This repository contains all of the code for getting the OpenAlex concept tagger up and running. Go into the model iteration directory (V1 or V2) to find a more detailed explanation of how to use this repository. To learn more about concepts in OpenAlex, check out the docs.
- V1 (no longer used)
- V2 (no longer used)
- V3 (currently used)
Both a V1 and a V2 model were created but as of right now, the V3 model is being used in OpenAlex. Initially, abstract data was not available for the model so we went with a V1 model that only looked at paper titles and a few other features. Once paper abstract data became available, a V2 model was created and we saw a substantial increase in performance. In order to meet the needs for some of our users, a V3 model was created which used the same base tagging model that was developed for V2 but added additional logic for assigning parent concepts so that all concepts would have a path to the top of our concept tree/graph. For more information, please read the information at the top of the V3 directory.
You can find an explanation of the modeling and deployment process at the following link: OpenAlex: End-to-End Process for Concept Tagging
Input can be tagged with one or more of about 65,000 concepts, listed here. Concepts are part of a hierarchical tree, with levels 0 (e.g., Mathematics) through 5 (e.g., Generalized inverse Gaussian distribution).
Run these following commands in the root directory of the repository to get the model up and running locally in a Docker Container.
Configure AWS
aws configure
Download model artifacts
aws s3 cp s3://openalex-concept-tagger-model-files/ . --recursive
Copy the files to the appropriate directory
mkdir /V3/003_Deploy/model_to_api/container/model
cp ./V3/tag_id_vocab.pkl ./V3/003_Deploy/model_to_api/container/model/tag_id_vocab.pkl
cp ./V3/topics_vocab.pkl ./V3/003_Deploy/model_to_api/container/model/topics_vocab.pkl
cp ./V3/ancestor_chains.pkl ./V3/003_Deploy/model_to_api/container/model/ancestor_chains.pkl
cp ./V3/doc_type_vocab.pkl ./V3/003_Deploy/model_to_api/container/model/doc_type_vocab.pkl
cp ./V3/journal_name_vocab.pkl ./V3/003_Deploy/model_to_api/container/model/journal_name_vocab.pkl
cp ./V3/level_0_1_ids.pkl ./V3/003_Deploy/model_to_api/container/model/level_0_1_ids.pkl
cp ./V3/paper_title_vocab.pkl ./V3/003_Deploy/model_to_api/container/model/paper_title_vocab.pkl
mkdir /V3/003_Deploy/model_to_api/container/model/mag_model_V3
cp ./V3/model ./V3/003_Deploy/model_to_api/container/model/mag_model_V3
Change the file path to the model in the file
# replace mag_model_V2 with mag_model_V3
sed -i 's/mag_model_V2/mag_model_V3/g' ./V3/003_Deploy/model_to_api/container/mag_model/
Build Docker Container
docker build ./V3/003_Deploy/model_to_api/container -t openalex-concept-tagger -f ./V3/003_Deploy/model_to_api/container/Dockerfile
Run Docker Container
docker run -p 8888:8080 openalex-concept-tagger
# The amount of workers that will be used to serve the model