diff --git a/blob/script.js b/blob/script.js
index ff48072..7f430b9 100644
--- a/blob/script.js
+++ b/blob/script.js
@@ -1,3 +1,75 @@
+ * @typedef {Object} SetTarget
+ * @prop {number} x
+ * @prop {number} y
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} ChangeAppearance
+ * @prop {number} body_hue
+ * @prop {number} iris_hue
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} SyncRot
+ * @prop {number} rot
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} SetTargetReq
+ * @prop {SetTarget} SetTarget
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} ChangeAppearanceReq
+ * @prop {ChangeAppearance} ChangeAppearance
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} SyncRotReq
+ * @prop {SyncRot} SyncRot
+ */
+ * @typedef {SetTargetReq | ChangeAppearanceReq} ClientRequest
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} ClientLeftRes
+ * @prop {Object} ClientLeft
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} ClientJoinedRes
+ * @prop {ClientJoined} ClientJoined
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} ClientJoined
+ * @prop {ClientState} state
+ * @prop {boolean} is_local
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} ClientResponse
+ * @prop {number} id
+ * @prop {ClientRequest | ClientLeftRes | ClientJoinedRes} msg
+ */
+ * @typedef {Object} ClientState
+ * @prop {number} x
+ * @prop {number} y
+ * @prop {number} tx
+ * @prop {number} ty
+ * @prop {number} rot
+ * @prop {number} body_hue
+ * @prop {number} iris_hue
+ */
+ * @type {Object.
+ */
const states = {};
let scale = 1.0;
@@ -12,24 +84,44 @@ visualViewport.onresize = () => {
const sx = document.body.clientWidth / 1280;
const sy = document.body.clientHeight / 720;
setScale(Math.min(sx, sy));
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {ClientState} state
+ */
function spawnCharacter(id, state) {
const tmpl = document.getElementById("char-tmpl");
const elemFrag = tmpl.content.cloneNode(true);
const charElem = elemFrag.querySelector(".character");
charElem.id = `char-${id}`;
- charElem.style.setProperty("--hue", state.hue);
- charElem.style.setProperty("--iris-hue", state.irisHue);
states[id] = structuredClone(state);
+ changeAppearance(id, state);
+ charElem.style.setProperty("--rotation", `${state.rot}deg`);
+ * @param {string} id
+ * @param {ChangeAppearance} state
+ */
+function changeAppearance(id, state) {
+ const charElem = getCharElem(id);
+ charElem.style.setProperty("--hue", state.body_hue);
+ charElem.style.setProperty("--iris-hue", state.iris_hue);
+function despawnCharacter(id) {
+ delete states[id];
+ document.getElementById(`char-${id}`).remove();
function getCharElem(id) {
const elem = document.getElementById(`char-${id}`);
- if (!elem) throw new Error("Could not find element for character with ID " + id);
+ if (!elem)
+ throw new Error("Could not find element for character with ID " + id);
return elem;
@@ -47,6 +139,7 @@ function blink(id) {
function blinkLoop(id) {
+ if (!(id in states)) return;
setTimeout(() => blinkLoop(id), Math.random() * 10000);
@@ -54,56 +147,33 @@ function blinkLoop(id) {
function setPosition(id, x, y) {
const elem = getCharElem(id);
elem.style.setProperty("--pos-x", `${x}px`);
- elem.style.setProperty("--pos-y", `${y - 30}px`);
+ elem.style.setProperty("--pos-y", `${y - 50}px`);
elem.style.zIndex = Math.round(y);
-function createState(pos, rot, hue, irisHue) {
- return {
- x: pos[0],
- y: pos[1],
- tx: pos[0],
- ty: pos[1],
- rot,
- hue,
- irisHue
- };
-const localId = 0;
-// spawnCharacter(localId, createState([150, 150], 0, 120, Math.random() * 360));
-for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- spawnCharacter(i, createState([Math.random() * 1280, Math.random() * 720], Math.random() * 360, Math.random() * 360, Math.random() * 360));
let prevEt = 0;
const speed = 0.1;
+let localId;
function updateOuter() {
requestAnimationFrame((et) => {
const dt = et - prevEt;
- for (const idStr in states) {
- const id = Number(idStr);
- // console.log(id);
- const state = states[idStr];
+ for (const id in states) {
+ const state = states[id];
let dx = state.tx - state.x;
let dy = state.ty - state.y;
let dl = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (dl <= speed * dt) {
+ if (localId === id && (state.x !== state.tx || state.y !== state.ty)) {
+ sendMessage({ SyncRot: { rot: state.rot } });
+ }
state.x = state.tx;
state.y = state.ty;
- if (id !== localId && Math.random() > 0.99) {
- state.tx = Math.random() * 1280;
- state.ty = Math.random() * 720;
- }
} else {
- state.x += dx / dl * dt * speed;
- state.y += dy / dl * dt * speed;
+ state.x += (dx / dl) * dt * speed;
+ state.y += (dy / dl) * dt * speed;
state.rot += dt * 0.3 * (dx / dl);
getCharElem(id).style.setProperty("--rotation", `${state.rot}deg`);
@@ -117,8 +187,61 @@ function updateOuter() {
-document.onclick = (ev) => {
- console.log(ev);
- states[localId].tx = ev.x / scale;
- states[localId].ty = ev.y / scale;
+ * @param {ClientRequest} msg
+ */
+function sendMessage(msg) {
+ ws.send(JSON.stringify(msg));
+viewportElem.onclick = (ev) => {
+ sendMessage({
+ SetTarget: {
+ x: Math.round(ev.x / scale),
+ y: Math.round(ev.y / scale),
+ },
+ });
+const ws = new WebSocket("ws://abc.matthewmeeks.xyz:8088/ws");
+ws.onmessage = (ev) => {
+ /**
+ * @type {ClientResponse}
+ */
+ const response = JSON.parse(ev.data);
+ if ("ClientJoined" in response.msg) {
+ spawnCharacter(response.id, {
+ ...response.msg.ClientJoined.state,
+ tx: response.msg.ClientJoined.state.x,
+ ty: response.msg.ClientJoined.state.y,
+ });
+ if (response.msg.ClientJoined.is_local) {
+ localId = response.id;
+ }
+ } else if ("SetTarget" in response.msg) {
+ const state = states[response.id];
+ if (!state) return; // TODO
+ state.tx = response.msg.SetTarget.x;
+ state.ty = response.msg.SetTarget.y;
+ } else if ("ClientLeft" in response.msg) {
+ despawnCharacter(response.id);
+ } else if ("ChangeAppearance" in response.msg) {
+ changeAppearance(response.id, response.msg.ChangeAppearance);
+ } else if ("SyncRot" in response.msg) {
+ const state = states[response.id];
+ if (!state) return; // TODO
+ state.rot = response.msg.SyncRot.rot;
+ getCharElem(response.id).style.setProperty("--rotation", `${state.rot}deg`);
+ }
+document.getElementById("btn-appearance").onclick = (ev) => {
+ sendMessage({
+ ChangeAppearance: {
+ body_hue: Math.trunc(Math.random() * 360),
+ iris_hue: Math.trunc(Math.random() * 360),
+ },
+ });
+ ev.stopPropagation();