against gold/ folder considering any tag which is NOT CAD and with a time attribute of 'before DCT'